Circus news from Denmark 2022
30 December 2022
The Danish circus year 2022 in review
The Danish circus year in review is an annual review published on this website by the end of each year. You can find link to the previous year's reviews at the bottom of the circus news page.
It is not easy to run a circus. The cost of live entertainment such as a circus and a theatre are high. Due to this ticket prices cannot compete with the cost of a ticket to a cinema. Many adults unfortunately believe that visit with their kids to a circus should be much cheaper than when mom and dad are going to a concert or in the theater.
At the same time, the increasing bureaucratization makes it hard to run a circus. There are rules that give both the industry and municipalities a number of useless but time-consuming tasks.
In 2020 and 2021, the corona was the industry's biggest challenge. Denmark was also hit by corona in the beginning of 2022, but fortunately the so-called omikron variant proved to be less dangerous than previous variants, and the vast majority of corona restrictions were lifted with effect from 1 February. Thus, the Danish circuses were able to carry out both winter performances and summer tours as planned.
But the industry faced a new challenge: a lack of so-called circus specialists. A term that covers what were previously called tent workers and props. In particular, there was a shortage of people with a truck driving licence. Most circus specialists traditionally come from Poland and other Eastern European countries. Danish legislation means that it is unrealistic to engage circus specialists from non-EU countries. But this year there were good employment opportunities in the countries they came from, i.e., because the war in Ukraine meant that Ukrainian guest workers did not come to these countries as usual. This meant that it was almost impossible to get the circus specialists that were needed. And when they came, they often only stayed a short time. "I've started giving the props numbers instead of names," a somewhat frustrated circus director told me during the season.
However, all the Danish circuses managed to complete the season. But it was necessary to send a number of vans and wagons home to the winter quarter and do with as little material as possible. In several situations it was also necessary to ask the artists to help with driving and putting up tents etc. Circuses in other Nordic countries also suffered from lack of circus specialists.
Visitor numbers throughout the season were for most circuses quite satisfactory. It proved that the Danes wanted to go to the circus after the corona break.
The year's performances
During the school winter holidays in February CIRCUS MASCOT had performances in the Herning Centre. CIRCUS BALDONI performed in Ishøj city centre. JIMMY ENOCH produced a performance for the Rosengaadcenter in Odense. CIRCUS TRAPEZ presented winter circus in 17 Jutland indoor arenas. BENNY SCHUMANN presented his mini circus at the West Zealand Centre in Slagelse. THE CIRCUS MUSEUM IN HVIDOVRE, COPENHAGEN offered a performance first by the magician Mikkel Falbe and then by Tryllestøv aka Helle Lyngholm.
Circus Arena
Circus Arena opened the season at Bellahoj in Copenhagen on April 4 in a brand-new tent.
Circus Arena's new tent has a diameter of 40 m2 and is the Nordic region's largest circus tent
When Circus Arena last time got a new tent - it was back in 2008 - there were 8 large circuses in the Scandinavian countries. In Denmark Arena, Benneweis and Dannebrog. In Norway Arnardo and Merano. And in Sweden Brazil Jack, Maximum and Scott. Today there are only 3 large circuses left: Arena, Arnardo and Brazil Jack, and the first two have got smaller tents. However, Arena's 40-meter tent with room for just over 1,200 spectators is still the largest in the Nordic region. And the guests will be pleased by the fact that the tent does not have quarter poles that interfere with the view from certain seats but only the four giant king poles.
The new tent does not have quarter poles, which can often disturb the view from the spectator seats
Each circus has its own style - thankfully. At Arena, they find it important that there should also be fun of the fair in the performance, and that it should run too fast. And preferably with two hosts who talk a lot with each other. This year’s performance lived up to these demands in the most beautiful way.
This year's performance, entitled Circus according to Bubber 2, was Arena's 65th anniversary performance. It was actually in 2020 that they could celebrate their 65th anniversary, but both in 2020 and in 2021, the corona made a tour impossible. But this year they managed to celebrate the anniversary.
The performance began showing film clips about Circus Arena from the beginning to recent years using a small tent in the ring as a screen. Then the hostesses Bubber and Julie Berthelsen welcomed with what has almost become Circus Arena's familiar tune: The song Circus, circus, circus is town.
The two ringmasters: Bubber and Julie Berthelsen. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
First artist act was Robi Berousek (Robert Berousek) with a fine act with ladder balance. Robi was also the chief prop.
Robi Berousek can juggle while balancing on a ladder!
After a little chat between Bubber and Julie, the circus princess Laura Berdino entered the ring with 6 beautiful Arabian horses.
Laura Berdino and her horses. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Now time had come to Arena's house clown Jimmy Folco. He came driving into the ring and showed his entrée as a pizza baker and juggler.
The pizza juggling Jimmy Folco
Bubber and Julie then presented two strong artists: Duo Costache (Leonardo & Vita Costache) with their act in perch. Not least the final trick where Vita rides in a ring at the end of the perch which Leonardo balances on his forehead impresses. The couple comes from Romania.
Duo Costache. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Now time had come for Jimmy Folco’s next entrée. This time an entrée he had never before presented in Circus Arena: the funnel routine which not least the Jose Michels clowns are known for. Julie promises that Jimmy will get DKK 1,000 if he can get a coin she puts on his forehead to fall into a funnel that is tucked into his trousers. Of course, she pours water in the funnel and then persuades Jimmy to do the same with someone who is even stupider than Jimmy, namely Bubber. As connoisseurs of the entrée can guess, Jimmy gets very wet during his many attempts to pour water in Buber’s pants water from larger and smaller bottles and tubs! A fine entrée which the trio has given their very own twist.
Jimmy Folco was soaked. Also Bubber got wet …
Then there were horses in the ring again: this time 6 Shetland ponies presented by Karsten Berdino.
After the horses, Julie Berthelsen sang the poetic and beautiful song Lyse Nætter (Now the birds are coming again), which Alberte Winding had a hit with a few years ago. Julie is a very popular Danish-born Greenlandic pop singer and she has a wonderful voice. While she was singing, one of the members of the Atai group performed with acrobatics and dancing.
While Julie Berthelsen sings, the Atai artist acts as a bird. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The last act before the interval was the bouncing juggler Alan Sulc, who very well deserved received the evening's biggest applause.
Alan Sulc
The interval is used to put safety net up for Flying Wulber, which as the first act in the 2nd part of the performance presented a great and very safe performed act in flying trapeze. With both somersault, double somersault, triple somersault and double passage. The double passage even blindfolded!
Flying Wulbers masters among other things the double passage - even blindfolded
While the net was taken down, Bubber runs around with a saw, which he would use for the old fun at the fair act saving a lady in half. However, he was "overtaken" by Jimmy Folco with an entrée where Jimmy's wife rattles the balloons he inflates.
Then there were happy dogs in the ring: Pat Clarrison (Patrick Harrison) and his Hot Dogs, which consist of dogs of different breeds that he has rescued from places where they were not treated well.
Pat, his fiancée Pip and their hot dogs. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
This was followed by Jimmy Folco's entrée where he is a strong man. Nice that Jimmy not once during the performance took innocent spectators into the ring. Something he has otherwise been known for.
Now Bubber wanted to present the old act sawing a lady in half. And it's the slightly hesitant Julie who's going in the box. However, it ended up with Bubber being sawed in half. As part of the act Julie sang her own hit: Every Little Part of Me.
Bubber is ready to get Julie in the box as the lady to be sawed in half. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The last act of the performance was one which “split the waters”. A contemporary circus-like act performed by 4 artists from the Atai show, who are presented as robot break dancers. I would rather call them mimics. They have impressed judges and audiences in America Got talent and several other talent shows. This year it was the Danes' turn to see them. A large portion of the audience was thrilled, while others found the act strange and a little scarring for smaller children. Brave of Arena also to show something that is not classic circus.
The Atai show featured both a Napoleon figure and a Chaplin figure. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein. Click here to see more of Jacob's photos from the performance.
Circus Arena closed the season on August 7 in Slagelse. It was a season that was approx. 1 month shorter than in 2019. But they were satisfied with the season and wrote: "It has been a fantastic journey through Denmark and a pleasure to play for you all. 110,000 spectators helped celebrate our 65th anniversary this year - and what a party we had. Thank you all – each and every one”.
From 12 to 31 October, Circus Arena offered something new: Halloween Circus in the tent put up at Bellahoj in Copenhagen. It was a themed performance, produced in cooperation between Jackie Berdino/Circus Arena and the rapper Clemens (Clemens Telling). The latter was responsible for both the script and putting the performance on stage.
The artist entrance in Circus Arena's tent was masked as a giant pumpkin face with green eyes. The music for the performance was pre-recorded.
The story, in short, was about circus director Owen Hall (Patrick Spiegelberg), who had gathered a group of performers to put on a Halloween show.
The circus director Owen Hall
But his show was ruined when his performers suddenly were kidnapped one by one by the mysterious McClawn (Clemens) and his horrifying spouse, Szkrækilda (Szhirley). She has had severe hiccups after being offered broccoli which she remembers from her childhood as a scarring experience. McClawn hopes that the performers with their impressive stunts can give Szkraekilda (Szhirley) such a big shock that her hiccups from hell will be cured. And she hates children.
Szkraekilda and McClawn
Owen introduced the juggling Ms Rooffire (Patrick Berdino), the fire-breathing Mrs Dragonbreath (Zora Nikodemova), The Blind Knife Thrower (José Michel), The Bearded Twin Sisters (Duo Costache) and the trapeze artists Wuhan Clan (Flying Wulber). Costace and Wulber were also part of this summer's Arena performance, while the clown José Michel was in Circusland.
The bearded twin sisters aka Leonardo & Vita Costache
As in this summer's performance, Wuhan Clan aka Flying Wulber performed the double passage blindfolded!
However, no one manages to cure hiccups. It only helps when Miss Rooffire agrees to have one of her legs sawed off with a chainsaw, which the blind knife thrower drags around, and Szkraekilda gets a bit of the leg and finds out that she doesn't hate children at all. Very handy as the pregnant McClawn gives birth, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1994 movie hit Junior.
The entire performance was tied into light, dance and music composed by Clemens, DJ Pumpkin aka Milad 'Genius' Gilani and Silje Kronow
Spectacular feature with flamethrowers
The attendance figures for the Halloween performances were probably a bit disappointing. It remains to be seen whether Arena and Clemens will try their luck again with such a performance in 2023.
As previous years, Circusland in Circus Arena’s winter quarter in Aarslev was open during the winter holidays, summer holidays and autumn holidays. As something new, Circusland offered a number of open-air concerts with well-known Danish bands on Fridays.
Circus Arli
On 27 March, Circus Arli, as the first Danish circus, had its opening day in Flong.
This year's performance was called For full Music. Therefore, it was natural that it began with Martin Arli and Francesco entering the ring and playing sousaphone and trumpet, respectively, before Martin welcomed and presented the elegant ringmistress Bettina Arli.
Martin welcomes with a sousaphone around his neck. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The first act was a handstand entrée with Sergei's Populans, who elegantly used a bench for his tricks and was eventually visited by a lovely lady. She hid her face behind a fan to eventually reveal herself as the show's recurring clown Francesco.
Sergei Populans. Photo: Ole Simonsen
Martin Arli then sat down at a small grand piano. But he was interrupted several times by a female spectator who was a little late. In the end, the tenacious lady wanted to perform. When Martin did not find her white cotton coat elegant, she made a quick change and had an elegant entrée in tissue under the artist name Jelena Vasiljeva.
Jelena and tissue. Photo: Ole Simonsen
After a short run-in with Francesco, Bettina presented Duo Grajdian, who did beautiful and graceful adagio acrobatics.
Duo Gradjian. Photo: Ole Simonsen
Next, Martin entered the ring playing a nice trumpet solo. It was a performance for full music, and this year Martin has chosen to replace his usual magic entrées with musical run-ins.
The next act was the tempo jugglers Trio Arlinis: Alexander Arli, Francesco Fratellini and Sarah Flores. The act ended in a spectacular way with juggling clubs with light.
Trio Arlinis and luminous clubs. Photo Ole Simonsen
The first act after the interval was Sarah Flores with hula hoops in an entrée that was far better than most other hula hoop acts.
Sarah Flores can call herself mistress of the rings
Martin then had an entrée where he played Kim Larsen tunes on honk horns. The late Kim Larsen was an extremely popular Danish singer, composer and musician. The audience spontaneously sang along to some of the songs.
Martin with honk horns. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Now Francesco entered the ring as a tennis coach. The moody entrée ended with him getting a spectator to help him stretching out a net out, which again and again hit Francesco in the neck and sent him into one of the poles. Of course as a deliberate stunt and not as an accident.
Francesco hardly has a great future ahead of him as a professional tennis coach… Photo: Ole Simonsen
Next, Duo Populans came into the ring with an illusion act where they, as Bettina said, had a twinkle in their eye. Impressive that Jelena could disappear in the boxes. Most impressive was the trick, where she magically crawls through Sergei's stomach.
Pure magic! Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Then time had come for musical Martin, this time with a poetic tune played at a very small concertina.
"Do you want to see clowns?" Bettina asked. Of course, the audience wanted to see clowns. Therefore, Alejandros aka Alexander Arli and Francesco entered the ring. This year's clown entrée is an Arli classic: the one where the two clowns sit on a bench and sing the song "On a bench in Charlottenlund" and are disturbed by a dangerous monkey. With good reason one of the most beloved entrées in Circus Arli.
The dangerous monkey and a terrified Alexander. Francesco has not discovered the monkey at all. Photo: Ole Simonsen
Last act was a fine act in aerial straps to River Dance music, performed by Olga and the muscular Mihail Gradjian. In some tricks in the act, it was Olga who wore Mihail, and not as usual the man holding the woman. Impressive! And a nice end to a wonderful performance.
Here Olga is the "driving force". Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein. Click here to see more of Jacob Boas Leitisstein's photos from the performance.
Circus Arli closed the season on 12 August in Sengeløse. As usual, they stuck to Zealand with Faxe Ladeplads as the southernmost venue.
For the ninth year in a row, the Arli family presented Hans Christian Andersen Christmas market in Copenhagen. Just like last year, the location was on Nytorv in front of the Court House.
Circus Baldoni
Circus Baldoni opened the season in Hillerød on 20 April. Jacob Boas Leitisstein saw the premiere performance and wrote (my translation):
On Wednesday 20 April, Circus Baldoni kicked off their season in Hillerød. This season offering the performance "It's Showtime", and again this year with the entertainer Peter Nørgaard as ringmaster.
The show started with the clown Allando taking over the ring with his mop.
Allando with his mop. All photos: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Then it went to the opening of the show, where Peter Nørgaard in best "The Greatest Showman" style welcomed with song and a parade of inflatable animals. In addition to presenting the show's acts, Peter also spiced up the show with a number of his own acts: ventriloquist acts and show acts. You met both Baldoni's mascot the Lion Leonardo and Peter's own ventriloquist doll the Dog Charlie.
Peter with Baldoni's mascot Leonardo
And then Peter presented his version of "Singing in the rain" with both singing and step dancing.
In addition to being a ventriloquist Peter Nørgaard graduated as an actor / musical performer from the Danish Academy of Music in 2008
In addition to Peter Nørgaard, the show's recurring character was the clown Allando, whom the Baldoni audience met for the first time last year. Again this year, Allando featured a series of run-ins which “got straight into the kids' laughter muscles”. This year, Allando had i.e. brought a large inflatable elephant into the ring.
The second part of the show started with a fast-paced bike act with Daniella and Lénárd Matos. A beautiful act where Lénard rides a unicycle while jumping: both across Daniella, from podium to podium, up and down stairs, on a trampoline and across a burning rope.
Duo Matos
The show also featured the couple Line Carol and Stefan Platchov. In the first section with Stefan's act with ladder balance. An act where he climbed the free-standing ladder both with and without being blindfolded. The act ended with Stefan juggling clubs while standing at the top of the ladder.
Ladder balance
We also got to see Line's act. A juggling act with high speed where both bouncing balls, drums and piano were used. A super nice act!
Line is assisted here by her husband Stefan
And then you can’t say Circus Baldoni without also saying The Janacek Family, which also this year offered a number of acts. Eddie Janacek presented a classic juggling act, which was a nice reunion from previous years' performances. Maria Janacek climbed again this year to the top of the circus dome and showed a fine act in vertical rope.
And last but not least, we also got to see the sons Kaya and Rudi - this year in a knockabout table act with Eddie.
Kaya and Rudi with one of the classic tricks in a table act
In the show's finale, the ring was filled with all the artists, and it developed into a wonderful cocktail of show singing with Peter Nørgaard, dancing and lots of artistry. A super end on a good circus show!
Finale. Click here to see more of Jacob's photos.
The tented season, where, according to tradition, they stuck to Zealand and Lolland-Falster, ended on 6 September in Tureby, but was followed by performances in arenas in Slagelse, Stubbekøbing and on the Faroe Islands.
BALDONI'S CHRISTMAS CIRCUS had performances in November and December in a number of sport centres etc. on Zealand and Falster, including in the Fencing Hall next to the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen.
Circus Mascot
Circus Mascot opened the season on 2 April in Salling. This year they played in sport centres and other indoor arenas in Jutland and Funen and left the tent at home in the winter quarter in Roslev.
Jørgen Lorenzen saw the performance in Aars Idrætscenter on 3 April and wrote (my translation):
Circus Mascot leaves the tent at home during this year's summer tour. Instead, the focus is on performances in sport centres and other arenas. Certainly not a bad idea as costs can be kept down, and there can be more spectators in an arena than in Mascot's tent. This afternoon there were 400 (the tent can seat 270). The children could sit or lie on mats along the ringside - and thus get the very best view as there were no ringside chairs.
This year, the performance is presented by Preben Palsgaard. He is a classic, stylish ringmaster who leads the audience through the performance with relevant comments. And he shows his own skills as ventriloquist in two entrées. The first is the entrée with the talking shoes - version 2. It has now become a men's shoe and a women's shoe, which show interest in each other as they come out of the shoebox - and apparently become lovers in the end. Almost like in a Hans Christian Andersen universe. In the second entrée the vulture Galle appears.
Preben Palsgaard with Galle. Photo by courtesy of Circus Mascot
The show is very child friendly. Tatyana begins with an aesthetic hula hoop act. She is a versatile and stylish artist. Always quality, high degree of difficulty and sense of expression.
Tatyana. Photo: Anne Schaldemose
Her husband Gulio hides among the children - and disturbs the ringmaster. He has no ticket but must borrow one as he is threatened with deportation. Because those who do not hold a ticket must be thrown out! But the clever Gulio borrows a ticket from a spectator - and has just heard that people without a ticket must be thrown out. The ringmaster show mercy and Gulio is invited into the ring where he and Preben tease each other and is conjuring a clock away.
Gulio. Photo: Anne Schaldemose
Marianne's dog show is a must in Circus Mascot. But every year with some changes and renewals. This year, for example a dog jumping on a trampoline. Her act is followed by Gulio, who has an unruly clothes dog that he has a hard time controlling - at least that's what it looks like.
Marianne and the dogs in the ring. Photo by courtesy of Circus Mascot
And then time had come for Preben Palsgaard's own act. The two shoes have become a male shoe and a female shoe, Hugo and Karla. These are shoes without ears and eyes, but when they come out of the shoebox, they can both hear and speak. Eventually, they probably become lovers.
And then there is slinkies in the ring. Inside one pipe is Gulio. In the second, the artist girl Geege hides.
2 x Slinky. Photo: Anne Schaldemose
Husik then shows his juggling entrée with large rings (hoops). It was the act that aroused great applause at the recent circus festival in Budapest. In Mascot however in a different and simpler costume - black and discreet.
Husik. Photo: Anne Schaldemose
The second part of the performance begins with Gulio throwing a large balloon out among the audience - who returns it. It's an act which does not require great skills, but it always evokes fun. Then Preben Palsgaard and vulture Galle show up - in cheerful conversation and mutual teasing. Galle / Preben can yodel, and that is there probably no other ventriloquist who can.
The small animals are now making their entrée. Marianne presents a goose and the two Canadian minipigs Yrsa and Sille. The two pigs give themselves plenty of time and must be lured and persuaded before they move and do what they are asked to do.
One of the pigs. Photo by courtesy of Circus Mascot
Gulio now pretend that he is driving a car. He picks up two from the audience, who are to be passengers and help him driving. And then it goes over stick and stone and uneven road with hard braking and engine failure.
New to Mascot is the Mongolian artist Geege. She is a contortionist and she also masters the art of shooting with a bow and arrow, which is held with her feet while lying on her stomach.
Geege. Photo: Anne Schaldemose
Gulio follows the act up when he makes animals out of balloons. He makes a bow that can be tightened so that it sends a fictitious arrow off. And then balloons bursts.
And then there was the finale - after a performance where the audience was concentrated and followed what was going on from start to end. And when this is the case the circus works as it should - and shows how unique a circus is. A good show with a good audience is what makes people come back when the circus Mascot next comes to town.
Finale. Photo by courtesy of Circus Mascot
The season ended on 23 October in Karup. There was a summer break from 24 June to 8 August. The visitor numbers in the indoor arenas were so satisfactory that Circus Mascot has decided that in 2023 they will also tour indoor arenas and leave the tent at home.
Zirkus Nemo
From 9 April, when there was a national premiere in Horsens, and until 11 September, Søren Østergaard visited a number of cities with his Zirkus Nemo, which he calls Denmark's only circus for adults. Where the other circuses have many one-day stands, Zirkus Nemo usually stays at a lot at least 5 days and never has a performance on Mondays and in most cities not on Tuesdays either. This makes the work of moving the tent and other equipment less stressful than in other circuses.
The late newspaper reviewer Rud Kofoed would undoubtedly have given this year's performance the top rating of 6 stars and would be annoyed that the star system did not allow him to give Soren Østergaard & co. an extra seventh star. And the many who like Soren Østergaard's characters were certainly not cheated: they meet the Planet Man, the Balloon Man Lesley Bøje Møller, Baker Jorgen, Kim Tim, the Smash Man - who in these times of equality may be called the Smash Person - and the Meter Man. With him in the ring is Soren's old friend the actor Tommy Kenter, who, among other things, conjures the head of a woman and plays the tuned piano.
Baker Jorgen, the Balloon Man, the Planet Man and the Smash Man. The latter together with Soren Østergaard's PA Laura Kvist Poulsen, who apparently also has the task as PA to the Smash Man…
But in addition to these beloved characters, the show featured world-class artists:
Mario Berousek is known as the world's fastest juggler. He was with Circus Benneweis in 2007, with Circus Arena in 2016 and with Zirkus Nemo in 2018. He still impresses, not least when he gets down on his knees and juggles with 3 clubs at incredible speed.
Mario Berousek is included in the Guinness Book of Records with several records, including 735 rotations in one minute!
Hector, who is one half of Duo Solys, had a moody entrance, where he was "transformed" into a girl when he walks on his hands.
Hector Yzquierdo is from an old Cuban circus family and educated at Circuba, which is Cuba's national circus school
New in Circus Nemo were the Swedish twin sisters Jenny and Sara, who as Duo Vilja presented a beautiful contortion act.
Jenny and Sara are born in 1984. At the age of 13, they were caught by the circus bacillus and joined a children's and youth circus. Later they were educated at a circus school. First in Sweden, then in Montreal. Since then, they have performed at a number of varieties and circuses.
Professor Wacko's trampoline entrée was the well-known one with the trampoline disguised as a swimming pool with a springboard. Often the artist appears in such numbers as “drunken”, but Wacko chose instead to be a distracted professor type.
Professor Wacko had not previously shown his current entrée in Denmark. But in 1993 he toured Denmark with Circus Fantastico, where he was one of the 4 artists in the troupe Trampolino Veneziano.
In 2018, the Danish Circus Award named Duo Solys the best act of the year. They are the most beautiful example that body and love can merge into a higher, artistic whole. They are an acrobatic pleasure. They were also at Nemo in 2016 and 2018.
In 2018, Duo Solys got the Prize as the best act of the year
The show's last artist couple came from Cuba. Leosvel & Diosmani appeared in Chinese pole. They got a silver clown in Monte Carlo in 2013. Their final trick, where one artist stands in horizontal handstand on the pole while the other stands on hands on his upper body, is absolutely amazing. The Danish Circus Award deservedly gave them the prize for the best act of the year.
Leosvel & Diosmani – probably the world's best act in Chinese Pole.
Audiences love Zircus Nemo, both the comic features and the artists. A very special Nemo friend is Her Majesty Queen Margrethe of Denmark, who was among the visitors to the performance on June 29 in Aarhus.
Circus Trapez
Cirkus Trapez opened the season on 9 April in Them and toured during the season Jutland and Funen. During the season they performed both in indoor arenas, in tent and as open-air performances. They also had several short nursing home performances, even at Zealand.
Jørgen Lorenzen saw the performance in the Hobro Sports Center on April 10 and wrote (my translation):
There were about 300 people in the sports centre. Agnete Louise Enoch was ringmistress instead of her sister Isabella Enoch, who was on sick leave from her circus. And Agnete clearly enjoyed being back in the ring. She had chosen to wear her old green suit, which brought thoughts back to the early years of circus Dannebrog. (Agnete Louise Enoch was for many years ringmistress in the large Danish Circus Dannebrog which closed after season 2016).
Agnete Louise Enoch as ringmistress. Later in the season Isabella Enoch Sosman took over the job as ringmistress. All photos: Anny Schaldemose
The house artists in circus Trapez were last season Nynne Hulsig Samuelsen and Lasse Hasager. Nynne is an aerial artist in rapid development, and this season she is engaged by the Swedish circus Rhodin. But Lasse is still with Trapez and he too is a dedicated artist in development. And of course you will once again meet Bernhard Kaselowsky.
The foreign artists consist of two artist couples, Edita and Yuriy and Bettina and Patrick. Yuriy and Patrick form Duo Gancho, which was part of circus Trapez Christmas Circus in Kolding - the performance that after a few performances was interrupted by the corona. Back then, their main act was a knockabout table act. This act is not presented this year as Patrick is suffering from a shoulder injury. But they are versatile and talented artists who can still solve the task, because they are all-round artists who can do most of the artist disciplines and create acts which delight and amaze the audience throughout the performance.
Agnete Enoch opens the show and mentions that she can celebrate her 50th year anniversary in circus. And then there was no let-up. First an act with formation juggling - Lasse and Patrick.
Formation juggling. Lasse Hasager in the foreground. Yuriy Mamchych in the background.
Then an act in aerial straps performed by Yuriy. It looks easy and effortless, although it is a strength act that requires almost supernatural powers.
Patrick has to give up the most difficult physical acts due to his injury. But he knows so much else, and performs his art / his arts with a talking, vivid mimicry that reaches everyone in the centre. He presents a series of magic tricks - acts where the presentation is part of the act. He can do that - and has a facial expression that supports the magic.
Magic with glasses. Patrick.
Lasse Hasager enters the ring with the world's smallest dog - only 300 grams. Patrick continues with the magic, i.e. he conjures up a rabbit - but the children have already revealed that it is in the hat.
The rabbit up in the hat. Patrick.
Then it's the women's turn. Bettina Kovacs knows the art of slinging rings around her body - hula hoop as it is called. She stands on hands and juggles the rings around her body and she has a hair extension which is included in the act as a ring is juggled around it.
Hula hoop. Bettina Kovacs.
Lasse comes in with a suitcase and clown nose - and wearing a garment that can probably be described as a kilt. The act is full of ideas that need to be developed and clarified at a later stage. But the essence is diabolo juggling and that is one of his competencies.
Lasse Hasager as a juggler in an exciting outfit.
Patrick ends the first part of the performance with an act where he inflates balloons and plays a mouth organ with the leaking air.
Second part of the performance begins with 5 goats, presented by Bernhard Kaselowsky. The population has expanded to 5, and the extra goat has the effect that you feel that the whole ring is filled with these good-natured and slow animals.
And then comes a comic entrée as there is no real clown is the performance, But Patrick comes in, sits down on a chair and pulls out an issue of a newspaper - to read today's news. But Yuriy is disguised as a fly and comes in and disturbs. The newspaper is folded so that it can slap the fly - and then a hunt takes place, which leads both out among the audience, who are involved in the fly hunt. Very funny, big cheers, almost a fight with rolled up newspapers.
Edita is a foot juggler and balances 4 tablecloths while lying on her back in her trinka.
The mirror entrée is performed by Yuriy and Patrick, before Lasse juggles with balls and knives, this afternoon with a lot of ball drops!
The mirror entrée. Patrick and Yuriy.
Finally, there is a stylish and aesthetic adagio number, where Edita and Yuriy (Duo Mamchych) balance on and with each other. For example. she hangs on his shoulders / neck with her head down, and she lies on the floor with one leg stretched up, where he stands on the outstretched foot. A nice way to end the act.
And then there is an act that needs to be mentioned separately. Patrick enters, dressed in black. In front of the backdrop stands a hat stand on which a coat hangs. A drama is now unfolding in which Patrick wraps himself in and out of his coat, and his hands have white gloves so that they are part of the story.
Who owns the hands? The coat or the artist? And is it a love drama, or is it a tale of loneliness. At the same time, there is a shadow effect up against the backdrop, so there is a double effect - a shadow play. It seemed like a kind of continuation of the Czech Laterna Magica.
A poetic act with a shadow effect. Love or loneliness? Multi-artist Patrick.
All in all, a great performance with a good response from the audience. Skilled artists, good atmosphere, great applause. That’s how we know a good circus performance.
Where other circuses engage artists for an entire season, this year Isabella Enoch had chosen to change artists several times during the season. She could thus offer jobs to artists who only had a number of weeks available in the calendar.
When they were in Madsby Playground in Fredericia for 3 weeks in July, there were the following performers: Bernhard Kaselowsky with the Arabian stallion Sitan and Mini and Maxi, Duo Mamchych with parterre acrobatics combined with aerial straps and tissue, goats presented by Lasse Hasager and Stine Marie Greisen, Edita Sulc, who juggled scarves using her feet, Lasse Hasager, who juggled diabolos, balls and knives and the only 13-year-old trapeze talent Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen.
Duo Mamchych presented an act which floor acrobatics with straps and tissue. Zealanders saw the couple in Cirkus Arli in 2019.
Edita Sulc juggled scarves using her feet. She is the female partner in Duo Mamchych. She is from the Czech Republic and the sister of the juggler Alan Sulc, who in the 2022 season performed in Cirkus Arena. Edita's husband Yuriy comes from Poltave in Ukraine.
The 13-year-old Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen works in the trapeze. She has been associated with the Circus Museum's circus school, was both a coach and student at the Circus Factory in Mors and performed in July in Circus Trapez. She was also part of some of the Christmas performances in Cirkus Trapez. In connection with this year's distribution of circus prizes, she received a grant from the Nelly Jane Benneweis Foundation
Later in the season, the clown Franz Sulc and his daughter Vanessa were among the cast. For a while after Circus Arena had closed the season, Vanessa's brother Alan Sulc also appeared in Circus Trapez. In some of the Christmas performances, the audience met Duo Klimchyk and the Cirque du Soleil artists Kata & Mark.
The summer season ended on 11 September in Søndersø. From 14 to 30 October, Circus Trapez offered an autumn circus in Jutland arenas. From 12 November they offered a Christmas circus, first in indoor arenas in Jutland, on Funen and on Langeland and from 17 December to 1 January in a tent next to the Castle Lake in Kolding, where they called themselves Kolding Christmas Circus.
Other performances
Years ago, you could see artist performances in Copenhagen’s Tivoli Gardens and other amusement parks. But unfortunately that is history.
Katja Schumann has set up a circus farm just outside the Danish seaside resort Løkken, where she had performances from the end of May to the end of August and during the autumn holidays.
As in previous years, CIRCUS ARENA produced a show for Kolding Shopping Mall during the school’s autumn holidays.
With a season running from September to June, Wallman's Dinnershow in Copenhagen's Circus Building was hit hard by the corona with many cancellations in the period March 2020 to February 2022. Instead of presenting a new show each season, they showed in the periods when they were allowed to have performances the show which premiered in autumn 2019. In September 2022, they premiered a new show called Viva, which can be seen until June 2023.
The team of singers and dancers put on a great show, where we experienced, among other things, lovely interpretations of some of Elvis' biggest hits and a festive ABBA sing-along with a selection of the guests' favourites.
As always, there were circus performers in the performance. Beata Sumiak and Jamie Swan presented a nice adagio and hand to hand act.
Few people can carry their partner like that. Photo: John Resborn
Later in the show, Jamie was back with a bathtub act where he was hoisted up and down from a bathtub. Very spectacular. And considerate that the guests who sat closest were provided with disposable raincoats!
Scots have a reputation for keeping their money. Maybe that's why Scotsman Jamie washes his pants in the bathtub. Photo: John Resborn
The third artist was Jonathan Young, who performed in Chinese pole. The act started inventively with an audience member having to look for a gold token under his chair, with the lucky person then having to climb the mast to get a bottle of champagne. Only when he started did the audience realize that it was an artist and not a random audience member.
Young. Smartphone photo
From November 3 to 6, Cirque du Soleil presented the show Corteo in the Royal Arena in Copenhagen.
The Danish Circus Award
After two years break due to the corona, with the support of private sponsors, The Danish Circus Award succeeded in handing out circus prizes.
The award ceremony took place on 15 August in the Fencing Hall next to the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen.
The minister of culture, Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen, presented the Danish circus and artist world's most distinguished award, the Danish Circus Award, to Katja Schumann. This year's talent prize went to Francisco Fratellini from Circus Arli. The prize for the best act of the year went to Leosvel & Diosmani from Zirkus Nemo. In addition, there was a special prize to Line Carol from Circus Baldoni.
Katja Schumann and Minister of Culture Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen with the visible proof of the award: a painting by the “Master of the clowns” Viggo Salting. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The chairman of the Danish Circus Directors Association, Martin Arli, presented the Effort Award to Anders Kronborg, member of the Danish Parliament.
Anders Kronborg together with the chairman of the Circus Directors Association, Martin Arli. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
In connection with the award ceremony, the Foundation after the late Nelly Jane Benneweis gave a grant of DKK 10,000 to the only 13-year-old trapeze artist Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen, who during the season performed a number of times in Circus Trapez and also showed her fine act in connection with the award ceremony.
Before the award ceremony itself, Rasmine performed in trapeze. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Ann Alkazam, born Ruth Hermansen, passed away on 13 February 2022. She was 86 years old. In Denmark there is hardly a theater association, fairground, municipal park entertainment, city festival, school and children's library where Ann Alakazam and her husband Henri Alakazam, who died in 2001, have not entertained with magic, mind reading and balloon artistry.
Pia Ville Hansen passed away on April 28. She was 75 years old. Together with her then-husband Leif Rosengaard Hansen under the stage name Lee Pee Ville they showed an excellent illusion act and performed, among other things, at Benneweis in the Copenhagen Circus Building. In 1984, Pia and Leif divorced. He established himself as an artist agent in Germany. Pia stayed in Copenhagen and utilized her creative abilities as a painter and exhibited in galleries etc.
Josette Dubsky passed peacefully away on August 10th. She was 91 years old. For many years she had lived in Dømmestrup near Aarslev on Funen. Josette Carmen Dubsky was born in Boulogne-sur-Mer as the daughter of Charlie Rivel's brother Polo. For a number of years she performed as August together with her husband Joseph Dubsky, who died in 2016, and with their son Janos as a white-faced clown. Josette as her uncle Charlie Rivel in the long, red wool sweater and with a red nose and red wig.
Bo Bjerregaard and Jan Kierulff. Bo Bjerregaard, better known as Charlie the clown from Circus 3, passed away on August 15 after a long illness. He was 64 years old. He was known all around Denmark at the clown Charlie from Circus 3 and from the clown duo Charlie and Binalto. 5 days later his long-time partner Jan Kierulff (Binalto) passed away. He was 70 years old. For more than 40 years, the two clowns had thrilled hundreds of thousands of Danes and performed more than 3,500 clown shows.
Charley Kaye passed away on December 26th. He was 89 years old. Together with his wife Belita, née Fossett, who died in 2021, he toured Europe for many years with a knock-about table act and Charley simultaneously jumped round the audience as a monkey (chimpanzee). In 1988, Charley Kaye restarted Amager's old Red Inn Theater in a gymnasium at a disused school on Øresundsvej in Copenhagen. The theater quickly became a success and offered, among other things, revues with artist performances. In 2006, the board of the theater thought it was time for a generational change and sent a disappointed Charley Kaye into retirement. In 2008, the theatre was declared bankrupt as the change of CEO certainly hadn’t been successful!
26 December 2020
Obituary: Charley Kaye. The former artist and theatre director Charley Kaye passed away on 26 December. He was 89 years old. Charley was born in Lindholm in Aalborg, where his father was a bricklayer and his mother worked at a laundry. Around 1940 the family moved to Copenhagen, where they got an apartment at Vesterbro and Charley was apprenticed as a metalworker. At the same time, he began training at Cliftons artist school as his dream wasn’t to end up as a metalworker. Along with another young artist, he got a job first in Circus Lowe in Norway and then in the Danish Circus Miehe. After having done his service as a soldier, he worked for a while as stage manager at Lorry Music Hall in Copenhagen. When some other artist left he got his debut together with a friend as Clifton Brothers. They were successful and worked in many places all over in Europe. During an engagement at the Music Hall and dance restaurant Bonbonnièren in Esbjerg he met a beautiful English girl Belita Fossett. When Charley's partner in Clifton Brothers wanted to stop Charley and Belita decided to make an act together. And they became a couple both in private life and as artists. For many years they toured all over Europe with a comical knockabout table act and Charley jumped around among the audience behaving as a monkey (chimpanzee). The couple appeared no less than 25 times in Hamburg's legendary Hansa Theatre.
Charley Kaye
When Charley was about 50 years old, he found the job as an artist a little too hard. He then worked for some years as a cultural consultant for a trade union until he in 1988 restarted Amager’s old Red Inn Theatre in a gymnasium at a disused school on Øresundsvej in Amager, Copenhagen. The theatre became a success and featured among other shows with acrobats instead of the usual chorus girls. In November 2006, the Management Board of the theatre found it was time for a generational change and sent a disappointed Charley Kaye on retirement. In 2008, the theatre was declared bankrupt as the change of CEO certainly hadn’t been successful!
20 December 2022
From 9 to 18 December, the Danish clown Allando (Jan Allan Hansen) performed at the Norwegian Circus Arnardo's Christmas performances in Lillestrøm, Norway. The photo shows the director couple Are and Paola Arnardo surrounded by Allando and Irene Thierry. Irene was also in the ring as a polar bear, see photo below. It is the first time since Irene in 1984 became director of the small Jutland Circus Krone that she has performed in another circus. She has, however, made many performances elsewhere, and there are also plans for such in the coming year. – Danish Circus Krone has not been on tour since 2018.
16 December 2022
The big Christmas show at The Circus Factory in Salling Sunday 18 December at 11 & 15: The Circus Factory, Skivevej 88, Lindum, DK-7870 Roslev.
