Circus news
from Denmark 2005
31 December
2005 8 tented circuses toured Denmark from late March/early April to September: 3 large: Circus Arena, Circus Benneweis and Circus
Dannebrog and 5 dog and pony-shows (what Americans calls high grass circuses): Circus Arli, Circus Baldoni, Circus Charlie, Circus
Krone and Circus Mascot. Business for most
of them was rather good. Arena and Baldoni tells that the season was their best ever. Some
youth organisation produced circus-performances with kids as performers, using names as Circus Flik-Flak (probably the most established of
the youth circuses).
foreign new wave circuses or acrobat troupes visited Copenhagen
in 2005: Idiot Savant (27 to 30 June), Vent dAutans (4-6 & 8-10 July), Cirque Ici (5 to August), OKIDOK (4 to 9 August), Acrobats (16 to 19 August) and the 40 person
large Shenyang
Acrobatic Troupe (31
August and 1 to 3 September).

December 2005
from the ECA. ECA-information
number 4/2005 was circulated shortly before Christmas. In the info letter Frank Zammert
gives this interesting review of the European Colloquium in October where the fascination of clowns was discussed:
28 and 29 October the European Colloquium about circus culture ended with much success.
The organisation was in the hands of the Kulturamt of the capital city of Wiesbaden,
which has been engaged in circus arts since 1995. This time, the two-day forum brought
together specialists from twelve countries in the city
of Wiesbaden.
Yoram Carmeli, who is an anthropologist specialised in the circus world and its relation
to society, even came from Haifa
in Israel
to gain ideas for his professional field of interest.
participants talked about the "Fascination of Clowns", exchanged views about the
training of circus artists and reflected on the constraints of the circus. Wolfgang
Herber, alderman for culture welcomed those present and gave his thanks to the FEDEC
(Federation européenne des ecoles de cirque professionelle), the ECA (European Circus
Association), cooperative partners of the colloquium, as well as Pascal Jacob, university
teacher and co-worker of Hors les Murs in France.
On the second day of the colloquium, Emil Steinberger, cabaret artist from Switzerland,
joined the meeting and there was a thorough discussion about the diverse types of clowns,
inherent competency as well as the opportunities to acquire these qualifications by
training. It became clear that opinions about 'the clown' vary greatly. The spectrum
ranged from: the natural skill "to show the relativity of matter" to people in a
funny way, which was a formulation by Joop Teuteberg, approved by Peter Bento, musical
clown, to the view of learnability. Florian Reichert, since eight years responsible for
the Scuola Teatro Dimitri in Switzerland,
explained during his lecture the importance of continuously questioning "old
traditions', "to keep these alive and to develop these further". Moreover, the
clown figure can only remain anchored in the cultural environment through discussion and
resulting further development. From the practice of the professional school for clowns in Mainz,
Michael Stuhlmiller subsequently reported about the experiences of Ekaterina Moshaewa in Russia.
He has made a curriculum of "craft of band and heart", which helps to explain
both artistic competency as well as individuality of the genius clown figure. Peter Shub
showed with minor contributions of his art that not the red nose and wig are important
characteristics of the clown, but his personality. The star-comedian illustratively
outlined the "despised", "childish" "rebel against the world of
objects". His message was that it is possible to develop available skills. But most
important is to discover and work on personality. The following discussion yielded several
opinions, but the tonic became clear: as long as there are clowns, who make people laugh
with simple means such as mime and gestures, and as long as there are people who are open
to the fascination of clowns, this art form will not die away. The clown or the comic
artist is and remains irreplaceable.
ECA-information furthermore tells that the resolution of 13
October 2005
from the European Parliament on circuses now is available in most European languages. You
can find the resolution by visiting Seach for 'circus' and then open the document with
reference Reference P6_TA(2005)0386.
connection with the Circus Festival in Monte Carlo ECA arranges a symposium called Circus is Culture. A circus business exhibition
can be seen 21 to 23 January daily from 12
to 6
at the Fairmont
-Monte Carlo (Grand Hotel). 23 January in the morning there will at the same place bee a
roundtable discussion and in the afternoon a symposium about professional training, artist
safety and responsibility and next EU-steps. Entrance to the symposium cost 40 Euro. The
other events are entrance free. On 24 January there will be a General Meeting for members
of the ECA. In connection with the 6th International Circus Festival of Budapest later in
January there will be an ECA meeting taking place 30 January at 11 at the Hyatt Hotel. The theme of the meeting is integration of art forms in the circus ring.

December 2005
lot of Circusposters and circusphotos including
several from Denmark
can be found at the Dutch website For the time
being the text is only in Dutch but an English version will follow soon. But even in the
Dutch version it is easy to search. Try to insert circus names as Benneweis, Schumann,
Arena, Moreno
or Arli. Or city names as Kopenhagen or Aarhus.
Or county names as Denmark.
Posters and photos are from the collection of Jaap Best, which is said to be the largest
in Holland.
On the website you can find almost 8,000 posers and 7,000 photos.

December 2005
Crazy about circus. This spring and autumn the Danish TV channel TV2
have send a series called Crazy about Dance where well-known Danes (actors, singers etc)
assisted by a professional dancing partner was invited to a dancing competition.
Englishmen will know the program from BBC where it was called 'Strictly
Come Dancing'. TV2 has now decided to send a similar program called Crazy about circus
where well-known Danes after having been trained by professional circus people shall show
what the can do in a circus ring. The Danish circus queen Diana Benneweis has just signed
a contract with TV 2 who during the summer 2006 will shoot 6 programmes and a gala during
Circus Benneweis tented tour in Denmark.
Host in the programme will be the popular TV star Bubber who years ago for some seasons
was ringmaster with Circus Arena. Among the circus people who shall train the well-known
Danes are the world class clown Fumagalli who together with his brother Darix and his sons
Nino and Nicolai (The Huesca Brothers - Risley act) are among the performeres in Circus
Benneweis' 2006 performance.

Photo taken at Circus Benneweis in 2003

December 2005
Arena webshop. Circus
Arena which for some year have been the largest circus in the Nordic countries have opened
a webshop where you can by posters, an DVD with the 2005-performance, a CD with the music
from the 2005 performance and some CD's with the singing circus owner Benny Berdino. You
can also buy a book (in Danish, but with a lot of full colour photos) about Circus Arena.
You can visit the webshop at For the time being it is in Danish only. However
prices are also quoted in Euro and it is despite the language rather easy to use for folks
used to purchase via Internet. Payment can be done by MasterCard.
bit translation:
- poster from Arenas 50 year anniversary in 2005. The artist is the Danish painter and
graphic artist Per Arnoldi.
- Et cirkusdynasti' - the book about Circus Arena and its owners, the Berdino family
Arenas 50 ċrs jubilĉumsforestilling' - DVD from the 2005 performance.
og sange fra 50 ċrs jubilĉumsforestillingen' -CD with music and songs from the 2005
i kurv' - add to shopping cart
'Gċ til
kassen' -proceed to checkout
'Betaling' -
'Forsendelse' -
postage and handling
- continue
- information on the customer
'Godkend' -
oplysninger' - info on your payment card. 'Kortnummer" means card number.

15 December
in TV. If
you can watch Danish or Swedish TV there you can see some circus-related transmissions
during the Christmas Holidays. Danish TV1 will send a transmission from Circus Arena's
2005-programme which was their 50-year anniversary program. Day and time for the programme
will be mentioned on this page next week. On 25 December at 6
Swedish TV 4 will send a one hour long transmission from Circus Maximum's
2005-performance. 25 December at 2:40
Swedish TV 1 will transmit the Stockholm
version of the musical Chess. Among the performers are the Danish trapeze artists
Josephine Wulff Randrup and Rasmus Aitouganov.

December 2005
Quinn to Germany
and Sweden.
The Danish gentlemanthief Kenny Quinn and his partner (both on stage and in private life)
Joan will be among the performers at the Heilbronner
Weihnachtscircus from 21
December 2005
to 8
January 2006
in Heilbronn
in Germany.
After Heilbronn
the talented couple will go to Hagenbeck's
Dinner-Zirkus in Hamburg
where they can be seen from 10 January to 26 February. For the summer season 2006 Kenny
Quinn and Joan have been engaged to the Swedish Circus

Swedish circus audience can look forward to meet the Danish gentlemanthief Kenny Quinn in
Circus Olympia
in 2006.

December 2005
new book will be called "Livet bliver ikke genudsendt" (Life will not be
repeated). The book will be published in the spring or in the summer 2006 and will tell
about how one can live a fantastic and interesting life despite mental problems. The book
will as Diana's first book be available in Danish only.

Benneweis. Photo taken 18. September 2005 in connection with Circus Benneweis last
performance in 2005

December 2005
Photos on exhibition at Vetlanda museum in Sweden.
The chairman of the Swedish Circus Friends (the Swedish
Roy Himsel and his daughter Linda Himsel are skilled photographers. Roy
is well known to many European circus friends, acrobats and circus owners. Linda is
certified by Gamleby School of Photography in industrial and commercial photography. She
has done fashion for magazines, circus photography for brochures and for circuses, is a
press photographer for daily newspapers etc. Some of Roy's and Linda's best photos from
circuses can be seen at Vetlanda museum in Smaaland in the middle part of Sweden
from 10
December 2005
to 22
January 2006.
The museum is open Tuesday from 10 to 16 and Wednesday to Sunday from 12 to 16.

(Darius Huesca, brother of Fumagalli) and Henry Bronett. Photo by courtesy of Linda Himsel

acrobat. Photo by courtesy of Roy Himsel

December 2005
at Hvidovre, Copenhagen,
opened their newest exhibition "Playing
tricks with the Death" 4
December 2005.
It is an exhibition about motorbike drivers in Walls of Death and motorbike drivers on
high wire. Opening was done by the chairman of the museum Milton Graff Pedersen who also is deputy lord
mayor in Hvidovre. The museum keeper Anja Olsen,
the young ethnology student Christine
Bohn-Willeberg and Arne Noerager (the
well-know Danish clow Bonbon's father) have done a great job in creating this exhibition
on a rather limited space.

Graff (to the right) opens the exhibition which can been seen to the left. To the left of Milton
you can see Poul Sverrild who has the oveall responsibilities for the museums in the Copenhagen
suburb Hvidovre.

of the Indian motorbikes used in a wall of death

December 2005
Viktor Henrik Barenco Miehe passed away. A member
of the well-known Danish circus family Miehe Viktor Henrik Barenco Miehe passed away in Canada
October 2005.
He was born 30
October 1908
in Odense,
as son of circus owner Christian Vilhelm August Miehe and his wife Amalia Barenco.
Christian Vilhelm August Miehe run for a number of years the Danish Circus Miehe-Glauert,
competing with his sister Dora and her Circus Miehe. Victor Henrik Branco Miehe was not
interested in circus life and immigrated with his wife and children to Canada
in 1956. His son Dan Christian Miehe has from his parents some nice photos from Circus
Miehe. Click here to see these photos.

December 2005
wave circus: Nova Exit ROUNDABOUT. In
November/December 2001 the Danish new wave artist troupe Nova Exit presented a very fine new wave circus
performance of a quality which easily could be compared with the foreign new wave circuses
which have visited Denmark
the later years. On 3
December 2005
Nova Exit presented a new
performance called ROUNDABOUT in Kanonhallen, Copenhagen.
As in 2001 AnneSophie Bergmann Steen staged the
performance. The show began with the performer Anika
Kristensen Barkan ("Anni from Tenesee") singing a couple of country and
western songs while Anders Astrup was floating
in the air above her head and the performer Kenneth
Harrison falled madly in love with her. This scene is followed by a scene around a
traffic light with a rather strong erotically undertone. Next entrée is Josephine Wulff Randrup and Rasmus Aitouganov in an arial frame and Anders
Astrup in a special requisite invented by himself: a Danish Pole. From an acrobatically
point of view the best acts in the performance came in the second part of the performance: Josephine Wulff Randrup and Rasmus Aitouganov in
trapeze and Anders Astrup Jensen in tissue. The performance, which can be seen until 22
December, Tuesday to Friday at 20:00
and Saturday and Sunday at 17:00,
runs for 1½ hours including interval. Ticket ordering at + 45 35 43 20 21.

scene with the traffic light

Wulff Randrup and
Rasmus Aitouganov

Kristensen Barkan and Rasmus Aitouganov

Wulff Randrup and Rasmus Aitouganov

Astrup Jensen

December 2005
KIT joins the Circostrade network. In april 2005
the Danish Ministry of Cultural affairs granted Copenhagen's International Theatre (KIT)
2,200,000 DKK (300,000 Euro) which amount shall be used for the next 3 years for
activities related to new wave circus. Related to this KIT has just been admitted as one
of the 12 partners in the Circostrada network. You can find further information in
circustrada here. - As previous years KIT (Copenhagen's
International Theatre) will during the summer season 2006 present some new wave circuses
in Copenhagen
and arrange some workshops related to new wave circuses.

November 2005
"Playing tricks with the Death" is the
name of a new exhibition to open on 4
December 2005
at the Circus
at Hvidovre, Copenhagen.
It is an exhibition about motorbike drivers in Walls of Death and motorbike drivers on
high wire. On display are motorbikes and other material borrowed from Steen Giphardt. He
is the owner of the only wall of death, which still can bee seen at Danish fairs. From the
1930s until the early 1970s the Wall of Deaths was very popular and most fairs would have
had at least one Wall of Death as part of the attractions. Many different stunts were
tried including straight wall riding, dipping and diving, a demonstration of Go-Karting, a
demonstration of trick riding and the final trick with several riders on the wall at the
same time. Apart from Steen Giphardt's bikes one can see the bike used by Hungarian high
wire artist László Simet and his partner Olga Yermakova in the Tivoli
in 2001. The couple performer on a high wire
high above the amusement park. The couple and an extra partner was recently awarded a
Silver Lion at 10th China Wuqiao International Circus Festival.


Giphardt's Wall of Death. Below: Wall of Death used by the daredevils Jackson and Krüger

Simets motorbike
November 2005
International Youth Circus Festival 2006. "We
are preparing next years festival," Joop of the Danish youth circus Cirkus Tvaers
writes. The festival will take place at Gellerup in Aarhus
from 18 to 20
August 2005.
It will celebrate Circus Tvaers 20 years anniversary. Danish youth circuses Kaephoej, Flik-Flak,
Pyra and Cirkus Tvaers will take part in the festival as
will De Tijdgeest from Holland.
Further information can be seen at

November 2006
visiting area at Circus Arena's winter quarter to open in February 2006. I
have several times mentioned circus owner Benny Berdino plan to change his winter quarter
to a large visiting area with 60-70 animals, repair shops, training ring and stables with
horses, ponies, zebras and other animals and Berdino's own sealions performing in a in a
large basin. The winter quarter will also have its own small museum, a play area for
children and a cafeteria. Now it is mentioned at Circus Arenas website that the visiting
area will be ready to receive guest from11 to 19
February 2006
(the traditional winter holiday period in Denmark).
Click here for
link to Circus Arena's webpage with photos from the construction going on in the area
(text unfortunately in Danish only).

