
From Denmark

and other Scandinavian countries

A weekly updated internet magazine

Last updated : 28. February 2025

27 February 2025


Norwegian Circus Arnardo 2025. Circus Arnardo, which calls itself Norway's largest circus, will premiere in Kristiansand on March 14. Among the performers is Anelya Roslyakova with trained cats. In 2014, she performed with ferrets in Circus Benneweis. Her mother Swetlana performed last year in Danish Circus Trapez with cats and ferrets and was also part of their recently completed winter performance. The names of the other performers at Arnardo have not yet been announced.


In December last year, Knut Dahl announced that his Norwegian Circus Merano, after a break of 11 years, would go on tour in 2025, starting in March. No details have yet been announced about the start of the tour or the cast of this year's performance.



26 February 2025


Circus day in Odense. On Saturday, 22 February Danish Circus Friends Association had arranged a circus day at Circus Flik-Flak's premises in Odense.


The main event was at 1 p.m., where, with financial support from the Spar Nord Foundation, there was a circus performance running for one hour.


Before that Tommy Hardam from Circus Flik-Flak took visitors to a guided tour in the Funen children's and youth circus premises. Furthermore, visitors could hear a lecture by Benny Berdino's grandson Oliver with the title From artist to private. It was Oliver's debut as a lecturer. He did well and talked about growing up in Circus Arena and how it was leaving the family circus and do something completely different. The lecture was accompanied by slides.


The day's biggest attraction was the free circus performance, where the grandstand were well filled with both children and adults.

Entry (einlass) to the circus performance


The performance was presented by Brian "Briano" Behrendt using the stage name Mr. Tik Tak. He was well assisted by Katja Enoch and Preben Palsgaard. After Mr. Tik Tak's welcome song Kaya from Circus Flik-Flak presented a nice act in tissue.




She was followed by a diabolo entrée with 11-year-old Joseph Enoch. He is son of Katja Enoch and grandson of the late Haddy Enoch.



 The next act was Mr. Tik Tak with an entrée with soap bubbles.




Now the ventriloquist Preben Palsgaard came on stage together with the vulture Galle. Preben is one of Denmark's best ventriloquists, and the final part of his entrée, where he sings and plays in chorus with his ventriloquist’s doll, is impressive.



Many people believe that acts with animals should be included in a circus performance. The circus friends had got in touch with two girls from Funen, Linda and Anna Louise, who performed with what is called dog dancing. A dog sport that the Danish Kennel Club presents as follows: “Dog Dancing is a dog sport where dog and trainer together perform a choreography that fits a piece of music. There are two disciplines. Heelwork To Music, where the dog constantly works close to the trainer, and freestyle, where everything is allowed”.


Both Linda together with the dog Karla, and then Anna Louise together with the dog Sirius was caused got much applause.




Next, it was one of the young Flik-Flak artists who came into the ring again: Viktor, with a good rola bola act. Impressive how talented the young artists from the Funen children's and youth circus are.




The next artist in the ring was Katja Enoch, who started by playing the saxophone, where she was distracted by Mr. Tik Tak with a short drunkard's entrée. Then Katja showed her nice hula hoop act.




Katja was followed by Oliver Berdino with a fine juggling entrée with balls and clubs.




Next, Mr. Tik Tak had a short entrée as a sword swallower, where he ended by revealing that the sword was fake.



However, this was not the case in the last act in the show, where Italian Jessica Caveagna presented sword balance with real swords. First she balanced a sword on her forehead. Then she walked up a ladder holding in her mouth a dagger, on the tip of which he balanced a sword, tip-to-tip. Her final trick was when she walked up the burning ladder while balancing a sword on her forehead.




Although the performance was not on par with the performance which Jimmy Enoch presented in Odense's Rosengaardcentre during the winter holidays, it was a fine performance. Not least considering that there had been no opportunity for a prior rehearsal. A reviewer could very well justify giving the performance 4 out of 6 possible stars.


The free performance was only possible because Circus Flik-Flak provided rooms and the Spar Nord Foundation sponsored salaries to the performers.



21 February 2025


Baldoni's winter circus. Every year since 2016, Circus Baldoni has produced winter performances for Ishøj Shopping Centre in Copenhagen in week 8. Except in 2021, when the corona raged.


This year too, Baldoni has produced performances in Ishøj Shopping Centre from February 13 to 21. Performances that attract many customers to the centre.


First artist in the performance was the juggler Nandor Varadi with his wife Diana Boiachin as assistant. Nandor is a versatile juggler. He first juggled with clubs, then with balls and finally with rings.



Nandor was followed by his father, the clown Michi Varadi. In 2008 and 2010 and at Christmas 2014 we saw him in Circus Baldoni with a dog act and a plate spinning act. In this year's winter circus, he also had a dog with him. Not a “live” dog but a stuffed dog which using a springboard, had to jump through a ring.


No Baldoni performance without the ventriloquist doll Leonardo. We saw him in the company of René Baldoni. And with some of the sayings which the audience loves to hear. 


Next came the two Hungarian knock-about table acrobats Gabor and Seena. Gabor was also with Baldoni in the summer performance 2024, where he, together with two others under the name Artist of Dance, presented a table act and a breakdance act.



Last year, Diana Boiachin presented a fine act in aerial ring in Circus Baldoni. The conditions in Ishøj Shopping Centre do not make it possible to present an aerial act. Instead, Diana did a nice act in a prop with a rotating ring on top, see photo.




She was followed by a plate spinning act with comedic elements, performed by Nandor and Michi Varadi.



The last act in the show was Artist of Dance (Gabor and Seena) with an impressive breakdance act. Camille Frimann Baldoni told me Seena is the 3rd time world champion in Karate/Martial Arts!




No doubt the audience felt well entertained during the performance, which run for approximately 30 minutes!




18 February 2025


Zirkus Nemo declared bankrupt. Zirkus Nemo is a combination of a circus and a comedy show, owned by the Danish actor and comedian Søren Østergaard. Zirkus Nemo writes (my translation):


It is with a bleeding heart that we announce that Zirkus Nemo has been declared bankrupt. That the bright Circus summer evenings in Denmark are over. No more Baker Jorgen, the Smash Man, the measure man, Marianne, Kim Tim, Baglænsmanden, the Bacon Man and the man who can't whistle and all the others who each and every one sprang from Søren Østegaard's, in the truest sense of the word, unique brain...