A bunch of circus artists are stranded in Denmark due to the war in Ukraine and use the Circus Factory as a training facility. These are top professional artists who have performed all around the world in various circuses and festivals. Among the performers are Ulmas "Gulio" Gulyamov and family, known from Circus Mascot, as well as Gege, who was also was on tour with Circus Mascot's this year. In the last few weeks, they have trained together with the local children and youngsters from Salling Circus Kids and put on a fantastic Christmas show. The entire entrance fee is sent directly to families in Ukraine. The entrance fee is DKK 100 for adults and DKK 50 for children. Tickets are sold at the entrance.
13 December 2022
Trapeze Christmas Circus – the indoor version. Our reporter Finn Stendevad writes (my translation):
We visited the Christmas circus in Egtved on 11 December. Actually, we should have seen the performance in Vorbasse the day before, but they cancelled for technical reasons.
The performance, which lasted 2 hours with an intermission, opened with a charivari of everything we wanted to see: Parterre acrobatics, trapeze artist, Santa Claus, jugglers, hula hoops, etc.
Usually, it is Isabella Enoch Sosman who presents the performances, but she was seeing a performance in a theater in Copenhagen. Due this welcome by a young and charming ringmistress Stine Marie Greisen. Then came an excellent juggling act with up to four clubs per hand by a young couple Duo Klimchyk who stood and lay at all possible angles. It was followed by an elegant way to avoid the ban on elephants in circuses: the clown Franz Sulc with a cute elephant, inflated and with a human inside.
The performances clown Franz Sulc. Photo: Per Krogh Petersen
Then came an excellent solo trapeze act with Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen. Perfectly trained by Isabella Enoch. Now the clown had the entrée with the audience on a motorbike and many, many complications and misunderstandings arose. Lovely.
Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen in trapeze. Photo: Per Krogh Petersen
Then a young couple Kata & Mark entered the ring with an excellent contortion act where the girl was “served” in a Christmas gift box. Many levels of difficulty.
The first part of the performance ended with the 4 stools gag where the stools are removed one by one.
The well-known act with the 4 stools. Photo by courtesy of Circus Trapez
After the interval came Bernhard's goats, presented by a little girl.
The goats. Photo by courtesy of Circus Trapez
After this, one of the two young couples Duo Klimchyk who made up a lot of the performance entered the ring in Argentinian clothes, danced the tango, and did aa act with long whips, they hit things like scarves, champagne bottles and flowers, etc. out of the partner's hands.
The whip act. Photo: Finn Stendevad
The other pair Kata & Mark then juggled up to eight balls in showers, cascades, etc. Excellent.
Then the clown came again and juggled oversized beach balls, also at the end out to and including the audience and me and my wife.
The clown with the balls. Photo: Per Krogh Petersen
He was replaced by a terrific hula hoop act with Kata & Mark. It was refreshingly different. They have previously performed in Cirque du Soleil and did many different things which you never have seen before. Both were excellent.
Kata & Mark. Photo by courtesy of Circus Trapez
This was followed by another solo trapeze act, this time in a hoop with the clown's daughter Vanessa. Again, the little girl worked perfectly.
The clown's daughter Vanessa in aerial ring. Photo: Per Krogh Petersen
Now the ringmistress presented her four-year-old son, who entered the ring with a cute little pony, but with Bernhard in the background. He knew the commands, but the ponies are sometimes stubborn. However, it went well.
Stine Marie Greisen's son Nikolaj, aged 4, presented the pony Bonoti. Photo: Per Krogh Petersen
The clown now entered and played ring games with the audience who were to get the ring around his head. The adults obviously couldn't meet him, but the youngest spectators could.
The final act was Duo Klimchyk with a raucous, dangerous and fast-paced knife-throwing act where both were equally good. There were knives, axes, etc. And they slammed into the boards around their bodies at a terrific pace.
Duo Klimchyk's knife-throwing act. Photo by courtesy of by Cirkus Trapez
The performance ended with a festive parade.
Kind regards and Merry Christmas
When Circus Trapez under the name Kolding Christmas Circus has performances next to the Castle Lake in Kolding, it is with slightly different artists than the ones mentioned above.
12 December 2022
Circus Cirkör's performance Bloom. The Swedish contemporary circus company writes: Fourth time's a charm! Or something... It's been a pandemic rollercoaster for Bloom, but the long wait is over! In February and March 2023, it's finally time for a proper run at Södra Teatern in Stockholm – and we've added a big bunch of performances! 16 February to 12 March 2023.
In Bloom, we invite you to a world of flowers, classical music and jaw-dropping circus. An international cast of five multi-talented artists sets out to change the world through joy, risk assessment and facing fears.
We learn to live in fear and we can create stress from everything going on in our basic everyday lives. We feel the pressure to not stand out, and trying is seen as the first step towards failure. We own more things than ever before, we look perfect in our pictures, but does that really make us happy?
In Bloom, the artists face everyday life's demands and anxieties. Through creativity and circus art the negative feelings are disarmed and our fears turn into poetry.
Ben Collis
Elisabeth Künkele
Felix Greif
Moa Karlsson / Sofia Mendez
Philomène Perrenoud
Luc Perrenoud, Stage & Tour Manager
Creative Team:
Light design: Carlos Ferrer
Director, concept, set design & sound design: Julien Auger
Director, concept, set design, and costume design: Sade Kamppila
Bloom is a cooperation between Circus Cirkör, Stora Teatern, Cirkus i Väst, Nycirkus Öst and Södra Teatern in Stockholm.
Press photo from Circus Cirkör. Click here to see a video teaser from the show
9 December 2022
Winter circus in Finland. TsigaBoom! is a new event, that’s taking over Helsinki at the turn of the year, in the middle of the winter festivities. It combines the magic of the circus and the carnival, in a way that’s never been seen in Finland before.
Finland’s national circus, Circus Finlandia, and the carnival specialized in fun rides and games, Tivoli Sariola, are combining forces for the first time in this magnitude. The arena for this unique entertainment experience is the convention centre Messukeskus in Helsinki.
Cirkus Finlandia brings dizzying acrobatics, magic and clowns to the program with brilliant international circus performer’s performances. Tivoli Sariola, on the other hand, fills the high halls of Messukeskus with carousels for the whole family, rides suitable for the smallest in the family and numerous wild rides for youths. The cheerful TsigaBoom! entertains, enchants and is suitable for the whole family!
Circus Finlandia brings a top group of both domestic and foreign artists TsigaBoom!
On the arena you will see:
Nelma Pietala, foot juggler
Captain Frodo, contortionist, in Denmark known from Zirkus Nemo
Captain Frodo in Zirkus Nemo. Photo: Rud Kofoed /Ajour Press
BonBon Family, clowns. Lasse Nørager aka BonBon is Danish. His wife Tiina is from Finland. Also in the troupe are the couple's adult children Julia and Joakim
BonBon family
Pat & Pips HotDogs (Patrick Harrison and Pip), in Denmark known from Circus Arena and Circus Benneweis.
Marko Karvo, Finnish magician, in Denmark known from Zirkus Nemo
Marko Karvo in Zirkus Nemo. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press
The Circus Finlandia orchestra brings a guaranteed circus atmosphere and Sebastian, who is familiar from Circus Finlandia’s tour, acts as the announcer.
4 December 2022
The Danish clown Allando to Christmas circus in Norway. This year again, the Norwegian Cirkus Arnardo is presenting a Christmas circus in the Nova Spektrum exhibition hall (Norwegian Trade Fair) in Lillestrøm. Last year they had performances from 3 to 12 December. This year they have total of 18 performances in the period 9 to 18 December.
Circus Arnardo had long time ago engaged a clown for this year's Christmas show. But due to illness, the clown had to resign. Fortunately, the Danish clown Allando (Jan Allan Hansen) was willing to step in at short notice. Thus, this year it will be Allando who, assisted by Irene Thierry, is the central figure in the Arnardo Christmas performance.
Allando. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The Danes know Allando from the small Danish Circus Krone and from Circus Baldoni. But this is his first time in Norway.
The other artists in Circus Arnardo's Christmas performance are the Polish aerial acrobat Anna Filipowska, who performs in a giant Christmas ball, the Bulgarian multi-juggler Anguel Bojilov, the director couple Are & Paolas Arnardo with illusions and Kevin Probst with dogs and donkeys.
This is Arnardo's second Christmas circus. The first time the Norwegians experienced a Christmas circus was in Christmas 1962, when the now closed Circus Berny produced a large-scale Christmas circus in the Messehallen in Oslo. Visitor-wise, it was not a success, so they never repeated it.
2 December 2022
Circus Arena 2023. Cirkus Arena writes (my translation):
The successful ringmaster duo Bubber and Julie are back in the ring in 2023, when Circus Arena once again raises the level of circus artistry in Denmark and presents world-class super circus with the year's most spectacular family performance 'Circus according to Bubber and Julie 3'!
Together with Bubber and Julie, you will meet award-winning world class artists, beautiful horses and the smell of sawdust - it's a real circus!
See the world-famous juggler Michael Ferrari, who has set several world records in the Guinness World Records for his ability to keep many balls in the air - even when the lights go out. Also look forward to being impressed by Steven Ferrari, who is one of the fastest tightrope walkers.
High up in the dome of the tent, you will be able to see the high wire troupe Los Ortiz, who both ride on bike, jump and walk as a 3-person pyramid on the wire. The troupe Ortiz will also present the dangerous artist act 'the wheel of death', where the artists run both inside and outside two large rotating wheels.
Experience the circus world's strongest couple, Duo Costache, when they swing around the top of the tent and carry each other with their teeth, see beautiful acrobatics and enjoy Julie Berthelsen's beautiful singing voice.
In 2023 we will also be visited by Circus Arena's house clown Jimmy Folco, and not least the nerve-wracking knife thrower and the impressive magician who has a few imaginative tricks up his sleeve. There will be plenty to talk about afterwards!
Up to 2.5 hours of impressive entertainment is planned, bringing the whole family together for a fun and life-affirming experience when Circus Arena comes to your city in 2023.
Season opening is at ‘Bellahoj’ in Copenhagen on Monday 3 April.
The juggler Michael Ferrari was also with Circus Arena in 2015. His brother Steven was with Circus Trapez in 2016. At the prestigious festival European Youth Circus 2016 in Wiesbaden, Michael won gold in the age group 18 to 25 years. In 2015 he won silver at the junior festival in Monte Carlo. At the Wiesbaden Festival in 2016, there was a silver medal for his younger brother, the tight wire acrobat Steven Ferreri, in the age group up to and including 17 years. The talented brothers' father, the tight wire dancer Miguel Ferreri, toured Denmark with Circus Benneweis in 2007.
Top: Micael Ferreri in Circus Arena 2015. Photo. Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press. Bottom: Steven Ferreri in Norwegian Circus Arnado.
Duo Costache has had several seasons with Circus Arena. The aerial act we will see in 2023 was last time presented in 2019. Other seasons they have worked with perch.
Leonardo hangs on to that wife! Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press
Los Ortiz has not previously performed in Denmark. The troupe leader Diego Ortiz is born in Columbia, but currently lives in Prague. Click here to watch video clips from their high wire act.
2 December 2022
Winter circus in Malmö and Helsingborg, Sweden. First in Malmö and then in Helsingborg, the young Albin Ganovic present winter circus on the last weekend in November and the first 2 weekends in December. The tent and gradin come from the circus company Circus I love you.
There were 7 banks of grandstand seating, all without backrests. There were neither ringside chair nor ring fence
At the performance on November 27, the tent was approx. Ÿ full. Half of the guests were children in the age group 3 to 7 years.
The central figure was the Swedish children's entertainer and singer Pidde P. He is unknown in Denmark, but it certainly seemed as if the Swedish children knew both him and his songs to which they sang along. Pidde P danced around in the ring and on the grandstand. His entrées were accompanied by 3 show dancers whose footwear resembled ski boots more than dance shoes! But they were good dancers. They probably come from the team Albin Ganovic uses for his variety shows in Cabaret Candy Club.
Pidde P
Show dancers with "ski boots". In the background Pidde P
The performance offered several great entrées with the Swedish artist family The Flying Family: father Jimmy, mother Anna with sons Hugo (11 years) and Hannes (7 years). They performed both in tissue, aerial straps and aerial ring and often in such a way that there were two or three in the air at a time. An act that will also do well in a large circus. Jimmy and Anna have, among other things, performed on cruise ships and at Wallmans Dinnershow in the Copenhagen Circus Building. In 2020, the family reached the finals of the Swedish version of the TV talent competition Got Talent.
The Flying Family
The producer Albin Ganovic himself had several entrées as the clown Cito. A role he also had when he presented Christmas circus in Helsingborg in 2013 and 2014, as well as when he was on tour with the Swedish Cirkus Olympia in 2019.
Cito in the entrée with a game of chairs, where one chair at a time is removed and the one who cannot find a place is chased away with blows with a foam rubber club. Of course, the entrée ended with the little girl getting the last chair and chasing Cito out of the arena.
Perhaps inspired by the Danish clown Bonbon's famous turtle entrée Cito had an entrée with "trained" mechanical mice.
In Cito's last entrée, which was the show's last act, he blew soap bubbles that 3 children had to hit with a water gun. Of course, the rays also hit the spectators who were sitting closest to the ring...
The brothers Eric and José Munoz, whom the Danes have seen in the small Danish Circus Krone, had 3 entrées: Eric as a juggler, José as a tight wire acrobat and a joint knockabout table entrée – the last entrée perhaps a bit too long-winded. They are good artists, but without being world class.
Eric Munoz juggled first with clubs and then with plates that returned to him like boomerangs.
José Munoz jumps over an obstacle.
Such a stunt number is also called a table act
The contortionist Ludvik Janicek Berousek had a fine entrée where he ended up crawling through 5 tennis rackets.
On the way through the 5th racket
I saw Konstantin Muraviev's act with German Wheel for the first time in Circus Arena in 2001, where he performed it as a classic act. Later he changed it into a comic act with the fat man who wants to lose weight, which he finally succeeds in after exercising with his wheel. Then again to gain weight when he drinks a cold beer. The Danes saw the comic version in 2004 both in Søren Østergaard's Tivoli Variety and at Benny Schumann's clown festival at Bakken. In 2010 he was back with Arena. In 2012 he was at Bakken and at Zirkus Nemo, where we last time saw him in 2018. Although I have seen him many times, it is still an excellent act but of course even more fun for those who see it for the first time.
Konstantin Muraviev
From the final
The performance was accompanied by a well-playing 4-piece band, although with pre-recorded music for some of the artist acts.
All in all, an excellent performance that would get 4 stars if I were a newspaper reviewer. The number of visitor numbers have so far been satisfactory, so we can hope that this will not be the last time Albin present a winter circus.
30 November 2022
Honorary grant to Benny Schumann. On 28 November, Benny Schumann received the Danish FolkeFerie Foundation's honorary grant for his work as an artist and clown. With the DFF Foundation's Honorary Grant, they pay tribute to the artists who, through their long work, have managed to bind the audience together in the name of art - and who have made a difference to great many people.
It took place in the beautiful Arbejdermuseet (The Workers Museum) on Rømersgade with celebratory speeches, music, delicious open sandwiches and yellow soda.
The honorary: a beautiful handmade statuette, flight with 1-6 weeks stay in Mellieha Holiday Center in Malta and the honor of having Benny Schumann’s name put up on one of the holiday homes.
Benny Schumann with statuette etc. Photo: Marianne Schumann
In his acceptance speech, Benny Schumann said (my translation):
It is very nice of you to award me this honorary grant, thank you very much!
After all, Danish FolkeFerie and the profession I represent have the same purpose for our work: to provide positive and happy experiences for people of all ages.
After all, it is a very great honour to have your name on a house, especially a holiday home, where you can enjoy life to the fullest, and at the same time it is incredibly positive that you want to put my name on the house before I die. Normally, it's always only after you have passed away.
As a reminder of my gratitude, I have brought you a gift that you can put up inside the house now that my name is on the outside of the house. It is a printed poster after a painting by the painter Adi Holzer. I've had many different posters over the years, but this old poster was ripped off in no time, even though many thousands were printed and I only have a few left.
A few weeks ago, I read in the newspaper Politiken that some scientists had found that recognition and praise prolong life, and this is very welcome at my age, so once again thank you very much for the honorary scholarship.
30 November 2022
From overseas. The recently deceased Rosi Hochegger was known, among other things, for her comic act with the horse Scout. She spent several seasons with Danish and Swedish circuses. In recent years, another horse, Cyrano, had the role in the act. Rosi had 2 other horses. All three horses have now come to the Casselly family, where the idea is that Merrylu will take over Rosi's comic act. The first time you can see the act with Merrylu is at the Christmas circus in Stuttgart.
One of the world's best big cat trainers is Alexander Lacey, brother of the equally excellent trainer Martin Lacey from Circus Krone. Among other things, Alexander has appeared in Circus Charles Knie and with Ringling in the USA. But now it's over. He writes:
My cats have entertained crowds the world over and I like to think they and myself have had a pretty successful career the last 30 years. They are ready to settle down and enjoy their time at the lovely Krone Farm.
The last opportunity to see Alexander Lacey LIVE with his 13 lions and tigers in a circus arena is at the 25th Dresdner Weihnachts-Circus.
Alexander Lacey in Circus Charles Knie in 2018.
24 November 2022
Circus of Torment to Denmark. Both in England, Germany and the Netherlands, the audience has been able to see horror circuses for a number of years. The first was probably the English Circus of Horrors, which was founded by John Haze and Gerry Cottle and had its first performance in 1995. A horror circus mixes horror with dark humor, rock music or horror film-inspired electronic music and artistry.
The closest we have been to a horror circus in Denmark so far is Circus Arena's Halloween circus in October. But because the target group was children from 5 years and up it was more children's theater than horror circus.
But in February 2023 you can see a real horror circus in Denmark. The juggler and entertainer David Sosman writes (my translation):
I am super happy to finally be able to announce that Dark Thrills Entertainment's horror circus show - Circus of Torment - is coming to Denmark in 2023! Since our debut with Circus of Torment in Holland back in 2018, I absolutely wanted this unique show to be presented in my native country Denmark! A show in this style has never been seen in Denmark before!
We debuted with Circus of Torment in 2018 and have since established Dark Thrills Entertainment, which produces circus acts and circus shows in horror style - among other things for Tivoli Friheden in Aarhus, which we have now done two years in a row for their Halloween event. This year we debuted with our new show Madhouse in Europe's biggest Halloween event - Movie Park Germany's Halloween Horror Festival!
In cooperation with Dystopia Entertainment and Fango, Circus of Torment visits Vejle and Aalborg in February. In Vejle with performances from 11 to 18 February.
Circus of Torment is a horror show produced by Dark Thrills Entertainment with Michaël Betrian in the lead (the Danes could see his diabolo act in Circus Dannebrog in 2014 and in Circus Trapez in 2021). I myself have the role of Gustavo, the insane juggler!
David Sosman as Gustavo, the insane juggler. All photos press photo from Dark Thrills Entertainment
Prepare to travel back to a dark time of mysterious fortune tellers, terrifying freak shows, psychopathic performers and murderous clowns. This show is not for the faint hearted and is a guaranteed hair-raising experience and is not recommended for children under 12.
You can read more about the show and buy tickets at
22 November 2022
David Hammarberg to the 20th Festival du Cirque. The Swedish acrobat David Hammarberg participates with his bungee trapeze act in the 20th Festival du Cirque (20ème Festival du Cirque Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Isère 2022 à GRENOBLE), which takes place in Grenoble, France from 1 – 4 December 2022. David says modestly that it's probably one of the biggest shows he'll ever perform in.
David Hammarberg has performed in the Swedish Cirkus Olympia for several seasons. In the 2016/17 season he performed at Wallmans Dinnershow in the Copenhagen Circus Building
Among the other artists is the juggler Juan Pablo Martinez, whom the Danes saw in Circus Arena in 2005 and 2018 and the Swedes in Circus Maximum in 2012. You also meet the clowns Steve & Jones Caveagna, who were with Circus Benneweis in 2015. Steve also participates with his diabolo act.
Click here for a link with information about the performers.
20 November 2022
Circus Trapez in Rudkøbing. On Saturday 19 November, the Danish Island Long Island was visited by Cirkus Trapez's Christmas performance, which was presented in Langelandshallen in Rudkøbing. Below some photos shot by Per Krogh Petersen.
The show's clown Franz Sulc
The clown's daughter Vanessa in aerial ring.
Duo Gancho had several entrées – here photo from their knockabout table act and their juggling entrée
Stine Marie Greisen's son Nikolaj, aged 4, presented the pony Bonoti
Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen in trapeze. In August, she was the first Danish artist to receive a grant from the foundation after the late Nelly Jane Benneweis
The performance was presented by Isabella Enoch Sosman. Click here to see more of Per Krogh Petersen's photos and video clips from the performance
18 November 2022
The circus queen from Roslev - Marianne Deleuran turns 60 on 25 November.
Marianne Deleuran has never been a circus princess. She is an originator, circus director, mother and more and magical in the ring. Since 1994, Marianne has run Circus Mascot – until 2013 then together with Jess, who is the father of Daniel and Andreas, and from 2013 together with the eldest of their sons, Daniel, who has been Circus Mascot's ringmaster in recent years. Andreas helps from Aarhus, where he studies at the university. Circus Mascot is a family business.
Marianne had no idea that her future husband Jess could do magic when she met him in 1987, when they were both employed at Jysk Telefon. She discovered by chance that he had a closet full of props, and it was then that she suggested they used it for something…
They did. They went out to perform magic, and over the years they shared a dream of their own circus.
They tried to borrow money from the bank - without success, and instead they were allowed to tour with a circus from Germany. It was a bit of a show... And it stopped three weeks before the season ended. In 1991, the couple got a job in Conny Hende and Jørgen Hansen's small Danish Circus Scandinavia. They had to do an illusion act as well as a number where Marianne was the mind-reading phenomenon Lizette. After 3 months, the coffers at Cirkus Scandinavia were empty, and the couple had learned something about how not to run a circus.
Based on this knowledge, Jess and Marianne founded Circus Mascot in 1994. There was room for 270 in the tent - but the audience didn't exactly pour in. With them in the circus wagon they had their four-year-old son Daniel, a poodle and a couple of balloon dogs. Later, a couple of goats and several dogs. And geese, ponies and foreign artists. Circus Mascot slowly became a success, and Marianne found that she has a special connection with animals. She can get them to do almost anything - and they can get her to do everything.
The animals in Circus Mascot must have fun. What looks playfully easy must be driven by desire and play, and this is how she trains the animals with which she thrills the circus audience year after year.
Daniel has been in the ring since he was small. Andreas was born on an August day in 1997, in the middle of the season, so when the water broke, Marianne was taken to a small town some distance from the circus lot, where she was picked up by her parents so that she could be taken to the hospital. The circus had to go on, so the circus column continued on, and Marianne took care of herself. Andreas was born on a Sunday. Marianne was back in the circus on Friday.
In 2013, Jess and Marianne divorced, and she and her son Daniel continue to run Cirkus Mascot together. They live close to each other – Marianne at the circus farm with her boyfriend, who by the way has his hands on properly and is therefore a great help – and Daniel in the house next door. The product is basically the same; precious moments for children and their adults. Circus Mascot has grown bigger, but it is still appropriate for the smallest. The staff numbers a couple of twenty, and along the way some ponies, geese, pigs, dogs and goats. Marianne has been with circus since she was 32 years old. Now she turns 60, and she is still magical in the ring.
Cirkus Mascot tours every summer - and has performed in sports centres in Jutland and Funen in the past year. Their core audience is the youngest and their parents and grandparents, they enjoy themselves in the arenas where circus and fun can be combined in the finest way.
Marianne has spent almost half of her life making circuses. Her speciality is the animals. She can do something special in their company; and most of the country could see the talent for themselves, when in 2018 she participated in the Danish version of the TV program 'Got Talent’ with the dog Bobby and the pig Yrsa. It went well. It goes well. Marianne loves her family business; circus with – and for – those you care about most.
16 November 2022
Performing artists in Circus Trapez Christmas Circus.
The first half of the tour is in sport centres and other arenas and here you can meet:
Duo Gancho, knockabout table act, cyr wheel, passing juggling and musical acrobatics.
The Sulc family: Franz makes clown run-ins and his daughter Vanessa juggles with balls and perform in aerial ring.
Stine Marie Greisen: the goats and illusion.
Rasmine Tomasevic: trapeze at the weekends
Jasmin Nørgaard: tissue on weekdays
Nynne Hulsig Samuelsen: hula hoop at the weekends
Frida Nørskov: acrobatics together with Jasmin on weekdays
Santa Claus aka Franz Sulc
In the tent nest to the castle lake in Kolding 17 December to 1 January
Kata and Mark: super different and nice hula hoop duo, they also do a handstand act. They are artists from Cirque du Soleil, so the hula hoop act in particular is very different from the usual acts.
Rasmine Tomasevic: trapeze
Rasmine, Stine Marie and Nynne: pixie girls in triple aerial ring
Duo Klimchyk: double juggling, knife throwing and whip act.
Nynne Hulsig Samuelsen: traditional hula hoop
Stine Marie Greisen and Nynne with the goats
Nikolaj and Bonito
Bernhard with the horses Mini, Maxi and Zitan
Joseph Enoch El Messoudi: diabolo
Goats and pixie girls
14 November 2020
Baldoni's Christmas Circus 2022. Jacob Boas Leitisstein writes (my translation):
At Circus Baldoni, it has since long become a tradition to present a Christmas show in November and December: Baldoni's Christmas Circus. And this year is of course no exception. On the weekend of 12 and 13 November, the Christmas tour kicked off with four performances in the Fencing Hall at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen.
Baldoni's Christmas Circus will visit 29 sport centres, theaters and cultural centres on Zealand year - the last performance will be given on 18 December.
As in previous years, the show's three main characters are Nisseline, Nis and Santa Claus. This year, Nisseline is performed by Helena Neumann, and René Baldoni has the roles as Nis and Santa Claus. Nis and Nisseline nicely tie the performance together with various small run-ins between the artists' act: magic, ballet dancing and belly dancing with the Christmas pig Anton Antonius. In addition, Nisseline also sings a number of Christmas carols during the performance, which the audience can enjoy.
René Baldoni has the double role of Santa Claus and Nis. Nisseline is this year the well-singing Helena Neumann. All photos: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
In this year's Christmas performance, you can also look forward to meet the Janacek family, who are a regular part of the Baldoni performances - both in the summer and at Christmas. Eddie Janacek has the task as the show's clown, who repeatedly tries to impress the audience by throwing a number of spoons into some glasses.
Nisseline and Eddie after that he manages to get the spoons into the glasses.
Eddie is also ready with a number of instruments when, together with Nisseline and Nis, he presents the well-known clown entrée "Don't play here". Maria Janacek presents her hula hoop act, while her sons Kaya and Rudi take the stage with their tempo juggling act, in which clubs, rings and balls are juggled.
"Don't play here" with René, Nisseline and Eddie
Janacek kids – the young jugglers Kaya and Rudi
Gena, Kathya and Polina Kantarovics are also on the team for this year's Baldoni's Christmas Circus. Polina shows a nice acrobatic act, where she shows a wide range of positions in a rotating ring. And later in the performance, the lights are turned off, and both Gena, Kathya and Polina enter with a beautiful visual Christmas light show with both luminous costumes, umbrellas and hula hoops.
Polina Kantarovics in rotating ring
Gena, Kathya and Polina Kantarovics with their spectacular light show
The couple Katrina Markevich and Anton Tarbeev have previously been in Baldoni's summer and Christmas performances - and this year you will have a happy reunion with Katrina and Anton. In the first part of the show, Katrina presents her foot juggling act, where she juggles blankets, two giant umbrellas and a table with her feet. The last act of the performance is Katrina and Anton's diablo act. A fast-paced entrée where Katrina and Anton make the diablos fly through the air. Anton ends the entrée with his trick, where he throws "cups" with his foot on a tall unicycle, after which they are piled one by one on his head.
Katrina Markevich
Anton Tabeev
The performance is rounded off with a festive Christmas finale. Here, Nisseline sings an atmospheric potpourri of a number of well-known Christmas songs, after which all the artists and Santa Claus dance around the Christmas tree. All in all, a Christmas performance filled with good circus acts, cozy Christmas atmosphere and lots of smiles and good mood.
The part as Nisseline has been performed by Cindy Binau for the past several years. It is a little different this year, as Helena Neumann has taken over the role. She is a musical performer, dancer and actor and sings very well, which is good for the performance :-)
14 November 2022
The Arli family are once again in charge of Hans Christian Andersen's Christmas market in Copenhagen. The location is at Nytorv in central Copenhagen. From 17 November to 21 December, the market is open Sunday to Thursday 11 am - 7 pm and Friday + Saturday 11 am - 8 pm. See more at
12 November 2022
Hansi Hinterseer to Circusland. This summer, Cirkusland in Slagelse had a number of outdoor concerts with the title "Sommerrock" with well-known Danish names. For the coming season's summer rock concerts, they have booked an international star: the Austrian pop singer Hansi Hinterseer, who will give a concert in Cirkusland on 6 August 2022.
Hansi Hinterseer was supposed to give a concert in the KB-hallen in Copenhagen on 29 October. The concert was moved at short notice to June 3, 2023. Thus, it looks as if the Danish audience net year will have the opportunity to meet the Austrian hit king twice.
11 November 2022
Winter circus in Malmö and Helsingborg, Sweden. In 2013, the young Albin Ganovic took the initiative to present Christmas circus on the harbour square in central Helsingborg. It was a success. The same was not the case in 2014, when the circus was relegated to a dull location a few kilometres south of the city centre, to which not many found their way. In January 2019, Albin Ganovic presented a winter circus, first in Malmö and then in Helsingborg. And he does the same this year: first in Malmö from 25 November to 3 December and then in Helsingborg from 9 to 18 December. In both cities only with performances on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Despite the season, it is presented as a winter circus and not as a Christmas circus.
The performance is called Pidde P runaway with the circus. The central figure is the Swedish singer and children's entertainer Pidde P (formerly Pidde Pancake – his civil name is Petter Hedwall). Undoubtedly assisted by Albin Ganovic as the clown Cito.
According to Facebook, the performance features the juggler Erico, who comes from a well-known Spanish circus family. The tight wire dancer José also comes from Spain. The artists' surnames are not mentioned, but it is likely that they are the Munõz brothers, whom the Danes saw in the small Danish Cirkus Krone in 2010 and 2011.
The circus princess Cajsa is educated at Lund's dance & musical high school, in Los Angeles, New York and at the Ballet Academy in Stockholm.
The Flying Family consists of Swedish Anna & Jimmy with their sons Hugo 11 years & Hannes 7 years. With their act in tissue, they were in the final of the Swedish TV Got Talent. The boys have grown up backstage when their parents performed on some of the biggest cruise ships in the USA, in the Circus Building in Copenhagen and on TV in the Eurovision Song Contest.
Ludvik is 27 years old and is a contortionist. He comes from Italy.
We know Mr Fat Man in Denmark as the award-winning artist Konstantin Muravyov, who appeared several times in both Circus Arena and Zirkus Nemo with his comic act in German Wheel (Rhönrad).
Konstantin Mouraviev at the amusement park Bakken in 2012
The dancers Alva Modig and Karolina Brun come from respectively Lilla Ljungby and Helsingborg.
The performance is accompanied by a 4-piece circus band: Ida Baskvist on bass, Rasmus Ringdahl bandmaster and drummer, Karin Pilhage on guitar, Axel Johansson on piano and saxophone.
10 November 2022
Obituary: Zarro Zarro. IT ALL HAPPENS IN PARIS -- my reliable and trustworthy Paris correspondent Zarro Zarro passed away on 7 November. He would have turned 90 on 26 November. His civil name was Rolf R. Wollert and he lived in Paris since 1993. He had a PhD in French and served as a senior teacher in Gothenburg in his native Sweden. In 1970, Zarro Zarro found that he was ready for international challenges and got a contract as an expatriate teacher in Zambia where he taught until 1973.The educational system, inherited from British rule, meant three months' of work, then a month's holiday - this was the annual cycle.
During holidays, Zarro Zarro found gigs as a magic entertainer: Zaire /ex-Congo/, Tanzania, Mozambique, Mauritius Island, Kenya - both night clubs and family shows. As of 1973, he returned to Gothenburg, until he in 1975 landed a contract with Ivory Coast /Cote D'ivoire/, formerly French West Africa, where he remained for the next ten years, teaching at secondary and superior level.
The summer holidays were spent in Paris, where he performed his Cabaret Act, as well as featuring The Spirit Cabin, as a street entertainer, together with his daughter Madeleine.
The Spirit Cabin is a trick that Zarro Zarro was proud of - it is thoroughly described in
Swedish and English at with photos.
Zarro Zarro was resident correspondent for the Scandinavian Magic Magazine Pegasus, DK. Since electronics and lack of support from the Danish authorities made Pegasus disappear, his write ups on Paris visual shows have appeared on this page.
Zarro Zarro was very concerned that, among other things, the corona in recent years harmed the entertainment life in Paris, and that many of the small theaters and other venues that he loved are closed. In addition, his health was not the best for the past year and he was hospitalized several times. He is survived by his daughter Madeleine. He will be cremated on November 16 and the ashes will be spread in Saintes-Maries de la Mer, just as happened with his wife's ashes.
aZarro Zarro loved to invite other friends, particularly kids, to circus shows.
Here we bring a photo, shot at Cirque Alexis Gruss of Zarro Zarro together with Malik and Sarah, children of his faithful it-assistant Noufou and his wife Valentine.
10 November 2022
THE BALANCE - a contemporary circus performance about the search for balance. In the classic circus, the purpose of an artist act is to impress and entertain. And the artists do this for the 5-10 minutes their entrées last.
It is different with many of the performances in what is called contemporary circus. Instead of entertaining, they want to present something thought-provoking or spread a message.
The performance The Balance is an approx. 50-minute-long one-woman performance with Danish handstand artist Signe Løve Anderskov. It is about falling and getting back up; about staying in motion if you want to stand stable. And about what it's like to work with something that never gets completely under control. In a speak to the performance, it is stated: "She does not keep the balance - she restores it. Balance is a state of constant falling. Of constantly falling. She restores it. She's falling."
The performance includes several handstand tricks and it is impressive for how long time Signe Løve Anderskov manages to stay in handstand. She also balances with other things, including cobblestones, and uses, among other things, a see-saw, where she eventually builds up a mobile which is a simplified version of the artist act known as Sanddorn Balance.
The Balance is a new production of The Balance, which premiered in June 2017. The new edition had its premiere on 9 November at AFUK on Enghavevej in Copenhagen, where it can be seen until 12 November. From 1 to 3 December it can be seen at Dynamo in Odense.
6 November 2022
Cirque du Soleil Corteo. The performance Corteo should have been shown in Copenhagen and Herning in April 2020. The corona meant that the visit to Herning was completely canceled and the visit to Copenhagen was pushed first to February 2021 and then to November 2022. Following the principle of third time lucky it succeeded this time where 7 almost sold-out performances were presented in the Royal Arena in Copenhagen from 3 to 6 November.
As always with Cirque du Soleil, there is a story in the performance. Briefly, Corteo is about a clown who dreams of his own funeral and remembers friends and colleagues whom he has travelled around with a kind of fantasy circus and who have now come to say goodbye to him. The story is not entirely easy to follow in Cirque du Soleil's performances, but Corteo, like their other performances, is impressively beautiful entertainment. It is far more important than whether there is a story.
In a traditional circus, artists are booked to show their own act. But just as actors are engaged to play a specific role and thus not to play themselves, Soleil's artists are engaged to play a specific role, where the use their artistic skills. Therefore, they do not "market" the individual artists in the same way as a traditional circus, and there are continuous replacements among the performers and adjustments in the performances.
However, it does not change the fact that you saw beautiful and spectacular artistic performances. In the version we saw in Copenhagen, we saw trapeze artists who used prism chandeliers as a trapeze, artists in the Cyr Wheel, flying trapeze from and to a fixed trapeze (fangstol), hanging pole, ladder balance, jugglers, trampolines disguised as beds, reck acrobats and a number of jumpers and tumblers. The technical set up was fantastic. The well-known clown entrée, where the clown throws a large ball out to the audience, was replaced by a midget who with 3 large balloons on her back "floated" around the arena and asked the audience to push her back by pushing her feet. We also saw "flying angels" and "flying” bicycles. For copyright reasons, I cannot bring photos from the performance.
The front curtain in the Royal Arena, where the set-up was that the spectators were located on both long sides of the arena with the ring in the form of a huge revolving stage on the floor and with front curtains on both sides.
Corteo premiered in a tent in Montreal in 2005 and has since been seen by more than 9 million people in 19 countries worldwide. Click here to watch a short video teaser from the performance. And here to see a 30-minute-long video "Spotlight on Corteo" with many clips from the performance, including a tight wire act which was not included in the version we saw in Copenhagen.
4 November 2022
Christmas circus in Jutland and on Funen. Since 2006, Circus Baldoni has presented a Christmas circus on Zealand. The first time only in Copenhagen and the following years only at a few other places. Since 2016 they have presented Christmas circus in a large number of sport centres and other arenas on Zealand, Lolland, Falster and MN.
In 2020, Cirkus Trapez had planned to present a Christmas circus in Kolding. Kolding is a city in South Jutland and with its 61,638 inhabitants is Denmark's 7th largest city. The tent was put up next to the Castle Lake but the corona meant that the performances had to be cancelled. The attempt was repeated in 2021, but after only 5 days, corona restrictions meant that the rest of the performances had to be cancelled.
However, that has not discouraged Isabella Enoch Sosman and her team, who this year plan to show a Christmas circus in Kolding from 17 December to 1 January.
Circus Trapeze next to the Castle Lake in 2021. Smartphone photo, taken by Jørgen Lorenzen
Before then, they send the Christmas performance on tour to a number of Jutland and Funen arenas with a premiere on 12 November in Hedensted. The island Langeland is also visited.
They write (my translation): "Look forward to see talented pixie artists who do mind-blowing acrobatics, juggling, great aerial acts, cool tricks, our cute animals and much more. All to the tune of lovely Christmas music, and otherwise everything that belongs to Christmas and the circus.”
See more in the What’s on.
3 November 2022
NOW WE CAN ALSO OFFER THE CHRISTMAS SHOW CIRCUS NISSESJOV, writes Circus Suzanne Berdino, who has taken over the concept from René Baldoni. Circus Baldoni previously used the name Circus Nissesjov for short performances in November and December for kindergartens and other institutions, but in recent years Circus Baldoni has concentrated on creating a "real" Christmas circus lasting a couple of hours.
2 November 2022
Kenny Quinn to Christmas circus in Switzerland. In both 2020 and 2021, the Danish gentleman thief Kenny Quinn was booked to perform in a Christmas circus in the Netherlands. But both times the corona meant that the bookings were cancelled. Let's hope it's third time lucky: Kenny Quinn is now booked for the Greenfelder Weihnachtszirkus in Switzerland to present his elegant act from December 8th to December 31st. It is the Stey family from the Swiss Cirkus Stey who are arranging the Christmas circus in Frauenfeld. Click here to read more
Kenny Quinn promo photo
"I had my very first international engagement with Zirkus Stey in 1986," Kenny Quinn says. "It was in a different time where Zirkus Stey’s tent had a diameter of 36 meters and has its own circus zoo and many wagons.