15 November
Kenneth to Blackpool
Danish magicians' magazine Pegasus tells that the well-known Danish magician Kim Kenneth
from April to November 2006 will perform in Blackpool
in the English seaside resort Blackpool.
He shall present a magical show every Thursday and Friday. The show will close with at
water spectacular as the ring in the Blackpool Tower Circus can be lowered and filled with
water. The Circus ring when flooded can hold up to 42,000 gallons of water to a depth of
4ft 6 inches. Kim Kenneth is well known to the English audience as he in 2003 performed at
the Tony Hopkin's owned Billy Smarts Circus. For years it have been an tradition to have a
water finale in the Blackpool
circus which in 2006 according to Pegasus will present an all female performance. The
Circus in Blackpool
is positioned at the base of the Tower between its four legs. The Circus has never missed
a season since it began in 1894.

November 2005
a members meeting today the Danish Barly's Association (in Danish Selskabet Barlys Venner)
decided to change its name to Danish Circusfriends
(in Danish Danske Cirkusvenner). The purpose of the association is to increase the
interest circus and circus history and to support and assist the Circus
at Hvidovre, Copenhagen,
which is the largest in the Nordic countries. The associations has its own website:
Unfortunately for the time being only in Danish. The association recently decided to
appoint the Danish magicians' grand old man Poul
Arland as honorary member of the association.

Arland with the medal of silver which is the visible sign of his honorary membership of
Danish Circusfriends. Photo: Lise Kokholm

November 2005
Two Danish
acts are among the performers at Hagenbecks Dinner-Zirkus in Alte Hagenbeck'ske
Dresurhalle in Hamburg,
Steckel's Comedy Cascadeurs (Freddi Steckel,
for the time being together with Zora Nikodemova) and the bike acrobat Jimmy Enoch. Among the other performers are German
big cat trainer René Farell with his tigers, Scott & Muriel with their comical
magician entrée, Alla Bogino in vertical rope, the Chinese troupe Suns, the juggler
Valentino and the clown Carlito Carleone. Further
information at

Freddi Steckel
and Zora Nikodemova. Photo
from February 2005

November 2005
days in 2006.
Although there is 4 month until the circus season 2006 will begin in Denmark
most shows have engaged the performers (however seldom released the names of the
performers) and are busy by preparing their tour list. Circus Charlie will start the season on 17 Marts
2006. Circus Arena will have their official
opening night in Copenhagen
on 21 marts 2006 with dress rehearsals 17, 18 and 19 Narch. Circus Baldoni has as usual dress rehearsal on the
Isle on Bornholm
during the Easter holidays and opening night somewhere at Zealand
on 21
April 2006.
Circus Arli will have first night in the
beginning if April 2006. The other Danish circuses have not yet released the date of their
opening night. But tradition is to open in the last half of March of the first half of
November 2005
Reinsch passed away.
Margit Reinsch passed way on 5. November 2005. She was born on 9
October 1917
and performed as a trapeze artist under the name Lazana. For a while she was married to
Ernst Martin Arthur Reinsch, called little Arthur. However the couple divorced and Little
Arthur later married Elvira Josephine Hoffmann, owner of the Norwegian Circus Berny in Norway.

November 2005
of clowns.
On Wednesday 23 November the Danish artist Yvonne Anette Nielsen will open a exhibition
with painting she have made of persons as Charlie Chaplin, the clown Charlie Rivel and the
clown Francesco. The exhibition can be seen at the House of History close to the Circus
at Hvidovre, Copenhagen. Free entrance. Open Tuesday and Wednesdays from
13-16 and Thursday from 13-18.The exhibition can be seen until 22 December.

November 2005
smallest circus in Odense.
The Danish clown and actor Arne Björk present his one-man show The Smallest Circus at the
Hans Christian Andersen Christmas fair in Odense.
Performances in the Hall of Mirrors 3 December, 4 December, 10 December and 11 December at

the clown. Photo: Carsten Andreasen

November 2005
calling themselves Europes most successful horse show and riding event, boasting
more than 500,000 visitors last season, returns in the beginning of 2006 to the Nordic
countries with a new programme, Ovations. The press release writes: While last
season's tour concentrated on the noblest of the Baroque breeds, the new programme
"Apassionata - Ovations - Tour" takes its audience on a journey of discovery
that weaves its way around the entire globe. "World of horses - horses of the
world." This is the motto according to which we have brought together a spectacular
troupe of the most well-known and most unique breeds of horses from all over the world. It
is with this impressive ensemble that we created the magnificent "Ovations"
programme - an unequalled luxuries event. APASSIONATA - Ovations - Tour" is a
breathtaking programme of entertainment at the highest level. Gallant steeds, first-class
horsemanship, an aesthetic interplay of splendid coloured, authentic costumes, stirring
music with live singing and astonishing lighting effects all come together to create
perfect settings and genuine atmosphere. "APASSIONATA - Ovations - Tour" is a
virtual explosion of emotions. It will be a treat for the whole family, for connoisseurs
of horses and horse lovers everywhere. Stormy Cossacks, versatile Quater Horses, august
Friesians, fascinating wild horses from the Camargue, Heavy Horses ("Cold
Breeds"), proud Andalusians, and noble Lusitanos demonstrate the endless variety and
diversity while charactererising the world of horses, in a grand show never seen before.
The show visited Copenhagen
28 to 30 January 2005. The have now two touring units and the second unit is on its way to
the Nordic Countries. It will be in Copenhagen
from 6 to 8 January, in Malmö (Sweden)
from 13 to 15 January, in Aarhus
from 21 to 22 January. 29 January a performance will be given in Linköping,
The Nordic tour will close in Helsinki
on 10 and 11 February. Further information (in several languages) can be found at

4 November 2005
In Germany,
and France
there is a strong tradition for presenting Christmas circuses of high standard. In 1973
Benny Berdino and Kenn Anker Petersen tried to establish a Christmas Circus in Copenhagen.
But despite a fine program including performers as the Garcia-troupe, the magician and
mind reader Truxa ant Katja Schumann riding high school there was a rather limited
audience. Since then nobody has dared to present a traditional Christmas Circus in Denmark.
However, during the later yeas another type of Christmas circus have popped up in Denmark:
some of the smaller circuses presenting family friendly performances mainly meant for kids
in kindergartens and the lower classes in the public school. Circus Nissesjov is owned by Thessa and René
Moenster from Circus Baldoni. They have two touring units. Several of the performances are
sold performances. In unit one the performers are Thessa and René and the Barbi Family. In unit two the performers are Tonni Tips Steinvig,
Martin Sofus Maiböll and the Andrey family with a Risley act. Einar Trie of Circus
Charlie calls his Christmas circus for The Nisse
Theatre. The performance take place at Santa Claus workshop where the elks
"Fjulle", "Nulle", "Mulle" and "Tulle" are busy by
packing Christmas presents. But "Tulle" will rather present a circus show
- Irene Thierry and Jan Allan from Danish Circus Krone call their performance for Julecirkus and present acrobats in Christmas
dresses and invites kids into the ring.

Nisse Theatre's performance (photo by courtesy of Einar Trie)

November 2005
works at Circus Arena's winterquarter delayed.
Since autumn 2004 a lot of construction have
been going on at Arena's winterquarter in Aarslev close to Slagelse. It is the dream of
circus owner Benny Berdino to change the winter quarter to a large visiting area with
60-70 animals, repair shops, training ring and the stables with horses, ponies, zebras and
other animals and Berdino's own sealions performing in a in a large basin. The winter
quarter will also have its own small museum with jewels, posters and pictures from Circus
Arena's first 50 years. There will also be play areas for children and a cafeteria.
Opening was schedules for October/November this year. But the construction works have been
delayed. A new opening day has not yet been

November 2005
for Dinnershow Trapeze.
Stefan Rothmann tells: "Friday 28 October Isabella Enoch could open her tent for her
dinnershow called Trapeze for 250 farmers in Sjölund in the southern part of Jutland.
Among the invited guest were Ulla and Jackie Steckel and Isabella's dad and mom Haddy and
Solveig Enoch. Haddy could the same day celebrate his 71 years birthday. The show started
with an overture presenting all the performers. Among those Jímmy Enoch at monobike.
Later in the first part of the performance Jimmy presented his glass-balancing act at
monobike. After 30 minutes show dinner was served from Tofterup Inn. After the break
Isabelle performed in trapeze and her nephew Jimmy and her sons Edward and David Enoch
presented their excellent bike entrée, Katja Enoch presented a quick-change act including
some stepdancing and saxophone playing. Bernhard Kasselowsky and his elephant Rambo
assisted in Isabella's beauty parlour. Last act in the performance was
"The Thuranos." The 96-year old German comedian and former tight wire dancer
Konrad Thur is the world oldest performing acrobat. Together with his 56-year-old son
John-John he is presenting a world class comical tight wire entrée. If you are
interesting in booking Isabella Enoch's dinnershow, give her at call at + 45 40103939.
Isabella is happy to "tailor-make" a performance for you with Danish or
international acrobats, singers and dancers.


Above: Isabella's beauty parlour. Below: John-John and
Konrad Thur. Photos: Stefan Rothmann

October 2005
Flik-Flak and Far til Fire (Daddy to Four).
Tommy Hardam of Danish youth circus Flic-Flac from Odense
writes: "In connection with the new Danish Daddy to Four-movie (Daddy to Four was 40
years ago a very popular series of movies mainly for kids) there was several kids from the
youth circuses Flik-Flak, Kanutski and Panik as extras. In a section of the new movie Mie
(one of the main characters) shall arrange a talent competition at her school and in that
connection some young acrobats etc. was needed."

the shooting of the movie. Photo: Tommy Hardam. Click here to se more photos

October 2005
at Bryggen
is the name of a family friendly magic show 2
November 2005
at 19 at the Cultural Centre, Islands Brygge 18, Copenhagen.
Performing magicians are Mystical Mr. Mox
(Mikkel Larsen) and Magic Michael (Michael
Frederiksen). Ticket prices are family friendly: 100 DKK (13.50 Euro) for adults and 75
DKK (10 Euro) for children.

25 October 2005
Alting har
sin pris. In
2002 the Danish circus queen Diana Benneweis'
published her memories "Alting har sin pris"("There is a price at
everything") in which she told about her life. The book has for some time been out of
print. However on 3 November a new impression will be released as hardback. The book has
become rather popular in Denmark
not at least because Diana openly tells about her mental problems. Unfortunately the book
is only available in Danish.

October 2005
was a large audience to all 17 performances in Elsinore,
more spectators than last year - great, but hard work," Danish clown and multiartist Benny Schumann tells. Together with his head groom
Briano and the ponies Laban, Musti and Shadow he performed in the Elsinore City Shopping
Mall during the Danish school childrens autumn holiday.

Schumann, Brian "Briano" Behrendt and the ponies. Photo by courtesy of Benny

October 2005
about new wave circus in Denmark.
part of a 3 year project for improving the development of new wave circuses in Denmark KIT
(Copenhagen's International Theatre) are about to launch workshops and a seminar, within
the area of New Circus. A fully booked workshop took place in September, and 7th to 12th
November sees a workshop with the Danish juggler Mads Rosenbeck, and a seminar focussing
on "Staging of New Circus production" will take place 1st-3rd December with
Canadian Robert Lepage. Robert Lepage has worked for Cirque du Soleil staging their
performance Kà.
October 2005
The Danish trapeze star Isabella Enoch who in
the later years has staged the performance in her father's Circus Dannebrog as well as
performed in trapeze bought some months ago a medium-sized tent from a German circus. Not
in order to start competing with her father Haddy Enoch but to establish her own
dinnershow selling performances to closed parties, staff parties, companies etc. during
the winter season. Assisted by among others Bernhard Kaselowsky Isabella has made a floor
to her tent and tables and chairs making it possible to seat 320 guest for dinner. Of
cause the tent is heated. The audience will in addition to a four-course dinner be
entertained by Danish or international acrobats, singers and dancers. A first show will be
given at Sölund in the southern part of Jutland
in the end of October. If you are interesting in booking Isabella Enoch's dinnershow, give
her at call at + 45 40103939.

October 2005
Arena 2006. According
to German Circus Zeitung the arial act Les Antares
will be one of the attractions in Danish Circus Arena's 2006-performance. Antares worked
for Danish Circus Benneweis in 1994 and has in the later years been with German Circus
Flic Flac. René and Alexia Caselly will in
Arena's 2006-performance present an entrée with their 4 African elephants and 4
andalusian horses. Their daughter Marylou Caselly shall in the show's second part Carnival
in Venice
(Circus under water) present a waterlily contortion act. And Duo Cardinali will present their two sealions in
water as well as on stage.

Caselly. Photo from Circus BonBons 2004-performance

October 2005
shopping malls presented circus performances as free attractions during the Danish school
children's autumn holiday in week 42. I managed to visit two of the performances. The
performance at Circus Kenny in Odense
ran 35 for minutes. Ringmistress Agnete Louise Enoch presented her talented nephew Jimmy Enoch with an entrée with glass balancing
on a monobike, the house cat and horse trainer Darja
from Latvia,
the young juggler Vladimir and the Bulgarian Harizanov-clowns with the musical entrée. Darja
as well as the Harizanov-family (father, mother and two sons) toured with Swedish Circus
Brazil Jack this summer. Darja have in previous seasons been with Danish Circus Charlie
and Swedish Circus Madigan. Her mother owns a circus in Latvia.