No more Søren's string of changing partners and world class artists from all over the globe. No more The World's Best Circus Orchestra and the World's Very Best and Most Faithful Audience. No more the tent, the awning, the caravans, the ice cream cones, the popcorn, the draft beer system and the silent tear on the cheek under the summer moon.


And THANK YOU to you, dear faithful and irreplaceable employees. THANK YOU so much to all of you and our close-knit friendships. We had hoped to be able to hold a farewell party for the whole bunch of you with packed lunches and the last coughing drops from our beloved, dying draft beer facility.


What happened?

Corona with 2 years of financial after-effects combined with the recent, perpetual, unpredictably splashing wet summer with the resulting serious water damage and extra express for relocations of the circus tent with the help of urgently engaged tent workers from all over Europe.


"My life's work is in water up to my knees" says Søren.


On a soaking wet day and cold day, the message comes: There is no more money.


Søren Østegaard is frustrated.


Søren has created Zirkus Nemo single-handedly from start to finish and has thus contributed to Denmark’s cultural history. The one who happily and sweaty every single evening from April to September for 25 summers after the evening's final act has run into the ring with outstretched arms shouting "THANK YOU for TONIGHT!!!" to a cheering standing audience


It is us who thank you Søren!


We ask for your understanding that there are no further comments from here.



Søren Østergaard in front of his circus


Zirkus Nemo is established as a limited liability company. All shares are owned by Faso Holding ApS, which has Søren Østergaard as sole shareholder.


Zirkus Nemo was established in 1999. At the time, it was owned by Søren Østergaard and Anders Lund Madsen. Søren Østergaard has since become the sole owner. It is fair to say that Zirkus Nemo's roots go back to 1994 and 1995, when Søren Østergaard and Flemming Jensen toured Denmark with the contemporary circus-inspired show "Østergaard and Jensen's Big Dog Show".


When Søren Østergaard and Anders Lund Madsen launched Zirkus Nemo in 1999, many people thought it was a bit too crazy. An actor and a journalist in a crazy show with no artists could not have much to do with circus. But as time went on, circus enthusiasts became wiser and fell for Søren Østergaard's combination of entrées with his own characters and artists which over the years became world-class. Where other circuses had many one-day cities, Zirkus Nemo was at one location for at least 4 days and usually had two days off a week. And never more than one performance a day. Where other circuses focused on a family audience, Nemo called itself a circus for adults. Their latest tent was a 4-mast Cannobio tent from 2016 with room for 588 spectators.


As a touring circus, Zirkus Nemo took a break from 2004-2006, when Søren Østergaard produced Søren Østergaard's Tivoli Varieté in Copenhagen’s Tivoli Gardens with a program in the best Nemo style. With Søren Østergaard as sole owner, Zirkus Nemo was on tour again in 2007. In 2008 and 2009, Søren Østergaard was back in Tivoli, again with a Nemo show.


During the Tivoli years, Søren Østergaard began to include international top artists in the performances, which he continued to do when Zirkus Nemo resumed its tent tour in 2010. Several times, Nemo artists won the prize for the best act of the year from the Danish Circus Award. In 2017, the Minister of Culture presented Søren Østergaard with the honorary award, the Danish Circus Award.


For many years, Zirkus Nemo had an occupancy rate that was higher than most other circuses. But in the last few years, the number of spectators has fallen, and operations have been loss-making. In the 2022 season, there was a deficit of almost 1,000,000 DKK and in 2023, a deficit of 869,000 DKK. The result for the 2024 season is not known, but even the cultural support of 800,000 DKK was not enough to keep business running.


Sad for Søren Østergaard, who is passionate about his circus and also suffers from health problems. As it says in the song There's No Business Like Show Business: “The opening when your heart beats like a drum. The closing when the customers don't come”.



14 February 2025


Norwegian Circus Agora 2025. Jan Ketil's Norwegian Circus Agora open the season on March 7 in Bergen. This year's artists are presented as follows (my translation):


Claudia. Only 15 years old, but already one of Europe's best artists. She does acrobatics and tricks on a 6 mm tight wire.


Daniel. Daniel gives us acrobatics, juggling, African rhythms at a breathtaking pace.


Rico. Circus Agora's own mood-setter with wonderful and expressive clowning to the delight of young and old circus children.


Marco. Meet this year's debutant - Marco, a charming, impressive juggler and prankster who give us an experience of the rarest!


Helene. Our own Helene from Bergen has been part of the city's circus community and Circus Agora for a number of years. Now we finally get her back where she belongs - in the air.


Jan Ketil. Our own director Jan Ketil brings you circus arts that have actually been shown around Europe, for royalty and on the BBC.


Helena. Helena combines acrobatics in a fantastic and loving interaction between herself and her best friend.


Helena Rappoli presented her charming act with acrobatics together with a dog in Danish Circus Arli in 2020.


Axel Gottani. Axel Gottani delivers spectacular balancing acrobatics on a free-standing ladder!


Postman Peter. When Peter and his dogs enter the ring, it is difficult to say which of them which are the most charming.


Duo Rappoli. Meet our Czech tempo jugglers Duo Rappoli. With their pace and precision, they can take the breath away from most people!



Duo Rappoli toured with Danish Circus Arli in 2020.


Adriana. Adriana is a world-class foot juggler


Antonín. Antonín is the baron of the air in the Washington trapeze. Spectacular, raw and beautiful!

Antonin Navratil toured with the Danish Circus Arli in 2024. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein. Antonin is married to Adriana Wolf, who was also with Circus Arli in 2024, where she performed in an arial ring and as a slinky. At Agora, she will show a foot juggler act.


14 February 2025


Cirkus Trapez winter circus 2025. Finn Stendevad saw the performance in Blue Water Dokken in Esbjerg on February 11 at 4 pm and writes (my translation):


Once again, Isabella Enoch has succeeded in engaging some good family troupes who can do quite a few acts and who do it well. Length of the performance almost two hours.


The performance began with the run-in clown Rudi Brukson, who warmed up the audience with applause. Then Bella welcomed. She was replaced by Nicolina Bak in a beautiful aerial rope act. After this, Svetlana came in with a terrific show with her ferrets. Yes, dear reader, you read that right. She actually got a lot out of these little weasels.


Now the run-in entered the ring and organized played a game of chairs with a number of children from the audience. It was quick and well-executed. Then followed an excellent young girl Elena Brukson in a trapeze, shaped like a hula hoop ring. Nice little act, which was replaced by the sawed-off man, presented by Bella herself. Also, OK.