Again in 1988, I was back in Switzerland on a 10-month re-engagement, this time with Joan as my assistant. It was our first year together.”
A young Kenny Quinn at Circus Stey in 1986
2 November 2022
New Swedish Facebook page. The Swedish Circus Academy has created a new Facebook page " Cirkusakademiens Arkiv ". There you can see photos, posters and other things from the circus, variety show, artists and other entertainment from the Circus Academy's large collection as well as from Sweden's Circus Museum. The Cirkusakademiens Arkiv can also be found on Instagram at @cirkusakademiensarkiv.
31. October 2022
The Danish contemporary circus company Cikaros presents a new staging of THE BALANCE - a modern circus performance about the search for balance
Cikaros writes in a press release (my translation)
The performance The Balance is about falling and getting back up; about staying in motion if you want to stand stable. And about what it's like to work with something that never gets completely under control:
She doesn't keep the balance - she restores it. Balance is a state of constant falling. Of constantly falling. She restores it. She's falling.
Experience equilibristic tricks and trembling excitement when handstand artist Signe Løve Anderskov balances herself and other objects in a whimsical balance laboratory, where poetic circus experiments meet facts, philosophy and biomechanics.
Signe Løve Anderskov. PR photos taken by Mathias Vejerslev
Follow the concentration and immersion in the search for the magical balance point. See the heaviness meet the lightness in fragile balance positions and hold your breath when you feel that now it is there... almost.
Feel the circus magic in slow motion. Here gravity is not cancelled and not everything looks playfully light. Through patience and calm, but also frustrations and failure, we zoom in on the artist's constant search for balance in an honest and touching tribute to the sense of balance.
Concept, staging, artist Signe Løve Anderskov Co-stager: Samuel Gustavsson Sound design Mika Forsling, Consultants Camilla Becker Madsen, Camilla Damkjær, Mikael Kristiansen, Lars Gregersen Costumes Michiel Tange van Leeuwen Photo Mathias Vejerslev Producer Cikaros Supported by the The Danish Arts Foundation Project Support Committee for Performing Arts.
The performance The Balance premiered in June 2017 at Ofelia Plads under the name The Balance.
Wednesday 9 November at 20: AFUK SCENE, Enghavevej 82B, 2450 Copenhagen
Thursday 10 November at 20: AFUK SCENE, Enghavevej 82B, 2450 Copenhagen
Friday 11 November at 13: AFUK SCENE, Enghavevej 82B, 2450 Copenhagen
Saturday 12 November at 15: AFUK SCENE, Enghavevej 82B, 2450 Copenhagen
Link to ticket booking
The performance lasts 50 minutes. It is aimed at adults, young people and curious children from 8 years of age.
The performance can also be seen at the beginning of December at Dynamo in Odense:
1 December at 20 – DYNAMO, Finlandkaj 6, Odense
2 December at 20 – DYNAMO, Finlandkaj 6, Odense
3 December at 15 – DYNAMO Finlandkaj 6, Odense
Link to ticket ordering
Signe Løve Anderskov is a handstand artist and artistic director of Cikaros. She is educated at AFUK and at the Russian state circus school, and has since taken a Master of Fine Arts in contemporary circus practices at Stockholm's artistic university SKH.
Cikaros is a Danish contemporary circus company. As pioneers and one of the strongest profiles within Danish contemporary circus, Cikaros has, since its formation in 2005 produced and toured with performances in Denmark and abroad.
30 October 2022
IT PROBABLY DOESN'T EVEN HAPPEN IN PARIS - AND NOT ELSEWHERE EITHER - an old-fashioned circus tour, pulled /drawn/ by horses. From Paris Zarro Zarro writes:
Some events were possible in the old days, now not anymore.
We look together: in the old days, the rural population was predominant, they had little opportunities for entertainment: mostly fairs in autumn and then in May /autumn and spring/, the only opportunities to eat caramel and ride a carousel ...
People barely had radios.
It was a place for a traveling circus, albeit a primitive one.
The living conditions of the travellers were wretched: poverty, disease plus other things.
Today, artists have comfortable carriages with WC and shower /rolling bath/, as well as the DANISH ARTIST FORBUND similar unions as back up.
The last time you experienced a horse-drawn circus in Denmark was from 1984 to 1986, when Tonny Trifolikom and Folmer Kristensen and his then-girlfriend Marie Netterstrøm toured with the horse-drawn Cirkus Freja. Click here to read an article about Circus Freja (Text in Danish, but with many photos).
Circus Freja. Photo: Erik Vinther Andersen
Reviving the old seems to be impossible for - if nothing else - hygienic reasons.
The audience probably wanted to see TV, YouTube etc. and not events with which they lost contact a long time ago.
Correct me if I am wrong.
------------------------------------------ ZARRO ZARRO
28 October 2022
Baldoni's Christmas Circus 2022. Season opening is on Saturday 12 November in the Fencing Hall next to the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen. After that and until 18 December, Baldoni's Christmas Circus can be seen in at number of arenas on Zealand, Lolland, Falster and Møn.
This year it is director René Baldoni who has the roles as Pixie and Santa Claus. In the part as Pixieline you meet Helene Neumann, who is a musical performer, dancer and actress.
This year, it is René himself who is back in the role as Santa Claus
The artists in the Christmas performance are:
Gena, Kathya and Polina Kantarovics. Polina has a ring act on a standing pedestal and then they do their LED show, which Circus Baldoni brought to the Faroe Islands in September. They come from Latvia and have previously performed at Baldoni under the name Red & Blue.
The Janacek boys is juggling, mother Maria does hula hoop and father Eddie is clown together with René in e.g., the well-known entrée "Don't play here".
Katharina Markevich performs with foot juggling and together with Anton Tarbeev, diabolo ending with his tall unicycle. The couple have just been on tour with Trapez's autumn circus. In 2013 they toured with Circus Arli and were later in Baldoni's Christmas show. In 2015 they were on tour with Circus Baldoni.
Katharina Markevich and Anton Tarbeev at Baldoni in 2015
25 October 2022
Monday to Thursday during the autumn holidays in week 42 the award-winning juggler and entertainer David Sosman gave it maximum gas in front of a well-prepared audience in the Fencing Hall at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen. Photos: The Circus Museum
On Friday, the goofy duo Peter and Andreas performed for a jam-packed Fencing Hall. There was both mind reading, conjuring, cycling on unicycles and juggling in front of the gaping audience, who responded with generous applause and bursts of laughter. Photos: The Circus Museum
25 October 2022
Circus Trapeze autumn performance. Jørgen Lorenzen saw the performance in Langaa Sports Center on 23 October at 15 and writes:
Randers is close to Langaa. And that afternoon the soccer team Randers Freja played against FC Nordsjælland – it is for the time being the two best teams in the Danish Super Liga. All children were invited for free to the match at Randers stadium. And that was the reason for relatively few going to the circus in Langaa.
Randers Freja lost. But things went better in Langaa. And if a performance can win, then it was 2-0 to Circus Trapeze when the performance was over.
Isabella Enoch welcomed and Anton Tarbeev senior started the performance with diabolo juggling – together with Katrina Markevich.
Anton Tarbeev and Katrina Markevich. Press photo from Circus Trapez
And then came the reprice clown Frantisek Sulc. He had many run ins during the performance, e.g. the chair game and the entrée where large balls are thrown out to the audience, who quickly return them. It's so simple, but it always causes great cheer. And then he had an entrée where he enters with an inflated/inflatable elephant. These plastic animals have gradually become common in most circus performances. But it is only a substitute for the real thing, which is a live animal. And then Frantisek Sulc made the 4 stools gag where 4 men from the audience balanced, lying on top of each other in a square. They held each other up - until fatigue set in, so the line-up collapsed. Which was also the meaning!
Frantisek and the elephant. Smartphone photo, taken by Jørgen Lorenzen
Vanessa is 13 years old. She is the sister of master juggler Allan Sulc. And almost as skilled as him. She juggled in a classic, clean, fast-paced ball juggling act. She could keep 7 balls in the air and keep them up for several rounds.
Katrina had her little dog with her. The dog could, among other things, stand on hind paws on her headdress and it could balance on front paws in her hand.
Katrina Markevich and the dog. Press photo from Circus Trapez
And the first part of the performance ended with Vanessa, who was in the air in the aerial ring.
Vanessa Sulc in aerial ring. Smartphone photo, taken by Jørgen Lorenzen
1 – 0 to Trapez!
The 2nd part of the performance started with 3 goats, presented by Bine, after which Rasmine was conjured out of a box. And her aerial number in solo trapeze promises a great career. She doesn't swing much in the trapeze, but rather did acrobatics – emphasis on strength, but still graceful. Almost rhythmically and with smooth transitions between the different static positions. The old and beautiful act in solo trapeze, which has so many eminent performers among female Danish artists - i.e., La Norma, Greta Frisk and Isabella Enoch - got new life. It will be exciting to follow Rasmine – the last shot in the long line of queens of female Danish aerial artists. Happily, she recently received a grant from the Nelly Jane Benneweis Foundation at the annual awards ceremony at the Circus Museum.
The 13-year-old Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen received a grant from the Nelly Jane Benneweis Foundation as the first Danish artist ever at this year's distribution of circus awards. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Anton JR, son of Anton Tarbeev, rode a unicycle - rode, jumped with the bike and juggled while riding. And the performance ended with the foot juggler Katrina Markevich, who juggled tablecloths, balls and unfolded umbrellas. Stylish and with a lovely harmonious color combination in costume and props.
Katrina Markevich. Smartphone photo, taken by Jørgen Lorenzen
Isabella Enoch presented the artists in the final and thanked the audience. And as she said during the performance: all good artists are related to me! If not in the carnal sense, then in a figurative sense, as artists in flesh and blood.
2-0 to Trapez. And as mentioned, Randers Freja lost to FC Nordsjælland.
21 October 2022
New clown for Circus Baldoni. For several seasons, first Lars Larna and then Danilo (Daniel Dimitrijevic) were the house clown at Circus Baldoni. In 2021 and 2022, it was Jutland's Alando (Jan Allan Hansen) who had task as clown. For the 2023 season, Circus Baldoni has engaged Tøffe as a clown.
Circus Baldoni writes (my translation): First brainstorm about next year's program with the show's ringmaster Amin Jensen, our new clown Tøffe, Peter Nørgaard (who will put the performance on stage) and the management Camilla Frimann and René Baldoni. We dare to promise that it will be hilarious with these two capacities in the program. Photo: Circus Baldoni
Tøffe, whose civil name is Per Tofte Nielsen, has worked for several years as a Media Technician / Film & AV operator at the Danish Film Institute / Cinematheque. He has been granted leave during the months in 2023 when Cirkus Baldoni is on tour. The audience has previously seen him as a comedian and as clown, for example at Benny Schumann's clown festivals at the amusement park Bakken north of Copenhagen. Tøffe has also appeared in numerous commercials, short films and feature films both in Denmark and abroad. Most recently in "Journal 64" and "A fortunate Man". For a number of years, he was together with the Swedish comedian Yan Swahn and the singer Gitte Johnson in the show group "Two tons of fun". Tøffe also had some good seasons with Bakkens Andy, Kai Løvring and Bjarne Lisby in Restaurant "The four Oaks" at Bakken.
"SURPRISE! - On tour with Circus Baldoni. A wonderful opportunity that I simply couldn't say no to. I'm really looking forward to it!” writes Tøffe on Facebook (my translation).
Tøffe - photos from respectively 2006 and 2014
Tøffe has also been Santa Claus at H.C. Andersen's Christmas market in Copenhagen. Here he is seen together with Martin Arli. Photo from 2018
20 October 2022
Cirkus Big's performance in Broen shopping centre, Esbjerg, 19.10.22 at 16 lasted 30 minutes.
Full house, both seated and standing audience. Mr. Big welcomed.
For the first time, they managed to create a more or less completely cast and completed performance. They started with a roller-skating trip as PR and prelude to the performance. After that, it was battle after battle with the teasing about who was going to make the children laugh etc. But they took turns accompanying each other. They did "don't play here, so I play there". Good old classic. Mr. Big did a balancing act, which clown Knud eagerly disturbed. Knud played the cowbells ravishingly. Mr. Big appeared with a magic wand and balloons, which Knud eagerly popped. Mr. Big conjured a snot rag from his hand and into the balloon. Finally, he finished with diabolo. It was a nice performance.
Sincerely, Circus News seconded employee
Find Stendevad
(My translation)
Circus Big in Broen. Photos: Finn Stendevad
19 October 2022
Circus Arena in Kolding Shopping Mall. Jørgen Lorenzen saw the performance on 18 October at 14 and writes (my translation):
There was a lovely concentration in the audience, and there were many children when circus Arena presented its autumn performance in the shopping center. No shopping trolleys blocking the view, no disturbing traffic behind the spectators. Everybody wanted to see the real circus.
Bettina Arli welcomed. The first artist was David Hammarberg, who did chair balancing. He is a versatile artist, highly trained, and he masters many of the disciplines of the profession – including the classic act with chairs that are stacked on top of each other, while the artist stands in a handstand at the top of the set-up.
David Hammarberg. All photos smartphone photos taken by Jørgen Lorenzen
Then came the animals, 6 ponies presented by Karsten Berdino. And from Norway came two artists who never before has performed in Denmark - both of them youngest members of the Arnardo family. First came Shannon, whose last name is Folco Arnardo. And sure enough: it's her uncle Jimmy Folco, who is the house clown at Circus Arena. Shannon entered in a suit that brought to mind Columbine. But she quickly transformed herself into a skilled foot juggler. Lying on her back, she balanced and juggled small "blankets", or if you like: tablecloths.
And now Martin Arli entered the ring. As long as he can walk in the ring, the world is not completely lost. On hunk horns he played Kim Larsen's: We just ask the gods for good weather. And the weather is always good when he's a clown. With a grandfatherly warmth and charm he spreads joy, coziness and life. Very life-affirming! He is joined by the world's best sharp shooter. It is Bettina who wants to shoot a balloon which Martin has to hold. She succeeds only after Martin has “killed “several balloons: one is on a diet, one has lost his breath, etc. His timing is excellent. Slow, so everyone can follow, because a good clown has to be slow. He has great routine and above all: he likes the people who look at him - and looks at him.
Martin and Bettina Arli
And then it was Luigi's turn - Shannon's brother. His full name is Arne Otto Luigi Folco Arnardo. You would think that he is royal with the long name, and in a certain sense he is, because the name Arnardo is as well known in Norway as the name Benneweis or Schumann is in Denmark. Kings in the circus kingdom! He performs diabolo juggling with 3 diabolos towards the end of the act.
And David Hammarberg closes the performance with an aesthetic act in tissue (aerial silks). An act where he shows acrobatics and balance in two "curtains" that hang down from the ceiling.
David Hammarberg in "curtains"
There was no presentation of the artists in the final. But it was real. And it ended where a good performance should end, namely where the audience thinks: we wish there has been more.
18 October 2022
Cirkus Landino in Circusland in Slagelse present the master juggler Alan Sulc, his spouse the foot juggler Veronica and the clown Bonbon during the autumn holidays. Alan and Bonbon are therefore not in Kolding Shopping Mall as I wrote on 7 October. Instead, in Kolding, together with Martin and Bettina Arli, you can see Luigi and Shannon Arnardo, son and daughter of the director couple Are and Paola Arnardo from Cirkus Arnardo. Luigi performs with diabolo and Sharon is foot juggler. This is the first time they are performing outside Norway's borders. Also in Kolding is the Swedish multi-artist David Himmelberg.
17 October 2022
Gold medal for Maria Shevchenko. At the just concluded European Youth Circus Festival in Wiesbaden, one of the two gold medals in the 18 to 25 age group went to the 23-year-old Ukrainian aerial acrobat Maria Shevchenko. Maria also received the audience prize. The Swedes saw her this year in Cirkus Brazil Jack. If, in Sweden as in Denmark, you had a prize for the best act of the year, the award would undoubtedly have gone to Maria. She performs both in aerial straps and in tissue (aerial silks) and won silver at last year's artist festival in Latino. At Brazil Jack, she presented the best tissue act I've seen, both in artistry and difficulty.
Maria Shevchenko at Circus Brazil Jack
The festival in Wiesbaden is in the circus industry regarded as the most prestigious festival for young talents. It is held every second year. Its roots go back to 1987, and many of the winners have had an international career, which has also brought them to Denmark. Fx. Farellos, who won silver in 1992 and was with Circus Benneweis in 2005 and 2010. Alan Sulc, who won gold in 2002, was with Circus Benneweis in 2004, with Circus Arli in 2019 and with Circus Arena this year. Pierre Marchand, who won gold in 2004, was with Circus Arena in 2017. Semen Kachinas, who won silver in 2006, was with Circus Benneweis in 2013. Michael Betrian, who won gold in 2012, was with Circus Dannebrog in 2014 and with Circus Trapez in 2021.
The late Nelly Jane Benneweis was a member of the jury in Wiesbaden in 2000, 2002 and 2004.
15 October 2022
At a ceremony on 12 October in the European Parliament, the Swedish Circus Brazil Jack was presented with the prestigious Big Top Label award together with the Bulgarian Circus Balkanski and the German Circus Roncalli. The award is considered the Michelin star of circus art. Brazil Jack is the first Scandinavian circus to receive the award. The photo shows from left Urs Pilz from the Monte Carlo festival, the EU's culture commissioner Mariya Gabriel, circus director Trolle Rhodin III and the initiator of the award DR István Ujhelyi, Member of the European Parliament.
Trolle Rhodin III
14 October 2022
Halloween Circus – a very spectacular show. Halloween Circus is a themed show, produced in cooperation between Jackie Berdino/Circus Arena and the rapper Clemens (Clemens Telling). The latter is responsible for the script and has put the performance on stage.
The artist entrance in Cirkus Arena's tent is masked as a giant pumpkin face with green eyes. The music for the performance is pre-recorded.
Over the years, several circuses have had themed performances, where the theme has been an outer frame around the artist acts. But since René Mønster Baldoni in 2002 changed the Circus Theater to be a more traditional circus in 2002, we have not seen performances where the theme and the action have been the main element.
But that is what we are experiencing in this year's Halloween Circus. The story, in short, is about circus director Owen Hall (Patrick Spiegelberg), who has gathered a group of performers to put on a Halloween show.
The circus director Owen Hall
But his show is ruined when his performers are suddenly kidnapped one by one by the mysterious McClawn (Clemens) and his horrifying spouse, Szkrækilda (Szhirley). She has had severe hiccups after being offered broccoli which she remembers from her childhood as a scarrying experience. McClawn hopes that the performers with their impressive stunts can give Szkraekilda (Szhirley) such a big shock that her hiccups from hell will be cured. And she hates children.
Szkraekilda and McClawn
Owen introduces the juggling Ms Rooffire (Patrick Berdino), the fire-breathing Mrs Dragonbreath (Zora Nikodemova), The Blind Knife Thrower (José Michel), The Bearded Twin Sisters (Duo Costache) and the trapeze artists Wuhan Clan (Flying Wulber). Costace and Wulber were also in this summer's Arena performance, while the clown José Michel was in Circusland.
The slightly awkward juggler Ms. Rooffire
The fire-breathing Mrs. Dragonbreath
The blind knife thrower aka the clown Jose Michel, whose formidable funnel routine the Danish audience last experienced in Circus Arena in 2015. But in the Halloween circus he has a completely different role!
The bearded twin sisters aka Leonardo & Vita Costache
As in this summer's performance, Wuhan Clan aka Flying Wulber performed the double passage blindfolded!
However, no one manages to cure hiccups. It only helps when Miss Rooffire agrees to have one of her legs sawed off with a chainsaw, which the blind knife thrower drags around, and Szkraekilda gets a bit of the leg and finds out that she doesn't hate children at all. Very handy as the pregnant McClawn gives birth, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1994 moviehit Junior.
Ready to have the leg amputated
Szkraekilda with the child which her husband McClawn just gave birth to
The entire performance is tied into light, dance and music composed by Clemens, DJ Pumpkin aka Milad 'Genius' Gilani and Silje Kronow and can perhaps almost be called a musical. Steen Koerner is responsible for choreography.
Spectacular feature with flamethrowers
From the final
Both in England and Germany, horror circuses have been seen in recent years, which have certainly not been for small children. But Arena and Clemens have chosen a different target group and are betting on a family show for children aged 5 and up. Therefore, there are not the same horror effects and creepy acts as in the foreign horror circuses.
Circus Arena and Clemens hope to make Halloween Circus a permanent autumn tradition in Copenhagen. It can be seen at Bellahoj in Copenhagen until 31 October.
9 October 2022
Zirkus Nemo 2023. They write (my translation):
Zirkus Nemo is ready for 2023. Our show this year was a great success and we have had a fantastic tour around Denmark. Next year's tour and performance are in planned and you can look forward to a show that will be wilder than ever.
Zirkus Nemo's 2023 show will be a wonderful mix of world-class artists and of course also a number of Soren Ostergaard's beloved figures. Both the old familiars, but also news where we surpass ourselves. In short, you will be treated to entertainment at the very highest level.
Soren Ostergaard in front of his circus
There is opening night in Horsens on 29 April. Zirkus Nemo will visit 14 cities before the season ends in Odense on 17 September.
Zirkus Nemo is owned by the Danish actor and comedian Soren Ostergaard. It is a combination of a circus and a comedy show. It was established in 1999 and was at that time mainly a comedy show with Soren as the main star. He is still the main star in the performance, but today also international top artist is part of the performance. Both in 2016, 2018 and 2022 the Danish Circus Awards prize for the best circus act of the year was given to artists working in Zirkus Nemo.
7 October 2022
Circus in October. This autumn you can see circus performances several places in the Denmark in October. And not just during the autumn holidays in week 42.
In the metropolitan area
Cirkus Arena, in cooperation with the rapper Clemens, is trying something completely new: In a tent at ‘Bellahoj’ in Copenhagen they are presenting Halloween Circus from 12 to 31 October. They present the performance as follows (my translation):
A family performance where musical, comedy and the thrill of the circus are mixed into a new, ground-breaking total experience in the form of humorous horror.
With Denmark's Szhirley, Clemens and Patrick Spiegelberg at the front and the world's scariest circus artists. Clemens is a writer and stage manager and Patrick Spiegelberg, who has created Halloween monsters for Copenhagen’s Tivoli Gardens and the Halloween success Horror Drive Thru, ensures that it will be a scaring and impressive experience.
The show is for the whole family and mixes the excitement of the circus with the art of storytelling from the theater with new music added. A total experience with the best circus performers and an exciting story at children's level.
Horror for the whole family & Hiccup from Hell!
This year's spectacular Halloween Circus is the story about circus director Owen Hall (Patrick Spiegelberg), who has assembled a group of the circus world's biggest freaks to create the biggest Halloween show ever.
Owen, who is a former victim of bullying, wants to teach those who bully a lesson by proving that queer existences actually have more fun than those who point fingers at others. To Owen's horror, however, his show is ruined when one by one his performers suddenly disappear into the underworld with a clown (Clemens). The clown hopes that the performers, with their impressive stunts, can hopefully give his horrifying wife (Szhirley) such a shock that her hiccups from hell are cured.
Look forward to meet the artists Ms. Roof Fire (Patrick Berdino), The Bearded Twin Sisters, The Blind Knife Thrower, The Electric Boogiemen, the fire-breathing Mrs. Dragon Spirit and not least the trapeze artists Wuhan Clan.
The performance is recommended for families with children aged 5 and over.
Among the artists in the Halloween Circus are Duo Costache and Flying Wulber, who also took part of this summer's performance in Circus Arena.
At the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, you can meet the master juggler David Sosman, who will perform Monday 17/10 - Thursday 20/10, every day at 11 a.m. with an entertaining and fast-paced show, where he will show his skills in balance and juggling. Friday 21/10 at 11, the magicians and jokers Peter and Andreas Brunsborg will present a show full of wow effect and plenty of room for laughter. The museum is open Friday 21 as it is autumn holidays (normally they are closed on Fridays and Saturdays).
David Sosman. Press photo from the Circus Museum
In the Zealand region
The theme park Circusland in Aarslev by Slagelse is open from 15 to 23 October, every day from 10 to 17. They write (my translation): Witches, wizards, ghosts and monsters take over Circusland during the autumn holidays 2022. Go exploring the haunted house, experience the big Halloween show and meet the cute Halloween ghosts. At 13:30 you can see a performance where Count Dracula and his friends The White Ghost & The Red Devil present their Halloween show filled with song, music and cool competitions where you can win great prizes. At 15 there is a performance in Circus Landino with clowns, cute ponies, incredible aerial acts, playful dogs and much more.
Photo: Circusland
Circusland is located in the Circus Arena’s winter quarter in Aarslev by Slagelse. Driving directions: If you are coming from the motorway, turn off at exit 39. Take road 225 towards Jyderup. In Sønderup turn left towards Aarslev. Then follow the signs.
In Jutland
Circus Arena in Kolding Shopping Mall. From Monday 17 October to Sunday 23 October, you can see Circus Arena with performances on Store Torv at 11, 13 & 15. Free admission. The performers are Alan Sulc, David Hammarberg, Bettina and Martin Arli and the Bonbon clowns. Free admission.
Alan Sulc photographed at the premiere of this year's Arena performance. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
5 x Bonbon. Photo from a performance at the Circus Museum in October 2021
Circus Big with Mr. Big and Knud the clown has performances in Broen Shopping in Esbjerg from Monday 17 October to Saturday 22 October. Monday to Friday at 11, 13.30 & 16.00. Saturday at 11.00, 13.00 & 15.00. Free admission.
Circus Mascot has this year toured sports centres and other arenas with their show "Dyrebare øjeblikke". The tour continues until 23 October.
Katja Schumann's Circus Farm in Løkken has a performance at 16 every day during the autumn holidays, except Monday.
Cirkus Trapez has an autumn tour to a number of Jutland arenas from 14 to 30 October. They present the autumn performance as this (my translation):
This year's autumn performance has everything a real circus performance has to offer. Experience, among other things the only 13-year-old Vanessa Sulc from the Czech Republic. She comes from a Czech circus family, and started as a mere 5-year-old with rhythmic gymnastics and juggling. Ever since, Vanessa has been training and training to be able to perform this impressive juggling act, which she will present in this year's autumn performance. Also, from the Czech Republic comes the funny clown František Sulc. He comes from a 5-generation circus family. He started his career as an aerial acrobat, and for the following many years worked as a professional aerialist. After his long career, in his elder days he wanted to become a clown, and that is what he is now. František loves to entertain and make everyone in the audience laugh, and we dare to bet that all of you will have a smile on your face from his many funny antics. Partly from Denmark and Chile, meet 13-year-old Rasmine. Rasmine made her debut during our performance in Madsbyparken this summer, and was received with great enthusiasm by the audience. In August, she won a special award at the Danish Circus award. Rasmine got the award thanks to her enormous skill and willingness to train and perform everywhere. Look forward to being impressed by this talented and young aerialist. This year's performance also offers fantastic non-traditional balancing art, our magnificent Welsh goats presented by Bernhard Kaselowsky and much more.
The 13-year-old Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen received a grant of 10,000 DKK from the Nelly Jane Benneweis Foundation as the first Danish artist ever at this year's distribution of Danish circus awards. Photograph: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
František Sulc is the father of Vanessa, who is in the performance, as well as of the master juggler Alan Sulc and the foot juggler and acrobat Edita Sulc. In addition to those mentioned above, you will meet Anton Tarbeev with diabolo and on unicycle with cup balancing and Katrine Markevich with foot juggling and a dog act and their son Anton Jr. jumping/juggling on unicycle. Anton Tarbeev and Katrine Markevich have previously performed in Denmark with Circus Arli and Circus Baldoni. The performance is presented by Isabella Enoch Sosman.
4 October 2022
Distinguished award to for Swedish circus. At a ceremony on 12 October in the European Parliament, the Swedish Circus Brazil Jack will be presented with the prestigious Big Top Label prize together with the Bulgarian Circus Balkanski and the German Circus Roncalli.
This is the third time the prize will be been awarded. The first time was in 2018.
“I shall propose the establishment of a quality assurance and accreditation certificate that would rate ensembles on their traditional, cultural, and artistic value, with special attention on how they meet animal wellbeing standards. Let us call this certificate the “Big Top Label”, the Michelin star of circus arts, an independent quality assurance system guaranteeing quality circus art and no maltreatment of animals,” said the promoter of the BigTopLabel program in the European Parliament.
It was Istvan Ujhelyi, Hungarian member of the European Parliament, who proposed the establishment of an objective quality assurance system that distinguishes between the various circus ensembles and institutions. Only those circuses receive this recognition that meet the conditions set by competent professional associations and experts in the European Parliament, including: legal requirements, requirements for employment and consumer protection rights, artistic standards and strict animal welfare aspects.
Within the framework of the program, detailed reports are prepared for all inspected circuses, which are then evaluated by an independent committee of circus professionals who decide which circuses are awarded the BigTopLabel recognition. The quality assurance system was launched as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.
In 2018, three circuses received the prize: Cirque Arlette Gruss from France, Circus Krone from Germany and Blackpool Tower Circus from England.
BigTopLabel prizes were handed over in the European Parliament, for the second time on the 2nd of October, in 2019. This year, another three ensembles, the Finnish Sirkus Finlandia, the Swiss Zirkus Knie and the Hungarian National Circus led by József Richter Jr. received the recognition.
There were no prizes in 2020 and 2021.
Read more about Big Top Label at
30 September 2022
Obituary: Christer Nilsson. The swedish magician and magic historian Christer Nilsson passed away on September 27. He was 91 years old. In 2002 he was elected to the Swedish Circus Academy. His greatest interest was magic and he performed as the magician "Christer el Ricco". His large collection of magic props, costumes, posters, books and magazines was known as “Sveriges Magi-Arkiv” and was handed over to “Sverige’s Trolleri-Museum” in Kolmaarden a few years ago and is a major part of the collections in the museum.
Christer wrote the books ”Trollare och andra trollkarlar” (Magicians and other entertainers) and ”Sveriges trollkarlar” (Swedish Magicians) and had for many years the blog (website) with news about both circus and magic. The blog is continued today by other people interested in magic. In 2000, the blog was the inspiration for creating circus-dk.
Christer Nilsson is survived by his wife Gertrud.
Christer el Ricco Nilsson
26 September 2022
Circus Arena visits Greenland from 3 to 12 October with Julie Berthelsen and Bubber as ringmasters. They write (my translation): "The performance offers, among other things, the world-famous juggler Alan Sulc, the phenomenal aerial artist David Hammarberg and impressive artists. Bettina and Martin Arli as well as the Bonbon clowns are recurring characters”.
Alan Sulc is in Denmark known from Circus Arena as well as from Circus Arli and Circus Benneweis. David Hammarberg has performed in the Swedish Circus Olympia for several seasons. In the 2016/17 season, he was with Wallmans in their dinnershow in the Copenhagen Circus Building. Bettina and Martin are known from Circus Arli. Lasse « Bonbon » Nørager and his wife Tiina and children Julia and Joachim have in the recent years spent the summer season in Circus Jesper in Kristiansand Zoo. You have also been able to meet them in Circusland and at the Circus Museum at Hvidovre, Copenhagen. Previously, Bonbon & Tiina also had several seasons with Arena and Benneweis. They are especially known for their incomparable badminton entrée. Then got at special prize in Monte Carlo in 2007 and has been with several leading European circuses, including Circus Krone in Munich.
Master juggler Alan Sulc got in 2004 just 14 years old a bronze clown in Monte Carlo. Shortly after, Alan toured Denmark with Circus Benneweis, before continuing out into the world and making his mark in the absolute world class. In 2019 he toured Denmark with Circus Arli. He spent the 2022 season with Circus Arena. After close of their season, he spent a few weeks with Circus Trapez. Now it is the Greenlanders' turn to see him. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein.
It will be the same artists you can meet when Circus Arena has free performances in Kolding Shopping Centre during the autumn holidays in week 42.
5 x Bonbon, who in October can be seen on Greenland and later in Kolding Shopping Centre.
25 September 2022
CIRQUE BOUGLIONE D'HIVER. This year's performance is called "Fantaisie!" and premieres on October 22. It can be seen until 5 March 2003, for a large part of the period, however, only with performances on weekends. See more at and videoteaser at
CIRQUE ALEXIS GRUSS, Venue BOULOGNE skogen, free bus after METRO -
Great circus art - absolutely worth seeing. They have performances in Paris from October 1st to March 4th. For a part of the period, however, only with performances on weekends. See more at
CIRQUE ARLETTE GRUSS, modern circus but having kept the traditional style.
Venue PELOUSE DE REUILLY, METRO PORTE DOREE. They have performances in Paris from 2 to 11 December. See more at
CHRISTIANE BOUGLIONE X MAS CIRCUS, Venue Chem. de Ceinture du Lac Supérieur traditional family circus,worth seeing. They hve performances from 12 November to 11 December. See more at
They have lost the right to sport wild animals, thus having lost a part of their audience, but they can sell tickets to the festivity officers of the enterprises. They have performances in Paris from 25 November to 8 January 2023. Se mor at
CIRQUE ELECTRIQUE - an original circus sporting varied Programs, sponsored by and co-working with a communal government /arrondissement/. Venue : Place du Maquis du Vercors
75020 PARIS. Métro : Ligne 11 – Arrêt : Porte des Lilas
Absolutely worth seeing, when eventually arrived - bothersome - and that you accept EINLASS in total black out, albeit guided by a circus hand, having a torch, then there is a very uncomfortable seating.
The programs are good enough. Se more at
.............................. reported by ZARRO ZARRO.
22 September 2022
Viva Wallmans – a show deserving a six-star review. On 21 September there was a gala premiere of Wallman's new dinner show Viva in Copenhagen's old circus building. It was a bang of a show which shall have 6 well-deserved stars and hopefully even in these difficult times will draw a large audience who want a festive evening where you forget about everyday problems.
The guests are welcomed by 3 singers who, with the canopy over the entrance as stage sing a few songs
Usually, Wallmans offers a new dinnershow every year, which can be seen from August to June. However, due to the corona, which forced Wallmans to close for long periods in both 2020 and 2001, they chose, with a few changes, to let the show, which premiered in 2019, continue both in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 seasons.
We had been looking forward to the new show. And were certainly not disappointed. As something new, there is a live band, which clearly gives the show something extra compared to previous years' show with pre-recorded music.
The well-playing live band with keyboard, drums, bass and guitar. Smartphone photo
The host of the evening was the Danish drag Quinn Megan Moore, who solved the task nicely and understood that the most important task of a host is to present the acts and not to promote herself.
The team of singers and dancers put on a great show, where we experienced, among other things, lovely interpretations of some of Elvis' biggest hits and a festive ABBA sing-along with a selection of the guests' favourites.
As always, there were circus performers in the performance. Beata Sumiak and Jamie Swan presented a nice adagio and hand to hand act.
Few people can carry their partner like that! Photo: John Resborn
Later in the show, Jamie was back with a bathtub number, where he is hoisted up and down from a bathtub. Very spectacular! And considerate that the guests who sat closest were provided with disposable raincoats!
Scots have a reputation for keeping their money. Maybe that's why the Scotsman Jamie washes his pants in the bathtub. Photo: John Resborn
The third artist was Jonathan Young, who performed in Chinese pole. The act started inventively with an audience member having to look for a gold token under his chair, with the lucky person then having to climb the top of the pole to get a bottle of champagne. Only when he started climbing did the audience realize that it was an artist and not a random audience member.
Jonathan Young. Smartphone photo
As I said, a great and well-staged show, where the waiters served a delicious 4-course menu between the acts with elegance and haste. The show lasted just under 4œ hours. Prices are from DKK 649 (a little less than 90 Euro) and up, depending on the choice of day of the week, location and menu.
The language in the show is English.
19 September 2022
FUCKD (contemporary circus performance). Dynamo Workspace for circus and performing arts in Odense writes:
New boundary-pushing performance for children and young people with humour, seriousness and neck breaking acrobatics.
“If we are to experience continued growth in Denmark so that each generation becomes richer and can consume more than the previous one, the Danish youth must run faster and perform better. But at the same time, we also need creative young people who can go new ways, think outside the box and find new solutions to the problems we face…”
As a service to the Danish efforts in the global economic competition, DYNAMO has therefore, in collaboration with the Ministry of Research and Education Centre for Chaos and Disruption (FUCKD), created a breath-taking and entertaining program to teach children how to steal a car, rebel, prank their school and defend against everything from zombies to boring, angry adults.
Press photo from Dynamo
Cast: Alfred Hall Von Kriegbaum, Sónia Matos, Signild Elisabeth, Rune Vadstrøm Andersen. Opening night 22 September. See more at
18 September 2022
Preben Palsgaard turns 70. The Danish ventriloquist Preben Palsgaard turns 70 Monday 19 September. Preben Palsgaard had his professional debut in 1971 and became well-known in Denmark when he starred in "TV IN THE TENT" in 1981. Here he appeared for the first time with the talking shoe and with the tv host Niels Hovgaard as a puppet. The success of this broadcast triggered a long series of engagements – several hundred a year – and several appearances on television. Over the years, he has performed in a large number of circuses and variety shows in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany and Switzerland as well as participated in several revues. He is one of Denmark's best ventriloquists. For the time being he is touring Denmark with Circus Mascot.
Preben Palsgaard and his ventriloquist doll Galle. Press photo from Circus Mascot
17 September 2022
Circus I Love You has arrived in Scania. From Sweden, Björn Seger writes (my translation).
There are performances in Ystad Surbrunnsparken
Saturday 17 September 15.00
Saturday 17 September 18.00
Sunday 18 September 15.00
In Klippan next to the fire station
Thursday 22 September 19.00
Saturday 24 September 16.00
Saturday 24 September 19.00
Sunday 25 September 16.00
Sunday 25 September 19.00
Saturday 1 October 16.00
Saturday 1 October 19.00
Sunday 2 October 14.00
They also plan to possibly have their future “home” Klippan.
You can read about the circus on their website
Otherwise, they tour a lot in France and neighbouring countries.
They now have two tents. The smaller one currently used for the Nordic countries takes 150 people. In Finland, a new show Beauties was created which was shown for 4 days in Schlageter Linköping before continuing to Scania. The artists also work as musicians in the one-hour performance. The circus founders Julien Auger (France) and Sade Kamppila (Finland) do not participate in this performance, but 5 other artists do. (Incidentally, Julien and Sade are the ones who created Swedish contemporary circus Cirkör's performance Bloom)
In the spring of 2016, Sade Kamppila and Julien Auger decide to start Circus I love you from their common vision. They called their dream team, presented the plan to them, and organised together a set of “wild residencies”. The team of 8 gathered 4 times for two weeks within one year. The schedule was simple: playing music together in the morning, training circus together in the afternoon. For the rest of the year Sade and Julien led the office work, bought the equipment, learned to drive trucks and brought in some help for the administration, production and technique of the project.
After a longer residency in Subtopia (Stockholm), Circus I love you came to meet the audience for the first time in January 2018 by presenting a work in progress of the first creation at the festival Wintervuur (Antwerpen). On that day, the plan for the creation and the first tour was quite set. Summer 2018 was the first tour for Circus I love you, travelling from France to Lithuania and Sweden. In 2019 and 2021 the company toured in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France. Until today the performance has been seen by around 38 200 people during 116 performances in 23 cities.