Enoch with his glass balancing entrée. Click here to se a slideshow with more photos from Circus Kenny
the West Zealand Centre in Slagelse you could meet Circus
Mascot. The performers was the jugglers Daniel
Deleuran and Ulmas, the Danish clown Lars Larna, Gulio as "slinky" and as clown, Daniel
with a rola-bola entrée and Marianne Deleuran
with her poodles. Ulmas Gyluamov alias the clown Gulio have worked for Circus Mascot for
the last three seasons. Lars Larna worked for several seasons in Circus Arena. However for
the summer season 2005 he worked for his good friend René Marvin in Circus Baldoni. He
has been reengage by René for the 2006-season.
on rola bola. Behind him hos mother Marianne and his father Jess
Click here to se a slideshow with mote photos from Circus Mascot

October 2005
wagon for Marianne Deleuran's dogs. Jess
and Marianne Deleuran of Circus Mascot has just renovated the car used by Marianne for her
dogs. The chassis is the original one but the rest of the wagon is brand new and giving
excellent conditions for the dogs. The wagon is almost ready. However there is still some
painting to be done.

proud Marianne Deleuran in front of her renovated wagon. Photo taken 18
October 2005

October 2005
Copperfield in Copenhagen.
ticket prizes from 60 Euro to 80 Euro it was easy to understand that the American
entertainer and magician was not able to perform for a full house at the three performance
he gave in Copenhagen on 14 and 15 October. There is no tradition for major magical shows
in Denmark.
But those who did buy a ticket saw a fine performance running for 1½ hour with the
49-year old world-class star. However, several of his tricks were well known from TV.
Probably in order to promote him Danish television has recently sent several of David's
TV-shows. But at least some of his tricks were absolutely amazing.

Copperfield. Photo by courtesy of Copperfield

October 2005
Shorty can celebrate his 90 years birthday. The
oldest fair performer in Denmark Knud Edvard "Shorty" Andersen can on 16 October
celebrate his 90 years birthday. He started as a performer in 1931 with a magic entrée.
In the following years he toured Denmark
with the female hypnotist Karina de Waldoza and the American step dancer Fred Fredin. Fred
gave Knud Andersen the nickname Shorty telling him that was what Americans call a man of
modest height. After this Shorty toured fairs etc. with Hans Rasmussens variety theatre
Ritz and Rubinis variety theatre Olympia Auditorium. After the second world war Shorty
worked at the amusement park Bakken north of Copenhagen together with the singer and
dancer Miss Florens (an elderly and in Denmark rather popular lady of modest talent) with
whom he later on toured Denmark. In the 1990's you could meet Shorty at fairs where he did
magic acts and sold conjuring articles mainly to kids. Today the old performer lives in a
sheltered house in Valby, Copenhagen.

- photos from 1931 and 1965

at the Circus
Photo: Lise Kokholm

October 2005
Arie Oudenes of ECA, the European Circus Association, tells with great pleasure. Mr.
Oudenes continues:
The European Parliament today adopted by a large majority a resolution calling for greater
recognition of and support for the classical circus as part of European culture. The
resolution reflects the fact that the classical circus includes the presentation of
animals. The European Circus Association (ECA) welcomes the initiative as the starting
point to create a more harmonized environment that serves to facilitate the preservation
and promotion of classical circus arts and culture as is the case with other art forms.
The ECA believes that the sound defeat of a last minute attempt to delete a reference to
the presentation of animals as part of classical circus accurately reflects the general
public's continuing interest in and support for both human and animal performers. Noting
that cross-border mobility is a main feature of circuses, the resolution highlights the
need to look at the situation of the circus from a European point of view and calls upon
the European Commission and Member
to take action to address obstacles confronted by the circus community. These include
difficulties with visa requirements for international artists; challenges related to
school and vocational education for circus children as part of the travelling community;
and the creation of European standards to harmonize the wide array of technical
requirements for circus tents and related safety measures. The resolution was developed
under the leadership of Mrs. Doris Pack, EPP/ED (DE), as part of the activities of the
Committee on Culture and Education. According to European Commission Member Ján Figel'
the initiative "will undoubtedly contribute to better recognition of the circus as
part of Europe's culture and to more account being taken of its specific needs in the
formulation of our policies."
October 2005
the clown. The
Danish actor Arne Björk has written a book about his life as a clown. The tittle is Klovnen Jody (Jody the clown). For several years
Jody worked for Danish Circus Benneweis. In the book he tells about life in a circus and
the background for his poetic clown Jody. The book is written in Danish and published by
Wisby & Wilkens. Several

Jody. Photo:
Lise Kokholm

October 2005
shopping malls present circus performances as free attractions during the Danish school
childrens autumn holiday in week 42. In Elsinore City Centre you can meet the clown and
multiacrobat Benny Schumann with the ponies
Laban, Musti and Shadow and Benny's head groom Briano. In the West Zealand Centre in
Slagelse you can meet Circus Mascot. They
present a rola-bola entrée by Daniel Deleuran, Marianne Deleuran's poodles, the clown
Gulio and the Danish balloon clown Lars Larna. In Rosengaardscentret in Odense
you can see Circus Kenny produced by Haddy
Enoch from Circus Dannebrog. Among the performers are the clowns from the
Harizanov-family, which this summer toured with Circus Brazil Jack in Sweden.
In Kolding Shopping Mall Circus Arena is
producing performances from 17 to 20 October. At the amusement park BonBonland in Holme
Olstrup you can see performing sealions owned by Benny Berdino and presented by Addie
Jepsen. You can find further information under What's on.

of the Harizanov clowns
October 2005
wave circus in December in Copenhagen.
artist/performance group
Nova Exit perform New Circus in ROUNDABOUT
in Kanonhallen, Copenhagen,
from December
3-22, 2005.
Tue-Fri 20:00,
Sat-Sun 17:00. The Danish New Circus artists have teamed up with a butho-performer from New
and a mad street artist from Germany.
ROUNDABOUT is a high traffic performance with unlikely collisions and lively circulation,
conveying our ability to navigate the highways and dead-ends of love. As usual, NOVA EXIT
dishes up absurd humour, fearless poetry, wicked inventiveness, and dizzying, untamed

October 2005
Danish Flying Superkids to Cologne.
From 8 thru 11 December you can in the "Kölnarena" see the performance
"Circus Roncalli meets Classic". Among the performers are the acrobats The
Flying Danish Superkids. Other performers are the Italian clown David Larible (back in
Europe after 15 seasons with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Baily); Los Quiros on high
wire (toured with Danish Circus Benneweis this summer); The Sorellas in trapeze (performed
in Copenhagen's famous Tivoli Gardens in 2003); Troupe Kovgar (teeterboard); Troupe Bingo
(Circus theatre); Ivan & Tetyana (straps); The Zebras (banquine) and The Heliosphere
(Balloon performance).
Godbersen founded the Danish Flying Superkids back in 1967 and together with his wife Lone
and his son Lars, he is still the dynamic engine behind the Superkids. Since 1983 the
Superkids have had their own organisation and they are all members of the gymnastic club
Gymnastikgaarden, Aarhus,
It is a non-profit club with an elected board. The club has about 400 members, all
children, and from that basis the very talented coaches - most of them all former
Superkids - select the members for the Superkids team. Over the years the Superkids have
developed a unique show, which mingle dance with artistic vaulting and comedy, singing and
black theatre numbers. People all over the world love the show and the Kids love to
travel! It started out with 20 small girls, but the idea proved to be viable, and the Kids
have over the last 20 years performed in over 30 countries. Click
here to visit the Superkid's
homepage (language Danish, English and German).

October 2005
Danish visitors to Monte Carlo. 15 persons from Denmark
will headed by Brian "Briano" Behrendt visit the Circus festival in Monte
in January 2006 where they are going to see the Golden Gala and another performance.
Briano plans to repeat the trip in 2007.

"Briano" Behrendt with one of his ponies. Brian is head groom for Benny

October 2005
Arena at Greenland
and the Faro
3 to 11 October Danish Circus Arena is visiting sporting arenas in Greenland
with an all-human performance. Among the performers are Betina, Martin and Alexander Arli, the clown Bonbon and the German comedian and acrobat and
juggler Mario Danee. After Greenland
some of the performers will take part in the performance Circus Arena in week 42 is
presenting at a shopping mall in Kolding.
Following this Circus Arena will visit the Faro

September 2005
have just returned from a job at Circus Conelly
in Zurich
in Switzerland,"
Danish gentlemanthief Kenny Quinn writes.
Furthermore he tells that he and his partner and wife Joan will be among the performers at
the Heilbronner Weihnachtscircus from 21
December 2005
to 8
January 2006
at Festplatz Theresienwiese in Heilbronn
in Germany.
Among the other performers will be the Seguras from
who for the time being can been seen at the Rode Kro Variety Theatre in Copenhagen. You can find further information on the German
Christmas circus at

September 2005
31 March ringmistress Agnete Louise Enoch from
Circus Dannebrog has every day demonstrated her brand new washing machine for Bubi Ernesto and his partner. But on 24 September
it came to a hold as Circus Dannebrog ended their 2005-season. The Bubi Ernesto clowns and
Bubi's sister the tight wire acrobat Ofelia
went to German Circus Carl Busch. They were also with Circus Carl Busch in 2003. And Agnete Louise might get time for a short
holiday until she from 17 to 22 October shall present Circus Kenny at the Rosengaard Shopping Mall in Odense.
Circus Kenny is produced by Agnete Louise's father circus owner Haddy Enoch of Circus

Ernesto-klovnene together with Agnete Louise Enoch

September 2005
Benneweis patroness of FAP-Copenhagen. "Good
news for psychiatric patients in Denmark,"
freelance press agent Inger-Liss Christoffersen from FAP Copenhagen writes. She continues:
"Diana Benneweis, who herself is a user of psychiatric treatment has accepted an
offer from FAP-Copenhagen (an organisation of users of psychiatric treatment) to be their
patroness. Diana has the later years openly told papers and magazines about her own mental
disorder. Also in her book "Alting har sin pris"("There is a price at
everything") she have told about her problems.
are grateful to be able to use the circus queens knowledge and experience in our work for
improving the conditions for the large group of psychiatric patients and users of
psychiatric treatment in Denmark."
is writing a new book called Mit private rum (My private room). The book will
be published in March 2006 and will tell about how one can live a fantastic and
interesting life despite mental problems. At the same time Diana's first book that for the
time being is out of print will be published as a paperback.

agent Inger-Liss Christoffersen, Diana Benneweis and the chairman of FAP-Copenhagen Erik
Olsen. Photo: Jette Nielsen, Outsideren

September 2005
Anthropology student at Circus Benneweis. Since
season opening in March the 26-year-old anthropology student Maria Alzaga has travelled with Circus Benneweis.
She has worked in the office, in the ticket office etc. But Maria's reason for joining a
circus for a season has not been to get a job but to make field studies of the life of the
performers etc. When Benneweis close their season in 18 September Maria will start
preparing and writing her extended essay at the Institute for Anthropology at the University
of Copenhagen.
She expects that is will take her a year or so to transfer the material she have collected
through the season to an essay. Maria is grateful for Diana Benneweis accepting her at the
circus and for management, acrobats and workers permitting her to look into their world.
has been a very nice and positive experience to have Maria around," circus owner Diana Benneweis says. "She is at very nice
person and we will miss her. I do hope that she some time will accept my offer for a job -
you will be most welcome, Maria, and I wish you all the best in the world."

Benneweis together with Maria Alzaga

September 2005
Zalmov. 7
and 12 July I mentioned the tiny Circus Zalmov, which could be seen at the holiday resort
Blaavand in Jutland
from 7 July to 1 September. The tent had a seating capacity of 150 persons. Circus owner
Venzel Zalmov tell a Danish magazine for magicians 'Pegasus' that he is pretty satisfied
with the season. The lowest number of spectators for a performance was 56. He has already
made an arrangement for coming back to Blaavand in season 2006, maybe with an enlarged

14 September
Anders Enevig:
Fakta om Elvira Madigan og Sixten Sparre (Facts about Elvira Madigan and Sixten Sparre). Published
by Wisby & Wilkens 2005. 199 pages with several illustrations.
people know the sad story about circus performer Elvira Madigan and Swedish army officer
Sixten Sparre. Swedish movie director Bo Widerberg made a popular film in 1967 telling the
story about how Sparre breaks loose of the oppressive atmosphere of both the military and
his tradition-bound family to conduct a passionate affair with the tight-wire acrobat
Elvira. Aware only of one another's presence, the lovers refuse to recognise that they
have stepped irreversibly on the road to tragedy. The tragedy ended in July 1889 when
Sixten shoot first Elvira and then himself.
film described the history of the couple as a rather romantic affair. The dean of Danish
circus historians Anders Enevig has just
published a book based on police investigations, coroner's investigations etc. performed
immediately after the tragedy. Based of fact the true story looks less romantic than the
movie. The book is available in Danish only.


September 2005
Copperfield to Copenhagen.
The famous American magician David Copperfield
will during the autumn visit a number of cities in Europe.
Amongst those Copenhagen
where David can bee seen on 14 and 15 October with his show An Intimate
Evening of Grand Illusion.

September 2005
horse show Apassionata that visited Copenhagen
this January will be back again from 6 to 8 January with a new show. After Copenhagen
the show can be seen from 20 to 22 January in Aarhus.

September 2005
circusfriends in Copenhagen.
In the week-end 9
to 11
September it was possible to visit the three largest Danish circuses in Copenhagen.
Several circusfans from other countries used this possibility. A group of more the 50
circusfriends from Holland
visited the Circus
Friday afternoon, Circus Arena Friday evening, Circus Benneweis Saturday afternoon and
Circus Dannebrog Saturday evening. And a group of circus friends from Sweden
visited Circus Arena Saturday afternoon and the two other circuses either Saturday or
Sunday. The circus museum was visited Sunday morning where the fans were greeted by among
others Nelly Jane Benneweis, retired ringmistress and press agent for Circus Benneweis.

Alfred van Maasakers (co-editor of De Piste) and Nelly Jane Benneweis at the Circus
Photo: Roy Himsel

September 2005
Henrik Söndergaard to Circus Benneweis. Diana
Benneweis has engaged Henrik Söndergaard as fahrzeugmeister being responsible for the
rolling material. Henrik has for three years toured Denmark,
and Sweden
as tour manager for the stunt car show World sensation stuntshow (Carola Lemoine Monster
Stunt Show).