After that, a skilled female artist presented an adorable dog act with a small white poodle. Then followed an excellent act with a human floppy doll in a box, which continued into a classic contortionist act with the same two artists.


Bernhard now led his ponies into the ring. You have to look for a long time for such well-groomed animals.


Now there was an interval, where the children could have a ride on the ponies. A huge success with a kilometre-long queue. It took over half an hour before the queue was finished, and that in an hour before dinner when the kids often are tired. But it went well.


After the interval Svetlana started with a really good cat act. It seems that such act hardly has been in Denmark seen since Brdr. Overgaard's time. It worked all the way through. Cats are difficult, so hats off to that performance.


The contortionist and the run-in clown did a good act together. It involved, among other things, a goldfish in an aquarium. Nice act.


On top of this tempo act, it went well with the calculating horses which Bella and Bernhard presented. Clever Hans effect.


Finally, the run-in clown made fun of the audience on an imaginary scooter.


Before the final parade, we got a terrific tempo juggling act.


Two very entertaining hours in good company.

Circus Trapez in the Blue Water Dokken sports hall. Photo: Finn Stendevad


13 February 2025


Enoch's Circus Show - an one-hour world-class circus. For many years and until 2009, the late Haddy Enoch from Circus Dannebrog produced great winter and autumn holiday performances for the Rosengaard Shopping Mall in Odense using the name Circus Kenny. In 2010 and 2011, there was no circus in the shopping mall. But many of their customers missed the performances, and since 2012, Haddy's grandson Jimmy Enoch has produced winter circuses for the large Funen shopping centre. He use the name Enoch's Circus Show and has produces a number of great performances with what in the circus world are called international top artists.


Year 2025 fully lived up to expectations of being able to see world-class circus and with acts of a quality that could easily be presented in Circus Arena or in the unfortunately closed Circus Benneweis and Circus Dannebrog. Several of the artists has performed in one or more of the circuses mentioned.


The performance was opened by the Austrian clown Don Christian with his own version of the clap entrée, where he used a large drum. Don Christian has been with Benneweis for 3 seasons and a single season in Circusland. He is one of the Danes favourite clows. Don Christian has also performed in Norwegian and Swedish circuses.

Don Christian – one of the Danes' favourite clowns


After Jimmy Enoch's welcome with all the participants in the ring, we met Jimmy's brother-in-law, the juggler Eddy Carello, who among other things balanced a cane with a hat on his forehead, did hat juggling, did cigar box juggling and finally whirled straw hats up in the air and caught them again. In the cigar box entrée, the young Stefan Dvorak was also in the ring.



Next, Don Christian came back into the ring with his wonderful version of the glockenspiel entrée. Where, among other things, he has strapped a cymbal to his bottom which a little girl from the audience is to hit with a giant club. A blow that knocks him down. An entrée that always arouses excitement.


The next artist was Joel Lutzny with handstand on chairs. Finally, 7 chairs stacked on top of each other. Impressive. It didn't bother me that he used safety lunge which he didn't have to use. We go to the circus to be entertained, not for the artists to risk life and limb.


Now followed Pat Harrison's humorous dog act Hot Dogs. An act that always brings happiness, and which he has taken over from his father Peter Harrision. Pat, who sometimes uses the stage name Pat Clarrison, has performed at both Benneweis and Arena.


The next act was a world-class rola-bola act, performed by the young Stefan Dvorak from Austria. It's incredible that he can keep his balance on so many rolas.



Next, Don Christian came back. This time with the rock band gag with three volunteer orchestra members from the audience. Some clowns are in this entrée just making fun of the volunteers without being funny themselves. But Don Christian doesn't cross the line and is actively involved in the entrée himself when he plays hunk horns.


The last act in the show was Jimmy Enoch's glass balance on a unicycle. During the act, his daughter Emily stacks more and more glasses, and Jimmy ends up driving around with glasses 14 stories high! Impressive. Jimmy's 9-year-old son Jeremy also had a few entrées in the act. Maybe he will take up the tradition from great-grandfather Haddy, grandfather Dennie and father Jimmy and become a world-class bicycle acrobat.




As mentioned: an hour of top-class circus entertainment. I'm already looking forward to next year's winter circus in Odense.


From the finale of Enoch's Circus Show


13 February 2025


Circus Mascot winter performance. Jørgen Lorenzen saw the performance in the Herning Centre on February 10 at 2 p.m. and writes (my translation):


Circus is bound by traditions. This could be seen in Herning, where Circus Mascot – true to tradition – gave performances in the shopping centre's central square.


There was a reserved space for the many children who could stand close to the ring in front of the adults. The clown Gulio was warming up. He could not find his way through the curtain and had to have children help him. And here you could hear a sound that belongs in the circus: children squealing with joy. Gulio has an open face with a clever, quirky twinkle in the corner of his eye. He enjoys performing, and he likes children. They notice this – and that is why they like him too. He is their friend – and they respond to him with delighted applause, cheers, laughter and squeals.


The first act of the show was the multi-artist Gegei in a beautiful act in a tissue

Gegei in tissue. Smartphone photo taken by Jørgen Lorenzen


Next, Daniel welcomed. He was interrupted by Gulio, who had forgotten to brush his teeth. And without clean teeth you can't show up in a ring, where a toothpaste smile is needed. But rescue was near when a mighty, living denture ran after him with an oversized toothbrush. Big cheers, and Gulio fled out of the ring.



Gulio and the denture. Archive photo from 2024.


Marianne's dog revue is must in Mascot. 10 playful poodles – more than in most dog acts. They can both do dog tricks and act as if they had human intelligence. And where do you see a dog act with as many as 10 animals, all of whom are active with trick after trick? Not shown anywhere else.

Marianne and the dogs. Smartphone photo taken by Jørgen Lorenzen


And one detail – important. The music is tuned to the act – heightens the act and puts it in relief. In general, you can always hear in a performance if the music is not tuned to the act. You notice it – consciously or unconsciously. But when the music – like here – is adapted to the act, it enhances the spectator's experience and gives the act an extra boost, without necessarily registering it.


Gulio enter the ring again. This time as a baker, juggling hats and soup spoons, and finally using a catapult to send a large ladle out into the universe.

Gulio as a baker. Smartphone photo taken by Jørgen Lorenzen


Gegei and Oleksi close the performance with an acrobatic combination act, where lifting technique, agility, strength and balance unite the two artists in an act that is probably called a parterre act in the circus world. Understandably so, as both artists work directly on the floor area of ​​the ring. The word hebeacrobatics probably also comes to mind, because the two artists lift each other and balance with and on each other.