17 September 2022
IT ALL HAPPENS IN PARIS - a number of kids-and - family shows, - I have covered most of them, but it all goes in French which makes these shows unaccessible for tourists and their offspring.
Now I have found a show geared at the smallest fry, having little or no talk.
CHARLOTTE JOUSLIN performs as clown and magician AUGUSTIN, she sports some clear and simple clown tricks, then a few equally clear and simple magic tricks, a goldfish does appear, then a small, brown rabbit.
Her partner, disguised as a PANDA, appears and dances with the kids!!!
All the parents shoot photos - great success !!!
For the rest of the year she performs at COMEDY SAINT MICHAEL, 95 boulevard Saint-Michel, 75005 Paris. Performances on Saturdats at 2 p.m. and certain other days.
Metro: Metro Vavin (line 4) or Cluny - La Sorbonne (line 12) / RER B station Luxembourg
See more at
.................................... reported by ZARRO ZARRO.
16 September 2022
Season 2022 closed for most circuses. Most Danish circuses have finished the 2022 season. Only Circus Mascot, which this year plays in sports arenas etc. and not in a tent, is still on the road. Their season ends October 23. Circus Baldoni is on tour in arenas on the Faroe Islands until 21 September.
Circus Mascot has this year chosen to play in indoor in arenas instead of in their red/yellow tent. Circus Trapez has had performances in arenas, in tents and Open Air. The other circuses have performed in tents. The artists in the performances in Circus Trapez changed a bit during the season. The other circuses had the same program throughout the season.
The Danish circuses report fairly good visitor numbers. As for Circus Arene more than 110,000 visitors, the highest number for several years. Thus, this year's biggest problem has not been a lack of visitors but a lack of the so-called circus specialists. This term covers what in the old days were called grooms or tent workers and props. They have been in short supply this year, not least props with truck driving licenses. This is among other things due to the war in Ukraine, as many of the tent workers in the European circuses usually come from Ukraine, which adult men have not been able to leave this year due to the war. We have not had Ukrainian tent workers in Denmark for several years, as the Danish rules require that you pay circus specialists from non-EU countries an unrealistically high salary. But when circuses in neighboring countries cannot get Ukrainian labor, there will be a greater demand for tent workers from Poland and other Eastern European countries. It affects Denmark. In addition, Poland has usually had many seasonal workers from Ukraine. When they cannot come, there are more jobs for Poles in Poland.
Circus Arenas got a new tent this year. It has a diameter of 40 m2 and room for approx. 1,200 guests and is the largest circus tent in the Nordics. The guests could appreciate that the tent did not have quarter poles, which disturb the view from certain seats, but only the four giant king poles.
Several of the Danish circuses are active in the autumn and up to Christmas. In the beginning of October, Circus Arena visits a number of cities in Greenland, and during the autumn holidays, they produce as previous years short performances in Kolding Shopping Mall. In Copenhagen, they present a kid-friendly Halloween Circus from 12 to 31 October. Something they hope to turn into a tradition. Circus Trapez has an autumn tour in arenas and present a Christmas circus in Kolding from 17 December to 1 January 2023. True to tradition, Circus Baldoni also present Christmas circuses in a number of arenas on Zealand with a premiere in the Fencing Hall at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre on 12 November.
12 September 2022
On Saturday 10 September, the 3rd generation of the Arli family, Alexander Arli, son of Martin and Bettina Arli, married the musical performer and actress Tara Toya. It was a romantic wedding in Rørvig church. Despite ominous weather forecasts, the weather was fantastic. Photo: Circus Arli
10. september 2022
IT ALL HAPPENS IN PARIS - CIRQUE BORMAN MORENO - proudly presents a perfect performance of classical circus skills - all disciplines are present.
An old circus family where everybody has a role to play in the show.!!
They remain all the year around in PARIS, performing in a beautifully decorated BIG TOP !
Well worth seeing !!! Performances at Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and school holidays at 3 p.m.
VENUE: METRO BALARD, then a short walk to 5 rue Lucien Bossoutrot - 75015 Paris
See more at
............................. reported by ZARRO ZARRO.
5 September 2022
Amin Jensen to Circus Baldoni. Until 2020, it was the director René Mönster Baldoni who was ringmaster in Circus Baldoni. In 2021 and 2022, he entrusted the task to the actor and ventriloquist Peter Nörgaard, who was very successful. It has for a long known been known that Peter now wants to try something else and does not want to risk "getting stuck" in the role as ringmaster in Circus Baldoni. For the 2023 season, Circus Baldoni has engaged the Danish stand-up comedian and entertainer Amin Jensen to present the performance, which will be put on stage by Peter Nörgaard.
René Baldoni, Amin Jensen and Peter Nörgaard. Photo: Circus Baldoni
4 September 2022
Circus Trapez broadcast on TV Syd. The photographer Heidi Godskesen Rasmussen has followed Circus Trapez through the preparations for their 2022 season and up to the season opening. The first episode was broadcasted on September 3 at 19.30 on TV Syd and the following 5 episodes will be broadcasted the next 5 Saturdays. Each section lasts approx. 10 minutes. It is possible to stream the entire series from
4 September 2022
Majestique – seductive circus cabaret. Jørgen Lorenzen saw the performance in the Spiegeltent next to Nordkraft, Aalborg, 31 August at 20 and writes (my translation):
Majestique is back in town. And this time too, we older people (Jørgen is 79 years old) were taken back to yesteryear: nightclub atmosphere, belle epoque, cabaret, red velvet, dimmed lighting off the stage. All something that disappeared in the fifties, when discotheques and revues overtook the old genres in the entertainment world. But there was also something new. The old-fashioned and lively music was replaced by steamy and pounding disco rhythms – almost an orgy of sound. The young people know such music from discotheques.
It was also nice to see that there were many young people in the audience. They shall experience the old, noble variety show and cabaret. Because it is also for them. And the team behind Majestique is ready! They would like to have more engagements in Denmark. And imagine if they could get a foot inside at the discos or in the summer revues. A completely obvious renewal – and a return to the time when every provincial town had a variety show with dance and included artist acts. And Majestique knows what it's all about.
The show was great. You left there almost paralyzed, and the many visual impressions stayed – and are still there! You got a great experience - and that was exactly what Majestique would give! This is what they live and breathe for.
A singer is a must in such a performance. Rocky Lanes from New York opened the performance and with charm and a warm, powerful voice, she appeared several times during the evening. There were two puppeteers, Cabaret Decadance from Montreal. With large human-sized dolls and with colourful, fairy-tale-like robes, they presented small tableaus.
Cabaret Decadence. Danish Zirkus Nemo's audience can remember them from the 2018 season. Photo: Pia Kirstine Photo
There was a fire and sword swallower Snookie Mono from Scotland.
Snookie Mono. Photo: Pia Kirstine Photo
There was the woman who disappears into a large balloon. Her name was Clara Thorburn and she came from Australia.
Clara Thoburn inside her giant balloon. Photo: Pia Kirstine Photo
Katharine Arnold from London presented two aerial acts. What is called aerial ring in the artistic profession and what is called vertical rope. The first designation is self-explanatory, the second covers a thick rope that the artist climbs – up and down, with acrobatics and controlled falls towards the stage floor.
Katharine Arnold in aerial ring. Photo: Pia Kirstine Photo
And there was the classic hula hoop act performed by Yulia Pyktona from Ukraine.
Hula hoop performed by Yulia Pyktona. Photo: Pia Kirstine Photo
Melanie Chy came from Germany/USA. She comes riding onto the stage on a large roaring motorcycle, and it is used as a base and prop when she stands in handstand – in all possible variations and positions.
And there was an act of a kind that could be experienced on the same evening in the Night Cabaret in Aarhus. An act where the artist(s) climb into a bathtub filled with water. And when they allow themselves to be hoisted into the air, they create patterns and cascades with the water that drifts from their hair and clothes. In Aarhus, the act was performed by a female artist. Here there were two men, Johnny Grundy and Manuel Aretino. The former also had an aerial act in which he performed acrobatics on a swinging pole hanging from the ceiling.
Johnny Grundy and Manuel Artino. Photo: Pia Kirstine Photo
But the highlights were not to be forgotten. Daredevil Chickens from Las Vegas had two entrées. In the first, they chewed bananas – and spat banana mash from mouth to mouth. You could probably call it a juggling act. But funny and grotesque. But that's how it is, because a cabaret is allowed to move on the border of the macabre and disturbing. And their second entrée was wild - simply. It begins as a quick-change act. But things go wrong when the male artist suddenly stands without clothes – planned, of course. And being the shy man that he is, he wanders among the audience to seek protection. He manages to borrow a sock, which he gets by asking a male audience member to take off his shoes and socks. And with that sock, he covers an important part of his body - and rushes out. And yes, a variety show/cabaret must have an erotic touch. In the old variety show, a female stripper was often one of the acts.
So here was – in the name of equality of rights – a man without clothes. But the men were not deceived, because the final act Hanky Pangy was performed by Ursula Martinez. She conjures away red silk scarves. The scarves are hidden around her clothing. And with each scarf that is conjured away, her clothes disappear - piece by piece. But even when she is as naked as her male colleague, she manages to find another scarf, which is hidden in a secret place.
In short: a cornucopia, a bombardment of the senses, a look into a world where the impossible becomes possible, where the secretive and hidden appears in countless and surprising forms of expression, so as to evoke shudder, laughter and laughter. The unimaginable possibilities of man and the human body emerge clearly in an adventure-like, sensual universe. And yes, we are already looking forward to the next time. And hope that more and more people will open their eyes to the part of the performing arts called cabaret and variety.
3 September 2022
IT ALL HAPPENS IN PARIS - but somewhat irregular, due to circumstances.
NOW: CO OP DE RUE ET DE CIRQUE (La Coopérative De Rue et De Cirque (2r2c)) proudly presents SEPT 09 - 25, a great number of circus shows // French but use the GOOGLE translation.
You have a good number of circus skills.
Created in 2005, De rue et De cirque (2r2c) is an arts cooperative that presents contemporary circus and street arts in Paris and surrounding areas. 2r2c organises a diverse programme of activities and performances throughout the year creating connections between artists and audience.
See more at and here
..................................... reported by ZARRO ZARRO.
2 September 2022
International Night Cabaret. Jørgen Lorenzen saw the performance in Hermans Theatre, Tivoli Friheden, Aarhus, 28 August at 21 and writes (my translation):
As previous years Aarhus Festival presents a cabaret – this year with the title A Meeting of Marvels. And as in previous years, we start by having a nice dinner in beautiful surroundings. You are seated at 8-person tables. The lighting is pleasant and atmospheric. The acoustics are good, so you can easily converse with the others sitting at the table. Some of the spectators have dressed up.
The show is well prepared. The artistic advisor/agent Henrik Mortensen says in an interview: The show is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
And so it was! Marc Thierry is bandmaster. He is incomparable with his drumming, and this year he has Mads Fogt and Edie Primate with him. The musicians sit up under the roof at the back of the stage. And yes, live music gives pulse, warmth and a drive that taped music can never give.
The performance starts with all the artists entering the stage. Then comes an act in aerial straps, performed by Duo Romance. They were followed by comedian Peter Shub. It is something of a scoop that has been done by booking him. With simple means and a roguish facial expression he shows that he has an enormous routine and in a few seconds he has the audience in the palm of his hand. The audience is not pressured to do anything, but everyone spontaneously plays along when he asks the audience to contribute with clapping hands and various animal sounds. A circus connoisseur once said that the secret of a good comic act is that the comedian knows how to build up a precise expectation of what is to come as redemption. And Peter Shub can! E.g., in a single sequence he manages to keep the audience in breathless tension and silence for about 30 seconds before laughing.
Peter Shub. All photos by courtesy of Aarhus Festival
After him came a classic roller skate act, performed by Duo Ferrandino. The funny thing about roller skating acts - and bicycle acts - is that they are usually driven straight ahead and not in circles. But this very fact shows that in the circus the props can be used for something other than what they seem to have been created for.
The Danish magician Michael Deutsch had his first entrée – mental manipulation. He picked up two "victims" in the theatre, but it felt like something didn't work out for him this time. Or was it planned? The risk of bringing people up on stage is that they are unsuitable or don't want to play the game. On the other hand, he succeeded exceedingly when he went forward on the stage and got someone from the audience to guess throw of the dice. And he revealed how he could guess right.
Then time had come for Mihajlovski – puppeteer. With at least 40 strings, he can get Mr. Barti, as the doll is called, to do everything – singing, music and gags. Great was the astonishment backstage after the performance when I realized that Alex speaks Danish, is married to a Danish woman and lives in Sønderborg in Denmark.
Alex Mihajlovski and Mr. Barty
The jugglers Strahleman and Son performed a funny act in which they juggled while removing their suits, ties, shirts and trousers - to end the number as impeccably dressed as when they opened it.
Strahleman and Son
After the break there was a bathtub – not Bubber's, but Bettina's. Bettina Bogdan hoisted herself up and down in aerial straps, and the water from the bathtub sat in her long hair, which she shook, so that the water stood in patterns and cascades over the stage – and down towards the audience. Extremely spectacular.
Bettina Bogdan
Peter Shrub came back - with a firework of small, whimsical gags and tricks. Just unwrapping the microphone caused amusement, his play with a bottle opener, fingers and tongue continued with an intermezzo with a flower that almost came alive, even though it was heavily cropped. One sat with the feeling that his arsenal was inexhaustible. And soit is!
Once again Michael Deutsch entered the stage, this time with a nice illusion act. A large box floated and the female assistant was conjured up and disappeared again - at his command. And he ended up juggling Roman rings – almost poetically.
Mr. Barti entered and continued his antics from the first department before the performance ended with the pole number Duo Romance. As you might know, this year's prize for the best circus act in Denmark was awarded to Leosvel and Diosmani from Zirkus Nemo. Their act was masculine and showed raw strength – hence the bare torsos. But in my opinion, Duo Romance was even better. Dressed in costumes in a mixture of red and black, the act became a drama of love and not just a demonstration of artistic skills. The artistic performance was of course in the center, but the way it was presented increased the experience of the number, which appeared as a dramatic narrative.
29 August 2022
Danish world champion in magic. It is not only in the world of sports that Denmark manages to place itself nicely. At the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques World Championship year, the Dane Mortenn Christiansen - Mortenn with 2 n's - became world champion in the comedy magic category.
For several years, Mortenn has worked for the dealer in magic effect Steen Pegani, who writes (my translation):
"I will have to open this e-mail greeting with a photo of our friend Mortenn. The photo was taken at FISM in Canada, and there he stands with a sock and an orange in hand, performing for 2,000 colleagues, who responded with a spontaneous standing ovation. The judges were also excited and for the first time, since Viggo Jahn in 1949, Denmark can now boast of having a world champion in magic! It has gone fantastically well, and we are, to say the least, quite proud of what Mortenn has managed. Although Mortenn is now going to travel all over the world, fortunately we still have the pleasure of having him with us.”
The Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques (FISM) was founded in 1948 and usually holds the World Championship of Magic every 3 years. This year it took place in Quebec, Canada from 25 to 30 July.
By the way, Pegani is the initiator of a magic congress in Horsens in week 42, where you can meet many magicians, including Mortenn. The whole city center is involved in the festival with decorations, magic school, street shows, MAGIC ART, optical illusions, walk-around impossibilities, magic mini-theatres, illusion photos, David Tholander's CuriositiesR, magical autumn holiday ticket, the hustler's corner - and many other how-is-it-possible-experiences. There is free access to many of the events.
See more at And click here for at video teaser.
25 August 2022
Small program change at Circus Baldoni. In the last few weeks of the summer tour as well as the upcoming performance at the Faroe Islands, the juggler Line Carol and her husband Stefan Platchov have been replaced by the Latvian artists Red & Blue (Genadijs Kantorovics and his daughter Polina), who also previously have performed at Baldoni. Polina does a contortion act and together they present a LED act similar to what they presented in Baldoni's Christmas circus in 2019.
One of the Red & Blue artists in the light show. Photo from Baldoni's Christmas circus 2019. Photographer Jacob Boas Leitisstein
24 August 2022
The photographer Per "Mr. Sputnik" Krogh Petersen visited Cirkus Mascot when they had performance in Svendborg Sports Center on 22 August. Click here to see Per's photos and video clips from the performance. - Where in the spring season it was Preben Palsgård who presented the show, now Daniel Deleuran is the ringmaster. Preben is still part of the the show with his ventriloquism.
22 August 2022
MAJESTIQUE ready for World Premiere in Aalborg
Skraaen in Aalborg writes (my translation):
Majestique is the most entertaining, elegant and varied adult circus performance I ever have seen... 5 huge stars" wrote the reviewers when the Canadian / English circus cabaret Majestique had its world premiere last summer in the iconic spiegeltent (mirror tent) Paradiso at Nordkraft. Aalborg.
The audience's enthusiasm was overwhelming for the mix of excitement, nostalgic romance and the intoxicating experience of Majestique's world-class artists who will entertain, excite and surprise.
Now they are once again coming to Aalborg with their new show, which has its world premiere on Friday 26 August in the Paradiso Spiegeltent at Nordkraft. Dress rehearsal 24 and 25 August. Link to ticket booking
Press photos from Majestique
19 August 2022
Two birthdays with a round figure
Hasse Hjort turns 75. On Saturday 20 August, the Danish magician Hasse Hjort turns 75. Hasse Hjort has been performing magic since he became a member of the Magic Circle Denmark at the age of 10. He began performing professionally in 1971 and, under the name 'Ricky and Nancy' or 'Rikki og Nancy', has toured over most of the world with his ventriloquist puppet Nancy and performed in nightclubs, in circus buildings, on variety shows and cruise ships with mind-reading acts and magic shows. The Danes saw him at Circus Benneweis in the Copenhagen Circus Building in 1984 and 1985 and in Claus Jespersen's Circus Dania in 1989. He was also with René Baldoni's winter show Crazy about Magic in 2016. After many years on the road, Hasse Hjort went solo in 1996 and performed for 25 years as Pierrot in Tivoli Friheden in Aarhus. There he also used conjuring as the supporting element and added mechanical animals to the performance, which charmingly interrupted and made the visitors laugh. At the end of 2021, he passed over the job to another Danish illusionist and magician Kim Kenneth.
Hasse Hjort as respectively magician and Pierrot. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
David Sosman turns 30. On Tuesday 23 August, the Danish juggler and entertainer David Sosman turns 30. When he is not on tour, he lives in Mølby near Sommersted in the southern part of Jutland. As the grandson of Haddy Enoch and the son of Isabella Enoch and her late husband Eddie Sosman, David, like his older brother Edward, was brought up in a circus environment. While Edward as an adult chose to pursue a career in business, David was so hooked on the circus that, after completing a business course at Glasgow University, he returned to the circus life, which he had never fully abandoned. He chose to become a juggler, first with balls which he bounced onto the floor. In recent years, he has included more and more comedy in his entrées. He has performed at several circus festivals, including the prestigious circus festival in Budapest. Back in 2016, he performed for the Pope in the Vatican in connection with his participation in a circus festival in Rome. In 2021, the Danes met him as the charming ringmaster and juggler in Isabella Enoch's Cirkus Trapez. Currently he is one of the main characters in Mystike le Grand Cirque in Spain. Earlier this summer he performed at Roncalli's Apollo Variete in Düsseldorf. David is also involved in Dark Thrills Entertainment, which has, among other things, produced the horror show Circus of Torment, where he also performed with his juggling act a few years ago.
David Sosman
16 August 2022
The Danish Circus Award 2022 was on 15 August by the Danish Minister of culture Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen given to Katja Schumann. The talent prize was given Francesco Fratellini from Circus Arli. The prize for the best act of the year was given to Leosvel & Diosmani from Zirkus Nemo. The effort prize was given to Anders Kornberg, member of the Danish parliament. A special prize was given to Line Carol from Circus Baldoni. A bursary of 10,000 DKK was by the Nelly Jane Benneweis Foundation given to the 13-year-old trapeze artist Rasmine Tomasevic.
Despite almost tropical heat, there was a good attendance in the Fencing Hall at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, where the award ceremony took place. To the left the compere Jan Hertz, who is also a member of the prize jury. In the middle of the photo the Danish Minister of Culture Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen
Katja Schumann is born in 1949 as daughter of Max and Vivi Schumann. At the age of 10, she made her debut in Circus Schumann in the Copenhagen Circus Building, where she performed as a ballerina on horseback. In the following years, she was seen together with other members of the Schumann family with high school riding and liberty dressage. When Circus Schumann stopped in the Circus Building after the 1969 season, Katja Schumann performed in a number of other circuses all over the world. At the very first Circus Festival in Monte Carlo in 1974, she was awarded the La Dame du Cirque prize. In 1976 she won gold at the first Circus World Championship in London. When her father Max Schumann started a tent circus in 1977, Katja was one of the main forces, both artistically and in other areas. When Circus M. Schumann stopped after the 1982 season, she went to USA, where she for many years was responsible for the horse acts in the Big Apple Circus and was married to the director Paul Binder. The marriage was dissolved in 2004. Katja then joined the American Circus Flora until she returned to Denmark in 2008, where she performed in Circus Dannebrog. After that, for a few years she was linked to Luffe Bøgh's No Name Circus project in Solbjerg, north of Hadsund, Denmark. In 2012 and 2013, Katja toured in the summer season with Circus Mascot.
In 2015, Katja Schumann bought a disused agricultural property outside the Danish seaside resort Løkken, where she and Luffe Bøgh have created an impressive circus farm with a focus on animals. There is also an arena with a ring for performances and an environment that every summer attracts many visitors.
Katja Schumann and the Minister of Culture Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen with the visible proof of the award: a painting by Viggo Salting. This and the following photos: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The Danish Circus Award 2022 consisted of a painting, created and donated by the painter Viggo Salting, known as the Master of the Clown.
The talent award consisted of a diploma and an amount of DKK 10,000. The award is sponsored by the Simon Spies Foundation.
The prize for the best act of the year consisted of a diploma and an amount of 500 Euro. The award is sponsored by Danish Circus Friends Association and the Friends of the Circus Museum in Rold Association.
Leosvel and Diosmani with their diploma
The effort prize consisted of a painting by Viggo Salting.
Anders Kronborg together with the chairman of the Danish Circus Directors Association, Martin Arli. The effort prize goes to the politician or public figure who has done the most for the circus in the past year. Anders Kronborg, who once helped starting a children's and youth circus in Esbjerg, has always spoken up for the circus, both in connection with his work in the Parliament and in the media.
The special prize consisted of a drawing by Viggo Salting.
Line Carol with her special prize
Before the award ceremony Rasmine performed in trapeze. Rasmine has been a student at the Royal Theatre's ballet school, has been associated with the Circus Museum's circus school, has been both a coach and student at the Circus Factory in Mors and has performed in Circus Trapez this summer.
Rasmine together with the chairman of the prize jury Ole Simonsen. You can see more photos from the award ceremony at
15 August 2022
Obituary: Josette Dubsky. Josette Dubsky passed away August 10th. She was 91 years old. For many years she had lived in Dømmestrup near Aarslev on Funen. Josette Carmen Dubsky was born in Boulogne-sur-Mer on February 11, 1931 as the daughter of Charlie Rivel's brother Polo. She was a cousin of Paulina Schumann and performed for a number of years as August with her husband Joseph Dubsky and with their son Janos as a white-faced clown. Joseph in his father-in-law Polo Rivel's figure with the little black nose, Josette as her uncle Charlie Rivel in the long, red wool sweater and with a red nose and red wig. Josette and Joseph's last season as clowns was in 2000, when they toured Denmark with Circus Dannebrog. During the winter holidays in week 8 2004, they had a one-week comeback in Circus Kenny in Rosengaard shopping mall in Odense. Josette's husband Joseph died in September 2016.
The funeral will take place from the Kirkegårdskapellet, Odense, on Thursday 18 August at 10:30.
Josette and Joseph Dubsky in Circus Kenny in 2004. Photo: Lise Kokholm
12 August 2022
Now again updates every Saturday. In recent weeks, due to holidays, there have been 14 days between updates. But now the holidays are over and the news page is again updated every Saturday.
12 August 2022
Cirkus Arena presents Halloween circus. Circus Arena writes (my translation):
From 13 to 31 October you can see a magnificent, unique Halloween show, the likes of which you have never seen at Bellahoj circus lot in Copenhagen.
With Denmark's Szhirley, Clemens and Patrick Spiegelberg at the front and the world's scariest circus artists. Clemens is a writer and stage manager and Patrick Spiegelberg, who has created Halloween monsters for Copenhagen’s Tivoli Gardens and the Halloween success Horror Drive Thru, ensures that it will be an scaring and impressive experience.
The show is for the whole family and mixes the excitement of the circus with the art of storytelling from the theater with new music added. A total experience with the best circus performers and an exciting story at children's level.
Horror for the whole family & Hiccup from Hell!
This year's spectacular Halloween Circus is about circus director Owen Hall (Patrick Spiegelberg), who has assembled a group of the circus world's biggest freaks to create the biggest Halloween show ever.
Owen, who is a former victim of bullying, wants to teach those who bully a lesson by proving that queer existences actually have more fun than those who point fingers at others. To Owen's horror, however, his show is ruined when one by one his performers suddenly disappear into the underworld with a clown (Clemens). The clown hopes that the performers, with their impressive stunts, can hopefully give his horrifying wife (Szhirley) such a shock that her hiccups from hell are cured.
A humorous and horrifying Halloween show where all creatures have something to learn. But what that entails will not be revealed until Halloween.
The performance is a co-production between Clemens and Circus Arena.
The performance is recommended for families with children aged 5 and over.
Everyone is invited to show up in Halloween costume, as scarily good prizes will be awarded for the best and worst costume of the day.
Ticket prices are from DKK 210 to DKK 400.
Szhirley Nova Bianca Rokahaim, simply known as Szhirley, is a Danish singer and actress. She is also a jewelery designer and founder of the jewelery brand
Dropps By Szhirley, where she sells her own designs.
Clemens Telling, better known by his stage name MC Clemens or simply Clemens, is a Danish rapper, singer, producer, theater director and lyricist. In 2018 he toured with Cirkus Arena, where he helped presenting the show.
Patrick Spiegelberg is a Danish singer, songwriter, dancer, choreographer and show producer.
The idea of showing the circus as a horror show instead of as cozy circus performance is not new. For example, the English Circus of Horrors has been successful with this kind of performance for several years. It was founded in 1995 by rock singer Dr Haze and circus producers Gerry Cottle and Brian Austen. Horror circuses have also been seen in the Netherlands and Germany.
Last autumn Cirkus Dystopia gave performances in Marselisborghallen in Aarhus with live ghosts. And Odense's children's and youth circus Cirkus Flik-Flak has shown many Halloween performances.
There is no doubt, however, that Circus Arena's upcoming Halloween performance will be Denmark's biggest Halloween production to date.
10 August 2022
Alan Sulc to Circus Trapez. Alan Sulc, who is one of the artists who received most applause in this year's performance in Circus Arena, can be seen in Circus Trapez in the coming weeks, where Alan's sister Edita Sulc is already performing, both solo as a foot juggler and together with her spouse as Duo Mamchych.
Alan Sulc photographed at the premiere of this year's Arena performance. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
10 August 2022
Cirkus Arena had its season opening on 4 April and closed the season on 7 August. The season was approx. 1 month shorter than in 2019. But they are satisfied with the number of spectators and write (my translation): "The last performance of the season has been played. It has been a fantastic journey through Denmark and a pleasure to play for you all. 110,000 spectators helped celebrate our 65th anniversary this year - and what a party we had. Thank you all – each and every one”.
9 August 2022
Closure of the Lido de Paris. The famous Parisian cabaret closed its doors for good on 30 July 2022.
Many celebrities have performed on the stage of the Parisian cabaret: Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, Josephine Baker, Laurel and Hardy, Dalida, Shirley MacLaine, Elton John and many others. The last of the 27 revues in the history of the Lido de Paris - Paris Merveilles, created by Franco Dragone - has been performed every night since 2015 (outside of lockdown). There have also been a number of top artists as the diabolo juggler Pierre Marchand (known by Danes from Circus Arena) and the magician Marku Kova (known by Danes from Zirkus Nemo).
From Paris my friend Zarro Zarro writes:
LIDO DE PARIS is closing down.
The whole world has enjoyed their shows.
Lifetime: 76 years.
It might be interesting to know some details.
The giant hotel chain ACCOR has bought the lot, wanting to produce MUSICALS.
A PARIS icon disappears.
LIDO had for years suffered losses.
My old friend Danish artist agent etc, JÖRGEN BÖRSCH, writes about LIDO:
LIDO is passed, sad but logical, the show eventually was an uninteresting event.
PARIS still has MOULIN ROUGE/ PARADIS LATIN, apparently mainly working with Dutch tourtist buses./
CASINO DE PARIS produces various shows, not revues.
CRAZY HORSE sporting classy strip tease.
FOLIES BERGERE doesn't sport any revues but - occasionnally - various shows.
The minor cabarets are closed.
CIRCUS has a downtour, also in PARIS.
28 July 2022
Circuses in the southern part of Sweden and in Flensburg and Hamburg, Germany.
The large Swedish Circus Brazil Jack opened the season in Malmö on 15 April. "Circus, when it's at its very best" we wrote on this page in the review on April 18 of this year's performance. From 12 to 14 August, Brazil Jack is back in Malmö. There is a bridge and tunnel from Copenhagen, Denmark, to Malmö, Sweden.
Circus Brazil Jack at the Mill square in Malmö
The performance in Swedish Circus Olympia, which is known for its many well-kept animals, was reviewed by Martin Lasson Berglund on this page on 11th April. On the tour, they have now reached the southern part of Sweden where there are performances on August 11 and 12 in Landskrona and August 13 in Helsingborg. There is a ferry from Elsinore, Denmark, to Helsingborg, Sweden. The trip takes just 20 minutes.
From 19 to 21 August, Flensburg shortly south of the Danish/German border will be visited by Circus Probst, which is one of Germany's large circuses.
It was uncertain for a long time whether Europe's largest circus, the German Circus Krone, would have a tented tour this year. But now they have decided to have a late summer tour under the title Stars in der Manege. There is premiere on 18 August in Hanover, where they will be until 4 September. From 8 September to 23 October they are in Hamburg, first at the Heiligengeistfeld (until 16 October) and then at the Auf der Horner Rennbahn (19 to 23 October). After Hamburg, they visit Apolda and Coburg, where the season ends on 6 November.
23 July 2022
Cirque du Soleil in Copenhagen. Our English friend John Cooper writes:
As many of you will know, the Corteo production of Cirque du Soleil is due to visit Copenhagen in November, following which it returns to North America. Having seen the show at London's O2 Arena recently, I am able to give you a preview.
Corteo is staged to be presented in an arena rather that a tent, although I believe it did start its life in such an environment. It took me a while to realise why off-stage space was necessary for the current version. A great deal of aerial rigging, plus the fact that seeing pre-performance preparation would spoil things for the audience.
As usual with Soleil, circus skills seldom differ from the norm although they are often approached in an unusual manner, and always performed to a very high standard. For me, the stand-outs were the juggling act and an aerial sequence with giant balloons which must last for "as long as it takes" each time.
Comedy can be weak in CdS productions but in Corteo it is effective and amusing if not hilarious (although comedy is always a matter of taste) and does contribute to the story behind the show. Personally I have no need for a story connected with any circus-style show and will not look for one. Or else I will ignore it. Nor do I seek any educational value. All I want is to be entertained. In that aspect, Corteo succeeds magnificently.
Here is what Cirque du Solil writes about the story behind the show: Corteo (pronounced core-té-o) is a touring Cirque du Soleil production written and directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca. Corteo, meaning "cortège" Italian or procession is about a clown who watches his own funeral in a carnival-like atmosphere. It was partly inspired by The Grand Parade: Portrait of the Artist as Clown displayed at the National Gallery at Canada and the movie Clowns by Federico Fellini. Corteo premiered on April 21st, 2005 in Montreal Quebec, Canada. It's final performance in the Grand Chapiteau was on December 13th, 2015 in Quito, Ecuador. The arena version of the show premiered on March 2, 2018 in New Orleans, LA.
17 July 2022
Nominations for this year's Danish circus award. Press release from The Danish Circus Award (my translation).
Members of the jury have seen more than 50 artists/acts in Denmark this year. The jury has now decided which of these will be nominated for the prize for the year's best act and the year's talent prize.
The nominees for this year's talent prize are:
Francesco Fratellini, Circus Arli
Karel "Kaya" Janacek, Circus Baldoni
Duo Vilja, Zirkus Nemo
The nominees for the prize for the year's best act are:
Line Carol, Circus Baldoni
Duo Costache, Circus Arena
Leosvel and Diosmani, Zirkus Nemo
The award ceremony will take place on Monday 15 August at 12:30 in the Fencing Hall at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, with the participation of the Danish Minister of Culture Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen and Hvidovre’s Mayor Anders Wolf.
4 prizes are awarded:
The Honorary award "The Danish Circus Award"
The talent prize
Best act of the year
The effort prize
Nominations are not made for the honorary award and the effort prize.
About the prizes
The board of the Danish Circus Award selects each year the nominees and award recipients based on the following criteria:
The honorary award is given to a person in recognition of his/hers particularly meritorious efforts to promote circus art in Denmark. The honorary award can just be received once. Nominations are not made for this award. The honorary award consists of a painting by the "master of the clown", the painter Viggo Salting.
The prize for the best act of the year is awarded to the artist which, in the opinion of the board, is the best who this year has performed in Denmark. The prize consists of a diploma and a lump sum of 500 Euro.
The talent award is mainly awarded to a younger artist. The prize consists of a diploma and a lump sum of DKK 10,000.
The effort prize goes to the politician or public person who has done the most for the circus in the past year. The prize consists of a small painting by Viggo Salting.
About the nominees
LINE CAROL grew up, so to speak, in the Circus Building in Copenhagen, where her parents Toto and Norah Chabri performed for many years with their clown entrées. She made her own artist debut in 1984, where she started her juggler entrée with a formidable drum solo, just like with Baldoni this year. Since then, she has developed the act, which she today present assisted by her husband Stefan Platskov. She has a formidable charm and there is huge applause night after night when she ends her entrée by playing the piano with the help of balls.
Line Carol. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
DUO COSTACHE consists of the couple Vita and Leonardo Costache. He is from Romania, she is from Ukraine. They are versatile artists who both master aerial acts where they carry each other by the mouth or who as this year in Circus Arena demonstrate extreme muscle power and balance in the air on their perch. Perch acts are a bit of a rarity these days. Finally, in the entrée, Leonardo appears with a perch carried on his shoulders, which contains a 'wheel of death' at the end, in which Vita drives.
Duo Costache. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
FRANCESCO FRATELLINI is the 8th generation of a famous French artist family. He has worked for several years in the large French Cirque Alexis Gruss, and the director's wife Gipsy Gruss is his godmother. There he has received an all-round artist education, which means that he can perform many different things with talent and skill, including as a clown. He has also performed in Switzerland in the famous Circus Knie. He made his Danish debut in Cirkus Arli in 2016, and his talent and charm is the reason why he this year is part of the performance in Circus Arli for the 6th time.
Francesco Fratellini. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
KAREL 'KAYA' JANACEK is the 8th generation of a well-known Czech artist family. In 2018, when he was only 11 years old, he was nominated for the talent award for an impressive rola bola act, competing with his father Eddie Janecek for who was the best. Last year he presented his rola bola act, which had improved even more than in 2018, in Circus Baldoni's summer performances, and in February this year he did it in their winter circus in Ishøj Mall. In this year's Baldoni performance, he shows his charm and talent together with his father and younger brother in a knockabout table act but he has also done his rola bola act several times during the season when other artists have been prevented from performing.
Kaya Janacek. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
LEOSVEL & DIOSMANI come from Cuba and perform in Chinese Pole. They got a silver clown in Monte Carli in 2013 and toured the following year with the Swedish Circus Brazil Jack. There they presented the best pole act that we have ever seen in Scandinavia, and they still do so this year in Zirkus Nemo! Their final trick, where one artist stands in a horizontal handstand on the pole, while the other stands on his hands on his upper body, is absolutely fantastic. This is the first time we have seen them in Denmark.
Leosvel & Diosmania. Photo: Ole Simonsen
Under the name DUO VILJA, the Swedish twin sisters Jenny and Sara present an impressive acrobat and contortion act. Only 13 years old, they were caught by the circus bug and joined a children's and youth circus, where they performed as clowns with a small pig. Later they went to circus school. First in Sweden, then in Montreal. Since then, they have taken the whole world by storm and performed in a large number of leading variety shows and circuses. This year you have been able to see them in Zirkus Nemo.
Duo Vilja. Photo: Ole Simonsen
15 July 2022
The Danish Circus Award 2022 - nominations. 4 prizes are awarded: the honorary prize, the talent prize, the prize for the best act of the year and the effort prize. For the talent prize and the prize for best act, 3 artists / numbers are nominated. The prize jury states that the names of the 2 x 3 nominees will be announced on Sunday 17 July at 10. From that time the names can be seen the Danish latest news peage (the language is in Danish but you can see the names of the nominees).
There are no nominations for the honorary award and the effort award.
The award ceremony will take place on Monday 15 August in the Fencing Hall at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen. The Danish Minister of Culture Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen and Hvidovre's Mayor Anders Wolf Andresen will participate in the award ceremony. The doors to the Fencing Hall open at 12:00. Everyone is welcome.
You can read more about the Danish Circus Award at (also in English)
From the award ceremony in 2019. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press
14 July 2022
Circus Trapez in Madsby Legepark in Fredericia. As previously mentioned, Circus Trapez has in the last 3 weeks of July put up their tent in Madsby Legepark in Fredericia, where there every day is 2 or 3 performances of one hour duration. Family friendly ticket prices.
The tent in Madsby Legepark
There are two rows of ringside chairs and a gradin with five rows of benches
Circus Trapez's 2022 performance started as an 2 hour indoor performances in sport arenas etc. and was reviewed on this page on 13 April. Later they have played open air and now for a few weeks in a tent. During the season, there have been a few pre-planned replacements among the performers. Below are some photos from the performance on July 12.
Isabella Enoch Sosman welcomed and was the show's ringmistress.
Isabella's spouse and co-director Bernhard Kaselowsky presented the Arabian stallion Sitan.
Duo Mamchych had an entrée which combined parterre acrobatics with aerial straps and tissue. The couple toured with Circus Arli in 2019.
Bernhard Kaselowsky's goats were presented by Lasse Hasager and Stine Marie Greisen
The young jumping acrobat Gabriel Pedersen from Skive had a short entrée
Also a cute little kid was for a short while in the ring
More goats, presented by Stine Marie Greisen
Stine Marie Greisen's 4 year old son Nikolaj was in the ring with the pony Bonoti
Edita Sulc juggled scarves using her feet. She is the female partner of the Duo Mamchych. She is from the Czech Republic and the sister of the juggler Alan Sulc, who this season tours Denmark with Circus Arena. Her husband Yuriy is from Poltave, Ukraine.