10 September

Queue at the ticket office. Circus Arena has
this year had a lot of queues in front of their brand new box wagon. At the last
performance in this year on 10 September circus owner Benny Berdino welcomed gust number
300,000. She was presented with flowers and free tickets for her and her family to Arena's
2006 show 'Circus under Water'. At the said performance approximately half of the seats
was sold. Not bad taking into consideration that two other large circuses - Benneweis and
Dannebrog - on the same day gave well visited performances in Copenhagen.
At the last performance in Circus Arena you could see a brand new entrée: Fenger's elephant. The Danish singer Sos Fenger
who together with another singer Dario Campeotto have performed the task of ringmaster in
Arena this season had a dream about entering the ring riding on the largest of the Caselly
family's elephants. And at the last performance her dream came through. Benny Berdino has
reenaged René and Alexia Caselly for 2006. But who know: maybe Sos Fenger was that happy
with her elephant ride that she will get her own elephant and try to compete with the

Fenger on elephant

September 2005
Benneweis' first
performance in Copenhagen
this year was a well-visited show with many well-known guests: actors, politicians etc.
Elephant trainer Adriana Folco could celebrate
her 35 years birthday and was congratulated by Diana Benneweis who remembered the time
when she herself was 35 year old. As at the season opening in March in Hilleroed high wire
artist Los Quiros was the last act in the
performance. The troupe had a severe accident
in December 2004 at Cirque d'Hiver in Paris when the brothers Roberto and Vincente Quiro's
partner Renee Ayala missed at trick and fell 10 meters down to the ground and wad badly
(however not dangerous) hurt. For season 2005 the brothers had got a new partner. At the
opening night one was missing some of the troupe's main tricks as the pyramid on bike. But
during the season the new partner have trained to do the act and in Copenhagen Los Quiros
was back to that standard which was awarded with a golden clown in Monte
in 2002. Renee Ayala is also back, however for the time being just assisting on the ground
and not going up on the high wire.

Los Quiros.
Photo taken in Copenhagen on 9 September

September 2005
page for Circus Benneweis' 2006 souvenir program. In
this years souvenir programme circusowner Diana Benneweis invited children under 15 year
of age to participate in art of drawing competition in order to get a front page for the
2006 souvenir program. Several hundred kids participated in the competition. The
well-known Danish illustrator Ib Spang Olsen
assisted Diana Benneweis in assessing the drawing and selecting the winner. The result was
released for invited guest before Circus Benneweis Gala opening in Copenhagen
on 9 September. The winner was 7 year old Kirstine. Next year Kirstine and hers classmates
will be invited to see a Benneweis performance free of charge and in addition to this get
a back stage trip, free sodas and popcorns etc.

Jane Benneweis and Ib Spang Olsen with the 3 best drawings

winning drawing created by 7 year old Kirstine

September 2005
has been rated as a three-star attraction. The
at Hvidovre, Copenhagen,
has been assessed by Dansk Standard, who looked at all aspects of a visit to the museum.
They found the experience very satisfying and rated the museum as a three-star attraction.
The focus on activities for and communication towards children were one of the many
positive remarks that Dansk Standard gave. With the three stars the Circus
is now in the same class as well-known attractions as Denmark's
Aquarium and Guiness World of Records Museum in Copenhagen.
You can find further information on the museum at

September 2005
in a circus.
Even if you have a clown as your dad you can very well be a tiny darling princess. That's
what you can say about a tiny girl who was born 16 August at 02.09. The parents are Circus Mascot's clown for the last 3 seasons Gulio (his real name is Gulommirzo Gulyamov) and
his wife Tatyana, who in 2003 and 2004
performed with a hula hoop entrée, in tissues and in vertical rope. For good reasons she
have not performed this season. "She is such a wonderful little girl," Marianne
Deleuran (co-owner of Cirrus Mascot) says about the new-born baby. She will be named
Juliya Gulyamov".

September 2005
a kingdom in northern part Europe,
the southernmost of the Scandinavian countries. The tented circus season in Denmark,
and Sweden
runs from March to September. It is too cold to continue performances in tents in October
and November. Among the Danish circuses Circus Arli
had its final stand for this season on 31 August. This year they visited 104 cities on Zealand.
Circus Arena will close its season in Copenhagen
on 10 September. Circus Benneweis will close
its season 18 September in Copenhagen.
Circus Charlie will close its season 2005
somewhere in Jutland
on 15 September. Circus Baldoni will close
their season on 26 September in the southern part of Jutland.
Circus Dannebrog will have their final stand
late September in the southern part of Jutland.
Circus Krone will close its season on 30
September. And Circus Mascot will as the last
of the Danish circuses close its season on 31 September. A performance produced by Circus Arena will visit Greenland
and the Faroe
during the autumn. And several of the other shows will be active during the winter season
with performance at shopping malls etc.

August 2005
Swedish new wave performance in Copenhagen. From 9
to 16 September Swedish new wave circus ensemble Circus
Cirkor will present a show called '99 % Unknown'
at Albertslund Music Theatre at Copenhagen. The performance is conceived in the meeting
between circus artists and scientists at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.
A show asking the question Can I really change the world in big by doing little
things? A show mixing science with sweat, the great universe with the little cell
structure, neurones with acrobatics, metal with poetry.
Ticket ordering

28 August 2005
at the Circus
couple of months ago the Circus
at Hvidovre, Copenhagen
borrowed the motorbike you can see at the photo below. The high wire artist The Simet's when presenting their high wire
motorbike show in Copenhagen's
gardens in 2001 used the motorbike. The Circus
has a short video clip from this performance.
history of the Simet's started in 1954. Lászlo Simet senior, 16 of age at that time,
joined the famous Hungarian Baldio troupe. They performed mainly outdoor, rigging the wire
between the highest buildings in town, giving an hour long show. In 1956 they performed
the legendary 7 men pyramid on the high wire in the Fġvárosi Nagycirkusz in Budapest.
In 1962 he left the troupe and started performing with his wife Magda. In 1978 László
Simet junior, their son joined the act, and they were performing as a trio. In 1987 Magda
stopped, and was replaced by Suzy, Laszló juniors first wife. After the retirement of
László senior in 1993 László and Suzy were performing their duo high wire act all over
the world, including in Danish Circus Benneweis and at the Tivoli
On 31
July 2000
Suzy performed her farewell show at Grona Lund Tivoli, Stockholm.
László's new partner, Olga debuted in the high wire act on 2nd
December 2000
in Le
László's and Olga's latest visit to Denmark
was in 2003 when László performed in his wheel of death and László's and Olga
performed at high wire at the Tivoli
gardens. You can find more about Simet's at


August 2005
circusfans to visit the 30th Festival International du Cirque de Monte
Brian Behrendt of Briano´s Circus Travels arranged
in 2004 a trip from Denmark
to German Circus Barum in Flensburg.
10/11 September this year he will arrange at trip to German Circus Krone in Berlin.
And in January 2006 he will arrange a trip to the famous Circus Festival in Monte
with departure by flight from Copenhagen
on 22 January and return on 26 January. His guests will see the GOLDEN GALA OF THE 30th FESTIVAL on 24 January and
one of the shows on 25 January.


August 2005
for the clown festival.
This year's International clown festival at the amusement park Bakken north of Copenhagen
was a huge success. Saturday 20 August had more visitors at Bakken than any other days
this season. The festival will be repeated in 2006 and the well-known Danish clown and
multi-artist Benny Schumann has once again promised to be artificial director

August 2005
the gala performance 14 August at 11
in connection with the 10th
International Clown Festival at Bakken north of Copenhagen
you could meet several great performers. The actress Patricia Schumann (daughter of producer Benny Schumann) opened the show with a poetic
entrée with a hatstand. Next act was Danish acrobat Lars Lottrup on his unicycle. He was followed by a
short musical intermezzo presented by the Swiss/Hungarian clown duo Illi & Olli. Next act was the Russian clown Mikhael Usov. Mikhael was until recently head of
the clown troupe The Mikos. The troupe seems to have been dissolved. At the clown festival
Mikhael presented a fantastic act where he juggled with ping-pong balls on cooking pots!
His entrée was followed by the mimic clowns Valeri
& Gleb. They were followed by Benny Schumann with his comical act on tight wire.
Next act was a classical clown entrée: the broken mirror entrée performed by Illi &
Olli. Then the audience once again met Lars Lottrup this time with his giant balloon.
After Lars Mikhael Usov entered the stage with a poetic entrée in which he juggled with
carrier bags and formed a swan out of the bags. Then Valleri & Gleb were back as Adam
and Eve. Last act on the program was the comical cascadeurs Lott & Leslie (German Yvonne Miré and Danish
Lars Christensen). Until 2003 the duo could bee
seen at several circuses and variety theatres. The couple got a son in 2003 and has not
performed since then. However now they are considering taking at least some engagements.
And Benny Schumann was the first producer who persuaded them to be back on stage. The
talented and sympathetic couple was awarded the festivals talent prize The Golden Nose. The honorary award The World Artist and Clown Reward went to Danish
comical actresses Sös Egelind and Kirsten Lehfeldt.
Click here to see a slideshow from the gala performance at the clown

August 2005
On 13 August circus owner Réne Marvin Mönster and his fiancée Thessa Daniella was
married in Saedder church. Kenneth Severinsen who is a good friend of the family was
invited to the wedding and took the photo below. At Kenneth's website you
can find more photos from the wedding

Daniella and René Mönster. Photo by courtesy of Kenneth Severinsen/Cirkus Skandinavia

August 2005
The International Clown festival at Bakken. 11
August was opening day for the 10th International Clown Festival at the
amusement park Bakken north of Copenhagen.
At the opening show artistically director Benny
Schumann could present his daughter Patricia,
the Russian mimic clowns Valeri & Gleb, the
clown duo Illi & Olli from Hungary and
Switzerland, the German/Danish casceadeur duo Lott
and Leslie and Benny Schumann himself in a comical entrée on tight wire. From Sunday
14 August Russian clown Mikhael Usov will
join the performance. The festival will run until 21 August. In connection with the
festival the Circus
at Hvidovre, Copenhagen
have arranged a small tented exhibition right next to the Open Air Stage.

the exhibition in the tent from the Circusmuseum at Hvidovre, Copenhagen

the performers at the opening show. From left to right Benny Schumann, Illi & Olli,
Lott & Leslie, Pjerrot, Valeri & Gleb, Briano and Patricia Schumann

August 2005
Toto Chabri visits Circus Benneweis. The
well-known 74-year old Belgium
clown Toto Chabri who from 1063 to 2000 spend 14 seasons with Danish Circus Benneweis have
just visited Benneweis together with his wife Nora. Their daughter and son Martyn and
Alain Chabri are among the performers in this years Benneweis performance.

Chabri. Photo taken "backstage" at the clown festival at Bakken in 2004.

August 2005
Circus Maximum is the leading circus in Sweden.
It has just visited Malmö and since there is a bridge from Copenhagen
to Malmö some Danes visited Maximum and saw their excellent show. Among the visitors was
former Benneweis ringmistress and press agent Nelly Jane Benneweis, Anja Olsen of the
Circusmuseum at Hvidovre, Copenhagen
and the author and filmmaker Jorgen Lorenzen.

August 2005
German Circus Fliegenpilz did from 6 to 11 August
visit Flensburg
a few miles south of the border between Denmark
and Germany.
Several Danes visited the show, which is known for having a lot of animals and for
presenting "Circus under water" in the second part of the show. Fliegenpilz is
the German word for fly agaric. You will understand why such name was chosen when you look
at the photo below of the tent.


August 2005
Berdino & Sos Fenger at the Danish radio hit list. Benny
Berdino is sometimes called the sing circus owner. He have together with Danish singer Sos
Fenger who this year present the performance in Circus Arena made a new record called 'En
lille dumhed' (Something stupid). On 30 July the song was placed as number 10 on the hit
list in the Danish radio. On 6 August the song was number 7 at the hit list. The English
version of the song is from 1967 and is known under the name "Something stupid".
Many will remember is at a duet between Frank Sinatra and his daughter Nancy. Or from the
later years as a duet between Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman.

August 2005
Photos from Circus Dannebrog. The photographer Lise Kokholm has just placed a lot of photos from
this year's performance in Circus Dannebrog at her website

of Lise Kokholm's photos. The bike acrobat is Jimmy Enoch

August 2005
new wave circus in Copenhagen.
"Collateral Damage" is the tittle of a show, which can be seen each
evening at 20:00
from 19 to 21 August at Kulturhuset Islands Brygge in Copenhagen.
Admission is free. The mainly Danish new wave circus group Mixed Up Down creates the
performance. They are trained at the AFUK artist school in Copenhagen.
In the performance you will meet the shared fate of 6 persons in a tiny cafe in a land in
war. It's a story somewhere between smile and tears.

August 2005
circus friends to Denmark
and Sweden.
Hallo Ole Simonsen," German circus fan and circus trip arranger Olaf Werner writes.
He continues. "Wir sind ab morgen wieder unterwegs in Dänemark: 02.08.- Circus
Mascot in Glumsö. 03.08.- Bonbonland, Cicus Arli in Albertslund. 04.08.- Circus Arena in
Espergaerde. 05.08.- Schweden -Circus Maximum. 06.08.- Schweden- CicrusOlympia. 27
Circusfreunde aus Deutschland grüßen."
Otto Werner visited Copenhagen
in September 2004 with a group of 33 German and Dutch circus friends. They saw the three
largest Danish circuses: Arena, Benneweis and Dannebrog. And they did visit the Tivoli
and the Circus
at Hvidovre, Copenhagen.
The trip was a success and as you can see it is repeated this year, however this time
including visit to a couple of circuses in Sweden
and two of the smaller Danish circuses. As earlier mentioned on this page groups of Dutch
and Swedish circus friends will visit Copenhagen
9 and 10
September 2005.
Danish circus fans are travelling abroad. Briano's Circustravels arranges a trip from Copenhagen
to German Circus Krone in Berlin
9 to 10 September 2005. Last year Briano arranged a trip to Circus Barum in Flensburg.
A trip to the circus festival in Monte
in 2007 is being considered.

July 2005
clown Jody
alias the actor Arne Björk has as previous years in July presented his poetic performance
"The smallest circus" at the open-air stage at the museum Montergaarden in Odense.
The photografer Lise Kokolm have sent me these photos from the performance. - Arne Björk
has written a book about his life as a clown. The tittle Klovnen Jody (Jody the clown). For several years
Jody worked for Danish Circus Benneweis. In the book he will tell about life in a circus
and the background for his poetic clown Jody. The book, which will be published in
September, is written in Danish.


22 July 2005
Arena to Holland
in 2006.
Denmark's largest circus, Circus Arena, is planning a trip to Holland when they in
September 2006 close their summer season in Denmark with their 2006 performance called Circus under water - Carnival in Venice. The visit
to Holland
will be arranged by Dutch agent Ferdinand Banning whom last year was manager of German
Circus Krone's tour to Holland.
There have been certain rumours about Arena even after close of season 2005 going to Holland.
But such rumours are pure nonsense. When Arena on 10 September this year close their 50
year anniversary season in Copenhagen
they will as previous years arrange circus performances on Greenland
and at the Faroe
At Christmas time 2005 Circus Arenas liberty horses presented by Suzanne Berdino and her
husband Karsted Berdino might very well be at the bill at some winter circus in Holland.
As they did in 2004, when their grey liberty horses were first on the bill at Rotterdam's
Circus Ahoy, bathed in dreamy lightning and dry Ice, followed by the Shetlands, much
enjoyed by the audience. But circus owner Benny Berdino has no plans for taking the entire
Arena performance to Holland
in 2005.