Gegei and Oleksi are young, versatile and very likeable artists who know many disciplines at a fine level. Oleksi can also juggle, Gegei can show handstands and acrobatics as a contortionist. And together they can do a roller-skating act – as they would do in the later performance at 5 p.m.


Traditions – yes. Both in the Herningcentret's program for the school childrens winter holidays. Circus Mascot has been part of it for many years. And traditions in Mascot's program.


11 February 2025


Magic show at the Circus Museum. Monday to Friday in week 7 the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, offered a great magic show with Kim Kenneth, also known as the Dane in the fast Lane. I saw the show on February 10. Kim showed both magic tricks and elegant illusions, assisted by 23-year-old Zanya Abelgren, whom Kim has known since she was in her mother's womb. Zanya is relatively new as Kim Kenneth's assistant. But she performed with an elegance and routine, as if she had been with him for

many years.


The approximately 40-minute-long show started with a screen showing clips from Kim Kenneth's performance in a Dutch Christmas circus.


Next, Kim came on stage with some card tricks, where he first grabbed cards from his hat, which he flicked in the air with his fingers, and later from an empty hand conjured up one card after another and let them fall into the hat.


The first illusion act was the well-known one with an empty cage, which magically turned out to contain a cat – Zanya in a cat costume.





The next illusion act was what is called "The Crusher" in professional jargon, where the assistant is crushed so much with the help of a plunger that she cannot possibly be there.



Later, Kim showed the trick with the floating table, also assisted by a girl from the audience. Next, he showed the trick with the magic puzzle that does not grow in size, even if you add more new pieces.


The next trick was with a small washing machine, which, in the same way as the well-known change bag, transforms the things that were washed in it.




After a few more tricks, the show ended with Kim Kennet's very own version of the trick, which in professional jargon is called substitution trunk. Zanya was placed in a cube-shaped cage that was wrapped in paper from a kitchen roll. Kim jumped up on top of the cage and pulled a cloth up over his body. And let it fall down seconds later – but now it was Zanya who was standing there. And it turned out that it was now Kim who was sitting inside the carefully wrapped cage.





A great show that impressed both children and adults in the packed fencing hall.


Full house in the museums Fencing Hall for the magic show with Kim Kenneth


Kim Kenneth made his circus debut in 1989 at Circus Dannebrog. Later, he spent three seasons at Circus Arena and three seasons with Circus Benneweis, where he was also the ringmaster and in the most recent season staged the show. His most recent seasons with a traveling Danish circus were with Circus Baldoni in 2018 and 2019. Today, he has put the touring life on the shelf, but has a number of gala jobs. In addition, he is Pierrot in Tivoli Friheden in Aarhus and the leader of Kalundborg's children's and youth circus Circus O'Laiski.


8 February 2025


Two birthdays with a round figure:       


Suzanne Berdino turns 60. On Sunday, February 9, Suzanne Berdino turns 60. As the daughter of Hanne and Benny Berdino, she grew up in the Berdino family's Circus Arena, which in her childhood was one of Demark’s smallest circuses. Like other artist children, Suzanne received an all-round artist training and performed with dogs, horses, as a juggler and balancing on a rolling ball, just as she assisted in the magician Tergova's acts. Suzanne's greatest interest, however, was for the horses and other animals. As Circus Arena grew larger, she became the one who presented Circus Arena's liberty horses and rode high school. After a period of illness, Suzanne felt that she needed a break from the circus. Together with her triplets – two girls and a boy – she performed at events in riding clubs, etc. and gave good advice about og training horses, dogs, etc. She also published a couple of books about horse and dog training.


In 2009, her career took a turn when the Swedish stage director Lars Rudolfsson was to stage Mozart's opera The Magic Flute at Opera Hedeland. In the beginning of the opera, he wanted to include 6 white Arabian horses. He got contact with Suzanne Berdino and was so impressed with her abilities on stage that he engaged her to perform at the Orion Theatre in Stockholm, Sweden. Here, Suzanne and some of her animals have since taken part in a number of performances that have has received great praise from both audiences and critics. Not least, the musical Hjälp sökes attracted international attention, partly because the music and lyrics were written by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus from ABBA. The Danish audience could see it at Østre Gasværk Theatre in Copenhagen in the spring of 2015. Suzanne had the task as the mute woman who comes offers her service when two lonely farmer brothers are looking for a woman to help them on their father's farm in a rural area devoid of women.


For some years, Suzanne Berdino was park manager at the theme park Cirkusland in Circus Arena’s winter quarter in Slagelse, where she also was among the performers in 2024. In addition, she performs at nursing homes, in children's institutions, etc. with her own Circus Suzanne Berdino and during the Christmas period with Circus Nissesjov. Currently, she also holds a series of lectures about Circus Arena, juggling and Danish artist culture for 70 years together with her father Benny Berdino.



Susanne Berdino in Cirkusland 2018. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein


Dennie Enoch 70 years old. On Friday, February 14, Dennie Enoch turns 70. As a child, he travelled all around the world with his parents Haddy and Solveig Enoch and joined their bicycle act The Haddies at a young age. So did his three younger siblings Agnete Louise, Isabella and Katja. When Haddy Enoch restarted Circus Dannebrog in 1977, which had been dormant for almost 50 years, it was with the assistance of Dennie and his siblings.


Dennie quickly became responsible for all the technical of running a circus just as he, with alternating partners – one or more – was part of the bike act the Haddies and was one of the best bike artists in the circus world. After a few loss-making seasons, Circus Dannebrog closed at the end of 2016. The winter quarters were sold to Dennie's son Jimmy Enoch, who uses it as winter quarters for equipment belonging to Enoch Show Production, which, among other things, owns and rents out a number of tents, including the giant tent used by Circus Summarum. Dennie supervises the winter quarter when Jimmy is on tour, and also helps with a wide range of practical tasks. Dennie has always been known as what you call a handyman.

Dennie Enoch on bike. Photo from Circus Dannebrog's performance in 2006

Dennie Enoch with his granddaughter Emily. Photo from 2024 by courtesy of Jimmy Enoch

8 February 2025


New magic exhibition at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen. The museum has just opened an exciting new magic exhibition in the rooms on the ground floor, which housed the more than 10-year-old magic exhibition. There was opening for invited guests on Friday, February 7.