Lasse Hasager juggled with diabolos and later in the performance with balls and knives
Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen works in trapeze. She has been affiliated with the Circus Museum's circus school, been both a trainer and a student at the Circus Factory at Mors and now performs in Cirkus Trapez. She has promised to perform in connection with the awarding of this year's Circus Awards on 15 August.
Duo Mamchych's second entrée was an adagio act
The performance’s last act was "Big and little" with a big Arabian horse and a small pony. At the end of the act the pony stands on its hind legs.
Grand finale. The performance lasted approx. 1 hour and there was no interval.
13 July 2022
Late Summer Circus Days in Odense. Dynamo, Workspace for circus and Performing arts Workspace for circus and performing arts, writes:
Experience a magical circus atmosphere at Odense Harbour when the Italian Teatri Mobili come to town with circus trucks and theaters on wheels. Teatri Mobili is a whole circus family for 3 generations traveling together around Europe.
Experience the enchanting performances of MANOVIVA and ANTIPODI, experience mime and puppet theater, performed in cosy travelling theatre wagons, and hear music in the open air, with lots of nostalgic circus magic.
Presented in collaboration with Passage Festival and GLIMT Amager.
8 July 2022
Circus Trapez in tent. In recent weeks all performances in Circus Trapez have been open air. But when they are in Madsbyparken in Fredericia from 8 to 31 July, they have put up their tent making it possible to have performances also case of rain. There are 2 or 3 daily performances, all of approx. 1 hour duration. Take a closer look in What’s on.
Archive photo from 2014, which was the first year Circus Trapez had performances in Madsbyparken
6 July 2022
New dinnershow at Wallmans in the Copenhagen Circus Building. On September 21, Wallmans’ has gala premiere of their new show in the Circus Building. There are dress rehearsals from August 26 and as usual with performances every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The new show is called Viva and offers a vitamin injection of party, colours and exuberant energy. Get ready to experience the biggest hits of Elvis and Abba, a fierce live band, humour, dance and world-class acrobatics. It is all accompanied by a delicious 4-course dinner.
Just like last season, Thomas Rosendal alias the Danish drag queen Megan More is the shows compère,
Johan Espeland, who is Creative Director at Wallmans, tells that this season's circus artists are:
Jamie & Beata. Jamie Swan is from Scotland and Beata Surmiak from Poland. They perform i.e. with a fantastic Hand to Hand act.
Jonathan Young, who is born in England. He's doing an act on Vertical Pole / Chinese Pole.
Wallmans’ marketing department presents the artists as follows (my translation):
On the artist side, guests can look forward to international acrobats Jamie & Beata with their impressive and daring “hand-to-hand” act. Jamie also performs with a phenomenal, internationally recognized bathtub act. The audience will also have the pleasure of meeting Jonathan Young, who presents his comic "Chinese Pole" act on a six meter high pole.
Jonathan Young has previously worked in i.e. the German Circus Flic-Flac and at Roncalli’s Apollo Variety.
Beata Surmiak in the bathtub. Press photo from Wallmans. Photographer: John Resborn
5 July 2022
Winter circus in Malmö and Helsingborg, Sweden. In 2013, Albin Ganovic arranged a Christmas circus in downtown Helsingborg with a great numbers of visitors. But the year after, where a lot had been assigned on the outskirts of the city, the number of visitors was disappointing. In January and February 2019, Gabin tried his luck again, this time with a winter circus first in Malmö and then in Helsingborg.
This year, Albin has once again plans for a winter circuses. First in Malmö with a premiere on 25 November and the last performance on 4 December. And then in Helsingborg with a premiere on 9 December and the last performance on 18 December.
The central person in the performance is the Swedish singer and entertainer Pidde P (Petter Hedwaller), who is especially known and popular among children. In the presentation Albin writes (my translation):
Pidde P escapes with circus!
Helsingborg Winter Circus is finally back and this year we are accompanied by the children's favourite, the artist Pidde P. This year's performance is a musical and exuberant experience in the large, well-heated circus tent.
The scent of freshly popped popcorn with Scania’s favourite clown the clown Cite, our world-famous acrobats in a colourful interplay with the large ensemble, circus orchestra and the whole of Sweden's Pidde P is a guarantee of circus success!
The trend setter Pidde P has travelled all around Sweden and created a good atmosphere everywhere. With energy and charisma, he always gives himself 100% on stage, which makes both the children and adults rock, but now he escapes with the circus! With songs like "Parelli", "Tiktok", "you kick and I freak out" and the hit "Ba da boom", Pidde P and the circus artists fill the arena with love and energy.
4 July 2022
Kim Kenneth in Aarhus Tivoli. As previously mentioned, the Danish magician Kim Kenneth has this year replaced Hasse Hjort as Pierrot in Tivoli Friheden in Aarhus. Kim presents a magic show and two daily Pierrot performances. A group from Danish Circus Friends Association saw his performances on Monday 27 June. Unfortunately it rained. But the stage in front of Pjerrot's house is covered, so even in case of rain, there are performances on the small stage in Pjerrot's Garden.
Where we perhaps know him best from great illusion shows with pretty girls who are conjured in and out of boxes, both the magic show and the Pierrot show in Friheden are solo shows. The stage is simply not big enough for illusion acts. But Kim certainly also manages his solo magic show and his Pierrot show with the skill, charm and elegance he is known for. Below are some photos from the show, where due to the weather there were only a few spectators.
Some of the circus friends in front of Pierrot's house. The stage is covered, but not the spectator seats.
You have 6 large playing cards and then throw 3 of them into a hat. So how many are left? A mathematician will say 3, but for the magician the answer is 6. Even after he has thrown 3 cards into the hat a few more times!
You pour the water out of a glass, refill it and turn it upside down without the water running out!
A scarf is conjured into a magic egg, i.e. a plastic egg with a hole for the scarf. But suddenly the egg has turned into a real egg, which is broken into a glass!
Pjerrot welcomes
A playful teddy bear
The cube changes colour
Finale, where Pjerrot usually gets help from a child among the spectators. Due to the rain, there were not many of them, so instead he got help from Jenny Abelgren, who was among the participants in the circus friends' visit.
In addition to magic, Kim has previously worked on a drone project, which has been mentioned in the Danish medias: the drones now fly with blood samples from the small island Ærø to Svendborg, so doctors and patients can get answers to the tests much faster than before. That job has now been completed, and in addition to the Pierrot job, Kim has instead been hired as head of Kalundborg's Children and Youth Circus Cirkus O’laiski, where his wife Jessica Caveagna has worked as a trainer for some time. The couple lives in a small village not far from Kalundborg. During the season with daily Pierrot performances, however, they live in their caravan, which is set up with their good friend Jan Allan (The Clown Allando) in Danish Circus Krone's former winter quarters.
1 July 2022
VIGGO SALTING circus painter (The Master of the clowns) turns 70 on 3 July.
Throughout his life, VIGGO SALTING has worked as a professional painter with woodcuts, lithographs and paintings. The works have been exhibited in Denmark and abroad. Since 2009, Viggo Salting has been well received in New York with a permanent gallery. Basak Malone published in 2012 his book “The Smile That Last a Mile”.
At home in Kerteminde. Denmark, Viggo Salting and his wife Helle Abildgaard wrote the book "KOM KLOVN". The book was published in 2019 with support from i.e. Denmark's great circus historian Anders Enevig's Foundation.
The book is a chronicle that humorously tells about Salting's fascination with the circus, which he got during a season at Cirkus Benneweis in 1985. The work stay with canvas and brushes in the traveling circus changed Viggo Salting's art and life. The Danish Circus Award was revived in 2016, and at a large celebration at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, the award is presented annually with the participation of the Minister of Culture together with i.e. a new award: The Effort Award. Viggo Salting is the artist behind both awards, which consist of a painting. The Master of the Clown is proud of through his art helping to spread knowledge about the circus and the Clown.
The birthday with a round figure is celebrated privately with the family.
30 June 2022
Zirkus Nemo 2022. The late Rud Kofoed would undoubtedly have given this year's performance the top rating of 6 stars and would be annoyed that the star system did not allow him to give Soren Østergaard & co. an extra seventh star. And the many who like Soren Østergaard's characters are certainly not cheated: they meet the Planet Man, the Balloon Man Lesley Bøje Møller, Baker Jorgen, Kim Tim, the Smash Man - who in these times of equality may be called the Smash Person - and the Meter Man. With him in the ring is Soren's old friend the actor Tommy Kenter, who, among other things, conjures the head of a woman and plays the tuned piano.
Baker Jorgen, the Balloon Man, the Planet Man and the Smash Man. The latter together with Soren Østergaard's PA Laura Kvist Poulsen, who apparently also has the task as PA to the Smash Man…
But in addition to these beloved characters, the show features world-class artists:
Mario Berousek is known as the world's fastest juggler. He was with Circus Benneweis in 2007, with Circus Arena in 2016 and with Zirkus Nemo in 2018. He still impresses, not least when he gets down on his knees and juggles with 3 clubs at incredible speed.
Mario Berousek is included in the Guinness Book of Records with several records, including 735 rotations in one minute!
Hector, who is one half of Duo Solys, has a moody entrance, where he is "transformed" into a girl when he walks on his hands.
Hector Yzquierdo is from an old Cuban circus family and educated at Circuba, which is Cuba's national circus school
New in Circus Nemo are the Swedish twin sisters Jenny and Sara, who as Duo Vilja present a beautiful contortion act.
Jenny and Sara is born in 1984. At the age of 13, they were caught by the circus bacillus and joined a children's and youth circus. Later they was educated at a circus school. First in Sweden, then in Montreal. Since then, they have performed at a number of varieties and circuses. This is their first season with a Danish circus.
Professor Wacko's trampoline entrée is the well-known one with the trampoline disguised as a swimming pool with a springboard. Often the artist appears in such numbers as “drunken”, but Wacko chooses instead to be a distracted professor type.
Professor Wacko has not previously shown his current entrée in Denmark. But in 1993 he toured Denmark with Circus Fantastico, where he was one of the 4 artists in the troupe Trampolino Veneziano.
In 2018, the Danish Circus Award named Duo Solys as the best act of the year. They are the most beautiful example that body and love can merge into a higher, artistic whole. During a tour to New Caledonia in the middle of his complicated handstand act, the Cuban Hector Yzquierdo made eye contact with a beautiful girl in the audience. He had difficulty concentrating, but still escaped unscathed through the performance. When he looked for the girl afterwards, she was gone - until he had to leave the place. She waited at the exit. Shortly after, Tatania left her family and office job and became a worldwide circus artist. Today, the couple is married and has a daughter, Freya. They are an acrobatic pleasure. They were also at Nemo in 2016 and 2018.
In 2018, Duo Solys got the Prize as the best act of the year
The show's last artist couple also comes from Cuba. Leosvel & Diosmani appear in Chinese pole. They got a silver clown in Monte Carli in 2013 and performed the following year in Swedish Circus Brazil Jack. At that time, they presented the best act in pole that I have ever seen, and they still do! Their final trick, where one artist stands in horizontal handstand on the pole while the other stands on hands on his upper body, is absolutely amazing.
Leosvel & Diosmani – probably the world's best act in Chinese Pole.
Audiences love Circus Nemo, both the comic features and the artists. A very special Nemo friend is Her Majesty Queen Margrethe of Denmark, who was among the visitors to the performance on June 29 in Aarhus.
HM The Queen is not the only Nemo fan. On 26 June, a group from Danish Circus Friends Association visited Zirkus Nemo in Aarhus, where Soren Østergaard before the performance took the guests backstage. Here Soren is seen in front of his «wardrobe», where Laura Kvist Poulsen during the performance helps him with the many costume changes. The circus friends congratulated Soren Ostergaard and his team on producing such an entertaining show in these challenging times.
24 June 2022
Solveig Enoch turns 85. On Saturday, June 25, the former owner of Circus Dannebrog, Solveig Enoch can celebrate her 85 years birthday. As small girl Solveig Enoch dreamed of becoming a circus artist. The dream came true when she in her childhood home met the bicycle acrobat Haddy Enoch. In 1951 Solveig and Haddy formed a bike trio together with Solveig's sister Grete. Later Grete chose a career as an aerial artist, and Solveig and Haddy continued as 2 Haddies. Their breakthrough came in December 1951, when they won first prize at a talent competition at National Scala in Copenhagen and the second price at a similar competition at Lorry, Copenhagen. National Scala and Lorry was at that time leading music halls. This led to an engagement in Danish Circus Moreno for season 1952. In 1953 the Haddies worked in Alhambra Music Hall at the amusement park “Bakken” north of Copenhagen and later the same season in Danish Circus Brdr. Schmidt, before they got a new engagement in Circus Moreno for season 1954.
Then they went abroad, where the Haddies for season 1955 was engaged in Circus Löwe in Norway. The same year, Haddy and Solveig was married. And now began a trip all around the world, where Solveig and Haddy worked in circuses, music halls, ice shows and on TV. There was all in all contracts and engagements in 32 different countries. Their favorite place was the Hansa Theatre in Hamburg, where the Haddies worked 18 times. When the 4 children Dennie, Agnete, Isabella and Katja grew up, they were became part of the bike act. In 1977 the Enoch family re-established Circus Dannebrog, which had belonged to the Enoch family until it closed in 1928. But now if was successfully re-established by Solveig and Haddy Enoch.
After Haddy Enoch passed away in November 2009, first Solveig and later the four children took over the circus. After a difficult season 2016, they chose to let Circus Dannebrog take a break. Thus it has not been on tour since 2016.
The family means a lot to Solveig, and she is most happy when she has children, grandchildren and great grandchildren around her.
23 June 2022
Circus Elvira in Sundsvall. The Swedish circus writes (my translation):
For the 14th year in a row, we are in Sundsvall's northern city mountains. This year, everything looks as it usually does with circus tents and performances.
New for this year is a very own magic show! Jonathan Seing as Mr Zing gives a close-up magic show. Premiere June 27.
In addition, we invite you to a pre- and post-season with TA-DA! A real audience favourite. Circus Elvira's own clown Daff-Daff together with the aerial acrobat Miranda Hedman gives a 40 minute long and well-filled circus performance with, among other things, cycling on a wire, aerial hoop, hula hoop and enchanting clown entrées.
On July 2, it is the PREMIERE of the summer big CIRCUS SHOW. Participating in this year's edition are the Clown Daff-Daff, Miranda Hedman, aerial hoop and tissue. Matilda Wiklund, swinging pole and tissue. Bobbo Jäderfeldt juggles with bowling and Emma Hörnfeld, juggler with hula hoops.
All times and dates can be found on the website
20 June 2022
Norwegian Circus Jesper 2022. Again this year you can experience Circus Jesper in Kristiansand Zoo in Norway. It premiered June 19 and there are daily performances until August 14.
As in previous years, the performance is a themed performance based on the character gallery from Thorbjørn Egner's When the Robbers Came to Cardamom Town, where the robber Jesper ends up being a circus manager.
The show's daily manager Lasse Nørager, also known as the clown Bonbon, has put the performance on stage and tells (my translation):
This year's Circus Jesper is a fine-tuning of the performance from last year. Exciting to be able to work with the very small details during the rehearsals. This means that something can go from good to sublime.
Brand new are 4 acrobats from Ukraine who at a tremendous pace make hand-held, 3 1/2 man high pyramids with single-handstand on top etc. They belong to a larger group that has the name Crazy Flight. Another team from Crazy Flight has been with Danish Zirkus Nemo several times with different acts.
The performers in this year's performance. All photos provided by Lasse Nørager
Running order Circus Jesper 2022:
Warm-up (preshow) v. Joakim, Captain Frodo and Freddi Steckel.
Opening (Chief of Police Bastian, Little Kamomilla and Jesper and all artists)
Captain Frodo, Bucket Balance
The big bike act with Julia, Joakim, Nelma (Pietala) and Freddi Steckel.
The big bike act
Bonbon, live cannonball.
Bonbon as live cannonball
Lionman presented by Jesper and Kamomilla.
The dangerous lion
Breakout act (substitution trunk) with the Robber Jesper and Chief of Police Bastian.
Julia & Joakim knockabout table act.
Julia and Joakim with their knockabout table act - an act they have been taught by Freddi Steckel
Bonbon & Tiina Badminton.
The intelligent baby elephant Mimo with Kamomilla.
Captain Frodo and the elephant
The Godfathers (Crazy Flight) hand voltage
Bonbon with the Flea.
Captain Frodo Tennisact.
Captain Frodo climbing through a tennis racket
Many circus friends know this, but just in case: Finnish-born Tiina Myllykangas is Lasse's wife. Together they have children Julia and Joakim.
16 June 2022
Circus Trapez - 35-minute open air version, which was presented at Mergeltoften Nursing Home in Nivaa for more than 75 residents and 40 children from kindergartens in the neighbourhood.
The plastic carpet forms a ring; red carpets with Trapez name on a stand, as well as speakers are the simple "circus set-up".
Bernhard Kaselowsky, who also acts as an efficient prop, enjoys the visitors and also distributes popcorn to the nursing home residents.
After his welcome as this morning's ringmaster Lasse Hasager presents Trapez's long-horned goats, which can both jump from podest to podest and trip on their hind legs. As an introduction, one of the goats is led around the ring so that residents and children can pet it.
Edita Sulc present her foot juggling act with - in between the tricks - "standing split" and other gymnastic poses.
The mini-dog Molly, a Chiquita, is presented with a "now comes a very dangerous predator from Mexico" by an enthusiastic Lasse. And a spectator help Molly jump (!) through a ring.
Ukrainian Yuriy Mamchych shows his cube act very experienced and with a good flow.
Lasse keeps the pace of the show with his juggling with more and more balls (up to 8?) And even daggers.
Edita & Yuriy impress with their equilibrist act with unusual tricks - also "neck balance", where Edita balances "upside down", with her legs up, on her neck against Yuri's neck.
And finally, Bernhard Kaselowsky arrives in the ring with one of his ponies in his usual casual style.
Finally, after 35 minutes, "la grande finale", where Lasse presents all the artists: Yuriy Edita, himself and discreetly in the background, Bernhard.
2 trucks contain equipment, props, animals and artists - quite rational!
(Text and smartphone photos: Jörgen Börsch)
Isabella Enoch Sosman tells that Bernhard, where it is possible, also has a big horse in the final act making it Big and Little.
Isabella also tells that the program in the 55-minute long public Open Air performances, which are shown at a number of campsites and in most of July in Madsbyparken in Fredericia, looks like this:
Isabella welcomes
Opening with Lasse Hasager, who conjures up Stine Marie Greisen from a small lion cage. Then the five goats. They are presented a little modern and naughty.
Foot juggling with Edita
The only 4 year old Nicolaj Greisen presents the pony Bonito. Then his mother Stine Marie presents the Arabian stallion Sitan.
Lasse Hasager diabolo in a comic Scottish style, where also Joseph, Katja Enoch's son usually is present on all weekends and summer holidays. But he has unfortunately just broken his arm, so it is probably not possible for him to perform.
Contortion in straps, very beautiful act performed with classical music by Yuriy Mamchych.
Lasse Hasager with Chiquita Molly (the little mini dog). While Molly is inside, our big new goats and alpacas come in.
Gabriel Pedersen, the jumping acrobat from Skive.
Duo Mamchych adagio
Tempo juggler Lasse Hasager
Ballet in the air by Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen
Big and Little presented by Bernhard Kaselowsky
10 June 2022
Diana Benneweis turns 75. On June 12, Diana Benneweis turns 75. Circus Benneweis closed after season 2015 and Diana withdraw from the limelight and lives now a peaceful life in Sweden and Denmark. Her home is in Sweden, where she can get the respite and the peace and quietness that has been important to her for 25 years. Here she lives in close contact with the beautiful nature and the animals, which provide renewed energy and recharge the batteries.
The charged batteries are widely used with the family. Therefore, after several years in Switzerland, where she has lived in and of the fresh and healthy mountain air, Diana chose to buy a holiday cottage in Denmark close to children, grandchildren and old friends.
Diana Benneweis. Photo: Anne Kring
9 June 2022
Circus Trapez 2022. Most Danish circuses use a model in which the artists are engaged for an full season, lasting between 4 and 6 months. Artistically, the performances are the same throughout the season, unless there are acts which for example due to injury has to be replaced.
Circus Trapez has chosen a different model this year. At the start of the season, there were many performances in arenas of duration of about 2 hours. But since May 15 they have as last year had Open Air performances lasting 50-55 minutes. Since the start of the season, Trapez has also had a number of performances in nursing homes of approx. 35 minutes duration. Where arena performances were only in Jutland, nursing home performances have also been presented on Zealand. For example, Frederiksborg County's newspaper told a few days ago about a performance on 15 June at the nursing home Mergeltoften in Nivaa, where Cirkus Trapez comes by with Open Air Cirkus with 4 artists and animals, magic and everything that belongs to the circus. Circus Trapez also visited Mergeltoften last year.
The fact that they now have performances with duration of 35 or 50-55 minutes means that there has been a change in the artist staff. In the 50-55 minutes performances, in addition to artists and animals from the nursing home performances, the audience meets Stine Marie Greisen, who present an Arab horse, her 4-year-old son Nikolaj, who performs with a pony, and Rasmine Tomasevic-Olsen, who makes a solo trapeze. In addition, Circus Trapez alpacas and Welsh goats are also in the ring.
Circus Trapez Open Air
From 9 to 31 July, Cirkus Trapez has performances in Madsbyparken in Fredericia, Jutland, where there every day are 2 or 3 performances lasting almost an hour. Madsbyparken is a large green area in western Fredericia of approx. 80 ha., Containing Madsby Legepark, Fredericia Sport Centre, the historical mini city and Monjasa Park.
6 June 2022
Circus Mascot. For the summer season this year, Circus Mascot had engaged the clown Gulio, his spouse Tatyana and their son Husik. The family has been associated with Circus Mascot since 2003. When not on tour, they live in Kyiv, Ukraine. Despite the war, they managed to get out of Ukraine even though bombs fell only a few kilometres from their apartment. Gulio is born in Uzbekistan and Tatyana in Ukraine. Circus Mascot had also engaged the artist couple Oleksii Trunov and Gege Ganbold (artist name Geege), who also live in Ukraine. They were with Mascot in 2014. He is from Ukraine, she is from Mongolia. The war meant that Oleksii could not leave Ukraine, so only Gege is part of this year's Mascot performance. She does partly a slinky act together with Guilo and partly a solo number with contortion, where she ends up shooting with a bow and arrow, which is held with her feet while she balances on her forearms.
Geege as resp. Slinky and contortionist. Smartphone photo
Circus Mascot started this year's tour on April 2 and has this year chosen to tour in arenas. Until now, they have only toured in Jutland. They take a summer break from June 24 to August 7. After this break, the people of Funen can also look forward to Mascot coming to town. The concept of playing in arenas has been well received - for most performances they have had more spectators than there would be room for in the tent. At the same time, they can manage with slightly fewer trucks and fewer tent workers / props than on a tent tour. The Danish circuses say that this year it is difficult to get hold of the number of workers they want. In particular, there is a shortage of workers with driving licenses for trucks.
3 June 2022
Bettina Arli of Circus Arli turns 60 on Sunday 5 June. Bettina Storgaard was born in Hørsholm. Her father was a lawyer and her mother a nurse. After school, Bettina was apprenticed as a hairdresser, and all indications were that the sweet young girl would find a good bourgeois man and have a good bourgeois life. So if Bettina had not met Martin Arli at a private party in 1981, one would undoubtedly today have had a "Salon Bettina" in one of the Copenhagen suburbs, where the hairdresser Bettina and her staff had cut, dyed and arranged the local ladies' hair and the men had come because the hairdresser had such a nice smile.
But now the 19-year-old Bettina met Martin Arli, and sweet music arose. The first year, she continued to work as a hairdresser but visited through the circus season Martin every weekend. After the end of the season, the couple moved together, and in the 1983 season, Bettina got her circus debut as a "target" in a knife-throwing act, where it was Martin who successfully placed the knives around his fiancé.
After the end of the 1983 season, Bettina and Martin were married on 11 September 1983 in the Groendal Church on Hulgaardvej in Copenhagen where the Arli family has their permanent address.
After the change from hairdresser to circus princess, the audience has met Bettina in a number of roles. She has presented pigeons. She has presented goats. She has conjured. She has hung in her hair. She has performed in vertical rope. She has performed in trapeze. She's been a clown.
In 1987, Bettina and Martin got a son, Alexander. Today they are also the proud grandparents of Noah at almost 1œ years and Jamie at 3 months.
In 2004, Bettina got a whole new task: She became the elegant ringmistress who with charm and elegance leads the audience through the performance. When she says "here you are" we know that we have reached the climax of an act. As ringmistress she also became the natural opponent for the two Augusts from the clown troupes Martino & co. and Alejandros.
On the birthday with the round figure Bettina and her family are in Lyngby, where Circus Arli has a performance at 15. You cannot cancel a show just because it is a birthday!
1 June 2022
Magic show in Circusland. Last year, Denmark's great international illusionist Kim Kenneth and his assistants were in charge of the magic show in Circusland. But this year, Kim Kenneth works at Tivoli Friheden in Aarhus. Partly as Pierrot, partly with a magic show. Instead, Circusland has booked the Italian illusionist Jimmy Seylon to be in charge of this year's magic show. Click here to watch a video clip with him - however, it is not sure that it is the same tricks he present in Circusland.
31 May 2022
Jens Christian Sorensen has visited the Circus Farm in Løkken and sent me these photos. Jens Christian writes that the show, in addition to what was mentioned on this page on May 26, features Victor Høeg Abrahamsen with a comic entrée with a pony, Katja Schumann with dogs and Liv, who showed both how to train a horse and a new way of thinking of the classic act big and little. Louie presented ponies and his father Luffe Bøgh was in the ring with a slightly heavier liberty horse.
29 May 2022
Spring circus at Frederikshøj in Slagelse. On a sunny summer day in September last year, the passionate Brian "Briano" Behrendt presented late summer circus at Frederikshøj open-air theater in Slagelse. Approximately 1,000 guests enjoyed the beautiful and entertaining performance to which thanks to the support of one of the Ministry of Culture's pools admission was free.
It was therefore natural to arrange a similar performance this year. Brian chose this time to do it as a spring performance on 28 May and this year he had to take admission, as the Ministry of Culture's 2021 pool was a one-time pool to kick-start cultural life after the corona lockdown. Just as in 2021, all participating artists lived in Denmark to show that we have many talented artists in this country.
Although the ticket prices were extremely reasonable, it is never easy to sell tickets to something that has been free of charge in the past. And this year, Briano did not have the weather with him: rain in the morning and wind with strong gusts of wind during the performance, which began at 13. Not the best weather for an outdoor performance! Malicious rumours in the week leading up to the show that it had been cancelled certainly did not help either, even though the rumours were denied in local newspapers.
So where last year there were approximately 1,000 guests, this year there were less than 200.
But that did not mean that Briano and his team did not deliver the show, even though some of the artists were bothered by the wind.
Before the show began, Slagelse's pride the Slagelse Guard entered the arena.
The performance itself was started by Mr. Tik Tak (aka Briano) and show dancers from Dansegulvet in Slagelse singing the original clock song. Watch a video clip.
Mr. Tik Tak being in good form was the show's ringmaster. All photos Jacob Boas Leitisstein unless otherwise stated
The first artist act was 2 beautiful white Arabian horses in liberty dressage, elegantly presented by Laura Schumann, who is the 6th generation of the famous circus family.
Laura Schumann
Next, the young artists Oscar, Elias and Malthe from Kalundborg's youth circus Circus O’laiski entered the ring with their trainer Morten with an entrée with juggling and riding a unicycle - both a high one and a low one. However, the act was bothered by strong gusts of wind. The same was true during the last part of the act where the young artists were in the ring with diabolos.
One of the young artists from Cirkus O’laiski
Now, Mr. Tik Tak called for a famous foreign star who was to appear in what in the technical language is called Chinese Pole. However, she did not show up, so instead it was Luis Torres (married to Laura Schumann) who showed his skills in the pole.
Luis Torres
Then it was time for clowns: the clowns Alfredo and Binalto from Circus 3, who showed their well-known and beloved entrée where Alfredo thinks he should be photographed, and instead gets water in his head.
Binalto and the white faced clown Alfredo
Then the time came for more music: this time the drum corps from Slagelse Guard.
One of the audience favourites from last year's performance was the ventriloquist Preben Palsgård. He is this year touring with Circus Mascot, but had been given time off to take part in Briano's performance. His first entrée was with his live dog Charlie, who could talk. Most ventriloquists using live dogs cheat a little by providing the dog with a false lower jaw that can be operated mechanically so that it appears as if the dog is talking. Preben does not use this kind of cheating: the dog only says something when it opens its mouth.
Preben with his dog Charlie
The next act was the Dutch artist Mister Michiel. He lives in Denmark and presented a contemporary circus-like act where he walked on stilts. A few juggling features were severely hampered by strong gusts of wind.
Mister Michiel. Photo: Ole Simonsen
The first act after the interval was magic tricks with Mr. Tik Tak. At first he acted as a sword-swallower. Then he stuck small swords through a knife box that Preben Palsgård had on his head. An additional feature with the flying lady was abandoned in advance as the wind would make it impossible not to reveal how the illusion worked.
Mr. Tik Tak with the knife box over Preben Palsgård's head
Next, talented show dancers from Dansegulvet (the Dance Floor) took over the ring.
The show dancers from Dansegulvet
Now time had once again come the clowns Alfredo and Binalto with their most beloved act: the custard pie entrée, where Alfredo wants to throw a custard pie in Binalto's head, but ends up getting it in his head himself.
Alfredo ends up getting the custard pie in his head
Next Mr. Michiel entered the ring. This time in fine entrée with handstand and juggling with fire.
Mr. Michel with fire in his hands
The next act was Preben Palsgård, this time with one of his oldest ventriloquist dolls: the clothes dog Poppe, who could celebrate his 50th birthday.
Preben Palsgård, Poppe and Mr. Tik Tak
Then there were once again horses in the ring in the act Schumann Surprice with Laura, Luis and their two children, assisted by Daniel from Dynamo in Odense. The western-inspired entrée featured both whiplash and Luis on horseback.
Schumann Surprise. Click here to see more of Jacob Boas Leitisstein's photos.
The last act in the performance was a song and dance act with two singers from the Musical Association Storebælt in Korsør accompanied by Dansegulvet's show dancers. See video clip.
High praise to Briano for the initiative for another performance with artists who all live in Denmark.
Despite the somewhat disappointing turnout, Briano also hopes to arrange a show in 2023.
28 May 2022
Queen of the air in Helsingborg, Sweden. The Swedish contemporary circus group Kompagni Giraff writes (my translation):
With especially composed music and dreamlike scenography, Stockholm-based Kompani Giraff creates a magnificent aerial acrobatics performance on Helsingborg City Theatre’s large stage. Viktoria Dalborg put the performance on stage. It is Helsingborg City Theater. We are the Queen of the Air is largely based on aerial acrobatics and on stage we see some of the world's foremost aerial artists and trapeze artists.
We are the Queen of the Air is a free interpretation of Pauline Wolff's novel of the same name. Premiere at STORA SCEN, HELSINGBORGS STADSTEATER 16 September –can be seen until 16 October.
Elisa Bitschnau - static trapeze, dance acrobatics
Justin Collas - Dance Acrobatics
Françoise Fournier - dancer, actor
Samuel Ramos Imbeau - korean cradle bass
Giulia Scamarcia – swing trapeze, aerial ring
Ronja Särkiniemi - korean cradle flyer
"We are the queen of the air" is based on the Swedish author Pauline Wolff's novel “Vi är Luftens drottning” from 2006 about a special genus of aerial acrobats. A family that, after centuries of secret persecution as a legacy from mother to daughter, has finally reached its forbidden goal and learned to fly.
The Queen of the Air. Press photo from Kompagni Giraff. Photo: Sigurd Grünberger. Photo Assistant: Jacobo Campos
26 May 2022
Season opening at the Circus Farm (in Danish: Cirkusgården). Katja Schumann has a circus farm just outside the seaside resort Løkken, where she has performances during the summer months.
Katharina "Katja" Schumann (born September 16, 1949) is circus performer who performed with, among others, Danish Circus Schumann and American Big Apple Circus.
Schumann was born to the late Max Schumann, a circus proprietor, and his wife Vivi Merete Mikkelsen.
In 1974, Katja Schumann was awarded La Dame du Cirque at the International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo. In 1976 she was awarded the Gold Medal at the Circus World Championships in London.
In 2015, Katja Schumann purchased a dilapidated former pig farm in Løkken, Denmark, a tourist town in the northern part of Jutland. She and her partner, Luffe Bøgh, renovated the property into a working animal farm, seasonal circus, and museum showcasing Schumann's family history and artifacts.
The 2022 season opened today with a performance at 16. There are also performances
on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 16. From then and until the summer holidays, there is a performance every Saturday and Sunday at 16. From 25 June and the rest of the summer holidays, there is a performance every day at 16, except Mondays. Take a closer look in What’s on.
Katja Schumann with liberty horses. All photos by courtesy of the Circus Farm.
In addition to performances, the circus farm offers a circus museum with a special focus on the Schumann family.
The Circus Farm writes (my translation):
Circus as we know it today can be dated back to 1768 when the English artist Philip Astley invented the ring with a diameter of approx. 13 m. He found that it was easier to stand on the horse when it was running in a circle, and it was much more audience-friendly as you could see the horse all the time rather than when it was just running past.
Phillip Astley then took the ring out to the marketplaces and performed there with his horse show. It was a great success for the first many years, but then there was competition from the fairies and court jesters who also performed at the marketplaces, so he invited the best but also only the very best jokers and jesters into the ring, where they became artists and clowns. But the main attraction was still the horses.
Later, a traveling zoo came to the marketplaces, also called a menagerie, where you could experience various wild animals; they were also a competition for circuses, so you invited the wild ones into the circus.
Now the wild animals are away from the ring in Denmark and many other countries. Today you can see wild animals both on TV and in the zoo, where they help to preserve the different species through their breeding work.
Circuses are horses; we cannot deny that, so a circus without horses is not a real circus as it is the horses the ring was invented for.
If you also want to experience the circus in its purest and original form, with the horse in the centre, then visit us at Schumann Løkken Circusfarm.
Katja Schumann and Luffe Bøgh
Katja Schumann with what in circus world is called a steigerpferd
In addition to the animals, this year there are 7 people in the ring: Katja Schumann, Luffe Bøgh, Victor Høeg Abrahamsen, Liv, who are at the farm to improve her skills with the horses, Luffa’s son Louie and two girls who perform in tissue, aerial ring and with partner acrobatics.
Victor Høeg Abrahamsen with ponies. The beautiful harness comes from Cirkus Mascot.
To the left: one of the young artists in the aerial ring. To the right: Katja Schumann also has trained geese in the performance.
For circus friends visiting Jutland a visit to the circus farm can highly be recommended.
20 May 2022
Circusland 2022. The theme park Circusland in Cirkus Arena's winter quarters opens on Ascension Day 26 May. It is also open on Friday 27 May. From then and until the summer holidays, it is open every weekend from 10 to 17. From 25 June to 7 August, it is open every day.
As in previous years, there are shows, playgrounds, rides and circus. There is a magic show at 11:30, and clowning on stage at 13. At 13:30 there is a circus school, where visitors can practice tricks assisted by real circus artists and maybe become the star of the day in the circus ring. At 14:30 there is performance in Circus Landino.
Among the performers in Circusland are the clown José Michel and his wife Juilia. They have performed in a large number of Danish and Swedish circuses: Arena, Benneweis, Dannebrog, Brazil Jack and Maximum. Most recently in 2015 in Circus Arena with the funnel routine, which for many years was their signature act. Together with their longtime partner Kike (Enrico Riquelme), who passed away in August last year.
In 2021, Circusland was expanded with 20 new attractions and rides - and more are coming.
Every Friday in July, popular Danish musicians can be seen on Circusland's new open air music stage. The Friday concerts are separate events outside Circusland's normal opening hours.
July 1: Lars Lilholt Band
July 9: Birthe Kjær & Feel Good Band (Rotary Family Day) (NB: a Saturday, not a Friday)
July 15: Mads Langer
July 22: DJ Martin Jensen
July 29: Anne Dorte & Maria + Michael Learns To Rock
19 May 2022
One of the top acts in Circus Arena is the Duo Costache. When not on tour, the couple lives in Romania, which is also the birthplace of Leonardo Costache. His spouse Vita is born in Ukraine. The act has been out for a few days in Arena's performance, as Vita was in Romania to get some papers in place. As a replacement, the audience has experienced the couple's 8-year-old daughter with hula hoop, and it caused great cheers.
16 May 2022
Circus Trapez Open Air. Until now, the Circus Trapez 2022 tour has been both in sport centres and other arenas, in tent and as an Open Air performance. Sunday15 May they had their last arena performance so far in Hornsyld Sport Centre. They are now continuing their tour in Denmark with their Open Air show and visiting i.e. a number of campsites. The performances last approx. hour and offers i.e. diabolo, juggling, acrobatics, hula hoop, comedy and lovely animals. In addition to these performances, Circus Trapez has some sold Open Air performances adapted to the country's nursing homes and the like.
Of Denmark’s other circuses, Circus Mascot tours in arenas and Arena, Arli, Baldoni and Nemo in tents.
16 May 2022
New circus in Sweden. In Sweden there is now a newly started circus called Ballerina. It is Circus Harlekin and the Sperlich family who is setting up a new concept with a shorter performance of 30 minutes and then workshop for all the children. Face painting is also offered and there is a bouncy castle (moon bounce). The entire circus scene is surrounded by a high fence to keep unauthorized people away. In Lund, they plaid two weekends Saturday and Sunday: 7/8 May and 14/15 May.
Circus Ballerina in Lund. All photos: Martin Lasson Berglund
From the performance. In one of the photos you can see that several children are sitting on the ring edge which was allowed. An opportunity for the kids to get really close. You can see more photos and a video clip on Martin Lasson Berglund Facebook blog Circus news & reports
Some German family circuses have some seasons tried their luck in Denmark without attracting much audience. However, present Danish rules regarding e.g. technical documentation for tent construction and security will make it very costly for foreign tent circuses to visit Denmark. The present rules are due to a tent collapse in 2013 and since then no foreign tent circuses has tried their luck in Denmark.
13 May 2022
Open Air Circus at Frederikshøj. As previously mentioned, the passionate Brian "Briano" Behrendt, also known as Mister Tik Tak, is arranging a circus on Saturday 28 May at the amphitheater at Frederikshoj in Slagelse. He arranged with success a similar show last autumn. Tickets can be purchased at Billetto
Mr. Tik Tak has regularly presented performers participants on Facebook. Below are slightly edited and translated excerpts from the presentation.
In the circus there must be horses or ponies, and it is a great honour that I can present another Schumann in the ring in 2022: Laura Schumann with her beautiful horses.
Laura Schumann says: As the 6th generation of the Schumann family, circuses and especially horses have always been a big part of my life. Come and see me and my family with our Spanish horses and experience our new version of classic horse training.
Laura Schumann is the daughter of Philip and Susanne Schumann and the niece of Katja Schumann
I once again manage to book the local Dance Floor with their Showgirls. Look forward to seeing what they've come up with for this year. The dance floor showgirls are some top talented dancers who love to perform and always deliver a bang of a show. If you love dance and good music, then you can look forward to seeing them perform!