July 2005
Schumann at Roskilde.
It is a tradition that the Danish clown and multiartist Benny Schumann together with a
couple of other artists perform at the open-air stage at the Peoples
in Roskilde
in the end of July. This year the performance took place on 21 July. Despite a bit of rain
approximately 2000 persons many of them children from kindergartens were delighted by the
one-hour performance presented by Benny Schumann, Briano with the ponies Laban, Musti and
Shadow and the hula-hop acrobat Miss Marina and her husband Yvo Antoni together with his
dog Klopstock Click here to see a slide show from the performance.
week earlier Benny Schumann presented a special performance for the organisation Danes Worldwide during the organisations annual
summer camp for youngsters in Denmark. Click here if you want to see a slide-show from this performance.

July 2005
Aarhus Festival Week from 25 August to 3
September an international Casinoshow can bee seen at the Hall of mirrors or
Palais de Glaces". Apart from 8
dancers from Paris
you can meet the French singer Judy Cehmm, the Russian artist
Konstantin (Konstantin Mouraview) in a comical entrée in his German Wheel,
the French Rios Dancers, the Finnish magician Marko Karvo and French comedian Elan.

July 2005
and Swedish circus friends to Copenhagen.
Club van circusvrienden Nederland
is planning a visit to Copenhagen
on 9 and 10 September. Their group exists of 54 persons and they are going to see the 3
largest circuses in Denmark:
Circus Arena, Circus Benneweis and Circus Dannebrog. They are also planning a visit to the
at Hvidovre, Copenhagen,
and to the Tivoli
Also the Swedish Circus Academy is considering
a trip to Copenhagen
on 9 and 10 September.

July 2005
and animals at Circus Arena's winterquarter. Since autumn 2004 a lot of construction have been going on at
Arena's winterquarter in Aarslev close to Slagelse. During the winter season 2005/2006 the
winter quarter will at certain days be open to the public. They can see the repair shops,
the training ring and the stables with horses, ponies, zebras and other animals. And they
can see a show Berdino's own sealions presented by Addie Jepsen in a large basin (double
size of the basin in the Copenhagen Zoo). Suzanne Berdino will tell about her work with
Arena's 32 horses and explain and show how you are learning a horse different tricks. You
might also meet the English annimal trainer Tím Delbosq who now is working for circus
owner Benny Berdino. Samson from Kenya
will present his African power-show. And you can also met Pierrot (Ib Groth Rasmussen).
The winter quarter has its own small museum with jewels, posters and pictures from Circus
Arena's first 50 years. There are also play areas for children and a cafeteria. If a group
wants to visit the winter quarter arrangements can be made with Carsten Maersk at phone +
45 20 49 65 83.


July 2005
Copperfield to Copenhagen.
The famous American magician David Copperfield
will during the autumn visit a number of cities in Europe.
Amongst those Copenhagen
where David can bee seen on 14 and 15 October.

July 2005
Zalmov. 7 July I mentioned the tiny Circus Zalmov, which
can bee seen at the holiday resort Blaavand in Jutland.
Circus owner Venzel Zalmov have informed me that performance is given every day apart from
Saturdays at 19:30.
Then performance lasts for about 1 hour. There are two different performances: The Red
performance is a traditional performance with 11 act (6 acts with animals: horses,
rabbits, goats, dogs and house cats, two juggling entrées, two musical clown entrées and
one ventriloquist act. The performers are the cat trainer Sascha, the juggler Kim Christi
and Venzel Zalmov himself. The Blue performance is what in German is called Kinder
Mitmacht Zirkus involving a lot of kids from the audience.

Zalmov 2005. Photo by courtesy of Venzel Zalmov.

July 2005
Danish dog and pony show Circus Krone has no
connection with the large German circus. Circus owner Irene Thierry calls her circus the smallest in Denmark.
It is presented in a two-pole tent seating 149 persons. The performance is charming and
very friendly to the children. First act in the 2005 performance is Irene Thierry's
husband Jan Allan presenting three ponies. Then the German Tom Future presents a juggling routine. He is
followed by the Danish ventriloquist Preben
Palsgaard in an entree where he uses a person from the audience as his ventriloquist
dummy. Seen before, but presented in a most charming way. Next act is a comical acrobatic
entrée performed by Duo Marineseu from Romania.
Then comes the clown Allando (Jan Allan) in a
nice entrée with a "dangerous" panda (not a living one - inside the panda is
Irene Thierry). Then Tom Future is back this
time juggling with torches. Duo Marineseu present
a roller skate act involving a member from the audience. The Preben and Lisbet Palsgaard is back with a
traditional but funny ventriloquist entrée. Prenben is certainly the best ventriloquist
in Denmark!
Adriana Marineseu presents a nice act in arial
ring. Then Irene Thierry and Jan Allan presents
a comical magical entrée involving 3 members of the audience. The last act in the
performance is a nice diabolo entrée presented by Tom
Futures. The performance runs for almost two hours and is accompanied party by a two
piece band, partly by taped music. Click here if you want to see a slide-show from the performance.

July 2005
Zalmov. From 7 July to 1 September you can meet tiny Circus
Zalmov in a red and white tent at the Danish holiday resort Blaavand in the western part
of Jutland.
The tent can seat 150 persons and equipment looks like the equipment circuses used in the
1950'ties. Apart from some animals performers are the owner Venzel Zalmov and probably one
or two other artists. The show is a music/comedy show with no spoken words. In 2003 and
2004 Venzel Zalmow ran a similar show called Cirkaos. Venzel Zalmov is Danish and his
Christian name is Per Mikkelsen. He was born in 1946 at Circus Miehe where his father was
bandmaster. You can find further information on Circus Zalmov at

Zalmov (By courtesy of Circus Zalmov)

July 2005
The International Clown Festival 2005. This year's
festival begins on 11 August and will end on 21 August. During the festival there are
daily shows at the Open Air Stage at Bakken, an amusement park north of Copenhagen.
On Sunday 14 august at 11 there is gala performance and presentation of the winner of this
years honorary awards The World Artist and Clown
Reward and The Golden Nose. Artistically
director Benny Schumann has asked me not yet
to publicise the name of the winners. Performing clowns in this year's festival are the
clown duo Valeri & Gleb (Valeri Kaparulin
and Gleb Ivanov) from Russia.
White faces, wacky expressions and even wilder gesticulations from this limber-limbed duo
revive the art of traditional clowning. It is first time they perform in a Nordic country. Illi &
Olli (Hungarian Illi Szekeres and Swiss Olli Hauenstein) have among other places
worked in Circus Knie and Circus Roncalli and at the International Clown Festival in 1999.
This year they will present their very own version of the broken mirror entrée. Russian Mikhael Usov was for a number of years leader of
the clown troupe The Mikos. Mikhael's clown figure is an original and grotesque clown. For
the Danish/German comedy cascadeurs Lott and Leslie
the festival will be their first
performance for two years. Two years ago they became parents and decided for that reason
to take a break from the life as performers. Benny
Schumann is well-known as clown and multi-artist. His daughter Patricia assists him in
some of his entrées. Briano will assist Benny when presenting the
ponies Laban and Musti. At the gala
performance you can apart from the above mentioned artists meet Lars Lottrup. He is a gifted unibike acrobat and is also known
for his entrée when he climbs into a large balloon. An entrée he first time showed in
2001 before is became an entrée performed by a lot of artists.

July 2005
From 4 to 27 July Ole Bünger is touring Zealand
with his tiny Circus Pip, which he claims is the smallest tented circus in Europe.
The performers are the clown Don Carlos, Jack Benty & Winky with
a magic and mind reading entrée, Christy
with a juggling entrée and an rola bola act, the clowns Pip & Mini, the ventriloquist Ole Bünger, and The King of Diablo Christian.

June 2005
Arena at the Schackenborg
On 24 June Circus Arena celebrated its 50 years anniversary at a circus lot next to the Schackenborg
at Moegeltonder in the southern part of Jutland.
It was a warm and sunny day and the performance was a gala performance in aid of a
foundation for children with cancer. The income from the box office was close to 30,000
Euro which amount was donated to the foundation. Among the visitors were HRH Prince Joakim
(youngest son to the Danish queen), his former wife HH princess Alexandra and the couples
two sons Prince Nikolai and Prince Felix

owner Benny Berdino (to the left) present HH Princess Alexandra and consultant Henrik
Hertz with a cheque of 30,000 Euro to the foundation for children with cancer. Photo: Anja Olsen/The circus museum at Hvidovre, Copenhagen

June 2005
at Bonbon-land.
The Danish amusement park Bonbon-land at Holme-Olstrup has as previous years from mid June
to mid August as free attraction a 45 minute long circus performances. All performers are
from the 2005 production of the Swedish Circus Skratt. By tradition, Circus Skratt does
not tour from mid June to mid August. The performance in Bonbon-land is presented in
Circus Skratt's brand new big top with a diameter of 38 meter and with a seating capacity
of 1,200 persons all of them seated on chairs. First act is a very nice act by the troupe Jakubczyks from Poland.
It is by far the best act in the performance. Then comes a run in by the clowns Yuri & Leon (repeaters from 2004). Next act is
6 liberty horses presented Tim Delbosq. Tim is
followed by Darius in a comical entrée. Next act is an arial act with Russian Ljuba Gorbatsjova (repeater from 2004 when she
presented a hula hoop act). After another run in by Yuri & Leon Tim Delbosq is back
with 6 dromedaries. As a matter of fact the dromedaries belonged to Tim himself until he a
couple of years ago sold them to Benny Berdino of Danish Circus Arena. Then Darius is back
with a nice ladder-balancing act. The last act in the performance is a comical entrée
presented by Jakubczyks. - I another tent Bonbon-land offers performing sealions as free
attraction. The Danish trainer Addie Jepsen
and her assistant present four sealions. They perform both on a stage and in a pool. The
sealions belongs to Benny Berdino.

BonBon.The tent belongs to Swedish Circus Skratt

June 2005
elephant Baby (Baba).
On 12
May 2005
I mentioned a happening which took place on 11 May when Circus Benneweis visited Odense:
The painter Viggo Salting created assisted by
the elephant Baba a large painting. Baba's trainer Italian Adriana Folco supervised the
creating of the work of art. When Circus Benneweis 14 June visited Skagen the 28 year old
Baby decided to continue her carrier as a painter: She assisted local painter Christian
Stoeckler by creating another painting. "A great composition," Christian said.
"I am almost sorry that I am supposed to change it a bit".

June 2005
Kim Benneweis and Bjoern Schult. Former world
class elephant trainer Kim Benneweis have for the last year been working at a pedagogical
hotel for young people called No Name in the northern part of Jutland.
Kim is both working as trainer for their many horses and camels and as contact person for
the youngsters. For the last two months Kim have been contact person for 15 year old Line
who had had problems with her family, with drugs and thoughts on suicide. Kim is also
working as trainer for horses and camels in the Activity Park Team LA, which are situated
next to No Name. Luffe Boegh who for several years have been involved in horse breeding
and horse breaking owns no Name and Team
Kim is not the only person with roots in the circus world working for No Name. Bjoern Schult (Bjoern Schult-Bjoernlys) has since 1 April this
year worked both as contact person for the youngsters and as trainer for about 100 horses!
For many years Bjoern and his partner performed a nice trick-riding act called Björnlys
or Bjoernlys. They had their debut in 1975 at Cirque D`Hiver Bouglione. In 1976 they were
with Danish Circus Dania. 1977 saw them in Hippodrome-Circus in Great Yarmouth in England.
For part of season 1978 they toured with Danish Circus Dannebrog. After that Bjoern worked
for some seasons for Danish Circus Benneweis and in 1982 for Danish Circus Arena. After
Arena he toured with Circo Nando Orfei in Italy,
Cirkus Pinder-Jean Richard and Cirque Diana Moreno. 1987 was his last season as a
circus-performer. He was at that time 39 years old.

June 2005
bulletin from ECA: Circus
makes its voice heard at Euro parliament.
The Circus is coming to town in Brussels
- but theres a serious message to Euro politicians behind the performers
smiles! Artistes from Classic (that is,
traditional) circuses will perform on the steps of the European Parliament building (near
the entrance to the Luxembourg Station) on 22nd June from 13.00 to 14.00 hour
Theyll be joined by graduated students from Belgiums Professional Circus
School, backed by a live band, to emphasise the cultural status of the Circus Arts
throughout the EU, and to defend the way of life of the traditional circus community. The
vice-president of the European Committee on Culture and Education, Mr Pál Schmitt, will
be presented nearly 50.000 signatures in favour of the use of animals in circus
performances. The signatures will be carried by some circus animals. The event is titled
Classical circus; a rich tradition, a creative future. Its organised by
the European Circus Association (ECA), trade organisation of the European circuses and
supports with this action the Initiative Report to the European Committee on Culture and
Education by MEP Doris Pack, on new challenges for the circus as part of European
culture who advocates full recognition of the cultural value of Classic circus. Ms
Packs Draft -Report makes a fiery plea for cultural recognition of the Classic
circus. The report asks for action of the EU and the Member
in the fields of education and the profession training, univocal legislation for temporary
tent constructions, work permits and visas for artists and animal welfare. In July, the
committee will vote concerning this report.

June 2005
Mascot. The
owners Marianne and Jess Deluran's youngest son singing a circus song introduces the
Danish dog and pony-show Circus Mascot's 2005-performance. Among the performers are his
greater brother Daniel on slack wire and rola-bola, Marianne Deleuran's poodles and Jess
Deleuran's ponies. As always the Deleuran family have in addition to their own acts
engaged a couple of talented foreign artists. The clown Gulio (Ulmas Gulyamov) is a repeater from 2003 and
2004. Apart from clowning he has a juggling entrée together with Daniel Deleuran. Duo Halines performs in ring perch and as parterre
acrobats. They were also with Mascot in 2001. Their son Valery (Valerie) is a devilstick-juggler and has
an additional cigar box juggling entrée assisted by his father. The performance is very
nice and very child-friendly. Click here to se a slide-show from the performance. Circus Masot will
get a new tent for season 2006.

clown Gulio is among the performers in this year's Mascot-performance.

June 2005
Honorary prize to Benny Schumann. The Danish
Artist Union being the trade union of the professional artist awards every year a prize of
honour to two performing artists. This year the honorary prize on 20,000 DKK (2,688 Euro)
is awarded to Danish singer Lis Sorensen and to the clown and multi-artist Benny Schumann.
The Danish Artist Union is calling Benny Schumann Denmark's
poetic artist and are praising him for the great job he has done as artistic directors of
The International Clown Festival, which since 1996 have been held every year in August at
Dyrehavsbakken (Denmark's
oldest amusement part, north of Copenhagen).