Museum curator Mikkel Knudsen and the museum's artistic mediator Line Vittrup hold the red thread, which the chairman of the museum board, Kenneth Bak, cuts. For practical reasons, it happened on the 2nd floor of the museum and not at the entrance to the new exhibition. One of the grand old men of the magic world, Joachim Solberg, thought that they could have ended by conjuring the string together again …


In the new exhibition, you can see the Danish Magicians Rune Klan and Tryllestøv on hologram screens


In a number of “boxes” there are exhibitions with posters, effects and photos as well as video screens and headphones, so you can see and hear a little about what is on display. All in all, an impressive exhibition with good use of modern technology. A number of Denmark's best magicians have contributed elements that are intended to arouse curiosity and inspire you to try your hand at your own magical abilities.



7 February 2025


Circus Arli calls this year's performance Circus Fun 2025. The season starts on March 29 next to the Mill Hill in the Copenhagen suburb Fløng. Among the performers are the Spanish juggler Glenn Folco and the Italian acrobats Gallingani Sisters. Neither Glenn nor the two sisters have previously performed in Denmark. Also new at Arli is Duo Montico with a knife throwing act and hula hoop. Recurring in this year's performance are the versatile Jelena and Sergejs. This year with illusions and tissue. Of course you will also meet members of the Arli family: Martin, Bettina and Alexander.

Circus Arli writes (my translation): "Look forward to see a tennis juggler in the absolute top class. Glenn Folco skilfully shows juggling in a very entertaining way. Top class artistry". Glenn has also an act in swinging pole.


Circus Arli writes (my translation): "This year we are happy to be able to present the audience with the artists of tomorrow, the sisters Nathalie and Shelby Gallingani - acrobatics in an absolutely special class." The two sisters are respectively 18 and 23 years old.  Their father Davide Robert was with Arli 10 years ago and is back this year.



5 February 2025


Circus Mascot 2025. The season starts on March 29 in Borum. After that, they have performances in 160 sports centres in Jutland and Funen, before the season ends on October 19. As in previous years, with a break from mid-June to early August. This year's show is called Luft Under Vingerne (Air Under the Wings). On their website they write (my translation):


Get ready to take off from the ground when we present our brand-new show, "Luft Under Vingerne"! An adventurous circus experience that invites both young and old on a journey filled with acrobatics, fun and magic.


In "Luft Under Vingerne" you will meet a whole range of fantastic artists who will captivate you with their impressive skills. You will be taken into the air by skilled aerial acrobats who soar above the ground and perform stunts that will make your heart skip a beat. And what do you think of the cool artists on roller skates? They drive and dance around in top gear and do lightning-fast spins and daring lifts with such speed and elegance that you almost think they are flying! There is also an incredible juggler who brings an extra dimension of magic and precision to the ring when he manipulates a large metal cube. And you can look forward to meeting Gulio the Clown, who always makes us laugh with his crazy inventions and heartwarming humour.


But a circus without animals? No, that's not possible! In the best Circus Mascot style, you will once again get to see our lovely animals, who always are part of the performance. From Marianne's poodles and the stubborn pony Poker to the charming pigs and the goose Nemo, who prove that the ring is for everyone!


Circus Mascot is something very special for families with children. It is a world where everyone - both the very young and the adults - can join in and be part of the magic. The performance is full of humour, warmth and light, and it is not just a circus performance, but a shared experience that you will remember for a long time.


So come along and get Luft Under Vingerne – a wonderful and colourful circus journey that both children and adults can share together!


In addition to Marianne Deleuran and her animals, you will meet Daniel Deleuran as ringmaster and the clown Gulio. You will also meet Oleksi Trunov and Gereltuya “Gegee” Ganbold, who both have been with Circus Mascot before. New in the ring at Circus Mascot is the young Danish artist Zanya Abelgren. It is nice that Circus Mascot has booked a young Danish artist. Most artists in Danish circuses come from other countries – apart from performers from the owner’s family.

In this year's Mascot performance, you will meet Zanya Abelgren in trapeze. Here she is seen between her mother Jenny Abelgren and Aase Tribini



31 January 2025


Circus and artist performance during the winter holidays. Danish schools are closed for winter holidays either in week 7 or in week 8. In several places in Denmark, you can see circus or artist performances in those weeks.


Circus Trapez will present winter circuses in a number of Jutland indoor arenas from February 7 to 23. About venues and times: See What’s on. The performers are Svetlana with ferrets and cats, Rudi Brunson and Irina Skuratova with clown reprises, Rico Brukson with ladder balance, Elena Brukson in aerial ring and Bernhard Kaselowsky with ponies. The first week of the tour you will also meet Nicolina Bak in arial silks (tissue). The next week it is Jasmin Nørgård who will do an aerial act.

Swetla with one of her ferrets


Circus Panik invites you from February 9 to 16 to "Mormor Gir' Den Gas" (Grandma in high mood) in their circus building in Vanløse, Copenhagen. They write (my translation):


Take your children or grandchildren by the hand and come with us to a magical and heartwarming performance during the winter holidays! True to tradition, Circus Panik will open its doors in week 7 for this year's performance "Mormor Gir' Den Gas" in our circus building at Skjulhøj Allé 21 in Vanløse. "Mormor Gir' Den Gas" is a humorous and energetic circus performance for the whole family. Whether you are parents, grandparents or just love the circus, there is something to look forward to-


Fantastic juggling that impresses and enchants. Breathtaking aerial acrobatics that create a suction in the stomach. Exuberant clowning that guarantees laughter for both young and old. Magical illusion that makes both children and adults wonder. And of course, the traditional fire finale that ends the performance with a spectacular bang.


All this is accompanied by Cirkus Panik's own orchestra, which ensures just the right atmosphere.


See more in What’s on


Circus Mascot. The shopping mall HerningCentret offers performances with Cirkus Mascot from February 10 to 16. Performances Monday to Friday at 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 and on weekends at 11:00 and 14:00. Free admission.


In the circus ring, both children and adults can look forward to see Denmark's largest dog show with circus director Marianne Deleuran and her lovely poodles. The approximately 30-minute performance also features the parterre acrobats Oleksi Trunov and Gereltuya "Gegee" Ganbold. And of course, the clown Gulio and the ringmaster Daniel Deleuran.



Marianne Deleuran and her poodles are an indispensable feature in a Mascot performance. Press photo from Circus Mascot.