I'm managed to get hold of an artist who has performed in some of the world's largest circuses in the United States: Luis Torres, who is married to Laura Schumann. He is trained by the circus world's stunt master and clown Bello Nock, with whom he was a partner for several years. In the performance we will experience Luis Torres with a nice number in the pole and maybe we are lucky that he also has a big surprise act for us on the day.
Laura met Luis when she worked for some years in New York's Big Apple Circus, where her aunt Katja was married to the director Paul Binder. Luis fell in love with the beautiful Danish girl and followed her to Denmark when Laura left for home. The couple lives on Funen and has for some summers presented shown excellent horse shows at Ditlevsdal Bisonfarm.
In circus there should be fun and I can promise you that you will have a good laugh when I present the Danish classic clowns Charlie and Binalto from Cirkus 3. Some may remember them from when they were part of DR’s children TV many years ago, so rejoice. Circus 3 is Denmark's only clown troupe that continues the good old classic clown tradition for entertainment for children. In the over 40 years that Cirkus 3 has existed, they entertained children with over 3,500 clown shows in Denmark and abroad.
Charlie and Binate
As many thought a ventriloquist act is wildly exciting, it is a great honour to be able to present Preben Palsgaard with a few new acts. Preben Palsgaard is one of Denmark's best ventriloquists. He has performed as a ventriloquist since 1969, but only became really famous when he appeared in "TV IN THE TENT" in 1981. Here he performed for the first time with the talking shoe. Over the years, he has performed at company parties, association parties, schools, institutions, etc., and has also travelled with several Danish and Swedish circuses and performed in Circusland and participated in several revues. Right now he is traveling with Danish Circus Mascot, but he has been given time off today to be able to be here. He had great success in our show last year, so it will be a dear reunion - and of course this year with brand new entrées. One of his popular dolls, namely the dog Pope, is also celebrating his birthday this year, where he has performed 50 years with Preben.
In 2022, I have chosen to have guest artists from the Children and Youth Circus Olaski from Kalundborg. They train, do performances and workshops, go on trips and meet other circus children from all over the country. We will experience one of their young stars Oscar on a unibike and he looks forward to seeing you at Frederikshøj. Look forward to seeing what the young artist who has a dream of circus life has come up with.
Mister Michiel performs with a very nice innovative number on stilts. For everyday life, Michiel is a guest teacher at the Circus School in Copenhagen AFUKŽ's artist line. Michiel Tange van Leeuwen was born and raised in the Netherlands, where he has been going to the circus since he was 10 years old. After graduating from circus school in Denmark, he toured in large parts of Europe as part of the company CIKAROS. Since then, Michiel has become a solo artist and especially known for his stilt number.
We can also proudly present a number called Schumann Surprise performed by two generations of the famous circus family: Laura and Luis Schumann Torres and their two children Natalie and Adriana.
In circuses there must be good music. The city's pride the Slagelse Guard comes again and gets us in the right mood before the show starts, and their Drumcorps come to us with a whole new number.
Slagelse Guard in the arena before last year's performance. Click here to watch video clips with one of the garden's tracks.
10 May 2022
Obituary: Pia Ville Hansen. An advertisement in the daily press states that Pia Ville has passed away at her residence on 28 April. She turned 75 years old. Together with her spouse Leif Rosengaard Hansen, she presented under the artist name Lee Pee Ville an excellent illusion number. In 1966, they became full-time professionals and travelled around Scandinavia and the rest of Europe with magic and mind-reading acts. They quickly became a hot name in the circus and variety world and performed with Benneweis in the Copenhagen Circus Building in 1974 and 1976 and in the tent in 1977. In 1982, the Danes saw the couple in Volmert Sørensen's winter revue on the Amager Stage. In 1984, Pia and Leif divorced. He later established himself as an artist agent in Brühl in Germany and booked artists i.e. to the Circus Arena. Pia lived in Copenhagen and utilized her creative abilities as a painter and exhibited at galleries in Denmark and the South of France as well as in numerous art associations.
Pia Ville as resp. artist and painter
8 May 2022
Pippi will turn Cirkus upside down this summer. Grand Opening on July 1st! The Swedish contemporary circus Circus Cirkör writes:
Pippi at the Circus will be an epic re-make of Astrid Lindgren’s classic character and equally classic story. So, get ready to see Pippi Longstocking in a completely new way, in a sensational circus musical.
The doors of Cirkus in Stockholm will open on July 1st and stay open for the summer. Welcome to a high-flying show for the whole family. See Pippi, Strong Adolf, Prussiluskan, Kling and Klang and the other beloved characters raise the roof of Cirkus alongside circus performers and acrobats. Astrid Lindgren’s classic story about when Pippi, Tommy and Annika went to the circus will be delivered in a completely new fashion.
The performance can be seen in the circus building at Djurgaarden in Stockholm. It premieres July 1st. According to the plan, there are performances until and including 14 August. The composer Björn Kristian Ulvaeus is a Swedish singer, songwriter, producer, a member of the musical group ABBA, and co-composer of the musicals Chess and Mamma Mia!
7 May 2022
IT ALL HAPPENS IN PARIS - everything -- and it demands actions and decisions - and IMAGINATION --yeps - imagination is an important element in show bizz !!!
Cabaret means basically change - like the word variété.
You get stuck in situations that you would rather avoid...
One situation: I featured the sudden appearance of a dove from a ”dove pan" - particularly constructed to allow the air to flow in - for the comfort of the dove.
Dove pan. Photo by courtesy of Pegani, who present the act as this: The Magician shows an empty pan, and drops a piece of lit paper inside. The pan is covered, and when it is opened silks, candy, flowers - or even a live Dove appears. Se more at
Then manager told me that livestock of any kind was not allowed, together with other rules: no audience participation/interaction as some men were accompanied by a girlfriend and not their wife, discreet behaviour !!!
Nor were female assistants in the act allowed, the cabaret had female dancers - and that was enough !!
I had to respect and accept these rules, only the livestock element was a subject to discussion: the manager told me to produce.... a DOLL !!!I made up a tall collapsible doll - that made the trick - and everybody was happy !!
I couldn't for the life of me perceive any difference in public response.
DOVE - DOLL, which made me use the doll repeatedly - much simpler and easier for transport !
Furthermore: no more trouble with animal rights people, often violent.
............................. reported by ZARRO ZARRO.
2 May 2022
The Danish celebration of World Circus Day took place on Saturday 30 April. Two weeks later than in most other countries. But Saturday 16 April was Easter Saturday, and in Denmark the Easter holidays run from Maundy Thursday to and including Easter Monday. By experience we know that only a limited number of people will participate in a celebration during the Easter holidays.
The celebration on 30 April took place at the Circus Museum at Hvidovre, Copenhagen. It was very successful with a lot of people attending. It was organized by The Danish Circus Friends Association in cooperation with the museum and Circus Baldoni.
This special day there was free admission to the museum, which collection is among the largest of its kind in Northern Europe. It consists of more than 100,000 different artefacts, including many thousands of photos and posters, costumes and props, personal notebooks, programmes and newspaper clippings. The Circus Museum’s collection contains material relating to acrobats, jugglers, animal trainers, clowns, magicians, illusionists, workers, musicians, actors and dancers. While it focuses on Danish artists, the collection also contains quite a lot of international material.
At 11:15 the owner of Circus Baldoni René Mønster Baldoni told about how a municipally trained office assistant became a magician, business manager at Circus Arena, then director of his own circus and coach in personal development and author of the recently published book "Tænk stort” (Think big).
At 13 Suzanne Berdino performed in the Fencing Hall with dogs, ducks and the parrot Gøje. She welcomed in a festive red costume. And then a little less than one hour of entertainment with many animals.
First 3 Indian ducks Rip, Rap and Rup entered the ring. Rip, Rap and Rup is the Danish names for Huey, Dewey and Louie. And they could do more than run. In fact, they could both run and walk - with a bent neck and at a pace and in patterns which Suzanne wanted.
Suzanne with Rip, Rap and Rup. All photos smartphone photos shot by Kim Thanning Olsen
After them came Madame Berdino with magic with bottles conjured up from cylinders. And then Ida from the youth circus Circus Kæphøj had an entrée on unibike.
Ida on her one-wheeled bike
The time had come to the parrot Gøje. It was in the shedding season and therefore looked like "something in between a parrot and a barbecue chicken". But even without feather splendour, it could do a lot of things: ring the bell, ride a doll's carriage, play ring games, ride a scooter, put coins in a piggy bank, play basketball, ride a bike and skateboard, and finally pump water into a bucket.
Gøje, which Suzanne called something in between a parrot and a barbecue chicken because it is changing feathers
And then the stage was ready for the Canadian mini pig Gullig. It could roll out a blanket, throw along and pick up things, go backwards and play football. And during the whole act, it wagged its tail, and that can only mean that it enjoyed performing.
The three dogs Kenny, Cody and Valdemar had fun with the tricks which dogs can do: turn pirouettes, jump, roll, stand on their hind legs, waggle and bark. And finally ride with each other in the doll carriage.
Suzanne, Ida and Uffe Neise with the dogs
Suzanne ended up blowing soap bubbles - in all sizes. The kids went crazy and ran up to help, mostly puncturing the bubbles.
At 14:10 there was a gala performance in Circus Baldoni. Full house!
Circus Baldoni. Photo from 2021.
2 May 2022
BURLESQUE: definition: a humourous show sporting good clean fun, often performed by female /also sometimes male/ dancers displaying appetizing and attractive round shapes, wearing elegant costumes and an extreme make up.
These my write-ups never are about films, only live shows, but you may feel free to find on YOU TUBE: LA TOURNEE, the film.
The very important is that there is NO porn, but an hilarious show that appeals to all, of course an adult audience, the husband can feel free to invite his wife - everybody indulges in laughter.
Then Paris: I write this in APRIL 2022, BURLESQUE was featured a few years ago,
got an excellent response by the audience, not the least by the female adults, within the framework of real theatres.
Photos from Beauties of Burlesque in Paris in the autumn 2014. By courtesy of Garter & Garter Evènements burlesques
I kept applauding, this initiative pleased me, I did hope for a continuation/follow up,
BUT ALAS !!!!!!!!!!!!! it didn't happen so, in spite of a sure success in front of the audience.
Cependant, I do hope, possibly being somewhat naive, that BURLESQUE is to revive like bird FELIX out of his ashes , it remains an important component and a strong det possibility in show bizz.
....................................... reported by ZARRO ZARRO.
29 April 2022
World Circus Day is usually celebrated worldwide on the 3rd Saturday in April. Due to Easter, however, the Danish celebrating has been postponed until Saturday 30 April as Easter Saturday almost is a national holiday in Denmark.
The day is celebrated by the association of Danish Circus Friends in cooperation with the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, and Circus Baldoni. Venue: The Circus Museum in Hvidovre.
Open at the Circus Museum from 10 to 14. This day free admission.
At 11:15 René Mønster Baldoni tells about how a municipally trained office assistant became a magician, business manager at Circus Arena, then director of his own circus and coach in personal development and author of the recently published book "Tænk stort” (Think big). It is possible to buy a signed copy of René's book in connection with the lecture.
Venue: The auditorium, located a few minutes’ walk from the Circus Museum. The address is Vestre Kvartergade 5, 2650 Hvidovre. Free admission.
At 13 Suzanne Berdino performs in the Fencing Hall with dogs, ducks and the parrot Gøje. Free admission.
At 14:10 there is a gala performance in Circus Baldoni, which has put up their tent on the lawn at Fægtesalsvej. Ticket price reduced by DKK 30,
Circus Baldoni at the lawn at Fægtesalsvej. Photo from 2021.
28 April 2022
Circus Arnardo 2022 - the show must go on.
From Norway, Thorbjørn Klæbo Flo writes (my translation):
Opening with artists
Emi Velkova in tissue
Kevin Probst with playful dogs
Duo Rossi clowns
Are and Paulina with magic
Yann Rossi clown
Kevin Probst with trained donkeys and solo horse
Luigi Folco Arnardo with diabolo
Duo Rossi clowns - musical act
Shannon Folco Arnardo - Flying Rugs (foot juggler)
Duo Rossi clowns
Tünde Szabo – aerial straps
Duo Rossi clowns
Steven Carroli - unicycle act
Circus Arnardo continues to work on the successful project they had with summer shows in a smaller tent in 2021 from June to October.
Tent from Kevin Probst with room for about 450 spectators. Since 2021 the performance has been expanded with a few more artists. Against about 1 hour show last year, the performance now last 1 hour and 20 minutes without a break. Child-friendly ticket prices and a great family show.
Arnardo has also this year opted out of live orchestra but has Rossi JR on live drums live as a supplement to pre-recorded music.
The performances are absolutely worth seeing and the entertainment with many great artists. I will especially highlight Kevin Probst with 3 beautiful acts. Donkeys, solo horse and a playful mix of dogs.
Kevin Probst is still working with the Norwegian props Frank in a comic combination. Frank also interacts with the Rossi clowns' plate act.
Kevin Probst with resp. 8 donkeys and dogs. All photos: Thorbjørn Klæbo Flo
Duo Rossi are well-known clowns in Europe and has worked for most major circuses. They are great classic clowns with original musical acts.
Duo Rossi
For many years, the white faced clown Yann Rossi had his brother Hector as a partner and they were known as the Duo Rossyan. Today he has his wife as partner
Luigi Folco Arnardo makes an excellent diabolo act that keeps getting better and better. His sister Shannon Folco Arnardo continues to work on a combination of dance and foot juggling with flying blankets. Last year the theme was Swan Lake, this year it's Harlequin. Excellent done.
Shannon Folco Arnardo
As Arild Arnardo used to say in his presentation: The artists will do their best, I hope the audience does the same.
I recommend Scandinavian circus friends to take the trip to Norway to see Circus Arnardo's performance 2022.
26 April 2022
Circus Baldoni 2022. Jacob Boas Leitisstein writes (my translation):
On Wednesday 20 April, Circus Baldoni kicked off their season in Hillerød. This season offers the performance "It's Showtime", and again this year the entertainer Peter Nørgaard is ringmaster.
The show started with the clown Allando taking over the ring with his mop.
Allando with his mop. All photos: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Then it went to the opening of the show, where Peter Nørgaard in best "The Greatest Showman" style welcomed with song and a parade of inflatable animals. In addition to presenting the show's acts, Peter also spiced up the show with a number of his own acts: ventriloquist acts and show acts. You met both Baldoni's mascot the Lion Leonardo and Peter's own ventriloquist doll the Dog Charlie.
Peter with Baldoni's mascot Leonardo
And then Peter presented his version of "Singing in the rain" with both singing and step dancing.
In addition to being a ventriloquist Peter Nørgaard graduated as an actor / musical performer from the Danish Academy of Music in 2008
In addition to Peter Nørgaard, the show's recurring character was the clown Allando, whom the Baldoni audience met for the first time last year. Again this year, Allando featured a series of run-ins which “got straight into the kids' laughter muscles”. This year, Allando had i.e. brought a large inflatable elephant into the ring.
Allando and the elephant
The second part of the show started with a fast-paced bike act with Daniella and Lénárd Matos. A beautiful act where Lénard rides a unicycle while jumping: both across Daniella, from podium to podium, up and down stairs, on a trampoline and across a burning rope.
Duo Matos
The show also featured the couple Line Carol and Stefan Platchov. In the first section with Stefan's act with ladder balance. An act where he climbed the free-standing ladder both with and without being blindfolded. The act ended with Stefan juggling clubs while standing at the top of the ladder.
Ladder balance
We also got to see Line's act. A juggling act with high speed where both bouncing balls, drums and piano were used. A super nice act!
Line is assisted here by her husband Stefan
And then you can’t say Circus Baldoni without also saying The Janacek Family, which also this year offered a number of acts. Eddie Janacek presented a classic juggling act, which was a nice reunion from previous years' performances. Maria Janacek climbed again this year to the top of the circus dome and showed a fine act in vertical rope.
Maria Janacek in vertical rope
And last but not least, we also got to see the sons Kaya and Rudi - this year in a knockabout table act with Eddie.
Kaya and Rudi with one of the classic tricks in a table act
In the show's finale, the ring was filled with all the artists, and it developed into a wonderful cocktail of show singing with Peter Nørgaard, dancing and lots of artistry. A super end on a good circus show!
Finale. Click here to see more of Jacob's photos.
26 April 2022
Circus Arena's 6-man Polish orchestra is extremely well-playing. It is led by 24-year-old trumpet-playing bandmaster Rafael Wojaczek. And this is not his first visit to Denmark: Agnete Louise Enoch says that he was one of the musicians in the orchestra which Circus Dannebrog had in 2016.
24 April 2022
In this year's Zircus Nemo performance, you will meet Professor Wacko with a comic act in trampoline. His civil name is Vladimir Georgievsky, and this is not the first time he works in Denmark. In 1993 he toured with Circus Fantastico, where he was one of the 4 artists in the troupe Trampolino Veneziano. But the comic act he shows at Nemo, he has not previously shown in Denmark. The Swedes experienced it in 2001 at Cirkus Scott, where he performed under the name Egon von Scwantz. - Press photo from Zircus Nemo.
23 April 2022
Some have probably noted that it has been a good while since I have brought write-ups from my faithful Paris correspondent Zarro Zarro. But Zarro Zarro, who turns 90 in November, has been ill but is now recovering. He writes:
To my readers: After hospital for a heart problem, never had before, I am back home and follow a rehabilitation program. Write ups will come. ZARRO ZARRO.
Zarro Zarro
18 April 2022
Circus Brazil Jack 2022 - circus at its very best. Prior to the 2020 season, Circus Brazil Jack had invested in a brand new tent and a brand new lighting system. But the corona meant that neither in 2020 nor 2021 did any circuses go on tour in Sweden.
For this reason the director Trolle Rhodin III and his mother Carmen Rhodin had been looking forward to touring this year. But while the corona was returning, there were other challenges, namely the war in Ukraine. It hit Circus Brazil Jack because both their props and their orchestra come from Ukraine.
But circus people do not give up! So on April 15, there was season opening at the Mill Square in Malmö, where I saw the show the next day. In the new Scola Teloni tent, which has a diameter of 36 meters against the old tent’s 34 meters. And with chairs at all seats. In the old tent there were benches on the steps. The chairs have been bought from Benny Berdino, who used them in Swedish Circus Skratt during the years he provided tents etc. to Circus Skratt.
Nice to see a queue at the entrance to a circus!
Using quarter poles with a Y at the top halves the number of poles which can interfere with visibility. In the new tent there are 2 rows of ringside chairs as well as 7 rows of folding seats of plastic. Clearly more comfortable than the benches in the old tent
Due to the war in Ukraine the members of the band can’t leave Ukraine. That's why Circus Brazil Jack uses pre-recorded music. But both music choices and sound quality are top quality. They also do not quite have the number of props they need, but more are on the way and should be ready when the circus on April 24 ends the visit to in Malmö and starts this year's tour.
With all these obstacles, one could fear that it could pinch the quality of the performance. But that is certainly not the case: the almost 2-hour-long performance is of international top quality and the best of the performances I have seen this year. And with several acts that are obvious candidates for prestigious awards at upcoming circus festivals.
The recurring characters in the show are the Czech Wolf Brothers, who have a number of extremely successful comic reprises. The Danes have seen them in Circus Arli, and they have also previously been to Brazil Jack. The tall and muscular David and his somewhat smaller elder brother Richard have much success in this year's performance. No one missed that there were no traditional red-nosed clowns in the show.
David and Richard opened the show with the well-known clapping entrée before director Trolle Rhodin welcomed. And then it went act after act without the use of ringmaster.
Trolle Rhodin welcomes, surrounded by the 2 Wolf brothers
First act was the young Italian hat juggler Sage Macaggi. The Danes saw him last year in Cirkus Baldoni, and he has certainly not gotten any worse!
Sage Macaggi
Next came David Wolf in the ring as a trapeze star. But alas, the trapeze hung too high, and little Richard tried to use a ladder to help his brother up the trapeze. As those who have seen the act before know, it develops into a formidable comic trapeze act, which thrilled the audience.
Wolf Brothers
We do not meet many Ethiopian artists in circuses in our part of the world. But Brazil Jack has engaged three this year: The Black Diamonds. In their first entrée, however, there were only two in the ring: Tiblet & Selam, who presented a distinguished act as foot jugglers with scarves. Even on two floors, so as to understand that one carried the other on her feet while juggling the scarves.
Tablet and Sesame with juggling on 2 floors
They were followed by an act of international top class: an aerial straps act performed by the only 17-year-old Maksym together with the 23-year-old Mariia Shevchenko. Both come from Ukraine. The degree of difficulty was light years above what you normally can see with, among other things, foot-to-foot hanging, see photo. Had it been a Danish circus, they would have been obvious candidates for a nomination for the award for best act of the year. However, threatened by Maria's other act which came later in the performance!
Ab aerial straps act og international top class!
Next, the Wolf brothers were back in the ring. This time with their bullfighting entrée, where the bullfighter Richard gets help from a lovely lady (his brother David) who, when she bends down, transforms into a bull. Again an entrée that thrilled the audience.
Richard riding the bull
Now the Ethiopian artists came back into the arena. This time as Trio Black Diamonds with impressively beautiful acrobatics.
Three black diamonds!
The first act after the break was the two Meta Brothers in a high wire act, which offered safe presentation of the tricks one usually sees performed by a high wire duo. High wire acts never use safety nets, even though it is known as one of the most dangerous disciplines. Circus Brazil Jack has therefore chosen to place a giant inflatable pillow under the line. It was not needed in the performance I saw. But reassuring that it was there.
Note the air cushion - reassuring for both artists and audiences who should not experience accidents
Most of us use a chair to sit on. But Mesa Brothers stands on it. And while the chair balances on a high line!
Then time had come again for Wolf Brothers. This time with an entrée with a springboard done in the best knockabout style.
Skating Jasters then came into the ring with a classic roller skating act which offered all the tricks one expects from such an act when, like Jasters, it is top class.
Skating Jasters
They were followed by the Wolf brothers, this time in an entrée as strong men.
Wolf Brothers, this time as strongmen
I often get tired when I see silks hanging down from the circus dome. And thinking: Oh no, another number in tissue, also called aerial silks. But the performance's last act performed by Mariia Shevchenko, is by far the best tissue act I ever have seen, both in artistic performance and in difficulty. Carmen Rhodin says that Mariia won silver at the circus festival in Latino in 2019, where she did a solo act in aerial straps with many of the tricks she did at Brazil Jack in tissue. She must be an obvious candidate for one of the prestigious awards at an upcoming Monte Carlo festival.
Mariia Shevchenko - a world-class act
Then time had come to the final where the artists came in the ring and were presented by name. Poetically, the performance ended with Mariia lighting a candle in the ring in a hope for peace in her native Ukraine. A hope everyone can share.
As mentioned, an excellent performance. The performance would be an obvious candidate if there was an award in the Nordic countries for the best performance of the year.
Let's hope that despite the lack of pops Circus Brazil Jack succeeds in completing a fairly problem-free tour and that a lot of visitors will come to see circus at its very best.
17 April 2022
Circus Rhodin. Members of the Rhodin family run 2 circuses in Sweden: Diana Rhodin runs the small Circus Rhodin, and her nephew Trolle Rhodin runs assisted by her mother Carmen Rhodin Sweden's largest circus, Circus Brazil Jack.
Cirkus Rhodin has for many years used a tent they bought from Danish Circus Arli. But this year they have got a new tent of the same size as the old one. In the tent there is a small ring, 2 rows of chairs and 3 rows of benches. Without backrest.
Circus Rhodin on the square by Mobilia in Malmö
The circus director Diana Rhodin is daughter of Trolle Rhodin (1917 - 1997), who after many years running his own circus became artistic director for Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey. The lighting conditions in Circus Rhodin's tent unfortunately made it difficult to take good photos.
This year's show is a nice and family-friendly show. And with a Danish star: The 16-year-old trapeze artist Nynne Hulsig Samuelsen. She has had Isabella Enoch, who in her younger days was an excellent trapeze artist, as a teacher, and has previously performed in Isabella's Circus Trapez.
The young Danish talent Nynne Hulsig Samuelsen
This year's performance begins with the Bulgarian clown Dimo with Popov's familiar entrée where the clown must catch the spotlight on the ring carpet. Next comes all the artists in the ring before Diana Rhodin welcomes.
The clown Dimo
Some of the artists in the ring. At the back is Nynne
The first artist act is Diana's daughter Simona in act in an “aerial ring” set on a pole.
Next, Dimo is back with an entrée where he juggles a bit and catches fictitious balls in a bag, where you can clearly hear the ball landing. Also a well-known clown entrée.
And then there are animals in the ring: 3 ponies presented by Diana Rhodin.
Diana Rhodin and her ponies
Next artist is the excellent juggler Benjamin Pfeiffer. First with 3 clubs, then with 4 clubs, then with 5 clubs and finally with 6 clubs. The act ends with juggling clubs with different colored lights in. Extremely spectacular!
The luminous clubs
Next, Diana Rhodin is back, this time with 3 dogs.
Diana and the dogs
Now Dimo has another reprice: the familiar one with the skipping rope, where he gets help from 2 spectators. Finally, one spectator must be blindfolded. As connoisseurs of the entrée know, it's a fake: the clown knocks the rope end down in the ring with greater and greater speed. But the spectator thinks it's the skipping rope he hears.
Then pirates enter the ring. These are the 4 members of the Wolf family, probably a father and mother with two grown sons. First they fencing with each other, then they show excellent ladder balance.
Ladder balance with Wolf family
The first act after the break is Danish Nynne Samuelsen. Diana first tells about the legendary Danish-born trapeze star La Norma, who according to Diana as a 16-year-old was given the opportunity to travel by circus. A somewhat simplified version of how Norma ended up in the circus! And then she presents another 16-year-old Danish girl, namely Nynne, who 80 years after Norma got the same opportunity.
It should be added that where Norma was not asked at all before her parents left her as trainee to an artist, then it is completely voluntary for Nynne to perform in the circus. And she is a clear talent who may over the years develop into a star of international format.
After a short entrée with Dimo and a fictional dog, Simona is back in the arena, this time with an excellent hula hoop act.
Simona Rhodin is the daughter of Diana Rhodin and her spouse
Dimo is now back. This time in an run-in which starts with him throwing a big ball out among the audience and ends with him getting a little boy in the ring and astonishing him by first conjuring paper balls and then his one shoe away. The spectators can see what happens: he simply throws the ball / shoe over his shoulder while the boy focuses on the clown's hand,
Now Benjamin Pfeiffer is back in the arena. This time with two beautiful macaw parrots. Next all parrot acts consist of the parrots doing various arts on a table. But Benjamin's entrée is completely different: he plays with the parrots, which also fly around freely in tents several times. He can also juggle the parrots and juggle balls while holding them. And they can, in the same way as you know from dog acts, walk between his legs. Nicely refreshing to see such a parrot act.
Benjamin Pfeiffer and his parrots
Last act is finely executed formation juggling with Wolf Family.
Wolf family, this time as jugglers
The performance did not feature world-class artists. But as mentioned, it was an absolutely nice and family-friendly show. When I saw the show, the audience consisted mainly of parents with children up to 7-8 years old. Both the children and the adults felt that they had a good circus experience.
15 April 2012
Line Vittrup turns 50. On Sunday 17 April the acrobat Line Vittrup, Copenhagen, can celebrate her 50 years birthday. Since 2007, she has been associated with the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, where she is responsible for the museum's popular circus schools, team building, birthday parties, and Circus Fun where she or one of her assistants is ready to help children master the tight wire trapeze or keeping the juggling the balls in the air.
Line ready for Circus Fun
Line Vittrup was born in Vissenbjerg on Funen. She received her initial training as an artist from Irene Thierry in the tiny Danish Circus Krone, where she worked a few years. Then the comedians Soren Ostergaard and Flemming Jensen asked her if she would be lady who gets sawn in half in their comedy show "the big dog show" and also serve as backstage manager. Line accepted their offer and was later with “the big dog show” on its tour in Germany. In 1997 was Line Vittrup assistant to the magician Kim Kenneth who in this season worked for Circus Arena. After the end of the season she followed Kim Kenneth to Billy Smarts Circus in England. There she met the Czech artist troupe Faltyny who asked if she would like to be their trainee. The following two years Line toured around the world with the Czech troupe with tempo juggling, acrobatics on one-wheel bicycle and a knife throwing act.
Afterwards Line Vittrup joined the Danish Circus Theater, where she met the knockabout table acrobat Freddie Steckel, with whom she worked for 12 years. They performed in Cirkus Agora and Cirkus Merano in Norway and in Cirkus Maximum in Sweden. In Denmark, they performed in Circus Dannebrog, at events in Circus Benneweis, at clown shows on Bakken, on tour with Circus Arena in the Faroe Islands. South of the border, they performed a couple of times at the Hansa Theater in Hamburg, in the well-known French TV program "Le Plus Grand cabaret Du Monde" and at various winter galas in France, etc.
Line was also a circus princess in Soren Ostergaard's Zircus Barnly. In 2011, she made her debut as an author with the children's book Milo in the Circus, which is about the dog Milo visiting Circus Benneweis.
Line Vittrup
13 April 2022
Circus Trapez 2022. Jorgen Lorenzen saw the performance in Hobro Sports Centre 10 April at 15 and writes (my translation):
There were about 300 people in the sports centre. Agnete Louise Enoch was ringmistress instead of her sister Isabella Enoch, who is on sick leave from her circus. And Agnete clearly enjoyed being back in the ring. She had chosen to wear her old green suit, which brought thoughts back to the early years of circus Dannebrog. (Agnete Louise Enoch was for many years ringmistress in the large Danish Circus Dannebrog which closed after season 2016).
Agnete Louise Enoch. Ringmistress. All photos: Anny Schaldemose
The house artists in circus Trapez were last season Nynne Hulsig Samuelsen and Lasse Hasager. Nynne is an aerial artist in rapid development, and this season she is engaged by the Swedish circus Rhodin. But Lasse is still with Trapez and he too is a dedicated artist in development. And of course you will once again meet Bernhard Kaselowsky.
The foreign artists consist of two artist couples, Edita and Yuriy and Bettina and Patrick. Yuriy and Patrick form Duo Gancho, which was part of circus Trapez Christmas Circus in Kolding - the performance that after a few performances was interrupted by the corona. Back then, their main act was a knockabout table act. This act is not presented this year as Patrick is suffering from a shoulder injury. But they are versatile and talented artists who can still solve the task, because they are all-round artists who can do most of the artist disciplines and create acts which delight and amaze the audience throughout the performance.
Agnete Enoch opens the show and mentions that she can celebrate her 50th year anniversary in circus. And then there was no let-up. First an act with formation juggling - Lasse and Patrick.
Formation juggling. Lasse Hasager in the foreground. Yuriy Mamchych in the background.
Then an act in aerial straps performed by Yuriy. It looks easy and effortless, although it is a strength act that requires almost supernatural powers.
Patrick has to give up the most difficult physical acts due to his injury. But he knows so much else, and performs his art / his arts with a talking, vivid mimicry that reaches everyone in the centre. He presents a series of magic tricks - acts where the presentation is part of the act. He can do that - and has a facial expression that supports the magic.
Magic with glasses. Patrick.
Lasse Hasager enters the ring with the world's smallest dog - only 300 grams. Patrick continues with the magic, i.e. he conjures up a rabbit - but the children have already revealed that it is in the hat.
The rabbit up in the hat. Patrick.
Then it's the women's turn. Bettina Kovacs knows the art of slinging rings around her body - hula hoop as it is called. She stands on hands and juggles the rings around her body and she has a hair extension which is included in the act as a ring is juggled around it.
Hula hoop. Bettina Kovacs.
Lasse comes in with a suitcase and clown nose - and wearing a garment that can probably be described as a kilt. The act is full of ideas that need to be developed and clarified at a later stage. But the essence is diabolo juggling and that is one of his competencies.
Lasse Hasager as a juggler in an exciting outfit.
Patrick ends the first part of the performance with an act where he inflates balloons and plays a mouth organ with the leaking air.
Second part of the performance begins with 5 goats, presented by Bernhard Kaselowsky. The population has expanded to 5, and the extra goat has the effect that you feel that the whole ring is filled with these good-natured and slow animals.
And then comes a comic entrée as there is no real clown is the performance, But Patrick comes in, sits down on a chair and pulls out an issue of a newspaper - to read today's news. But Yuriy is disguised as a fly and comes in and disturbs. The newspaper is folded so that it can slap the fly - and then a hunt takes place, which leads both out among the audience, who are involved in the fly hunt. Very funny, big cheers, almost a fight with rolled up newspapers.
Edita is a foot juggler and balances 4 tablecloths while lying on her back in her trinka.
The mirror entrée is performed by Yuriy and Patrick, before Lasse juggles with balls and knives, this afternoon with a lot of ball drops!
The mirror entrée. Patrick and Yuriy.
Finally, there is a stylish and aesthetic adagio number, where Edita and Yuriy (Duo Mamchych) balance on and with each other. For example. she hangs on his shoulders / neck with her head down, and she lies on the floor with one leg stretched up, where he stands on the outstretched foot. A nice way to end the act.
And then there is an act that needs to be mentioned separately. Patrick enters, dressed in black. In front of the backdrop stands a hat stand on which a coat hangs. A drama is now unfolding in which Patrick wraps himself in and out of his coat, and his hands have white gloves so that they are part of the story.
Who owns the hands? The coat or the artist? And is it a love drama, or is it a tale of loneliness. At the same time, there is a shadow effect up against the backdrop, so there is a double effect - a shadow play. It seemed like a kind of continuation of the Czech Laterna Magica.
A poetic act with a shadow effect. Love or loneliness? Multi-artist Patrick.
All in all, a great performance with a good response from the audience. Skilled artists, good atmosphere, great applause. That’s how we know a good circus performance.
11 April 2022
Circus Olympia 2022. The Swedish circus opened the season in Oskarström on 9 April. Among the guests was Martin Lasson Berglund who writes (my translation):
Sold out circus premiere at Cirkus Olympia!
A wonderful premiere yesterday in a sold-out Oskarström outside Halmstad. People have really missed the circus! 🎪
After a two-year corona break, you can once again see Circus Olympia's blue / yellow tent on the Swedish circus lots. Photo: Linda Himsel
This year's program offers both Paczo's comic trampoline, Fatime and her cats and David Hammarberg with a new balancing act. The clown Rico is new to the Swedish audience and his best act is his love act 😄
The performance offers i.e. on a reunion with Hungarian Paczo (Peytchev Plamen Metodiev), also known as Mr. Jumping. He was most recently at Olympia in 2009. The Danes knew him from several seasons in Circus Baldoni. Photo: Linda Himsel
David Hammarberg. Photo: Ellen Valheim
Of course, the circus' own horses and dogs are included, as well as the live music, which this year only consists of three musicians.
Niklas Bengtsson. Photo: Linda Himsel
Henrika Bengtsson and her dogs. Photo: Linda Himsel
The performance is festive and good, but great that many people to see the show being happy for the facts that circuses now are back on the road.
Big CONGRATULATIONS to Henrika Bengtsson who in the final was awarded the Swedish Circus Academy's honorary prize, Charlie of the Year, as a proof of her hard and committed work in running and developing Swedish Circus Olympia!
10 April 2022
Circus Finlandia 2022. Circus Finlandia calls itself the world's largest Finnish circus. And they are undoubtedly Finland's largest. And in the Nordics, only Arena has a bigger tent than Finlandia. They opened season 2022 on April 9 in Karjaa (Karis). In this year's show you meet
Emmi Peltola - Aerial Hoop
Laura Savolainen - Tightwire
Ignat Ignatov - Friesian Horses
Andrejs Fjodorovs - Dove Artist
Mystery of Gentlemen - Acrobatics
Marionette’s Dream - Skipping Rope
Diorios - Globe of Death
Andrey Jigalov & Oleg - Clowns
Sebastian - Ringmaster
Sirkus Finlandia Band conducted by Waldemar Rakowski
When Andrej Fjodorovs was with Danish Cirkus Arena in 2019, he received the prize for the best act of the year from the Danish Circus Award. He made his breakthrough at Circus Arli in 2008, where a visiting artist agent saw that it was a pigeon act completely out of the ordinary. Two years later, he performed at the International Circus Festival in Monte-Carlo, where he received the prestigious ‘Prix de lŽAssociation Monegasque Des Amis du Cirque’. Now the world had seen him, and the international breakthrough was a reality. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press
Diorios and their death globe are well known in Denmark from several seasons in Circus Arena. The Swedes saw them several times in the now closed Circus Maximum. They have also previously been to Finland. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press
10 April 2022
In connection with the premiere on April 9 in the Swedish Circus Olympia, Henrika Bengtsson received the Swedish Circus Academy's prestigious award "Charlie of the Year". Here she is seen surrounded by the Circus Academy director Janne Näsström and its secretary Hans Lindgren. The first recipient of Charlie of the Year was the director of Circus Scott, Käte Bronett, who received the award in 1985. Photo: Photo: Janeric Dahlin
The jury's motivation (My translation)
"Henrika Bengtsson has together with her late husband Herbert (Charlie Recipient of the Year 1998) created Circus Olympia and she has also continued to run and develop Circus Olympia with her family into a modern, but still traditional touring circus.
She is the spider in the web who organizes and plans so that the circus can function every day. She is the one who manages the circus' finances, takes care of visa issues, so that every year there is musicians and tent workers and artists. She handles the contact with municipalities, i.e. she does all those important and essential parts needed for a circus to work. In addition, she performs with her happy dogs every night and her act in the Circus Olympia performances is a must which regular audience looks forward to and expects. During Cirkus Olympia's 36-year journey, she has also raised two children, Jessica and Niklas (Charlie Recipient of the Year 2010), who both with their respective spouses are part of the management of the company. She is also the grandmother of Simon and Sam.
The Circus Academy's Prize Jury has decided to award Henrika Bengtsson the honorary prize "Charlie of the Year 2022" for her cultural contributions for the preservation of circus art. "
8 April 2022
A circus queen turns 75. On April 14, the Jutland circus queen Irene Thierry, Horsens, turns 75. For many years she ran the small Danish Circus Krone, which toured in Jutland, on Funen and on Ærø. In the same way as queens in the Netherlands abdicate when they are in their early 70s, in 2017 Irene chose to pass the ownership to Circus Krone to her eldest son Frank. Due to corona etc. Circus Krone has however not been on tour since 2018.
Circus Krone's roots go back to 1937, when Irene Thierry’s father Regner Thierry started it as a fairground circus called Circus Thierry. Later, the family bought a travelling fun fair and Irene and her brother Ricard made an aerial act in a swaying pole which was placed at the fairground site. Circus Krone’s seasons then became shorter and shorter. In 1984 Irene Thierry restarted Circus Krone assisted by her sons Frank and Marc and her brother Ricard. The past several years she has also been assisted by her spouse Jan Allan, who is the children's favourite as the clown Allando and also has mischievous ponies in the ring.
In 2021 and again this year, Allando is the recurring clown figure in Circus Baldoni, though without ponies.