Schumann. Photo taken at Benny's 60 years birthday in May 2005

June 2005
and the circus.
At a meeting on 15 June in the European Parliaments committee on culture and education a
draft report called New challenges for the circus as part of European culture was
discussed. In the draft report it is said:
classical circus, which is known throughout the world as an itinerant family-undertaking,
offers a variety of entertaining acts in the ring, often with animals. It has been
entertaining, enchanting and educating children of all ages for many generations. The
International Association of Circus Historians defines the word "circus" as a
blend of organised artistic displays and musical entertainment in which acts featuring
acrobats, clowns and domesticated and wild animals, are performed in the same ring in
circus as we know it today dates back to about 1770 when Philip Astley set up a small
arena near Waterloo Station in London.
Astley presented a variety of acts including horseback riders, tightrope walkers, jumpers,
acrobats, jugglers and clowns. Over the next 50 years numerous other people imitated
Astley's example and circuses sprang up all over Europe.
early 20th century in Europe
brought with it not just the circus tent but also 'technical' innovations such as sawdust,
and tents with several rings, together with new, different kinds of circus performances,
such as dressage and acts featuring exotic animals as well as acrobatics as a programme
item in its own right.
the 20th century the circus encountered many difficulties in Europe
inter alia because the World Wars had dispersed many circus companies. Despite a comeback
in the 1950's, the circus had to face competition from cinema, television, amusement parks
and other forms of entertainment, and suffered a gradual decline in public interest.
recent times, a more artistic approach to circus performances has gained currency
involving other arts, such as drama, theatre and dance. This combination of circus
performance, music and dance in a modem artistic performance has opened up new
perspectives for the circus.
animal protection is said: As a result of repeatedly identified shortcomings as regards
the keeping of animals and/or the ideological campaigns pursued by animal rights
activists, some Member
or local authorities have in recent years introduced general prohibitions and restrictions
regarding the keeping and displaying of animals in connection with the issuing of site
restrictions are in many cases discriminatory and curtail the rights and freedoms of
circus owners, families and artists. While a great many of these restrictions adopted or
proposed have been lifted by higher administrative authorities or administrative courts, a
significant number of them remain in force. In view of their number and variety, these
prohibitions not only pose an obstacle to the smooth implementation of the European
internal market, but also threaten to destroy the not insignificant circus tradition which
has formed part of European culture for centuries.
this reason, an appropriate and harmonised animal protection guideline based on scientific
and veterinary expert opinions should be drawn up at EU level.
a guideline would constitute an effective means for monitoring compliance with applicable
animal welfare standards and would make it easier to determine whether or not animal
welfare provisions are being met in specific cases.
a European set of guide lines could be based on the guidelines for the ownership, training
and use of animals in circus enterprises or similar institutions which already exist in
some Member States including the European Circus Association Model Regulation for Circuses
and Circus Acts and the United Kingdom Association of Circus Proprietors. In Germany,
for instance, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture has published 'Guidelines for the
ownership, training and use of animals in circus enterprises or similar institutions'!
specifically relating to circus animals, which help the people who handle animals in the
circus and the authorities and courts to take the appropriate decisions.
draft report (10 pages) can be downloaded in several languages. Click here for a version
in English, German or

June 2005
Circus summer school in Rold. On 20 June a circus
school for 50 children will start at the Circus
at Rold, Jutland.
The school will run for one week and much more than 50 children applied for joining the
school. By the end of the week the children will give a special performance in the
riding-school builded in 1912 to circus Miehe which riding-school is next to the museum.

June 2005
New tent for Danish Circus Baldoni in 2006. René
Marvin Moenster of Circus Baldoni tells that he have ordered a brand new tent for season
2006. The new tent will be of a construction and design not seen in Denmark

present tent used by Circus Baldoni

June 2005
at Assens.
As previous years the Danish Clown Association
have arranged a clown festival. This year's festival takes place in Assens on the Funen
from 9 to 12 June. A gala performance took place on 9 June. The photographer Lise Kokholm
has sent me the photos shown below from the gala performance. In near future you can
probably find more photos from the event at Lise's own webpage



8 June 2005
in Hvidovre.
The Circus
at Hvidovre, Copenhagen,
arranges a circus school for kids in the age from 10 to 15 on 20 June, 21 June, 27 June
and 28 June all days from 11 to 15. Assisted by artist from AFUK (the Danish circus
school) the kids can work with different circus disciplines as acrobatics and juggling.
For children from the municipality
of Hvidovre
the school is free of charge. For everyone else the fee is 75 DKK (approximately 10 Euro).
Further information on phone + 45 36 78 69 67 or by sending an email to not later than 17 June.


9 June 2005
Festivitas 2005
takes place on 17 June from 17 to 14 and 18 June from 14 to 02 at Kigkurren 2, Copenhagen.
AFUK is the Danish circus school offering young talent a one-year training program. At the
festivas you can meet present and former students from the school showing their talents. A
detailed programme can be seen at
from 15 June.

June 2005
New partner for Freddi Steckel. When the Danish
comical cascadeur Freddi Steckel in February accepted an offer for engagement with
Norwegian Circus Agora he knew that he would
have to change partner during the season as his partner Zora Nikodemova due to other engagements would
have to leave Norway
in May. As new partner Freddi has now found Danish actress and dancer Tilde Knudsen. Tilde has never before worked in a
circus. But she did very well from the very first day in the ring, Freddi tells. Tilde is
34 years old and has taken part in the dance theatre Cirks performances in Denmark.
She has also had a minor part in a Danish movie Cat from 2001 and have had a number of
other jobs.

June 2005
horses at the cattle show in Roskilde.
new in horses at a cattle show. But at this year's cattle show in Roskilde
(20 miles from Copenhagen)
there will be performing horses. Saturday 4 June in the evening the cattle show will
present an evening show as free attraction. Amongst the performers are French horse
trainer Jean-Francois Pignon with 5 horses and Princess Natalie Zu Sayn Wittgenstein who in early
May won a championship in Germany
on her horse Rigoletto.

June 2005
Diana Benneweis will write a new book. In 2002
circus owner Diana Benneweis (born 1947) of Circus Benneweis assisted by Britta Bjerre
wrote a book (in Danish) on her life called "Alting har sin pris" ("There
is a price at everything"). From the book you could see that Diana's life have been
no bed of roses and she told openly about her mental problems. Diana is now working on a
new book (also in Danish) called Mit private rum (My private room). The book
will be published in March 2006 and will tell about how one can live a fantastic and
interesting life despite mental problems. At the same time Diana's first book that for the
time being is out of print will be published as a paperback.

front page from Diana Benneweis' first book. By courtesy of the publisher. Photo: Sara

May 2005
Circus Regnbueborn renamed Circus Arcus. The youth
circus Circus Regnbueboern (children of the rainbow) was estalished 15 year ago by two
young persons in the Copenhagen
suburb Hvidovre working on unibikes, juggling etc. It is now one of the largest youth
circuses in Denmark.
And the youngsters have just decided to rename their circus to Circus Arcus. Arcus is the
Latin word for rainbow.

May 2005
takes a swim. When
Circus Benneweis on 19 May visited Juelsminde sealion trainer Steven Pedersen decided that his sealion Candy
could go bathing in the ocean. Candy was very delighted to have such possibility and did
not want to come back to the beach and the circus. Not even an offer for herrings could
persuade her to come ashore. As performance time came closer and closer three circus
grooms had to go out in the for human beings rather cold water and with pieces from a
fence push Candy up on the beach and later into the circus ring. To avoid
misunderstanding: Steven treats his sealions very good.
And as Candy have worked in a circus her entire life she would never have a
chance to survive if she was set free in the ocean.

May 2006
is Culture says the European Cultural Committee. A
press bulletin from the European Circus
Association (ECI) reads:
must be recognised as a form of culture throughout Europe.
That was the most important conclusion of the first meeting in the Committee for Culture
and Education of the European Parliament on 24 May. They discussed the Initiative Report
of MEP Doris Pack with the title: New challenges for the circus as part of the culture of Europe.
In a fiery plea Doris Pack called for cultural recognition of the classical circus, which
is threatened by all sorts of regulations and discriminations. Members of the European
Parliament from amongst other countries: England,
and Austria
responded with approval to this vision.
her proposal, where she asks for actions of the European Committee and the EU member
states, Doris Pack furthermore asks for improvement of education to travelling children
throughout Europe.
With that she asks special attention for secondary education. Moreover, elearning
programmes have to be realised in all countries and a small permanent organisation has to
be established where schools and parents can go with questions and which can direct the
execution of new activities. The theme of education appealed to many Members of Parliament
judging their reactions. Standardisation of standards is required in the field of tent
construction and safety. Circuses should not drown in the jumble of regulations, which are
different in each country and in each city. An Austrian delegate proposed to formulate an
exceptional position for the circus in a number of situations. Furthermore, the difficulties and limitations for
employment and residence permits resulting from the present regulations have to be
adjusted. If circus is culture, directors have to be free to book artists, also from
countries outside the EU without extra obstructions. Finally she asks for harmonised
European rules for accommodation, transport and use of animals in the circus. Rules which
can be applied by external experts to assess that health of these animals is not harmed.
On behalf of the ECA Urs Pilz, artistic director of the International Circus Festival of
Monte Carlo, held a speech, in which he once again explained all bottlenecks in the
branch. The next meeting is scheduled on 15 June. On 11 or 12 July a voting about the
report will be held. If the report is passed, it will be consequently discussed in the
plenary meeting of the European Parliament in October. In order to ask for extra attention
for the circus, the ECA organises a happening at Place Leopold near the European
Parliament on 22 June from 13:00
to 14:00
hours. All the signatures which have been collected will be handed over there.
his above mentioned speach Urs Pilz said:
name is Urs Pilz and I am here today on behalf of the European Circus Association of which
I am a member of the Board. I serve on the
Board on behalf of the International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo, the highest platform
of circus arts in the world. As the person
responsible for the Festival and as the father of a talented young person who works as an
animal trainer for the Circus Krone in Germany
and dedicates her life to circus animals, you can see I also have a personal interest here
today. [Urs Piltz is the father to animal trainer Jana Mandana]. With more than 65 members
in 15 countries, and associations with organizations in North
and Oceania,
ECAs membership includes circus owners and directors, circus festivals and animal
training businesses from many of the Member States, Switzerland, and increasingly, our
neighbours to the east. While ECA includes
some of the most important and famous circus families and names in Europe,
according to the survey carried out by the European Parliament, as of 2001 more than 1,000
circuses were operating in the 15 countries that were Member States at that time. Many
more circuses that are the subject of great national pride can now be added to that number
as a result of last years accessions. Indeed,
our most recent Board member serves on behalf of the Magyar Circus and Variety of
Budapest, Hungary.
ECA was created to bring together the classical circus community across Europe
for the purpose of promoting circus arts and culture. In this endeavour, I am very pleased
to say that we also have the support and cooperation of Cirque du Soleil. And, on behalf of all those I just mentioned as
well as the millions of Europeans who enjoy the circus in towns and villages and cities
across Europe,
I wish to warmly thank this Committee for its initiative to address the challenges faced
by the classical circus.
the classical circus needs your assistance to survive.
Those of us in the circus world and you yourselves recognize the circus as
an important part of European culture. But not
every Member
does and that can lead to the circus being treated like a second or third class citizen. It also can mean a lack of access to funding for
culture and arts, funding that is readily available for music, theatre, opera, dance and
visual arts. Our goal is to achieve broader
recognition of the circus as part of European arts and culture on the same level as other
activities. We believe that a strong statement
from the European Parliament providing this recognition and calling for concrete steps by
the Commission and Member
to ensure access to funding would be useful in helping to preserve the classical circus
also seek your assistance to address the problems circuses face as a result of the wide
variety of differing regulations and requirements, especially at the local level, that
apply to what we refer to as building up the circus at each location. Some of these varying requirements concern physical
objects such as what kind of canvas must be used, whether foam or liquids are to be placed
in fire equipment and where tent poles are to be placed.
No circus could be expected to own and travel with multiple sets of
equipment to satisfy every country and local communitys divergent requirements but
the unfortunate result is that the circus is limited in its movements and access to
audiences by this unnecessary barrier created by regulatory disarray. A concerted effort to standardize and harmonize and
fill the gaps in this spider web of conflicting requirements through the Communitys
standardization committees is therefore necessary. Because
if you cant build up, you cant have a circus.
you definitely cant have a circus if you cant obtain visas and work permits
for the artists in a timely fashion. Because
many circuses return to the same places, circus owners and directors must create balanced
and interesting programs filled with a variety of new acts every year. This automatically means that directors will look
to Russia,
and other countries where a rich and amazing circus culture continues to thrive. At the present time, obtaining the necessary
visas and work permits is extremely burdensome or even impossible because each office
demands the other permit be produced first and because the time limitations on short term
visas do not match with typical circus contract periods.
We also are challenged by differences among the Member States and, in some
countries, the application of employment requirements that may make sense when searching
for a secretary but not when hiring a trapeze artist or Cossack act. Our hope is that, with your help, both the artists
and circus directors will be able to spend more time perfecting their arts and less time
on administrative acrobatics. Direction and
political will from the Parliament is needed to help regain the freedom of artistic choice
for the directors and freedom of movement for artists that is necessary for the classical
circus to continue its historical role in bringing the exotic and the unseen into local
respect to the education of children and youth travelling as part of the circus community,
much has already been done based on earlier Parliamentary initiatives. However, in recent years, this earlier work and
political will has been lost in many Member States. A
new resolution by the Parliament could reinvigorate the process and ensure not only
minimum but quality education for circus children and others in the travelling community. At the same time, funding needs to be identified to
create a small unit that can build a network of relevant parties throughout the EU, to act
as a resource for the travelling community seeking information about educational rights
and opportunities, and engage in an information campaign to improve the level of education
provided and ensure that it is grounded in the regular education system. Whether our children go on to become the next
generation of famous circus artists or choose a different path, they all need and have a
right to quality education provided in a way that anticipates and reflects their
familys way of life.
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, let me address the topic of animal presentation
in the circus. Restrictions on the exhibition
of animals in circuses have proliferated in a number of local communities in certain
Member States as a result of intense, heavily funded animal activist campaigns in recent
years. Whether politically motivated, the
result of personal biases or reactions to misinformation, these restrictions are seriously
undermining the rights of circus owners, families, artists and the related business
communities to carry out the provision of lawful services and are inhibiting the smooth
functioning of the internal market. They also
are slowly destroying the great circus tradition which has been part of European arts and
culture for centuries. In many cases, the
"restrictions" are in fact decisions made by one or a handful of persons in
positions of authority without resort to the usual democratic process and input by the
citizens whose rights to continue to enjoy this special form of European art and culture
are affected. It is also clear that the Member
States that are most vulnerable to succumbing to activist pressure to "ban"
animals in circuses are those that lack good regulations to provide for the welfare of all
animals, whether pets, private collections, circus or otherwise. Differences among Member States not to
mention local communities also are creating tremendous obstacles to circus animal
closing, let me share with you the words of a life time admirer, statesmen, and patron of
the classical circus and the founder of the Festival International du Cirque de
Monte-Carlo, Prince Rainier III of Monaco And I quote: "Animals have been a vital and
beloved part of the circus throughout its history and continue to be very popular with the
public today. Many circus families have been
in the profession for generations, caring for generations of animals born and bred in Europe: the artists live, work and travel together with the
animals as part of their families. Their work
has not only entertained but educated millions of children and adults across Europe
about the characteristics, capabilities, and habits of both domestic and exotic animals.
good regulations based on
internationally accepted standards for animal care and transport are the most appropriate
way to ensure high quality and appropriate animal care while at the same time preserving
this rich and rewarding form of circus art for the benefit of circus families, their
animals, and current and future generations of Europeans."
the point of view of the European Circus Association, good regulations, that are based on
objective veterinary input concerning animal health, and which are legally binding in the
Member States would be an appropriate way to ensure that animal presentations by circuses
continue to be a high quality component of European arts and culture. In conclusion, Mr.
Chairman, for over 300 years, people young and old across Europe have looked forward with
great anticipation to the day the big top is raised in their community and the familiar
sights and smells of the circus entice them, once again, to be amazed by daring and
difficult feats, entertained by clowns, and awed by animals large and small. Indeed, the classical circus is one of the only
kinds of live entertainment that remains available to families. With your help the classical circus, today an
endangered art form, will be preserved so that future generations can enjoy this rich
cultural tradition. We urge you to help us to
achieve this goal.