Enoch's Circus Show. In Odense, the large shopping centre Rosengaardcentret offers Enoch's Circus Show from February 10 to 16. Every day at 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. Free admission. The show is produced by Jimmy Enoch. The performers in this year's performance are:

Jimmy Enoch, Denmark – ringmaster

Jeremy, Emily & Jimmy - Denmark/Germany - Glass balance on unicycle

Dog act

Stefan Dvorak - Austria - Rola Bola artist

Joel Lutzny - Germany - Handstand artist on chairs

Don Christian - Austria - Comedy/clown with 2-3 acts

Eddy Carello - Switzerland - Juggler with hats



The Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen offers a magic show with Kim Kenneth every day from Monday the 10th to Friday the 14th of February at 11 am. Link to ticket booking.


Kim Kenneth with his floating table


Circus Baldoni. February 13 to 21: Ishøj City Centre. Daily at 13 and 15. Free admission. No performance February 16. Ishøj is a Copenhagen Suburb


The performers are Diana Boiachin and Nandor Varadi, as well as Nandor's father Michi the clown. You will also meet the breakdancers Artist of Dance. And of course, René Baldoni and his ventriloquists doll Leonardo. Free admission.



René Baldoni and Leonardo



29 January 2025


Clown Gulio turns 50. Gulio, whose civil name is Ulmas Gulyamov, turns 50 on Thursday, January 30. He has been associated with the small Jutland Circus Mascot since 2003. However, not in 2011, when he performed in the now closed stationary No Name Circus. Gulio is born in Uzbekistan, but lived until the war broke out with his wife Tatyana and the couple's two children in Kyiv, Ukraine, when they were not on tour. Circus Mascot's audience loves Gulio, whom the small circus calls Denmark's funniest clown.



24 January 2025


Freddi Steckel turns 75. Wednesday, January 29, Freddi Steckel can celebrate his 75 years birthday. Freddi Steckel is one of Denmark's oldest still active artists. When you see how easily he throws around with his partners and is thrown around with himself, you wouldn't believe that he now turns 75! Most recently, the Danes got a taste of it in connection with the awarding of circus awards in 2024, where the Minister of Culture presented him with Denmark's most prestigious circus award, the Danish Circus Award.


Freddi Steckel is the eldest son of circus director Frederik Schmidt, better known as the clown Gugele, and his Norwegian-born wife Dina. Until 1950, Frederik Schmidt ran Circus Schmidt Bros. together with his brother Arnold. After the 1952 season, Arnold became the sole owner of the circus, which continued until 1955. Frederik went to Norway with his wife Dina and the couple's children and toured with Circus Empress in 1953, 1954 and 1955. After the engagement in Norway, Frederik Schmidt continued for many years with his clown act Gugele & Co., assisted by, among others, his wife Dina and the children Randi, Freddi, Jacki and Heidi. The 4 siblings had their own act under the name 4 Steckels. An act that would undoubtedly have earned them a gold or silver clown in Monte Carlo, if the festival had existed at the time. Many Danes still remember the act from Circus Benneweis, whose performances at that time were broadcasted on Danish television.


Freddi Steckel changed his act over the years, and his knock-about table act Steckel's became one of the very best on the market. In 2004, he toured with Circus Dannebrog. In 2008 and 2009 he could be seen in Circus Baldoni. In 2013 he was back in Circus Dannebrog, this time as a ringmaster. His last circus season in Denmark was in 2018, when he toured with Circus Baldoni and had the owner René Mønster Baldoni as a partner. In recent seasons he has performed in Circus Jesper in Kristiansand Zoo in Norway.





22 January 2025


Circus Baldoni 2025. The season starts on April 5th at the circus lot in Hillerød, 30 kilometres north of Copenhagen. Circus Baldoni calls this year's performance Gold, Laughter and Guinness Records. They write (my translation):


Welcome to the 2025 performance at Circus Baldoni, where we take you to the beautiful and nostalgic atmosphere that is characteristic for Circus Baldoni. In 2025, our performance offers youthfulness and energy and offers a lot of funny features that will make both children and adults laugh. We are proud to present one of Europe's best clowns, José Michel, who masters the art of spreading smiles and laughter among both children and adults in the tent.



José Michel and his wife Giulia were also with Circus Baldoni in 2024. Not least their funnel act is absolutely amazing. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein


In the artistic field, you will  to be amazed by our cool jugglers and impressed by our skilled handstand artist Quincy Azzario, who has won silver and gold clowns at the International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo.



Quincy Azzario is daughter of Giulia and José Michel. Together with her sister Katie, she won a silver clown in 2012 for their act Azzario Sisters, which the Danes could see in Zirkus Nemo in 2014. The duo disbanded at the end of 2014, when Katie went to USA to her boyfriend, the big cat trainer Alexander Lacey, whom she later married. He performed at that time at Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey. Quincy then continued solo with a handstand act. In 2016 she was with the Swedish Circus Brazil Jack. A review of the performance on this page stated: “With a bright red wig – or was it her own hair that was dyed? – Quincy offered a beautiful and fast-paced handstand/contortion act. Such acts can be a bit stagnant. But not with Quincy – the girl is really good!” In 2023, Quincy, together with René Casselly Junior and his sister Merrylu, got a gold clown for their “pas de trois” on horseback. Photo from Circus Brazil Jack 2016.


You will also meet the fantastic balance artist Rubel Medini, who holds 7 records in the Guinness Book of Records and not least the spectacular acts in the air with Lenard and Daniella Matos. Our circus princess Diana Boiachin has a brand-new act on the program. Marine Durand is our tightrope walker who manages to tiptoe on the thin tightrope. Then we have a Spanish master juggler on the program, Alfio Macaggi, who juggles not only in the air but also with balls that “bounce” on the floor. We have carefully selected the best artists to create an unforgettable experience for you and your family.



Alfio Macaggi and Marine Durand toured last year with the Norwegian Circus Arnardo. In November and December 2024, they were part of Circus Baldoni’s Christmas performance. The photo of Alfio is from the performance in Circus Arnardo. Photographer: Thorbjørn Klæbo Flo.


The performance is presented by the young Mickey Juel Prüssing. His ability to entertain both children and adults is unique, and he has Leonardo, our faithful partner on his arm. Mickey has trained hard with our skilled instructor and former ringmaster and ventriloquist, Peter Nørgaard, to deliver a spectacular performance.