In her many years as director, Irene Thierry was also human resources manager in the most distinguished sense of the word. With one eye on each finger, she noticed any signs of bad mood or problems with her staff and did everything possible to ensure that everyone was feeling as well as possible. "In short, she is a really lovely lady, and is for this reason highly respected among the artists who have been with Cirkus Krone", the ventriloquist Preben Palsgaard, who worked in Circus Krone for several seasons, says.
Irene Thierry. Photo: Lise Kokholm
7 April 2022
Circus Arena when it is best! That was the conclusion among the more than 1,200 persons who on April 4 watched the season opening performance at ‘Bellahoj’ in Copenhagen on a cold and windy Monday night. But inside the brand new tent, there was warmth, charm, talent and atmosphere. Big praise to Lasse Nørager, also known as the clown Bonbon, and Jackie Berdino, who has out the show on stage. Also praise to the 6-piece Polish orchestra under the direction of the trumpet-playing bandmaster Rafael Wojaczek. It is the best circus orchestra I have met in recent years.
Circus Arena's new tent has a diameter of 40 m2 and is the Nordic region's largest circus tent
When Cirkus Arena last time got a new tent - it was back in 2008 - there were 8 large circuses in the Scandinavian countries. In Denmark Arena, Benneweis and Dannebrog. In Norway Arnardo and Merano. And in Sweden Brazil Jack, Maximum and Scott. Today there are only 3 left: Arena, Arnardo and Brazil Jack, and the first two have got smaller tents. However Arena's 40 meter tent with room for just over 1,200 spectators is still the largest in the Nordic region. And the guests will be pleased by the fact that the tent does not have storm poles that interfere with the view from certain seats but only the four giant king poles.
The new tent does not have storm poles, which can often disturb the view from the spectator seats
Each circus has its own style - thankfully. At Arena, they find it important that there should also be fun of the fair in the performance, and that it should run too fast. And preferably with two hosts who talk a lot with each other. This year’s performance lives up to these demands in the most beautiful way.
This year's performance, entitled Circus according to Bubber 2, is Arena's 65th anniversary performance. It was actually in 2020 that they could celebrate their 65th anniversary, but both in 2020 and in 2021, the corona make a tour impossible. But this year they manage to celebrate the anniversary.
The performance begins showing films about Circus Arena from the beginning to recent years using a small tent in the ring as a screen. Then the hosts Bubber and Julie Berthelsen welcome with what has almost become Circus Arena's familiar tune: The song Circus, circus, circus is town - written by Keld Heick especially for Circus Arena.
A short movie is shown with a small tent as screen. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The two ringmasters: Bubber and Julie Berthelsen. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
First artist act is Robi Berousek (Robert Berousek) with a fine act with ladder balance. Robi is also the chief prop. He was most recently with Arena in 2010 as well as in their Circusland in 2020.
Robi Berousek can juggle while balancing on a ladder!
After a little chat between Bubber and Julie, the circus princess Laura Berdino enters the ring with 6 beautiful Arabian horses.
Laura Berdino and her horses. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Now time is coming to Arena's house clown Jimmy Folco. He comes driving into the ring and shows his entrée as a pizza baker and juggler.
The pizza juggling Jimmy Folco
Bubber and Julie then present two strong artists - "he really got muscles", Julie explains. It's Duo Costache (Leonardo & Vita Costache) with the act in perch, which they also presented in Arena in 2017. A great act. Not least the final trick where Vita rides in a ring at the end of the perch which Leonardo balances on his forehead impresses. The couple comes from Romania.
Duo Costache. Photos Ole Simonsen and Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Now time again is coming for Jimmy Folco. This time with an entrée he has not shown before in Circus Arena: the funnel routine which not least the Jose Michels clowns are known for. Julie promises that Jimmy will get DKK 1,000 if he can get a coin she puts on his forehead to fall into a funnel that is tucked into his trousers. Of course, she pours water in the funnel and then persuades Jimmy to do the same with someone who is even stupider than Jimmy, namely Bubber. As connoisseurs of the entrée can guess, Jimmy gets very wet during his many attempts to pour water in Buber’s pants water from larger and smaller bottles and tubs! A fine entrée which the trio has given their very own twist.
Jimmy Folco was soaked. Also Bubber got wet …
Then there are horses in the ring again: this time 6 Shetland ponies presented by Karsten Berdino.
After the horses, Julie Berthelsen sings the poetic and beautiful song Lyse Nætter (Now the birds are coming again), which Alberte Winding had a hit with a few years ago. Julie is a very popular Danish-born Greenlandic pop singer and she has a wonderful voice. While she is singing, one of the members of the Atai group performs with acrobatics and dancing.
While Julie Berthelsen sings, the Atai artist acts as a bird. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The last act before the interval is the bouncing juggler Alan Sulc, who very well deserved received the evening's biggest applause. Only 12 years old, he won gold in 2002 at the European Youth Circus Festival, which is the most prestigious festival for young artists. In 2004, he got a bronze clown at the 28th International Circus Festival in Monte-Carlo. The same year, the Danes saw him in Circus Benneweis, where he "overturned the tent" night after night. In 2019 he toured with Circus Arli and was among the 3 artists who were nominated for the award for best act of the year. He was beaten with a hair's breadth by another artist, but many believe the award should have gone to Alan. At Arena, as in Benneweis and Arli, he shows an impressively beautiful act without a single drop.
Alan Sulc
The interval is used to put safety net up for Flying Wulber, which as the first act in the 2nd part of the performance does a great and very safe performed act in flying trapeze. With both somersault, double somersault, triple somersault and double passage done and done in a perfect way. The double passage even blindfolded! One of the market's very best acts in flying trapeze. They were also with Circus Arena in 2019.
Flying Wulbers masters among other things the double passage - even blindfolded
While the net is taken down, Bubber runs around with a saw, which he will use for the old fun at the fair act saving a lady in half. However, he is "overtaken" by Jimmy Folco with an entrée where Jimmy's wife rattles the balloons he inflates.
Then there are happy dogs in the ring: Pat Clarrison (Patrick Harrison) and his Hot Dogs, which consist of dogs of different breeds that he has rescued from places where they were not treated well. He has taken over the number from his father Pete Harrison. It was most recently at Arena in 2017 and in their Circusland in 2020. Previously he has performed with both Benny Schumann and Benneweis. Always nice to see a dog act where you feel that the dogs also have fun.
Pat, Pip and their hot dogs. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
This is followed by Jimmy Folco's entrée where he is a strong man. Nice that Jimmy not once during the performance takes innocent spectators into the ring. Something he has otherwise been known for.
Now Bubber wants to present the old act sawing a lady in half. And it's the slightly hesitant Julie who's going in the box. It would be a shame to reveal how the entrée is developing! But it arouses great cheers among the audience. As part of the act Julie sings her own hit: Every Little Part of Me.
Bubber is ready to get Julie in the box as the lady to be sawed in half. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The last act of the evening is one that “split the waters”. A contemporary circus-like act performed by 4 artists from the Atai show, who are presented as robot break dancers. I would rather call them mimics. They have impressed judges and audiences in America Got talent and several other talent shows. This year it is the Danes' turn to see them. A large portion of the audience was thrilled, while others found the act strange and a little scarring for smaller children. Brave of Arena also to show something that is not classic circus.
The Atai show features both a Napoleon figure and a Chaplin figure. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein. Click here to see more of Jacob's photos from the performance.
Then it is time for the finale with great applause to the artists. And in the coming months the audience, including the many who like the Arena and their style, will certainly not be disappointed when they see the year's performance.
From the finale of the opening night performance
7 April 2022
Circus Mascot 2022. Jørgen Lorenzen saw the performance in Aars Idrætscenter on 3 April at 15 and writes (my translation):
Circus Mascot leaves the tent at home during this year's summer tour. Instead, the focus is on performances in sport centres and other arenas. Certainly not a bad idea as costs can be kept down, and there can be more spectators in an arena than in Mascot's tent. This afternoon there were 400. The children could sit or lie on mats along the ringside - and thus get the very best view as there were no ringside chairs.
This year, the performance is presented by Preben Palsgaard. He is a classic, stylish ringmaster who leads the audience through the performance with relevant comments. And he shows his own skills as ventriloquist in two entrées. The first is the entrée with the talking shoes - version 2. It has now become a men's shoe and a women's shoe, which show interest in each other as they come out of the shoebox - and apparently become lovers in the end. Almost like in a Hans Christian Andersen universe. In the second entrée the vulture Galle appears.
Preben Palsgaard with Galle. Photo by courtesy of Circus Mascot
Daniel Deleuran will not appear in the ring this year. He will concentrate on marketing and presale.
The show is very child friendly. Tatyana begins with an aesthetic hula hoop act. She is a versatile and stylish artist. Always quality, high degree of difficulty and sense of expression.
Tatyana. Photo: Anne Schaldemose
Her husband Gulio hides among the children - and disturbs the ringmaster. He has no ticket but must borrow one as he is threatened with deportation. Because those who do not hold a ticket must be thrown out! But the clever Gulio borrows a ticket from a spectator - and has just heard that people without a ticket must be thrown out. The ringmaster show mercy and Gulio is invited into the ring where he and Preben tease each other and is conjuring a clock away.
Gulio. Photo: Anne Schaldemose
Marianne's dog show is a must in Circus Mascot. But every year with some changes and renewals. This year, for example. a dog jumping on a trampoline. Her act is followed by Gulio, who has an unruly clothes dog that he has a hard time controlling - at least that's what it looks like.
Marianne and the dogs in the ring. Photo by courtesy of Circus Mascot
And then time had come for Preben Palsgaard's own act. The two shoes have become a male shoe and a female shoe, Hugo and Karla. These are shoes without ears and eyes, but when they come out of the shoebox, they can both hear and speak. Eventually, they probably become lovers.
And then there is slinkies in the ring. Inside one pipe is Gulio. In the second, the artist girl Gige hides.
2 x Slinky. Photo: Anne Schaldemose
Husik then shows his juggling entrée with large rings (hoops). It was the act that aroused great applause at the recent circus festival in Budapest. In Mascot however in a different and simpler costume - black and discreet.
Husik. Photo: Anne Schaldemose
The second part of the performance begins with Gulio throwing a large balloon out among the audience - who returns it. It's an act which does not require great skills, but it always evokes fun. Then Preben Palsgaard and vulture Galle show up - in cheerful conversation and mutual teasing. Galle / Preben can yodel, and that is there probably no other ventriloquist who can.
The small animals are now making their entrée. Marianne presents a goose and the two Canadian minipigs Yrsa and Sille. The two pigs give themselves plenty of time and must be lured and persuaded before they move and do what they are asked to do.
One of the pigs. Photo by courtesy of Circus Mascot
Gulio now pretend that he is driving a car. He picks up two from the audience, who are to be passengers and help him driving. And then it goes over stick and stone and uneven road with hard braking and engine failure.
New to Mascot is the Mongolian artist Gige. She is a contortionist and she also masters the art of shooting with a bow and arrow, which is held with her feet while lying on her stomach.
Gige. Photo: Anne Schaldemose
Gulio follows the act up when he makes animals out of balloons. He makes a bow that can be tightened so that it sends a fictitious arrow off. And then balloons bursts.
And then there was the finale - after a performance where the audience was concentrated and followed what was going on from start to end. And when this is the case the circus works as it should - and shows how unique a circus is. A good show with a good audience is what makes people come back when the circus Mascot next comes to town.
Finale. Photo by courtesy of Cirkus Mascot
4 April 2022
Kim Kenneth and Jessica at Circus Flik-Flak. On Sunday 3 April, the internationally well-known Danish magician Kim Kenneth and his Italian spouse Jessica visited Circus Flik-Flak in Odense. "Thank you for a great magical afternoon." writes the photographer Per Krogh Petersen, who saw the performance and sent me the photos below.
Kim Kenneth with assistants Jasmin Werth and Jessica Caveagna
Kim's very own version of the trick substitution trunk
Jessica Caveagna presented fine sword balancing. Click here to see more of Per's photos and video clips from the show.
1 April 2022
Comeback to Agnete Louise Enoch. When Cirkus Trapez starts the season on April 9 in Balling, they offer a comeback for Agnete Louise Enoch, who was ringmistress in Circus Dannebrog until they closed after season 2016. At least at the beginning of the season, it is Agnete Louise who presents the performers in Circus Trapez. NB! It's NOT an April Fool.
Agnete Louise Enoch. With her long eyelashes, she was for many the epitome of Circus Dannebrog, and with knowledge and authority she presented the acts in the performance. This year you meet her in her sister Isabella Enoch Sosman’s Circus Trapez.
31 March 2022
Swedish Circus Brazil Jack 2022. The Swedish Circus Brazil Jack is Sweden's largest circus. Prior to the 2020 season, they bought a brand new big top after a couple of fairly good seasons. But the corona meant that in neither 2020 nor 2021 did they come on tour. And this year they were hit by the fact that their orchestra and their props / tent workers is from Ukraine, which country they were not allowed to leave due to the war.
Now, however, they have has managed to solve the problems and can open the season at the Mill Square in Malmö on 15 April. They will stay in Malmö until April 24.
As in 2019, it is a performance without animals. Not because the Rhodin family is opposed to animals in circuses, but because they found that their audience became less and less interested in animal acts. In addition, they were tired of the very active Swedish animal rights activists, who with their demonstrations outside the circus did what they could to scare the spectators away.
In the performance you will meet the multi-artists Wolf Brothers from the Czech Republic, the aerial acrobat Mariia Schevchenko from Ukraine, the hat juggler Sage Macaggi from Italy, the three acrobats The Black Diamonds from Ethiopia, Skating Jasters from Italy and Brazil, the foot jugglers Tiblet & Selam from Ethiopia and the high wire acrobats Mesa brothers.
Wolf Brothers is known, among other things, for their comic trapeze entrée. They have been with Circus Brazil Jack several times before, most recently in 2019. The Danes know them from Circus Arli 2011 and 2014. In 2013 toured with Swedish Circus Olympia
The hat juggler Sage Macaggi was one of the top acts in Danish Circus Baldoni in 2021. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Mesa Brothers toured Denmark with Cirkus Dannebrog in 2013. In 2015, they were with Swedish Cirkus Olympia
30 March 2022
Magic show with Kim Kenneth & company. Jacob Boas Leitisstein writes (my translation):
On Saturday 26 March, the small cinema The blue Angel Kalundborg was filled with magic, illusions and a good atmosphere from floor to ceiling. The illusionist Kim Kenneth (internationally known as the Dane in the fast Lane) and his partner Jessica Caveagna invited inside for an illusion show. The show offered a potpourri of Kim's many illusions, which in recent years you have also been able to see in i.e. Circus Baldoni, Circusland and at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre - this evening spiced with a new features during the show.
The cinema which for the evening was transformed into a theater with stage was well filled - and the show started with Kim coming in with flying cards. The opening then turned into a series of card manipulations, which were followed by illusions, where the assistants were conjured away and back again. Also on stage were Kim – apart from Jessica - Helena Neumann and Pip Potaychuk as assistants.
Kim Kenneth and his assistants. Photos by courtesy of Jessica Caveagna
The show then continued both with predictions with balloons, several tricks and manipulations with cards and also Kim's floating table. This evening it was a comic version of the floating table which turned into a lovely song with Helena: "What The World Needs Now Is Love".
The floating table
In the last part of the show, Jessica presented her beautiful act with sword balance on the ladder.
Jessica on the ladder
There were also members from the audience on the stage, who helped Kim with the sawing the woman in half trick and an escape trick. The show ended with a few illusions - including Kim and Jessica's substitution trunk with the box rolled into paper. After this trick, 1 hour and 20 minutes had passed with lots of show and magic - and Kim thanked for tonight. The whole show was tied together nicely by Kim's warm and humorous comments and anecdotes.
If you are close to Odense on Sunday 3 April, it is at 14 possible to see Kim Kenneth and Jessica at Cirkus Flik-Flak, Herluf Trolles Vej 138, 5220 Odense SØ.
29 March 2022
Arli in top form – 5 stars out of 6 in the Six Star Rating System. This was the conclusion when Circus Arli had its national premiere on Sunday 27 March next to the Mill Hill in the Copenhagen suburb Fløng. Not as the largest circus in the Nordic region, but as the first circus in the Nordic region.
This year's performance is called For full Music. Therefore, it is natural that it began with Martin Arli and Francesco coming into the ring and playing the sousaphone and trumpet, respectively, before Martin welcomed and presented the elegant ringmistress Bettina Arli.
Martin welcomes with a sousaphone around his neck. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The first act was a handstand entrée with Sergei's Populans, who elegantly used a bench for his tricks and was eventually visited by a lovely lady. She hid her face behind a fan to eventually reveal herself as the show's recurring clown Francesco.
Sergei Populans. Photo: Ole Simonsen
Martin Arli then sat down at a small grand piano. But he was interrupted several times by a female spectator who was a little late. In the end, the tenacious lady wanted to perform. When Martin did not find her white cotton coat elegant, she made a quick change and had an elegant entrée in tissue under the artist name Jelena Vasiljeva.
Martin and Jelena. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Jelena and tissue. Photo: Ole Simonsen
After a short run-in with Francesco, Bettina presented Duo Grajdian, who did beautiful and graceful adagio acrobatics.
Dua Gradjian. Photo: Ole Simonsen
Next, Martin entered the ring playing a nice trumpet solo. It is a performance for full music, and this year Martin has chosen to replace his usual magic entrées with musical run-ins.
The next act was the tempo jugglers Trio Arlinis: Alexander Arli, Francesco Fratellini and Sarah Flores. The act ended in a spectacular way with juggling clubs with light.
Trio Arlinis and luminous clubs. Photos Jacob Boas Leitisstein and Ole Simonsen
The first act after the interval was Sarah Flores with hula hoops in an entrée that was far better than most other hula hoop acts.
Sarah Flores can call herself mistress of the rings
Martin then had an entrée where he played Kim Larsen tunes on honk horns. The late Kim Larsen was an extremely popular Danish singer, composer and musician. The premiere audience spontaneously sang along to some of the songs.
Martin with honk horns. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Now Francesco entered the ring as a tennis coach. The moody entrée ended with him getting a spectator to help him stretching out a net out, which again and again hit Francesco in the neck and sent him into one of the poles. Of course as a deliberate stunt and not as an accident.
Francesco has hardly has a great future ahead of him as a professional tennis coach… Photo: Ole Simonsen
Next, Duo Populans came into the ring with an illusion act where they, as Bettina said, had a twinkle in their eye. Impressive that Jelena can disappear in the boxes. Most impressive is the trick, where she magically crawls through Sergei's stomach.
Pure magic! Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Then time had come for musical Martin, this time with a poetic tune played at a very small concertina.
Martin, now with concertina. Photo: Ole Simonsen
"Do you want to see clowns?" Bettina asked. Of course, the audience wanted to see clowns. Therefore, Alejandros aka Alexander Arli and Francesco entered the ring. This year's clown entrée is an Arli classic: the one where the two clowns sit on a bench and sing the song "On a bench in Charlottenlund" and are disturbed by a dangerous monkey. With good reason one of the most beloved entrées in Circus Arli.
The dangerous monkey and a terrified Alexander. Francesco has not discovered the monkey at all. Photo: Ole Simonsen
Last act was a fine act in aerial straps to River Dance music, performed by Olga and the muscular Mihail Gradjian. In some tricks in the act, it was Olga who wore Mihail, and not as usual the man holding the woman. Impressive! And a nice end to a wonderful performance.
Here Olga is the "driving force". Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein. Click here to see more of Jacob Boas Leitisstein's photos from the performance.
28 March 2022
Season opening in Circus Arli. Below are some photos of some premiere guests and of a debutant in the ring
A king and a queen. The Nordic circus king Benny Berdino together with the Swedish circus queen Carmen Rhodin. Benny's Circus Arena is the largest in the Nordic region. Swedish Circus Brazil Jack, which today has Carmen's son Trolle as director, is Sweden's largest.
Carmen Rhodin together with the Circus Museum's Line Vittrup
Freddi Steckel might be Denmark's oldest artist still being active. Here he is seen with his little dog. This summer you can meet him in Norwegian Circus Jesper in Kristiandsand Zoo.
For the first time in his 14-month-long life, Noah was in the ring
3rd and 4th generation of the circus dynasty Arli: Alexander, Jamie (born February 18 this year), Tara and Noah (born January 16, 2021).
A proud grandmother. Bettina Arli is seen here with her eldest grandson Noah, who stares a little bewildered at the photographer. But feel safe on grandma's arm. In the background Noah's father Alexander Arli
25 March 2022
New big top to Circus Arena. Last year, Benny Berdino told that Arena would get a new tent in 2022 to replace the old tent which is from 2008. And now the new tent is ready. Circus Arena writes (my translation):
Over the winter, we have worked hard with the crochet hook and created a new and fantastic circus tent in the well-known Arena colours for our 65th anniversary tour.
In week 12 the tent will be put up for the first time at Bellahoj, Copenhagen, so it is ready for the national premiere on 4 April. Then tour throughout Denmark.
From the tent set-up. Photo: Kenny Quinn
We look forward to inviting you inside for adventure, real circus and unique experiences in the new circus tent.
Inside, the circus tent also offers new rows of chairs with plastic bucket seats and new technology. So you can look forward to a completely state-of-the-art circus production this year - which still includes the right circus nostalgia.
The new tent has a diameter of 40 meters and can accommodate almost 1,300 spectators. It is slightly smaller than the old tent, which diameter was 45 meters with room for approx. 1,800 spectators. Tent and seating come from the Italian tent company Cannobio. But even though the tent is a bit smaller than the old one, it is still the largest circus tent in the Nordic countries.
24 March 2022
Circus Mascot 2022. Circus Mascot writes (my translation):
PRECIOUS MOMENTS in Circus Mascot 2022 - Indoor tour of sports arenas April 2 to October 23
We have done it before and now we are doing it again. Mascot is on the road for the 28th time with a brand new show - and it will be quite a circus. This is how it is when you are a travelling salesman in the precious moments which give a twinkle in the eye and memories for life.
Forget everything around you, just not the others. Circus is about the magic that occurs when we meet around the ring. And it does not matter who you are - or where you are. This year's performances take place in sports arenas throughout Jutland and on Funen - and most do not have a built-in circus atmosphere, so we bring that with us.
This year's performance is presented by Daniel Deleuran. It is his mother and co-director Marianne Deleuran who presents Circus Mascot's many animals: playful dogs, geese, Canadian minipigs and a pony.
The pervasive figure of the performance is, as in previous years, the clown Ulmas, who comes from Uzbekistan. You also meet his wife Tatiana and their children Husik and Julyana. Husik was among the performers at the prestigious circus festival in Budapest in January this year.
Furthermore, the performance features Denmark's best ventriloquist Preben Palsgård. He has performed as ventriloquist since 1969, but only became really famous when he appeared in "TV IN THE TENT" in 1981. Here he performed for the first time with the talking shoe and with Niels Hovgaard as a doll. Over the years, he has performed at company parties, association parties, schools, institutions, etc., and has also toured with several Danish and Swedish circuses and performed in Circusland and participated in several revues. This year, Circus Mascot is looking forward to introducing him to the Jutland and Funen audience.
Preben Palsgård and Galle, who is one of his many ventriloquist dolls. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
19 March 2022
Circus Agora 2022. As mentioned on this page 1 March, the Norwegian Circus Agora had to postpone its premiere as their circus specialists (tent workers / props) came from Ukraine, which they could not leave due to the war.
When the premiere had to be postponed, director Jan Ketil Smørdal, as mentioned on this page on March 8, travelled to Ukraine to help.
Now he has got hold of circus specialists from other countries, but hopes that all the regular people from Ukraine will come as soon as possible.
This year's performance will premiere next to the fire station in Bergen on Friday 8 April at 18.00. Circus Agora will be in Bergen until April 24.
The artists in this year's performance are
Adriana - foot juggler
Di Lello clowns
5 ponies, presented by Jan Ketil. The ponies come from the Swedish Circus Olympia.
Catalin, aerial act from Romania
Peter Taylor's dog show
Badea, handstand
Jan Ketil, balance with cups on slack wire
Anton Navratil, Washington trapeze
Miss Adriana (Adriana Wolf) made her debut in Circus Arli in 2014. She comes from the Czech Republic
Allan and Jenny Di Lello performed in Cirkus Dannebrog in 1999 and 2004 and in Cirkus Kenny in 2003 and 2009. Photo from Swedish Cirkus Wictoria 2016, taken by Gertrud Nilsson
Peter Taylor has participated in several of Benny Schumann's shopping centre performances, most recently this year at the West Zealand Centre in Slagelse. Photo: Kim Thanning Olsen
Antonin "Mad Tony" Navratil toured with Danish Cirkus Krone in 2004
18 March 2022
Circus Trapez in tents, as Open Air show and in sport arenas. Circus Trapez writes (my translation):
Circus Trapez presents A magical Circus experience 2022. Look forward to meet Circus Trapez on Danish tour in 2022. See a world-class circus show with i.e. diabolo, juggling, acrobatics, hula hoop, comedy, lovely animals and much more.
This year's circus performance can be seen both in sport arenas, in tent and with our cozy Open Air set-up. Likewise, again this year we will perform at nursing homes, schools etc.
Circus is for everyone, whether you are a child or an adult, young or old. Everyone can meet and enjoy the magic circus has to offer. This is exactly what we live for and are passionate about in Circus Trapez.
We are looking forward to traveling all over Denmark with our new show.
Step into our magical universe and enjoy the show with those you love. Welcome to Cirkus Trapez 2022.
Photos from the set up at the Open Air performance in 2021
Isabella Enoch Sosman has told me the following about this year's performance:
The first 1œ month we will have Duo Gancho, who also was part of our Christmas show. Bettina Kovacs from Hungary performs with standing ring, hula hoop and quick change. Lasse Hassager present dogs and goats, a new juggling entrée and diabolo. Yuriy and Edita Duo Mamchych, from Ukraine and the Czech Republic respectively, make two aerial acts, acrobatics and antipode. Bernhard has 6 new goats + alpacas.
Duo Gancho. About their performance in the Christmas show, Jørgen Lorenzen wrote: Duo Gancho has an excellent knock about table act. And they have another act where they play musical instruments: one plays on and with the other. Original - and funny. And one of them has a good act in the Cyr Wheel. And they can also throw with what in technical language are called water meteors. Two bowls, which sit at each end of a rope. The artist can then swing the rope around and juggle the bowls. All photos by courtesy of Circus Trapez
Hungarian Betina Kovacs in standing ring.
Duo Mamchych. Click here to see a promo video from their acts
17 March 2022
Circus Rhodin. The small Swedish Circus Rhodin, which is owned by Diana Rhodin, has its national premiere in Aakarp, Sweden on 9 April at 16. Aakarp is located midway between Malmö and Lund. After Aakarp, they visit a number of other cities in the Malmö area. They are in Malmö from 15 to 18 April.
In this year's show you meet
Circus director Diana Rhodin with her dogs
Simona Rhodin with hula hoop
The clowns Dimo, who comes from Bulgaria
The 15-year-old Danish trapeze artist Nynne Hulsig Samuelsen
Benjamin Pfeiffer with his Ara parrots and as a tempo juggler
The Wolf Family with ladder balance and formation juggling
Simona Rhodin is adopted daughter of Diana Rhodin. In the 2022 season, the Danes saw Simona in Circus Trapez's Open Air performances. She is the main character in the Swedish documentary The Last Circus Princess, which for a fee can be seen at
Nynne Hulsig Samuelsen has received her trapeze training from Isabella Enoch Sosman, who in her younger days was an excellent trapeze artist. Nynne has participated in a number of Circus Trapez's performances.
The versatile Soloman Wolff family worked in August and September 2015 in Cirkus Dannebrog as a replacement for another act which had stopped. In 2017 the toured with the small Danish Circus Krone. The following year the Danes met them in Circusland. Photo. Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press
11 March 2022
Circus Mascot 2022. A post on Facebook shows that Circus Mascot is looking for an artist family from EU with MINIMUM 2 different acts to join their season 2022. It is a 6 month tour in Denmark starting April 2. All shows will be held inside local sports arenas. They do not need the following acts: clown, hula-hoop, aerial acts, silks, diabolo, or juggling as such acts are done by the clown Gulio and his family. The family, who live in Kyev when they are not on tour, have managed to get out of war-torn Ukraine. Gulio (Ulmas Gulyamov) is born in Uzbekistan. His wife Tatiana is from Ukraine.
Circus Mascot had several months ago hired another pair of artists who also live in Ukraine. Because of the war, they cannot come. That's why Circus Mascot is now looking for another artist family.
8 March 2022
Circus Agora's director brings aid to Ukraine. As mentioned on March 1, the war in Ukraine has meant that the Norwegian circus has postponed the premiere indefinitely, as both the technical staff and some of the artists come from Ukraine. But director Jan Ketil Smørdal has not just sat down to wait for the situation to improve. Together with 2 buses and a semi-trailer filled with emergency aid, he has driven to the Polish / Ukrainian border. Behind the transport is in addition to Jan Ketil Fyllingsdalen Theater, which in 5 days collected 1 million NOK for emergency aid. Jan Ketil was the driver of the trailer. The transport arrived on Tuesday morning and was handed over a few hours’ drive into Ukraine to those who will be in charge of the further transport and distribution, including two of Jan Ketil's Ukrainian key employees. The plan is that the buses will now help refugees to the border and from here to Bergen in Norway.
Jan Ketil says that Cirkus Agora's season isn’t cancelled, but just postponed.
7 March 2022
Circus Baldoni 2022. Circus Baldoni has its national premiere in Hillerød north of Copenhagen on 20 April with a dress rehearsal on 18 April. Here is what they write about this year's show (my translation):
Circus Baldoni is known as a circus without animals, and yet not. Everyone, not least the children, knows the lion Leonardo and the dog Charlie (ventriloquist’s dolls), they are of course with us, but now both an elephant, sea lion, parrot and horse have found their way to BaldoniŽs ring. But one thing is for sure, no one can be allergic to the beautiful animals which are part of this year's show (they are not live animals).
Look forward to meeting a string of super talented artists who again this year will be presented by ventriloquist and musical star Peter Nørgaard. The clown Allando is also back and has come up with completely new jokes. The beautiful circus princess hangs high under the dome in her rope, the super cool monocyclist Lénárd is assisted by the beautiful Daniella, Line Carol juggles balls, not only in the air but also in the floor to instruments as drums and keyboard. Stefan challenges himself with balance on the ladder and Janacek Boys give it gas in their new knockabout table act.
Forget about time and place and enjoy two hours in the well-known Baldoni style, which evokes joy and memories until next year.
Just like 2021, the recurring characters are the clown Allando, known from many seasons in the small Jutland Circus Krone, and the ventriloquist and actor Peter Nørgaard. This year, it is the latter that puts the show on stage
New in Denmark is the couple Lénárd & Daniella (Lenard Matos & Daniella Teibler), who probably come from Hungary. Click here to see a video clip from their act
Line Carol is daughter of the clown Totto Chabri. She made her debut with Circus Benneweis in the Copenhagen Circus Building in 1984 and was back in 1990, which was the last season with circus in the beautiful old building. In Denmark she has also performed in Circus Arena and with Circus Benneweis in the tent. The last time we saw her in Denmark was in 2020, when she and her husband Stefan participated in Baldoni's Christmas show. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
Line's spouse Stefan Platschkov presents a nice ladder balance act. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
7 March 2022
More artists for Zircus Nemo. In addition to the artists mentioned on this page on March 3, Zirkus Nemo's press page now shows photos of Leosvel and Diosmani as well as Duo Vilja. None of them have previously performed in Denmark.
Leosvel and Diosmani performed at the Swedish Circus Brazil Jack in 2014 with the best act in pole I ever have seen! They got a silver clown in Monte Carlo in 2013. Their final trick where one artist stands in horizontal handstand from the pole while the other stands on hands on his upper body is absolutely amazing.
Duo Vilja consists of the Swedish twin sisters Jenny and Sara Haglund. They appear with contortion. Click here to watch a video clip from their track.
Zirkus Nemo was founded in 1999 by the Danish actor and comedian Søren Østergaard. In Latin, Nemo means ’no one’ or ’nobody’, and that’s exactly what Søren Østergaard in the beginning wanted his circus to be about: nothing. A circus with no actual circus acts, but with a range of absurd and poetic comic characters who had no actual skills.
However, having loved the world of circus since he was a child Søren Østergaard has come to deeply admire and highly respect the skills of the ‘real’ circus artists whom he has for many years included in the Zirkus Nemo experience.
Today, this unique show recipe is attracting interest from all over the circus world, and Zirkus Nemo’s audience count numerous people from the entertainment business, national politicians and the Danish royal family including queen Margrete.
6 March 2022
Circus Arnardo 2022. The large Norwegian Circus Arnardo has its national premiere on April 2 in Arendal. In this year's performance you will meet:
SHANNON FOLCO ARNARDO with foot juggling with blankets. She is 19 years old and as the daughter of the directors Are and Paola Arnardo 4th generation Arnardo.
Shannon Folco Arnardo is 19 years old and has an act where she juggles blankets with her hands and feet. Photo: Thorbjørn Klæbo Flo, shot at Arnardo's 2021 performance
DUO ROSSI is classic musical clowns. The white clown is Yann Rossyan, who for many years performed together with his brother Hector Rossyan in leading European circuses. Now Yann has his wife as partner.
Duo Rossi was pictured on the cover of Circus Arnardo's program for 2020. Due to the corona, there was no tour in 2020, but the program was printed.
EMI VELKOVA was born in Sofia, Bulgaria and is a 2nd generation circus artist. In this year's performance, she performs in tissue.
ARNE OTTO LUIGI FOLCO ARNARDO is son of the directors. He is 22 years old and named after his great-grandfather the circus king Arne Arnardo. He performs with diabolo.
22 year old Arne Otto Luigi Folco Arnardo with diabolos. Photo: Thorbjørn Klæbo Flo, shot at Arnardo's 2021 performance.
ARE & PAOLAS ILLUSIONS. This year, the director couple is in the ring with a completely newly developed magic and illusion act. Are’s grandfather, the Circus King Arne Arnardo, is Norway's most famous magician of all time and the one who founded Circus Arnardo in 1949.
Are Arnardo and his partner and spouse Paola with a magic and illusion act. Photo: Thorbjørn Klæbo Flo, shot at Arnardo's 2021 performance.
TÜNDE SZABÓ is educated at the circus school in Budapest and performs in aerial straps.
Tünde Szabo in aerial straps. Photo: Thorbjørn Klæbo Flo, shot at Arnardo's 2021 performance.
KEVIN PROBST presents his 8 trained donkeys
Kevin Probst and his 8 asses. Photo: Thorbjørn Klæbo Flo, recorded at Arnardo's 2021 performance.
STEVEN CARROLI is a 6th generation circus artist from one of the largest Italian circus families. He followed in his parents' footsteps and in 2002 was trained as a circus artist at the circus school of the Accademia d'arte circense in Verona. In this year's Arnardo show, you will meet him as a juggler on a unicycle.
4 March 2022
Circus Arli 2022. Circus Arli will as the first of the Danish circuses open the season on Sunday 27 March with a dress rehearsal the day before. The place is true to tradition the Mill Hill in the Copenhagen suburb Fløng.
This year's performance is called With full music. Circus owner Martin Arli tells that they this year they have 3 teams of artists:
Francesco Fratellini and Sarah Floores. Francesco will have 2 new run-ins as well as a clown entrée together with Alexander Arli. Sarah will do a new hula hoop act. In addition, Alexander, Francesco and Sarah do formation juggling. An act they had great success with 2018.
The Arlinis - Alexander, Francesco and Sarah. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press
Olga and Mihail Gradijan. The couple comes from Moldova and does adagio acrobatics and an act in aerial straps. They were also with Circus Arli in 2014.
Olga and Mihail present among other things a fine act in aerial straps
Jelena Vasiljeva and Andrejs Polupans. They perform with tissue, magic illusion as well as a brand new handstand act. The versatile couple has been with Arli several times with different entrées.
In 2019, Jelena mysteriously passed through the belly of Andrejs.
3 March 2022
Zircus Nemo 2022. Zircus Nemo is at a combination of circus and comedy show. Owner is the popular Danish actor and comedian Søren Østergaard. On Zirkus Nemo’s facebook page they write (my translation):
"We have been looking forward to revealing that Søren's old friend the actor, comedian and entertainer Tommy Kenter is part os this year's brand new Zircus Nemo performance Out in the Universe.
The names of the other performers are not yet disclosed. But under press photos on Nemo's website, you will find photos of trampoline comedian Professor Wacko, tempo juggler Mario Berousek and equilibrists Duo Solys. So a good bet is that they are among the performers along with Søren Østergaard’s characters Smadremanden, Marianne, Bager Jørgen and Kim Tim.
The tempo juggler Mario Berousek juggles so fast that you can't tell the clubs apart. I Denmark he was with Circus Benneweis in 2007, with Circus Arena in 2016 and with Zirkus Nemo in 2018. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press
1 March 2022
The Norwegian Circus Agora had hoped to be able to open the season on 18 March. But circus owner Jan Ketil tells Norwegian newspapers that a large part of his technical staff comes from Ukraine. This has been the case since 2007, except for seasons when Agora took a break. As the situation in Ukraine worsened, Jan Ketil himself intended to drive a bus to the border with Poland to pick up the employees. But he was told that men between the ages of 18 and 60 are not allowed to leave Ukraine. This makes it impossible for the technical staff - probably 15 people - to come to Norway. The same goes for a Ukrainian artist family. The premiere of Circus Agora has therefore been postponed indefinitely.
Circus Agora has planned to open the season in Bergen on March 18. But the war in Ukraine is for the time being preventing season opening
Also other circuses may be affected by the war in Ukraine. As mentioned on February 24, Circus Mascot's clown Gulio and his family come from Ukraine. And among others, Swedish Circus Olympia usually has some employees from Ukraine.
1 March 2022
The Finnish Cirkus Tähti will start the new season on 15 April in Jalasjärvi in the province of Western Finland. They promise a new magnificent and fun event with world class artists.
The performers are:
Ringmaster: the circus owner Samir Abdelmeguid
Anelya Roslyakova / Cats, ferrets & hula hoop
Duo Phoenix / Roller skating
Aaro Kontio / Diabolo, Fire
Professor Bluffo / Clown
Enzo Cardinali / Juggling
Yris Cardinali / Ring trapeze
In 2014, the Danes met the Russian Babuskha Anelya Roslyakova, who under the artist name Anelya Rossl presented her trained ferrets in Circus Benneweis. This year, Finns can see her in Circus Tähti. "Tähti" is the Finnish word for pace.