the photograph made by Arie Oudenes you see Urs Pilz, artistic director of the
International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo and member of the ECA executive committee,
and Zsuzsana Mata, representative in Brussels from the Hungarian Circus from Budapest and
ECA board member. Photo by courtesy of ECA

May 2005
Honorary award to Benny Schumann. Since 1996 Benny
Schumann have been artistic director of The International Clown Festival, which has since
become a tradition, held every year in August at Dyrehavsbakken (Denmark's oldest
amusement park, north of Copenhagen). Dyrehavsbakken awards every year an honorary award
called Bakken's Oscar to a person who have done an outstanding effort for Dyrehavsbakken.
And this year's award will be given to Benny Schumann for his work as artistic director
for The International Clown Festival. The award will be presented to Benny Schumann at
Dyrehavsbakken on 10
August 2005.
This year's International Clown Festival will take place from 11 to 21 august 2005. - On
23 May this year Benny celebrated his 60 years birthday.

Benny Schumann with his birthday present from his
assistant Brian "Briano" Behrendt: a painting of Benny as clown together with
Briano and two ponies

May 2005
Schumann 60 years.
On 23 May Benny Schumann can celebrate his 60 years birthday. At his birth certificate is
written Carmelo Jose Bienvenido Schumann. But he have always been called Benny despite the
fact that he by suggestion of his grandfather Charlie Rivel was named after a famous
bullfighter from Spain.
As the oldest son of Albert and Paulina Schumann he was more or less born to become a
circus star. From an international perspective the Schumann family is probably considered
as the most famous circus family from Denmark.
Albert and Paulina (daughter of the famed clown Charlie Rivel) were excellent horse
trainers. Albert presented liberty acts and Paulina rode high school and
"Schumannship" became synonymous with horse acts being second to none. Benny
Schumann was trained by his parents as a horse-trainer, rider and multi-artist in the
Schumann Circus in Copenhagen.
1967 saw the premiere of his juggler act with plates and glass bowls. After the circus
season in the same year he left the family circus to go on tour with the juggler act in Europe,
the United
and Africa
during the following ten years under the name Ric Benny. Together with his mother Paulina
Benny for a while also toured with his grandfather Charlie Rivel and took part in
Charlie's entrées. In 1980 Benny Schumann and his wife Marianne started to perform in Denmark
with an artist and clown show. 1984 saw the premiere of Benny's one-man show "The
Clown", in which he performs as juggler, ventriloquist, tightrope walker, magician
and clown with music and gags written by himself. In 2000 Benny included a pony-show and a
goat in the performance. This version of his show is presented under the name Circus Benny
Schumann. In addition to perform with his one-man show Benny Schumann in 1996 became
artistic director of The International Clown Festival, which has since become a tradition,
held every year in August at Dyrehavsbakken (Denmark's oldest amusement park, north of

Schumann together with his mother Paulina and the stallion Sabu. Photo from 1963. By
courtesy of Benny Schumann

Schumann at a plate spinning juggler. Photo from 1967. By courtesy of Benny Schumann

Schumann as the Danish audience knows him today

May 2005
performers at the Tivoli Variety Theatre. This
year once again, Danish comedian and actor Soren
Ostergaard has chosen to be the man behind the hi-jinks at Tivoli Varieté 2005 in The
Glass Hall in Copenhagen's
famous Tivoli
On stage with him will be Danish actress Sidse
Babett Knudsen and Danish singer Ivan Pedersen,
the Italian contortionist Annaliza Catena, the
German juggler Oliver Groszer and the clown Kotini JR. As last year, Soren Ostergaard has
chosen to take the word varieté very seriously indeed, and he guarantees you a show with
a superb mix of comedy, song and artistry. Varieté will be performed in Danish and many
other languages, both real and home-made. Soren Ostergaard's Tivoli Varieté 2005 will
premiere on Monday 23 May and will play until 27 August. Ticket
ordering at BILLETnet.
last year the Tivoli
also every day presented some world class acrobats as a free attraction at the Open Air
Stage. But unfortunately not this year. The acrobats are replaced by mechanical dolls and
taped music in a spectacular parade called 'A
Tivoli Fairytale'.

May 2005
Free ecards with circus day content. Justin who is
running free ecards site tells me that he has some some Circus Day content at
which you can look at if you would like to send some of these ecards.

May 2005
9 May I mentioned the new wave artist group Aquanaut
which had chartered the sailing ship Lovis from Kappeln in the northern part of Germany.
The troupe performs on the deck of the ship and has visited the Danish towns of
Sonderborg, Faaborg, Svendborg and Ĉroskobing. The photographer Lise Kokholm has sent me
the photo below from one of the troupe's performances. Most of the performers are former
student from the artist school Die Etage in Berlin.
Polish Patrycja Krupa is the man behind the summer tour.


May 2005
Arli 70 years. On
May 2005
circus owner Soren Arli of Circus Arli can celebrate his 70-year birthday. Soren
Arli is not out of a circus family. As a
young man he was apprenticed to a house painter. However he found the life as a performing
artist more interesting and on 30
April 1953
he had his debut as an artist at the variety theatre Alhambra
at the amusement park Bakken north of Copenhagen.
A couple of years later Soren together with his Lotte, née August (a half-sister to award
winning Danish movie director Bille August) created a comical juggling act called Lott and
Arli. Furthermore Soren performed as whiteface clown and Lotte did thought reading using
the artist name Madame Zarina. With acts like those Soren and Lotte toured with circuses
among those the Danish circuses Moreno
and Arena. As many artists Soren Arli had a dream about establishing his own circus. In
1971 his dream came through when Soren and Lotte opened Circus Arli in a tiny 1-pool big
top they had made themselves. The staff consisted of Soren, Lotte and their son Martin
(born 1960). The first two seasons was spent in Jutland Mini Zoo in Haustrup. Since 1973
Soren Arli and his circus has toured Zealand
with a two pole tent with a seating capacity of 149 people. Family members do the acts:
Martin and his wife Bettina, their son Alexander (born 1987) assisted by a couple of
foreign artist of good standard. Until 2003 Soren acted himself as ringmaster. In 2004 he
left this position to his daughter in love Bettina. However Soren still welcomes the
audience at the beginning of the performance and are standing just outside the tent and
saying goodbye after the performance. On his 70 years birthday Circus Arli will give
performance at 7
at Regstrup (close to the town of Holbaek).
Even a birthday on which a round figure is reached does not give reason for a day of in
the circus season! However a reception is given in the tent in the afternoon from 1
to 3

Arli is presenting his first entrée. Photo from 1953 by courtesy of Martin Arli

and Arli 1959. Photo by courtesy of Martin Arli

Arli. Photo taken by Ole Simonsen in April 2005

May 2005
Happening at Circus Benneweis. On 11 May a
happening took place at Circus Benneweis in Odense.
The painter Viggo Salting created assisted by
the elephant Baba a large painting. Baba's trainer Italian Adriana Folco supervised the
creating of the work of art. The painting can during the Whitsun holidays been seen at
Viggo Salting and Helle Abildgaard's art gallery Paa
hovedet north of the town of Kerteminde. For several years Viggo Salting and Helle
Abildgaard travelled for some weeks with Circus Benneweis painting subjects from the world
of circus.

(or Baby), the painting elephant. Photo by courtesy of Viggo Salting/Helle Abildgaard

May 2005
from Haddy and Solveig Enoch's golden wedding. Click
for a link to Danish TV South which produced a short programme from the party when the
circus owners Haddy and Solveig Enoch on 10 May celebrated their 50 years anniversary.
"Everything goes when you are in love - and that's what I have been for more than 50
years with my wonderful wife," Haddy told the TV-reporter.

May 2005
Sailing circus visits Isle of Funen. The new wave
artist group Aquanaut has chartered the sailing
ship Lovis from Kappeln in the northern part of Germany.
The troupe performs on the deck of the ship and will visit the towns of Faaborg, Svendborg
and Ĉroskobing. There is about 30 young artist and musicians in the troupe.

May 2005
part of a charity programme in favour of orphan children in Africa Circus Arli's newly
acquired Dutch
organ could on 8 May be seen in front of the Copenhagen
To the left of the organ circus owner Soren Arli's grandson Alexander can bee seen. As
mentioned on this page on 4 May also the clown and multi-artist Benny Schumann took part
of the charity performance

by courtesy of Martin Arli

May 2005
wedding - Solveig and Haddy Enoch. On
10th May when Circus Dannebrog is performing in
Grindsted in the western part of Jutland
circus owners Solveig and Haddy Enoch can celebrate their golden wedding. The couple met
54 years ago when Haddy's acrobat partner at that time Grethe Bolin suggested Haddy to
take her smaller sister Solveig into their bike act The Haddies. Solveig and Haddy fell in
law and were married in Copenhagen
on 10
May 1955.
They had at that time very little money. A single photo was taken after the wedding but
they could not afford to have it developed. The negative was lost many years ago. After
being married The Haddies toured 5 continents and 32 countries and presented their bike
act in circuses, at variety theatres and other shows. Their dream about becoming circus
owners came through in 1977 when they assisted by their four children Dennie, Agnete
Louise, Isabella and Katja family re-established the Enoch family's Circus Dannebrog,
which had toured until 1922. Despite some difficulties in the first seasons the present
Circus Dannebrog has toured since 1977 and is now a well-established circus with a tent
seating 999 persons and an international programme.

and Haddy Enoch

May 2005
Schumann in the Copenhagen
8 May at 16:00
the clown and multi-artist Benny Schumann will
perform in the Copenhagen
as part of a charity programme in favour of orphan children in Africa.
Benny's last performance in the Circus
was in 1967 when it still was used by the famous Circus Schumann. That year he introduced
his plate-spinning act with which he in the following 10 years toured Europe,
and Africa
using the name Ric Benny. In 1980 Benny Schumann started to perform in Denmark
with an artist and clown show. In addition to perform with his one-man show Benny Schumann
in 1996 became artistic director of The International Clown Festival, which has since
become a tradition, held every year in August at Dyrehavsbakken (Denmark's oldest
amusement park, north of Copenhagen).

May 2005
Charlie in Copenhagen.
As in 2004 circus owner Einar Trie has for a couple of weeks taken his circus to Copenhagen.
First night at the metropolitan area was 1 May in the Copenhagen
suburb Hoje Taastrup. Einar Trie plans in the future to be in the Copenhagen
area from couple of weeks before Whitsun to just after Whitsun. Circus Charlie's
2005-performance is as always a nice performance with a lot of poetry. The clowns RED and
BLUE always introduce a performance in Circus Charlie. In 2005 Genada from Riga
in Latvia
and Katja from Moscow
perform the two characters. In the performance you could also meet the clown Charlie alias
circus owner Einar Trie, the Danish clown and multi-artist Gugge, the acrobats Natascha
& Natascha from Latvia,
Russian Zenia Tomilov in arial starps, Miss Jamaica
with a hula hoop entrée and Natascha in arial ring. The entire company presented a
juggling entrée. Furthermore you could see (and hear) the Danish pop duo Souvenirs (Niels
Torp and Sofie Bonde) who a short while ago was awarded a Danish Grammy for one of their
songs from Circus Charlie's 2004-peformance.


April 2005
of circus photos. As
a sort of appetiser to Theatre
Kaleidoskop and Swedish Circus Cirkör's coming production The little Mermaid (mentioned on this page on 21
April) the well known Swedish photographer Mattias Edwall have
made a exhibition for the Copenhagen department store Illum of some of his photos from new
wave circus performances. Matthias Edwall is well known as photographer to magazines as
Elle and Madame. Since 1996 he have been permanent photographer for Circus Cirkör. The
photos can be seen at Illum until 8 May. - Press agent Louise Gabold has informed
me that performing circus acrobats in The little Mermaid will be Melinda Kinnaman:
actress/ rope/ tissue, Dag Andersson: Mimer/rope/ tissue, Andreas Skjonberg: Artist
tissue/rope ect, Ingela Hinas: trapeze etc, Siri Hamari: tight wire, Bekki Methinée
Wongtrakoon: contortion, Jenny Haglund and Sara Haglund: contortion, Olle Strandberg,
Andreas Falk, Emanuel Tiger, Anna Lagerkvist: Teeterboard.