Mickey Juel Prüssing was also ringmaster in 2024. Photo: Jacob Boas Leitisstein


Before the summer season starts, you can see Baldoni's winter circus in Ishøj City Center in week 8. Ishøj is a Copenhagen suburb. An approx. 30-minute long performance, where you meet Diana Boiachin and Nandor Varadi, as well as Nandor's father Michi as a clown. You will also meet the breakdancers Artist of Dance, who was with Baldoni in 2024.



21 January 2024


Winter holidays at the Circus Museum. The Circus Museum in Hvidovre writes (my translation):


In both weeks 7 and 8 we offer plenty of activities for the whole family.


Every day at 11 a.m. from Monday the 10th to Friday the 14th of February, a great experience awaits you when Kim Kenneth, one of Denmark's most renowned illusionists, present his fantastic family-friendly show. With an impressive international career behind him, where he has performed in some of Europe's largest circuses and variety shows, he offers everything from small tricks to large "Las Vegas-style" illusions, presented with a good dose of humour.



Kim Kenneth last performed at the Circus Museum during the winter holidays 2018, where his performances drew full houses.


During the winter holidays, we open the doors to a brand-new magic exhibition, where you can experience both Rune Klan and Tryllestøv as recurring characters. Some of Denmark's best magicians have also contributed elements that will arouse curiosity and inspire you to try your hand at your own magical abilities.


Have you ever dreamed of being a juggler, tightrope walker or trapeze artist? In both weeks 7 and 8, you can test your skills at Circus Fun, where our artist is ready with good advice and guidance. Circus Fun takes place in weeks 7 and 8 Monday to Friday from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


For those looking for a little quieter activity, we have a cozy playground and a creative workshop where you can make everything from magic hats to circus collages. The youngest museum visitors can also go on a fun circus hunt, where they get around the exhibitions and are rewarded with a small prize at the end.



20 January 20 2025


Silver clown for troupe with a Danish member. At this year's circus festival in Monte Carlo, the six-man troupe Scandinavian Boards received a silver clown for their springboard act. An act where they use their springboards as seesaws. See photos reproduced from the Italian circus friends' website. Most other springboard troupes use a springboard as a catapult, sending an artist up so that he lands on the back of another artist - sometimes up to five man high.



One of the members of Scandinavian Boards is a Dane: Daniel Shamitha Bendtsen. Daniel is a member and co-founder of the Danish contemporary circus troupe Volantes, which in addition to him consists of his brother Jonathan and Mads Panik from Circus Panik. The trio has performed on national and international stages, including in Cirque du Soleil. They have also been in Denmark got talent. In addition to a silver clown, Scandinavian Boards received two special awards at the festival, namely awards from the English Blackpool Tower Circus and the Swedish Circus Brazil Jack. Carmen Rhodin, who was the director of Circus Brazil Jack until she and her husband a few years ago passed the reins on to their son Trolle, was a member of Monte Carlo jury.


Here is the full list of this year's winners of a gold, silver or bronze clown:


Gold Clown


Djiguites du Turkmenistan - Cossack riders


Troupe Nationale Acrobatique de Chine - bicycle acrobats


Flying Caballeros - flying trapeze


Silver Clown


Scandinavian Boards - springboard


Trio de la Troupe acrobatique Zheijang - balancing with parasols


Animaux Exotiques de la Famille Martini du Cirque Madagascar - exotics


Pastelito de Chile et Junior - clowns


Bronze Clown


Triple Breath - wire


Duo Acero - handstand


Wolfgang Lauenburger - dogs. He was part of Benny Schumann's mini circus in 2008 and was with Cirkus Arena in 2010 and 2015. The Swedes experienced him in Circus Maximum in 2009 and 2011.


Alan Silva – tissue




Wolfgang Lauenburger in Cirkus Arena 2015. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press


In addition, some junior prizes were awarded as well as a large number of special prizes.



17 January 2025


Rent of circus lots. Most Danish circus lots are owned by municipalities. Danish circuses have had problems in the past, because some municipalities increase the rent for the lot wildly. Most recently, according to Sjællandske Medier, Vordingborg municipality has raised the rent from DKK 2,000 to DKK 5,000, i.e. more than doubling. Circus owner René Baldoni, whose circus usually plays at two lots in the municipality, calls the decision hostile to culture and fears that it will make it financially unaffordable for Circus Baldoni to visit the municipality. Brit Skovgaard, who is chairman of the municipality's Culture and Leisure Committee, defends the increase as part of general price adjustments and points out that local associations can still use the areas for free. This indicates that the municipality is quite indifferent to whether a circus comes to town, but in a year of municipal elections, will like to please local associations.


Circus Baldoni says that they visit all municipalities on Zealand. With the new price increase, Vordingborg Municipality's circus lots will clearly be the most expensive lots to visite. If Circus Baldoni do not opt ​​out of visiting Vordingborg and Stege. Another option is to have particularly high ticket prices in Vordingborg.


Fortunately, there are still a number of municipalities that appreciate when circuses is coming to town and either make the circus lot available free of charge or charge a more reasonable rent than they intend to do in Vordingborg.



René Baldoni fears that high rent may make it impossible for circuses to visit Vordingborg and Stege



17 March 2025


David Sosman one man show. On Facebook, David writes that he has always dreamed of having his own one man show. Now his dream has come true, after years of "just" being part of larger productions with just a few minutes of stage time. In 2023, he performed for the first time on cruise ships, where he had four different 15-minute entrées. Throughout most of 2024, he continued to perform similar acts on various ships, occasionally getting the chance to present his 45-minute show at the ships' largest theater.

Now he is engaged to perform on NCL Norwegian Sky with two different 45-minute long shows in the ship's main theatre. That is a total of 90 minutes of solo entertainment. The ship has room for just over 2,000 passengers and a crew of almost 900.


Many artists have jobs on cruise ships for shorter or longer periods.

David Sosman. Archive photo



16 January 2025


Danish Circus Forum. Many follow the write-ups which are posted Monday to Friday in the Facebook group Dansk Cirkus Forum (Danish Circus Forum). Several have asked if it was possible to search the many write-ups. It is a cumbersome procedure on Facebook, where posts are in reverse chronological order. That is why we have included the posts from 2024 in the article collection on this page, which you can find by clicking here. You can search in the articled by using the function Ctrl + f. We have also added the series of articles about Circus Arena's history to the article collection. With photos!


The language is Danish but using Google translate you can easily translate the articles to English or another language.


10 January 2025


This year Circus Arena can celebrate their 70 anniversaries. On this occasion, I have written a 10-section article on the history of Circus Arena. Monday to Friday in week 3 and week 4, I post them with one section per day on the Facebook group Dansk Circus Forum. The language is Danish but using google translate you can easily translate the articles to English or another language.