25 February 2022
The sea lion trainer Addie Jepsen turns 80. On Tuesday 1 March the sea lion trainer Addie Jepsen can celebrate her 80 years birthday. Addie was born into a circus family: Her grandmother was married to director Joseph Bruun from the Danish Circus Royal and had from the time before she met Joseph a daughter Rosa, who was Addie's mother. Addie was attracted to life in the circus and worked e.g. as tightrope acrobat in Circus Royal. However, her desire was to work with animals and in 1963 she joined the newly established Circus Vivi. The owner Vivi Schmidt was a well-known and talented sea lion trainer. Circus Vivi closed at the end of season 1968, and Vivi Schmidt took in 1969 engagement elsewhere with her sea lions and offered Addie to follow her as her assistant. Thus, Addie debut as sea lion trainer was in 1969. The following Addie presented Vivi's sea lions in the Norwegian Circus Berny. In 1971 she toured with the act with the Norwegian Circus Arnardo and in 1972 with the Swedish Circus Scott. From 1973 to 1975 Addie presented sea lions in the large German Circus Barum. In the following years she had engagements in many parts of Europe. In 1981 she presented the act in Circus Benneweis in the Copenhagen Circus Building and in 1987 in Circus Arena.
At one time Addie Jepsen bought her own sea lions, which she later sold to the large Swiss amusement and animal park Conny-Land. At the same time Addie got a job in Conny-Land, where she presented the sea lions, which had been her own.
Addie Jepsen
In 2003 Benny Berdino of Circus Arena persuaded Addie to return to Denmark to present sea lions in the amusement park Bonbonland which from 2003 to 2008 rented sea lion acts from Benny Berdino. After Benny Berdino expanded his winter quarters in Circusland in Slagelse with a huge sea lion pool Addie has lived in Denmark where you until she retired could see her and the Berdino-family’s sea lions when Circusland in Arena’s winter quarters at Aarslev was open. After retirement she still helped Berdino family with advice about sea lions until a ban against sea lions in Danish circuses forced Circus Arena to sell their sea lions. After being retired Addie Jepsen started painting. Originally most pictures of animals. But later also paintings of people together with animals. Her paintings have among others places been exhibited in Circusland.
One of Addie Jepsen's paintings: Charmaine Berdino’s Spanish horse Meloso.
24 February 2022
The clown Gulio and his family. Throughout the Danish winter holidays in week 7 the clown Gulio (Ulmas Gulyamov) and his family: his wife Tetyana, son Husik and daughter Juliya have thrilled the audience at Circus Mascot's performances in the Herning Shopping Centre. Just as Gulio and Tetyana have done since making their Danish debut in Circus Mascot in 2003. The family comes from Ukraine, and on Monday 21 February they returned to their homeland, just 3 days before Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops to enter Ukraine. Gulio and the family are also booked for the upcoming season of Circus Mascot with season opening in the beginning og April. "We think a lot about our lovely family from Ukraine and sincerely hope that nothing happens to them and that they can return to Denmark soon," Marianne Deleuran of Circus Mascot says and continues: "Of course we have room for them in our winter quarters even if they come before the start of the season”.
Circus Mascot's beloved clown Gulio and his family come from Ukraine
23 February 2022
Norm-breaking women. The Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, writes (my translation):
In the circus, the strong man can easily be a woman, and throughout history there have been many women who in the circus have broken with the conventions of the surrounding society. You can experience this in our new special exhibition, which opens on March 8 at 10.
The Circus Museum’s collection is among the largest of its kind in Northern Europe. It consists of more than 100,000 different artefacts, including many thousands of photos and posters, costumes and props, personal notebooks, programmes and newspaper clippings. The Circus Museum’s collection contains material relating to acrobats, jugglers, animal trainers, clowns, magicians, illusionists, workers, musicians, actors and dancers. While it focuses on Danish artists, the collection also contains quite a lot of international material.
The museum is open Sunday to Thursday from 10:00 to 15:00. The address is Hovedporten 6, Avedørelejren, Hvidovre. From central Copenhagen you can take Bus 1A to Avedørelejren right in front of the museum.
22 February 2022
Enoch’s Circus Show. Jørgen Lorenzen saw the performance in the Rosengaard centre in Odense on 16 February at 14 and writes (my translation):
The Rosengaard Centre deserves great praise. In the old days, it was a requirement that circus performances in the centre should be settled quickly so that the audience could return to trade in the shops after a maximum of half an hour. That's not the case now. A performance lasts 45 minutes. In other words, no unrest and restlessness in the audience, but calm, concentration and large, unifying applause. Hundreds of spectators felt like real circus! And they completely forgot for a while that they were in a shopping mall. Positive that the large, densely populated centres not only focus on goods and sales - but also on cultural experiences. And this year it is 35 years since the late Haddy Enoch started the circus tradition in the Rosengaard centre under the name circus Kenny. Before Haddy Enoch, Ken Anker Petersen was director, and this is where the name comes from. And now the time has come for Enoch's Circus Show with Jimmy Enoch as producer.
Jimmy Enoch greeted at the backstage. Always open, happy, positive and with a great surplus of energy. And you understand him - and wish him all the best. He has found his place in the circus world. And he can! And he will!
The clown Berty Balder warmed up the audience with an artificial dog and the clapping entrée where the audience competes with each other to clap the most and loudest. And then director Jimmy Enoch entered the ring wheeling in on his monocycle, welcomed and showed some tricks on the bike. A bicycle can also be used for something else that seems to go against the nature of the bicycle. It can be used to jump up and down stairs. Jimmy calls it parcour. And in the bike act there was a debut. Jimmy's daughter Emily made her artist debut - and follows in the footsteps of her father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Generation must follow the course of generations!
Jimmy Enoch jumping up and down the stairs. All photos: Lise Kokholm
Jimmy with his and Melanie Kaselowsky’s 8 year old daughter Emily
Then Katja Enoch's beautiful daughter Nathalie Fröchte Enoch presented a distinguished, aesthetic and stylish number as a foot juggler. Tablecloths and balls swirled from foot to foot, from hand to hand and from foot to hand - and back again. My companion was - like me - impressed by her safety, professionalism and charisma. But he pointed out that there was a mismatch between the act and the chosen music, which was rhythmic and reminiscent of the disco. He had preferred a quieter and more lyrical melody to the noble artistry.
Nathalie with foot juggling. Her talent does not come from stranger. Her father is Henry Fröchte who using the artist name Winnitou is a skilled foot juggler. He was for several seasons with Circus Dannebrog.
Berty came in with a bag that gave off a bang when an imaginary tennis ball was thrown into it. A good entrée where the audience can be involved in an easy and harmless way.
Then came Tarzan and Jane, who swung - not in lianas but in a prop, which is a mix between what in the artist's language is called Schwungseil and what is called vertical rope. A fabric-like rope that hangs down from the ceiling in a large sling. The artists referred to it as a hammock. The female artist was Josefine Kaselowsky. Her partner was the Austrian circus director Alexander Schneller from circus Picard - a talented and versatile artist. They swayed, rocked and did acrobatic exercises on and with each other.
Josefine and Alexander. Josefine is as Melanie daughter of the animal trainer Bernhard Kaselowsky
And then followed an animal act: Fatime Howart and her 4 cats. It looked like ordinary domestic cats. I have had cats as pets all my life. They are confidential and cuddly, but no one can make them do anything other than what they want. So how it is possible to get them to jump, climb and jump on command is a mystery. Part of the explanation is that they get treats when they do what they are asked to do. But still: how to get a cat to climb on the underside of a pole that it holds on to with its paws. Impressive!
Fatime Howart with one of her cats. Behind Fatime her spouse Packo (Peytchev Plamen Metodiev), also known as the trampoline acrobat Mr. Jumping. However, his comical trampoline entrée was not part of the show.
Berty Balder then showed the old trick of bottles in a cylinder, where the bottles come and go before Eddy Carello juggled small boomerangs. The act evolved as Alexander Schneller and Eddy Carello juggled in formation, i.e. from one to the other. Surprising and exciting was that they had a box with all sorts of kitchen props, which they in turn put into the juggling from man to man.
Berty Balder and the cylinders with bottles which can move from one cylinder to the other. And suddenly there are lots of bottles.
Alexander and Eddy juggling
A great performance, which could easily be an excellent first or second part of a performance in a high quality touring circus.
Grand finale in Enoch’s Circus Show
18 February 2022
Throughout the week, Enoch’s Cirkus Show has very well deserved drawn large audiences to the Rosengaard Shopping Centre in Odense. Review and photos next week. Click here to see Jimmy's trailer for the show, which was his 10 year anniversary show. Years ago, it was Jimmy's grandfather Haddy Enoch who, using the name Circus Kenny, produced winter and autumn performances for the Rosengaard Shopping Centre.
18 February 2022
Baldoni Winter Circus in Ishøj City Centre. In most municipalities in Denmark the school children’s winter holiday is in week 7. But in some of the municipalities south and west of Copenhagen, the winter holiday is in week 8. This applies e.g. to Ishøj, where, apart from the corona break in 2021, it is a tradition for Ishøj City Centre to invite customers to see an approx. 30 minute long performances with Circus Baldoni. This year, the playing period has been extended so that there are also performances Thursday to Saturday in week 7.
This year's performance begins some gags with the clown and multi-artist Eddie Janecek, before the circus director René Baldoni welcomes.
The first act in the show was a fine juggling entrée with Eddie's son Rudi juggling with up to 6 balls.
Next René Baldoni entered the ring with his ventriloquist’s doll the lion Leonardo
After a run-in with Eddie, his wife Maria entered the ring with a nice hula hoop act.
The next artist was Alexis Levillon. He calls himself vertical diabolist. In 2018 he won first prize at the IDA International Diabolo Championship in Shaoxing, China.
The diabolo master was followed by Eddie Janecek with another clown run-in.
The show's last and best act was 15-year-old Kaya Janecek with an excellent rola bola act. In 2018, when he also was with Baldoni, he was among the three nominees for the talent award from the Danish Circus Award, but the award went to another artist. Since then, he has clearly gotten better. Maybe it will bring him a prize this year? He and his family will also be with Baldoni at their summer tour,
From the finale of Baldoni's winter show
18 February 2022
This year it was the 25th time Circus Mascot produced a winter circus performance in Herning Shopping Centre. Daniel Deleuran has sent me these photos from the show.
As you can see it was lots of spectators
A regular feature in Mascot's performances is Marianne Deleuran and her playful doggies
For the first time ever in the Herning Center, the audience could see the Canadian minipig Sille
Circus Mascot’s beloved clown Gulio and the ringmaster Daniel
Husik - just returned from the Circus Festival in Budapest
17 February 2022
During the winter holidays, Benny Schumann has performed at the West Zealand Centre in Slagelse together with Peter Taylor and his dogs. Kim Thanning Olsen and Mrs. Britta saw the performance on Wednesday at 11 am, where 150 children and adults had turned up. Kim writes: Benny Schumann started with the famous plate spinning act that always makes great luck. Then various magic and play with the children. The ventriloquist act with Hunni and the big bird was a great success. The dog act with Peter Taylor dressed as a postman made happiness for children and childish souls. It was a nice performance lasting half an hour.
Benny Schumann with his famous plate spinning act. All photos: Kim Thanning Olsen
Benny Schumann with his bird
Parcel postman Peter Taylor and his dogs
17 February 2022
Circus Trapez Winter Circus. Jørgen Lorenzen saw the performance in the Vinderup arena on 15 February at 16 and writes (my translation):
The seats in the arena were nicely filled - many children. Throughout the performance, you experienced what is so important in the circus: the artists must not only show impressive skills, but they must with their charisma have the ability to reach beyond the piste, so that the audience is carried away. The audience was carried away - and that's the main guarantee that they'll come to the circus again.
The performance was influenced by the Lutzny family, who have travelled with the Austrian circus Picard for the past few years. And there was something that put the show together: they were wearing colourful, imaginative costumes with distinctive hats with cockscombs and feather ornaments - which were replaced with others during the performance. Costumes play a role in any performance. Here they were a good setting for real, honest artistry.
Great costumes. All photos: Anny Skjøth Schaldemose
Isabella Enoch welcomed, and the artists were conjured up from boxes before Lasse Hasager warmed up the audience with the clapping entrée. It was followed by Trapez`s goats - 3 pcs. - before Chantal Lutzny presented a tissue act. Click here to watch short video clips with the goats.
Chantal Lutzny in tissue
Lasse followed with his diabolo act before Chantal's father Rene Lutzny took over the ring with the comic entrée, where a rubber rope is too short to reach from one side of the audience to the other - and slams back on Rene. Then it was Lasse's turn again, this time with diabolo juggling. And then the whole Lutzny family filled the ring with dance in beautiful costumes, before the two sisters Chantal and Samantha danced with hula hoops - synchronously. It has probably not been seen before.
Mother Sabrina then entered the ring with 4 dogs. A good act where there wasn’t many props, but play with the dogs, who jumped up and around their "mother" and happily obeyed her invitations to roll and dance.
Sabrina Lutzny and her playful dogs
After the interval Samantha did contortion on a pedestal, before Rene swallowed fire, so that the flames came out of his mouth and up his arms. And then there was another Danish feature. Lasse Hasager juggled clubs and knives before Rene and Sabrina performed some parterre acrobatics. Among professionals, it is probably called an adagio number or hebe acrobatics.
Sabrina and René Lutzny
The second last act was Chantal up in aerial ring. It was a beautiful entrée that made a big impression on the audience. The same can be said about the chair act which ended the performance when Joel Chantal balanced high in the air on chairs, which became tablet up on top of each other.
High in the air. Joel Lutzny
In short: a good show. Fine artistry, enjoyable animal acts, beautiful costumes and good contact with the audience. A performance that worked its way towards a climax (the chairs), and which ended while the audience thought: we would wish there were more. It is preferable to the audience sitting and thinking: when is it over?
16 February 2022
The Circus Museum in Hvidovre held Magic Week in week 7. On Monday, Mikkel Falbe (Magic-Mikkel) presented a show which thrilled the audience in the packed Fencing Hall.
15 February 2022
Circus Olympia 2022. The Swedish circus celebrates their 36th season with an exciting and fun international performance running for 1 hour and 45 min. They promise talented acrobats, funny clowns and beautiful horses and dogs and a great circus band. Due to the corona, Circus Olympia has not toured in either 2020 or 2021, and the Bengtsson family is looking forward to meeting their audience again. Opening day probably in the beginning of April.
The artists this year are:
Circus Olympia’s Orchestra under the direction of Valentin Smirnov
David Hammarberg - handstand acrobatics. Known from the Swedish version of "Got Talent"
The clown Rico
Matteo - tempo juggler
Paczo - comic trampoline
Henrika Bengtsson & Natascha Jarz with Circus Olympia's charming dogs
Lusesita - aerial acrobat in chains
Fatime & her domestic cats
Paczo - Comic reprise
Niklas Bengtsson – liberty dressage with Circus Olympia's beautiful horses
David Hammarberg – Aerial acrobat in bungy trapeze
Lusesita & Matteo - perch
David Hammarberg is known as a skilled and versatile acrobat. He has been part of several of Cirkus Olympia's previous performances. In the 2016/2017 season, he performed at Wallmans in the Circus Building in Copenhagen. In 2019, he was in Norway with Circus Arnardo. Photo from Circus Olympia 2015. Photographer: Linda Himsel
Paczo (Peytchev Plamen Metodiev) is also known as the trampoline acrobat Mr. Jumping. He was with Circus Olympia in 2005 and 2009. In 2006, 2011 and 2017 he was in Denmark with Circus Baldoni and in 2013 with Circus Brazil Jack in Sweden. He was also with Baldoni in 2019, but that year as a clown and not as a trampoline comedian. Photo from Circus Baldoni 2011
Lusesita Farell and Matteo come from Poland. Among other things, they have participated in the Polish edition of Got Talent. The clown Rico (Radosław Rico Krajewski) also comes from Poland.
Fatime (Fatime Horwart) is married to Paczo and originally made a nice acrobatic hula hoop act where Paczo carried her. She then switched to the physically less demanding act where she presents her cats with charm and talent. She presented the cat act at Circus Baldoni in 2011 and 2017 and in Sweden at Circus Brazil Jack in 2013. During the winter holidays this year, the Danes were able to see the act in Odense in Enoch’s Circus Show. Photo from Circus Baldoni 2017. Photographer Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press
Henrika Bengtsson her playful dogs are a regular and beloved feature in an Olympia performance. This year she is being assisted by her daughter-in-law Natascha Jarz. Photo: Linda Himsel.
10 February 2022
Pippi at the circus. Björn Ulvaeus, Pop House, the Circusbuilding in Stockholm and the Astrid Lindgren Company are celebrating Pippi Longstocking with a fun, musical circus show in collaboration with Cirkus Cirkör – PIPPI AT THE CIRKUS. Opening night on 1 July. The venue Cirkus is located in the Royal Djurgården district of Stockholm and was inaugurated on May 25, 1892 to house the many prominent circus companies of the times. Now, the venue Cirkus is an arena for all types of activities, including concerts, congresses, TV productions, and above all for theatre, musicals and shows.
Dialogue and lyrics are in Swedish but the story is mainly told by circus acts.
PIPPI AT THE CIRKUS will be a grand, swinging and entertaining show for all ages with fantastic circus numbers, colourful characters and lots of music – everything in Pippi’s irresistible universe created by Sweden's most beloved author Astrid Lindgren.
Björn Ulvaeus is the executive producer and responsible for the show’s lyrics to music by Benny Andersson among others. The music will be performed live by a ‘flying’ circus orchestra. Cirkus Cirkör’s founder, director and artistic director Tilde Björfors is the circus director and alongside her is Maria Blom, director and playwright, who is responsible for directing the actors. Magdalena Åberg is responsible for the stage design and costume design.
Together with Björn Ulvaeus, Maria Blom and Tilde Björfors have written the show’s script, which is based on Astrid Lindgren’s story of when Pippi, Tommy and Annika went to the circus and met the circus princess Miss Carmencita, the line dancer Elvira and the world’s strongest man Starke.
Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson were the male partners in ABBA and have written musicals as Chess and Mama Mia.
See more at
Tilde Björfors (Cirkus Cirkör), Björn Ulvaeus and Astrid Lindgrens’ grandchild Malin Billing. Press photo.
9 February 2022
Benny Schumann on German TV. On February 6 the Danish clown and multi artist Benny Schumann participated in the broadcast "Ich trage einen grossen Namen" on SWR Südwestrundfunk, Germany. You can now watch the broadcast on ARD Medieathek. The “grossen Namen” (big name) was Benny's grandfather Charlie Rivel. The broadcast includes clips from some of Charlie Rivel’s and Benny's entrées. Click here to see it approx. 14-minute long broadcast about Benny and his grandfather.
8 February 2022
Circus Arena changes bandmaster. For many years, Alex Bociz has been bandmaster for Circus Arena's 4-piece circus orchestra. But not this year. Alex is an Englishman, and after Brexit he cannot work in Denmark without a work permit, which can be difficult to get. Last year, he worked in the UK for Gandey World Class Productions, which runs several circuses and other stage shows. He will probably also work for them this year.
8 February 2022
The Mustafa Danguir Troupe should have been on tour with Circus Arena this year. But the plans have changed, perhaps due to problems obtaining work permits. The leader of the troupe Mustafa Danger is born in Tangier, and the troupe members come from Morocco, Russia, Colombia and New Zealand. The requirements set by the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) to grant work permits to artists who do not come from an EU country are so cumbersome and the case processing time is so long that several circuses are forced to opt out artists who do not has an EU passport. Other countries are less restrictive, and from 17 February to 3 April you can see the Danguir troupe in the Circus Krone’s building in Munich, where they both perform on high wire, including with the difficult and dangerous 7 man pyramid, and with double wheel of death.
8 February 2022
Circus at Frederikshøj. The one day event was first time held at Frederikshøj Open Air Stage in Slagelse, Denmark on 18 September 2021. It was a great success, and the initiator Brian "Briano" Behrendt is betting that it will be an annual event that is held either in the spring or in late summer. This year it will be on Saturday 28 May. On the Facebook page Cirkus at Frederikshøj, Brian publishes the name of one of the participating artists every Tuesday. Up to now, 2 names have been published:
The talking dog Charlie. It is a live dog, which performs together with the ventriloquist Preben Palsgaard.
Diabolo juggler Mister Johnny aka Jonathan Bendtsen. When he presented his act in September last year as part of the Circus Museum's Rising Star performance, it was inventively started with the gag with the heavy suitcase, which e.g. the clown Bonbon is known for. The suitcase contained 3 diabolos, and with elegance and talent he got first one, then two and finally all three diabolos in the air.
Mister Johnny with suitcase and diabolos. Photos from the performance at the Circus Museum at Hvidovre, Copenhagen.
4 February 2022
Changes in Circus Arena's artist program. There have been a few changes in Circus Arena's list of artists for the coming season. The Danguir troupe, which should have performed both on high wire and in an act with human pyramids, will not be with Arena. New to the program is juggler Robi Berousek, who also masters ladder balance, and the Atai troupe.
Robert "Robi" Berousek is brother of the juggler Mario Berousek. Robi was also at Arena in 2002, 2007, 2008 and 2010. In 2016 he was with Circus Dannebrog on what became their last season. In 2020, you could see him in Circusland in Slagelse.
Robi Berousek's specialty is juggling tennis rackets. Here he is photographed during a performance in 2020 in Circus Landino in Circusland.
The Atagi troupe consists of 4 robot dancing artists. They do breakdance, acrobatics and contortion. It may be the same troupe that under the name Adem Show a few years ago participated in American Got Talent - see video clips here. However, there is also a Czech troupe that does something in the same style.
3 February 2022
Circuses in Sweden 2022. Neither in 2020 nor in 2021 it was possible for the Swedish circuses to go on tour. But the possibilities should be better in the coming season, as the Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson has stated that the Swedish corona restrictions will be lifted as from February 9. Sweden has 3 circuses: the large Circus Brazil Jack, the medium-sized Circus Olympia and the small Circus Rhodin.
Robert Bronett plans to let the large Circus Scott have performances in Stockholm in the spring of 2022. Circus Scott has not toured since 2015. However, owner Robert Bronett tried his luck in Stockholm for a few years with a show called MagicXmas.
2 February 2022
Circusland 2022. Until recently, the plan was that the theme park Circusland in Circus Arena's winter quarters in Aarslev near Slagelse would be open during the winter holidays from 12 to 27 February. But now the plans have changed, and Circusland will not open until 26 May 2022. Then open from 10 - 17 on all weekends and during the summer holidays. In addition to rides and shows, Circusland offers concerts with well-known artists on their new open-air rock stage every Friday during the summer holidays.
Three of the concerts have been announced:
July 1: Lars Lilholt Band
July 9: Birthe Kjær & Feel Good Band
July 15: Mads Langer
Banner for Circusland 2022. However, this year you will not experience Bubber, who will be touring with Circus Arena, Kim Kenneth, who will be Pierrot at Tivoli Friheden in Aarhus, or Pat Harrison, who will be touring with Cirkus Arena with his hot dogs.
1 February 2022
News from the Circus Museum. The Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen writes (my translation):
Experience a show with the unique magician Mikkel Falbe on Monday 14 February or join the magician Tryllestøv's magical universe from 15 to 18 February. Tryllestøv (in English) civil name is Helle Lyngholm and is she i.e. voted Denmark's best magician for children and has also appeared in several TV programs. Mikkel Falbe performs with a show that offers crooked surprises. All performances take place at 11 and lasts approx. 30 min.
The magician Tryllestøv aka Helle Lyngholm. She is known from Danish TV2 and became Danish Champion in Child Magic 2016.
28 January 2022
Winter circus in shopping malls. After almost all Danish corona restrictions are lifted with effect from 1 February, it is possible to present circus performances in a number of shopping malls in weeks 7 and 8. Everywhere there is free admission to approx. 30 minute long performances.
The Herning Center offers in week 7 Circus Mascot's winter circus. Daniel Deleuran is ringmaster. His mother Marianne presents her playful dogs and the Canadian mini pig Sille. In addition, you will meet the clown Gulio and his family.
Photo from Circus Mascot's performances in HerningCentret in 2019
Ishøj City Center in Copenhagen present Baldoni's winter circus from 17 to 25 February with two daily performances on the library square. The performers are the Janacek family with rola bola, clown, hula hoop and Alexis Levillon, who is the reigning world champion in diabolo. Click here to watch a video clip with him.
Baldoniclowns in Ishøj City Center February 2000
Rosengaadcentret in Odense offers Enoch’s Circus Show in week 7. The program is as follows:
Jimmy Enoch ringmaster
Jimmy Enoch and his 8-year-old daughter Emily on a unicycle. Jump / parkour on stairs.
Nathalie Fröchte Enoch, hula hoop and foot juggling.
Eddy Carello and Alexander Schneller-Pikard, jugglers
Josefine Kaselowsky and Alexander Schneller-Pikard, aerial act
Animals and name of clown not yet published.
Eddy Carello at Enoch’s Circus Show February 2020. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein
The West Zealand Center in Slagelse presents Benny Schumann's Mini Circus from 14 to 19 February. Every day at 11 & 14. In addition to Benny, you meet Peter Taylor with his dog show. Before each performance, Benny Schumann shows a film from his time in Circus Schumann in the Copenhagen Circus Building 1945-1967. After the last performance, there is a circus workshop for children.
Peter Taylor presents a comic dog act. Photo from 2018
24 January 2022
Benny Schumann on German TV. On February 6 at 18:15 the Danish clown and multi artist Benny Schumann participates in the broadcast "Ich trage einen grossen Namen" on SWR Südwestrundfunk, Germany. You can watch the broadcast online at ARD Mediathek for 30 days. You can also find the broadcast by google "Ich trage einen grossen Namen", but only after it has been sent.
The broadcast series "Ich trage einen grossen Namen" has been broadcast since 1977. It is about 4 different people who have to guess who the "guest" is related to and the name of the specific famous person. They ask different questions to the guest and must within a certain time frame guess the name of famous person.
Benny Schumann and TV host Julia Westlake. Photo by courtesy of SWR. Photographer: Baschi Bender
21 January 2022
Circus during the Danish winter holidays. Usually you can see circus performances etc. in many venues all-over Denmark in the weeks 7 and 8, where the Danish schoolchildren have winter holidays. The children only have one week's holiday. Whether it is in week 7 or 8 is different from municipality to municipality. However there were due to corona restriction no such performances in 2021.
As the Danish corona restrictions look right now it will be possible to have performances with seated audiences. However, people over 15 must show coronapas, and people over 12 must wear face masks when not sitting down.
Due to this it is possible for Cirkus Trapez to offer winter circus in a number of Jutland arenas. You can find tour schedule and link to ticket booking at What’s on.
CircusTrapez writes (my translation)
Look forward to the Winter Holiday as Circus Trapez invites you inside a number of Jutland arenas. You can see a completely new and magical performance for the whole family. Look forward to see among other acts several impressive aerial acts which are performed by the 2 beautiful young sisters Samantha and Chantal Lutzny. The young talented Joel is a gifted juggler and furthermore he presents an impressive chair balance act. The sweet and charming John makes the audience smile. Rene and Sabrina Lutzny present a cute and romantic partner acrobatics number, and Sabrina will also introduce you to her cute animals. Also experience fast-paced hula hoop, a male ventriloquist, fire-eating, dancing and much more.
Joel Lutzny with chair balance. Press photo from Circus Trapez
The Lutzny daughters can perform with hoops, both as hula hoops and in an aerial hoop (ring). Press photo from Circus Trapez
Members of the Lutzny family were part of the winter circus which Circus Trapez presented in February 2020. At the time, most of us belived that the corona was just something with China …
In 2020, Chantal and Samantha Litany appeared in a trapeze shaped like a cube. Samanta Lutzny also had a soap bubble entrée, and the at that time 14-year-old Joel Lutzny did a great chair balance with up to 8 chairs. The lower chair stood on 4 loose bottles, at a time of only 3. The Lutzny family comes from the German Circus Montana and has also performed in the Austrian Circus Picard. The Lutzny family also present their own Christmas circus together with the Spindler family: Klever Weihnachts Circus. The family consists of parents René and Sabrina, daughters Chantal and Samanta and sons Joel and John.
Children of the Lutzny family. Press photo from Circus Trapez
Shopping centre performances during the winter holidays: Jimmy Enoch hopes that it will be possible to present a performance in Rosengaard Shopping Mall in Odense and Circus Mascot that it will be possible to present such performance in Herning Centre in Jutland. However, it will be subject to possible corona restrictions.
19 January 2022
The winners at the Circus Festival in Budapest
Golden award (golden Pierrot):
- Kevin Richter Troupe, teeterboard
The special feature of the rock and roll performance of the group led by Kevin Richter, member of the world-famous Hungarian Richter circus dynasty, is that it mixes the Russian board performance with the Hungarian springboard show.
- Zaripov’s Group, teeterboard
The board production Echo of Dreams was created in 2021 by Aleksey Zaripov, and was directed by Vitaly Logvinenko. One of the specialties of the Zaripov Group’s production is that since board performances are generally considered a male circus genre, in this case they are still performed by airy ladies. Photo: Kim Thanning Olsen
Silver award (silver Pierrot):
- Oleksii Grigorov & Marina Glavatskikh, aerial hoop
Oleksii Grigorov and Marina Glavatskikh are from Russia and Ukraine. Oleksii Grigorov’s career has started in 1996 with a duo trapeze show then entertained the audience with his solo wheel gymnastics (röhnrad) performance. After he met his future wife, they made their old dream come true and created their romantic, lyrical aerial hoop performance which they presented in the world’s most famous circuses, shows and variety shows.
- Vardanyan Brothers, hand to hand
- Ekaterina Zapashnaya and Konstantin Rastegaev, aerial straps
Bronze award (bronze Pierrot):
- Duo Devlikamovs, chinese pole
Russian Olga and Marat Devlikamov became artists from gymnasts. After mastering several circus art genres, they chose the Chinese pole as their main performance. Photo: Jörgen Börsch
- Mihail Nyikolajevics Ermakov, dogs
Mikhail Nikolayevich Ermakov is a member of a hundred-year-old Russian circus dynasty founded by his grandfather, Nikolai Andreevich Ermakov, who became world-famous as an animal trainer with his Dog School performance. Following his grandfather and father, Mikhail performs with his smart dogs. Photos: Jörgen Börsch
- RCC Aruba, teeterboard
The Rcc Aruba Springboard Group from Columbia presents amazingly spectacular somersaults. Photo: Jörgen Börsch
- Shatirov troupe, Russian bar
The Shatirov Troupe is from Russia. Photo: Jörgen Börsch
- Duo Stauberti, perch
Dimitr Stauberti and his niece Nancy.
LKhagva Ochiir with chair balancing won the special award of the Budapest Prix
Lkhagva Ochir from Mongolia got the special award of the Budapest Prix. Photo: Jörgen Börsch
Special award of the jury of Hungarian Circus Directors:
- golden award to Kevin Richter Troupe, teeterboard
- silver award to Duo Stauberti, perch
- bronze award to Mihail Nyikolajevics Ermakov, dogs
Newcomer Show:
Golden award: Grandpierre Gabriel, handstand
Grandpierre Gabriel does handstand act mixed with contortion. Photo: Kim Thanning Olsen
Silver award: Duo Donnert, roller skate
Bronze award Novákovics Noémi, vertical rope
Bronze award Varga’s Huan, juggler
14 January 2022
Danish Corona restrictions and circus - status. All circus, theater and cinema performances have due to a lockdown been cancelled through January 15th. From 16 January, performances with seated audiences can be resumed, however, with a participant ceiling of 500 people and requirement for use of face mask when not seated.
The number can be increased to 1,500 if the spectators are placed in clearly separated sections of a maximum of 500 people. The sections must have their own entrances and exits and their own service facilities.
The country's museums, including the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, are closed until 15 January. Then they can reopen. All guests over the age of 12 must wear a face mask or visor. All guests over the age of 15 must present a valid corona passport. The circus museum in Rold is, as always, closed during the winter season.
The circus season in Denmark usually run from late March to September.
14 January 2022
The Circus Museum's annual poster 2022. Many circus enthusiasts have a weakness for circus posters. In recent years, there have not been many new posters because many circuses use the same poster year after year. For poster collectors, it is therefore great that the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, present a new poster every year. This year's poster has just arrived.
The museum writes (my translation):
We are proud to present the annual poster for 2022, which is made by the artist Martin Jørgensen, who i.e. has drawn Christmas calendars for both TV2 and DR and on a daily basis - next to his own works - illustrates everything from magazines and books to advertisements and storyboards.
The poster measures 80 x 60 cm and costs DKK 50, - and can be bought in our shop or ordered via (for shipping, the price is added a handling fee of DKK 35, - plus postage).
This year we have also chosen to print the poster in a high quality numbered and signed version in the size 30 x 40 cm, which will soon be ready from the printing house. This version is also signed by the artist.
12 January 2022
More artists for Circus Arena. On January 1, I wrote that this year's Arena performance i.e. would feature high wire troupe Mustafa Danguir, jumping acrobats who also came from the Danguir troupe, Leonardo and Vita Costache with perch, Pat Harrison and his hot dogs, Circus Arena's house clown Jimmy Folco, Laura Berdino with Circus Arena's horses and Circus Arena's show dancers.
Now Arena has released the names of a few more artists: the flying trapeze act Flying Wulber and the bouncing juggler Alan Sulc.
Flying Wulber was also with Arena in 2019. The year before, they were in German Circus Charlie Knie, where they also did a trampoline act. It is unknown at this time if this act also will be presented in Circus Arena.
Flying Wulber masters among other things the triple somersault. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press.
Alan Sulc was first time in Denmark in 2004, where he performed in Cirkus Benneweis. In 2019, he was with Circus Arli and was among the three artists nominated for the award for best act of the year.
Alan Sulc at Arli in 2019. He was among the nominees for the award for best act of the year.
7 January 2022
Danish Corona restrictions and circus - status. All circus performances etc. have due to a lockdown been cancelled until and including January 16th.
The Danish museums, including the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, are also closed until 16 January. The circus museum in Rold is, as always, closed during the winter season.
The above mentioned restrictions might be extended.
2 January 2022
DYNAMO is a stage and a workspace for contemporary circus and performing arts located in the middle of Denmark at Odense City Harbour.
The old warehouse provides with its 1300 m2 room for productions from national and international performers in a professional and creative environment,
DYNAMO opened in January 2017.
In a New Year's letter, they write (my translation):
We hope you have a good start to the New Year! To the sound of the last firework we reflect on the past year:
The fall of 2021 is, for better or worse, a season we will remember.
We premiered a brand new co-production with Rapid Eye.
We had seven international and six Danish screenings and guest performances on the program.
We were nominated for the award “Odense of the Year”.
We have expanded our circle with more international networks.
We have entered into several local cooperations.
We built up and got ready for the big bang, ARCADE DELIGHT, and had to cancel the event at the just before the opening as coronary restrictions made it impossible to open the doors for the public. It hurt, but was not allowed to knock us out.
And then we received a grant from the The Danish Arts Foundation of DKK 3 million to continue our work for the next three years - a strong signal that they believes in DYNAMO as a national and international meeting point for contemporary circuses.
It is a huge gift that gives us motivation to work even harder towards becoming a firmly established contemporary circus house in the centre of Odense.
We are excited about the next season, which offers over 20 events/performances. We look forward to inviting you to circus, dance, physical theater, work in progress shows, children's shows, street theater and much, much more.
We sincerely hope we can reopen in mid-January!
We look forward to seeing you again
Many greetings
Rune Vadstrøm Andersen and Gry Lambertsen
Artistic directors, DYNAMO Workspace
Click here to read more
1 January 2022
Danish circuses in 2022. Here is an overview in alphabetical order of the circuses which we hope to see on the Danish roads in 2022, as well as the planned opening dates. Of course, subject to corona-related changes.
Circus Arena: Season opening at Bellahoj in Copenhagen on 4 April. The performance will be presented by Bubber and Julie Berthelsen.
Among the performers are the high wire troupe Mustafa Danguir, jumping acrobats who also come from the Danguir troupe, Leonardo and Vita Costache with perch, Pat Harrison and his hot dogs, Circus Arena's house clown Jimmy Folco, Laura Berdino with Circus Arena's horses and Circus Arena's show dances. Changes may occur.
With a few exceptions, Jimmy Folco has been clowning in Arena's performances since 1997. Press photo from Circus Arena
Circus Arena’s theme part Circusland in Aarslev is next time open during the winter holidays 12 to 27 February. In the summer 2022 they plan to have concerts in the style of Tivoli's Friday rock every Friday night. Among those booked are Lars Lilholt Band on 1 July, Mads Langer on 15 July and Johnny Madsen Band on 22 July.
Circus Arli: Season opening in Fløng March 27. The names of the performers have not been released.
Martin Arli and his son Alexander are always among the main forces in Circus Arli.
Circus Baldoni: season opening in Hillerød 18 April. The director couple Camilla Frimann & René M. Baldoni say that Cirkus Baldoni in 2022 celebrates its 20th anniversary as they had their first season in 2002. “Our goal has always been to present the best show ever to you, which forms the foundation of our performance 2022, which will be the strongest show ever”. As in 2021, the ventriloquist Peter Nørgaard is ringmaster. This year, he is also put the performance on stage. Among the other performers are the versatile Janecek family as well as the bouncing juggler Line Caroll and her husband Stefan Platskov with ladder balance. They both starred in Baldoni's Christmas show 2020. Line, who is daughter of the clown Toto Chabri and Mrs. Nora, had in her debut with Circus Benneweis in the Circus Building in 1984.
Line Caroll and Stefan Platskov. Photo from Baldoni’s Christmas Circus 2020. Photographer: Jacob Boas Leitisstein.
Danish Circus Krone: no information. Circus Krone has not been on tour since 2018.
Circus Mascot: if possible season opening in Roslev at the end of March. In addition to members of the Deluran family and Clown Gulio and his family, the names of the cast have not been released.
Marianne Deleuran and her playful doggies are an indispensable part of a Mascot show. Press photo from Circus Mascot
Zircus Nemo: season opening April 9 in Horsens. Apart from Søren Østergaard, the names of the performers have not been published.
Although Zirkus Nemo offers excellent artists, it is first and foremost Søren Østergaard himself that the audience comes to see. Here as Smadremanden together with Søren's personal assistant Laura Kvist Poulsen. Photo from 2019. Photographer: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press.
Circus Trapez: no information
1 January 2022
Birthdays with a round figure in 2022. Several from the Danish circus and artist world can celebrate a birthday with a round figure in 2022:
March 1, 2022: Addie Jepsen, retired sea lion trainer, 80 years
March 26, 2022: Larbi Bouhou, former tent master at Benneweis, 75 years
April 15, 2022: Jan Kierulff, Circus 3, 70 years
April 17, 2022: Line Vittrup, The Circus Museum at Hvidovre, Copenhagen, 50 years
June 5, 2022: Bettina Arli, Circus Arli, 60 years
June 15, 2022: Diana Benneweis, 75 years
July 3, 2022: Viggo Salting, painter, 70 years
August 13, 2022: David Sosman, artist, 30 years
August 20, 2022: Lasse Hjort, magician (Ricky with the ventriloquist doll Nancy) and longtime Pierrot in Tivoli Friheden, 75 years
August 23, 2022: Brian "Briano" Behrendt, 50 years
November 25, 2022: Marianne Deleuran, Circus Mascot, 60 years.
1 January 2022
This website had approximately 26,000 visitors in 2021. The news section, being a weekly internet magazine and the tour list (“What’s on) are usually updated every Saturday. Apart from news and tour list the website has pages with facts about Danish circuses, Danish circus families etc. Links to those pages can be found at the bottom of the opening page