This tent was used by Circus Arena in some of their earliest years.



Circus Arena's current tent is from 2022. It has a diameter of 40 m2 and is the largest circus tent in the Nordic countries


But fortunately, the circus is something more than history. And Circus Arena aims to celebrate the anniversary with a bang of a performance, which offers both new artists and reunions with artists that we have seen before in Circus Arena. The 2025-season opens at Bellahøj in Copenhagen on Tuesday 25 March. Then they visit the rest of the country. The 2025 tour ends on August 25 in Sorø.

As in 2024, it is Bubber and Malene Qvist who present the performance.


Subject to changes, you will meet the following artists in this year's Arena performance:


Steven Ferreri – tight wire


Michael Ferreri - juggler


The two brothers were also with Arena in 2023.


Christofer Eötvös with illusions (magic). Christofer performed in Arena’s theme part Circusland in the 2024 summer season.


Circus Arena's house clown Jimmy Folco


William Tournoud – rola bola in trapeze. He comes from France, and has not previously performed in Denmark.


David Hammarberg - aerial number. He was also with Arena in 2023 and 2024. David says that this year he is showing a completely new act.


Duo Costache. It is Leonardo and Vita Costache's 6th season at Circus Arena.


Los Ortiz performs in the wheel of death wheel and on high wire. They were also at Arena in 2023, where the Danish Circus Award gave them the prize for the year's best act.


Gabriel Delacruz - handstand. He has not previously performed in Denmark. In 2022 he won gold at the European Youth Circus festival in Wiesbaden. One of the most prestigious festivals for young artists.


There are also liberty horses in the performance. It is likely that it is Arena's former elephant trainer Rudy Althoff, who present the horses. Circus Arena do not any longer have their own animals. Thus, it is a horse act which is booked in the same way as other artist acts. It is the performances only animal act.



9 January 2025


Circus Trapez winter circus can be seen in a number of indoor arenas in Jutland from 7 to 23 February. Isabella Enoch Sosman tells that the artists in the winter circus are:


Swetlana with ferrets and cats. She was also with Trapez in 2024.


Swetlana with one of her cats


Rudi Brunson and Irina Skuratova with new run-is



Rudy Brukson the clown. Press photo from Circus Trapez


Rico Brukson with ladder balance


Elena Brukson in aerial ring


Bernhard Kaselowsky with ponies


Bernhard Kaselowsky and his ponies. Press photo from Circus Trapez


The first week we have Nicolina Bak with us in aerial silks (tissue). Next week Frida Lindskov Dyrholm Nørskov, performing in aerial spiral.


By the way, Isabella has recently married her long-term fiancé Bernhard Kaselowsky. Congratulations to the newlyweds.



9 January 2025


CIRCUSTRANSPORT DENMARK is the title of a new book by Dutch Henk van den Berg. It has 112 pages, all in colour, and contains 650 photos and posters from the Arena, Arli, Benneweis, Baldoni, Dannebrog, Krone, Nemo, Moreno, Mascot and Schumann circuses. The book will be published in February and the price incl. shipping in Europe is 42.50 EURO. The book is in English and can be ordered at www.circuswebshop.com


Henk van der Berg has previously published a large number of books with photos and posters from European circuses.




8 January 2025


Zirkus Nemo 2025. In a post on Facebook, Peter Marrott, who was bandmaster at Nemo in 2024, writes that Zirkus Nemo will unfortunately not be on tent tours this year. Due to this he has time for other projects. He believes that Zirkus Nemo is trying to do something in concert halls this autumn. In circus and artist circles, it has long been known that Nemo was unlikely to go on tent tours in 2025.


There is no announcement from circus owner Søren Østergaard about the 2025 season. At the end of February and the beginning of March, he will give lectures about his life in several cities in Denmark.



3 January 2025


Danish circuses in 2025. We know for sure that at least 5 Danish circuses will be on tour in 2025: the large Circus Arena, the medium-sized Circus Baldoni and the slightly smaller Circus Arli, Circus Mascot and Circus Trapez. Denmark’s last two circuses, Søren Østergaard's Zirkus Nemo and the Thierry family's Circus Krone, have not yet published anything about their plans for 2025.


Three of the circuses mentioned offer winter circuses in February. Circus Trapez has a tour in Jutland's indoor arenas from 7 to 23 February. Circus Mascot performs in HerningCentret shopping mall in week 7 and Circus Baldoni in Ishøj Shopping Centre, Copenhagen, in week 8.


In week 7, Jimmy Enoch presents a circus show in the Rosengaard Shopping Mall in Odense. Circusland in Circus Arena’s winter quarter in Arslev by Slagelse is open from 8 to 16 February.


The tent season starts on 25 March in Copenhagen at ‘Bellahøj’, where Circus Arena premieres their 70th anniversary performance. Circus Arli and Circus Mascot both opens the season on 29 March. Circus Arli tours with a tent. Circus Mascot just like in 2023 and 2024 in sports halls etc. Circus Baldoni starts the tented season on April 5.


A so-called horror circus, Circus of Torment, visits Denmark in March and April. There is a premiere in Copenhagen on March 13. From there they continue to Odense, Vejle and Aarhus. They were most recently in Denmark in 2024. It is owned by DarkThrills Entertainment / Dutch Michaël Betrian).



3 January 2025


Birthdays with a round figure 2025. Several persons from in the Danish circus and artist world can celebrate a birthday with a round figure during 2025:


29 January 2025: Freddi Steckel, acrobat, 75 years old

9 February 2025: Suzanne Berdino, artist, 60 years old

14 February 2025: Dennie Enoch, former artist, 70 years.

6 April 2025: Leif Conradi, former bike acrobat, 95 years old

29 April 2924:  Ulla Steckel, former circus owner, 70 years old

23 May 2025: Benny Schumann, clown and multi-artist, 80 years old

20 July 2025: Lasse Nørager, clown, 60 years old

23 August 2025: René Mønster Baldoni, circus owner, 60 years old

14 December 2025: Helle Abildgaard, painter, 70 years old



1 January 2025


This website had approximately 21,000 visitors in 2024. The news section, being a weekly internet magazine and the tour list (“What’s on) are usually updated every Saturday. Apart from news and tour list the website has pages with facts about Danish circuses, Danish circus families etc. Links to those pages can be found at the bottom of the opening page.


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Link to news from 2023

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