April 2005
Baldoni 2005.
Circus owners Thessa Daniella and René Marvin have called this year's performance for
Circusfestival 2005. And it is by far the best performance they ever have presented. Not
at least due to the excellent Chinese GaoChen-trup
whose members previous have been with Cirque du Soleil. The performance is opened by the
Danish clown Lars Larna who after a couple of
seasons with Circus Arena and Circus BonBon is back with his old pal René playing the
part of Circus Baldoni's figure the caretaker clown. Then circus proprietor Baldoni (René
Marvin) welcomed the audience. First acrobat act was the GaoChen troupe with the first of their 5
entrées: the two male partners presenting lion dance and the two female partners (twin
sisters, married with the male partners also being twins!) diabolo juggling. Then came 13
year old Alexandra in a sort of ringperch. Next
act was the Kapitanski clowns with a nice and
original run-in with 3 dachshunds. They were followed by a quick-change act presented by
the Barbi family who for several years has
toured with Circus Baldoni, however with new entrées every year. Then the sisters from
the GaoChen troupe presented juggling with
scarves. It was an act of international standard. Alexandra
was back presenting a charming acrobatic act with a small dog. The Kapitanski clowns had a short run-in where he was
a milking cow. Funny and original. After them the GaoChen-sisters
was back with an outstanding plate spinning act including a head-to head stand. After the
interval all four members of the GaoChen troupe
presented juggling with waterbowls (however without water). Kapitanski had another nice run-in with some magic
tricks and their dacshshunds. Then came Barbi
family with a floppy doll entrée with the couple's 9-year-old daughter Ernita inside
the doll. After another run-in with a lot of water done by Kapitanski miss Olga from Latvia
performed in arial rope. Last act in the performance was a very fine acrobatic act
performed by the GaoChen troupe. Circus owner
René Marvin assisted by Leo the Lion (his ventriloquist doll) and caretaker Lars Larna
presented the performance, which runs for two hours and is backed by taped music.
me an email if you want a link to a slide-show
from the performance.

April 2005
wave circuses to Copenhagen.
previous years KIT (Copenhagen's
International Theatre) presents during the summer season some new wave circuses in Copenhagen.
This year you can see six different shows: Idiot
Savant (27 to 30 June)
(4-6 & 8-10 July), Cirque Ici (5 to
August), OKIDOK (4 to 9 August), Acrobats (16 to 19 August) and the 40 person
large Shenyang
Acrobatic Troupe (31
August and 1 to 3 September).

mermaid and circus. The
Mermaid is a visual feast of a play, based on one of Hans Christian Andersens
best-loved and most enticing fairytales The Little Mermaid. In a trail-blasting
Danish-Swedish co-production, theatre Kaleidoskop and Swedish Cirkus Cirkör have joined
forces to create an international performance about the mermaid and her great love. Top
circus performers, dancers and actors captivate the audience with a sensory bombardment of
artistry, drama and contemporary circus art at its highest level. Follow the fantastical
struggle of the mermaid at the beautiful old Kedelsmedjen theatre at Holmen, Copenhagen.
Performances from 14th of May to the
18th of June 2005.
Immediately following the final performance in Copenhagen,
the whole show will be stored and stowed, packed in a truck and taken all the way through Germany
to Stuttgart.
Here, we will have the privilege of playing The Mermaid at one of Europes
leading theatre festivals: Theatre der Welt 2005. The festival, which is only held once
every three years, has generously chosen to support the production of The Mermaid by
acting as financial co-producer. After the summer holidays, the production leaves for Sweden
and will be shown both in Stockholm
and around the country. Then we go further a-field once more. At the moment, it looks as
if The Mermaid will journey to England,
and the Far
You can find further information on

April 2005
in the ring. At
the end of Circus Baldoni's opening performance in Lyngby 21 May Thessa Daniella suddenly
was given a large bunch of flowers. And circus owner René Marvin went down of his knees
and said: "Thessa we have now been living together in sin for five years. Will you
please marry me?" The answer was a clear yes and the couple received standing
ovations from the audience.

and René right before the "Grand finale" which ended by a proposal

April 2005
Miller Benneweis back at Circus Arena. Miller
Benneweis (born 1958) who from 1998 to 2001 presented liberty horses in Circus Arena and
whom part of season 2004 worked for Circus Dannebrog is now back with Circus Arena however
not as horsetrainer. Until 1995 Miller was presenting horses in Circus Benneweis which
today is owned by his cousin Diana Benneweis.

April 2005
Acrobats at Rode Kro Variety Theatre. As usual
some circus performers have been engaged for an autumn show at the variety theatre Rode
Kro (The Red Inn Theatre) in Copenhagen.
The owner of the theatre Charley Kaye and his
wife Belita are former comical casceadeurs. For
their 2004 performance they have engaged 3 gaucho dancers from Argentina
and The Seguras. Seguras (brother and sister)
was last seen in Denmark
in 2002 when they performed in the Tivoli

(photo taken in Circus Scott in 2003)

April 2005
Dannebrog 2005.
"The Golden Circus Show 2005," is the title of this year's Circus Dannebrog
production. The show is staged by circus owner Haddy Enoch's daughter Isabella and takes
place both on a stage and in a ring. After circus owner Haddy Enochs welcome a lot of dancers and
acrobats enters the ring dressed in wild west- and Indian costumes and building human
pyramids, climbing in tissue and ridding on horseback. As part of the introduction Jimmy Enoch (Haddy's grandson) and his cousins
Edward and David show some of the tricks the are able to perform on a bike. Especially
Jimmy is gifted bike acrobat. The are followed by The
Colerados alias Faltyny-family with a traditional Wild West entrée: lasso, whip
cracking and knife throwing. Then the Bubi Ernestos
Jr. clowns take over with their first entrée assisted by ringmisstres Agnete Louise
Enoch who have invented a new washing machine. An entrée Bubi JR have taken over from his
late father. He is also dressed like his father. Next act is "Isabellas beauty
saloon" - the old gag where an elephant is shaving a volunteer from the audience.
Then Haddy Enoch and his youngest daughter
Katja are presenting Haddy's newly acquired horses - beautiful animals. The are followed
by Mr. Gerard on rola-bola. Jana and Joschi Posnas are presenting their
poodles, followed by Faltyny-troup who under
the name The Gamblers is presenting a nice and speedy juggling entrée. After the interval
you meet Ofelia Ernesto (Bubi's sister) as
ballerina on tight wire. Then comes a Thai-tableau with dancers, elephants, camels and
exoten, presented by Josephine Kasselowsky and
her daddy Bernhard Kasselowsky (Bernhard
Caselly). The clown Sandy has a short run in
(she has a couple of nice run-ins during the performance) and is followed by a
roller-skate act: the five people large M.G. Team. They
are followed by what probably is the best act in the performance: the arial Duo Isajothai (Isabella Enoch and Josephine
Kasselowsky) in a very fine act including bot trapeze and as for Josephine cloud swing.
Nice that the experienced Isabella is training Josephine to be a good arial acrobat. Next
come ringmistress Agnete Louise Enoch's daughter Victoria
presenting Circus Dannebrog's ponies. Then comes the Bubi Ernesto-clown musical entrée: a traditional
musical entrée Last act in the performance is the Faltyny-troupes
bike acts on mono bikes. - The performance runs
for 2½ hour. Music is tapes, assisted by a drummer. Beyond you can see a couple of photos
taken by the circus photographer Lise Kokholm. Send
me an email if you want a link to a slide-show
from the performance.


Ernesto and Agnete Louise Enoch

April 2005
Katja Schumann to Circus Flora. Danish born
equestrian star Katja Schumann with her horses can be seen in Circus Flora in St.
from June 9 through June 26. Tzigan is the title of the 19th season production
by the one-ring circus, focussing on man and horse as partners ever since Philip Astley
invented modern day circus. Until 2004 Katja was a member of the Big Aple Circus Company.
Last time she performed in Denmark
was in 1982 being the last season her fathers Circus M. Schumann toured.

April 2005
Kim Benneweis assists Norwegian Circus. As earlier
mentioned on this page this years performance in Danish Circus Benneweis is staged by
circus owner Diana Benneweis' cousin Kim Benneweis. After having assisted Diana by staging
this years show Kim is now in Norway
where he for a short while has helped circus owner Jan Keith of Norwegian Circus Agora by
getting some short of shape on the elephant act Jan Ketil have rented from the Scholl
family. During the remaining part of the season Wolfgang Lauenburger who is a skilled
animal trainer also presenting horses and a canine act in Circus Agora will present the

Agora's owner Jan Ketil together with Kim Benneweis in front of the elephant. Photo:
Freddi Steckel (who with his famous comical cascadeur act is a part of this years Agora

April 2005
Circus Krone 2005.
Tiny Danish Circus Krone has as the last of the Danish circuses released their 2005
programme. The performers are the Danish ventriloquist Preben Palsgaard, Duo Marineseu with their roller skate act, Adriana with an arial act and a comical acrobat
entrée and the German diabolo-juggler Tom Future.
Circus owner Irene Thierry's husband Jan Allan
will present Circus Krone's ponies and his clown entrée Allando. And Irene and Jan Allan will together
present a comical illusion act.

April 2005
Circus Arli
had their opening day in Floeng (Copenhagen
suburb) on 2 April. Opening took place in a
brand new tent produced by Raap tent factory in Hamburg.
The tent is yellow with red borders. Inside it is blue. The tent can seat 220 persons.
Circus owner Soren Arli has also bought a new street organ from Holland.
Soren Arli's daughter in love Bettina Arli is
ringmistres in this year's performance. First act is Emil Adreis juggling with a stick. Next act is the
acrobats Bubble Gum alias Yvo Antoni and his
partner Marina. The are followed by Martin Arli who
dressed as Danish fairy tale author Hans Christian Anderson present a magical entrée. His
son Alexander Arli present a nice juggling act
juggling with tennis rackets and tennis balls. Last act before the interval is Adreis Family consisting of father, mother and two
children presenting a Risley act and doing balancing. After the interval Yvo Antoni together with his dog Klopstock are presenting a very nice act. They
are followed by Coco
Mrs. Adreis who dressed as a gorilla together with her family is doing foot-juggling etc.
Then Alexander Arli is presenting the old
Houdini gag The Straight Jacket Escape. Marina
is performing a very fine act in arial ring. She is followed by the clowns Martino & Co (Martin and Alexander Arli
assisted by Bettina) with their very own version of the old "don't play
here"-entrée. Last act in the performanc is Yvo
Antoni juggling with devilsticks first in the ring and the in a turning German wheel.
A very good act. This year performance is certainly a very nice performance, which the
Arli family can be proud to present to their audience. Send
me an email if you want a link to a slide-show
from the performance.

owner Soren Arli in front of his new street organ

March 2005
Acrobats in theatre performances. At The Danish
Royal Theatre's Old Stage the theatre is celebrating Hans Christian Andersen with Horse-radish Soup and Stuffed Cabbage a
fantasia tapping into the rich imagery of Andersens fairytales. The performance can
be seen from 1 to 29 April. Apart from actors and dancers a number of acrobats are amongst
the performers: The trapeze artists Duo Pelmini
(Josephine Wulff Randrup and Rasmus Madsen Aitouganov), Lars Gregersen and Mille Lundt. Tickets can be ordered through BILLETnet
Also in a one-woman show presented by popular Danish rock singer Sanne Salomonsen at the Bellevue theatre north of
Copenhagen from 13 April to 25 June a number of acrobats are among the performers. Even to
this show tickets can be ordered through BILLETnet.

March 2005
book about Circus Arena.
Lindskog: Berdino - et cirkusdynasti. Fra Danmarks mindste til Nordens stĝrste cirkus.
(Berdino - a circus family. From
the smallest circus in Denmark
to the largest circus in the Nordic countries) 148 pages with a lot of colour
illustrations. Publisher: DKK 60.00 (approximately 8 Euro). For sale at Circus Arena.
several years Leif Damsgaard Jensen alias the magician Mr. Swan have been working on at
book about Circus Arena. Original publishing was scheduled for 2001 when Benny Berdino
could celebrate his 25-year anniversary as circus owner. However the research for the book
was much more time consuming than expected and last year Leif Damsgaard and Benny Berdino
decided to handle over all the material collected by Leif Damsgaard Jensen to author and
reporter John Lindskog. John Lindskog have now finalised the book with Leif Damsgaard
Jensen as consultant as for historical information and Arena's press agent Christian
Warrer as editor of the pictures. The result is a fascinating book not pretending to be
circus history but to tell in an entertaining the story about Arenas founder Arne Berdino
Olsen, his son Benny Berdino and the life in circus. The book is in Danish but due to the
many pictures and photos it will also be of interest to non-Danes. And less that 10 Euro
for a 148 page full colour books seems very cheap indeed!


March 2005
Opening day at Arena and Benneweis. 22 March was
opening night for Circus Arena's 50 years anniversary performance. Circus Arena is today
the largest of the Danish circuses. Their 2005 program is a very strong program, presented
by two popular Danish singers: Dairo Campeotto and
Sos Fenger. The performance started with a short documentary film with the history
about Circus Arena. The documentary was partly based on material from the archives of DR
(Danish Broadcasting Corporation) which is Denmarks
oldest and largest electronic media enterprise. After this introduction circusowner Benny
Berdino enters the ring singing Arena's in Denmark
well-known song "Circus, circus, come and see the circus / circus is in town
today" assisted by Dario Campeotto and Sos Fenger who after that took over as
ringmaster and ringmistress. First acrobat act in the performance was the Puzanovi troupe's skipping act. Although not the troupes main act a very fine
entrée of a quality superior to most other skipping acts. After that Benny Berdino's
daughter Suzanne Berdino presented 12 beautiful
Arabian horse: 6 brown and 6 white or dapple-grey. Her husband Karsten Berdino with 8
ponies followed her act. Next act was Austrian Rosi
Hochegger with two dogs "helping" her to clean up in the ring. The Mexican
juggler Juan Pablo Martinez who despite some
misses had good contact to and support from the audience followed Rosi. Then came 3 Rivelinos presenting a clown entrée with a lot
of water. The water entrée was as far as I know created more than 70 years ago by the
famous Swedish Bronett clowns and have in the later years been presented by the Jose
Michel clowns. Next act was a song performed by Sos
Fenger sitting at a trapeze. Last act before the interval was the 4 Brazilian stuntmen
from Diorios with their globe of death. A
thrilling act during which the globe opens up: one driver is using the lower part of the
globe and the others the upper part. After the interval Dario Campeotto welcomes the audience singing
"O sole mio". Then comes the Chinese Gao
Fei troupe with a beautiful bungee-jump act. Next act was an act which today seldom is
seen in circuses in Denmark:
high school riding, performed by Suzanne Berdino
and her daughters Charmaine and Stephanie and Alexia Caselly and her daughter Mary-Lou. They were followed with Rosi Hochegger's second entrée where she dressed
as Pippi Long Stockning (a main character from a well-known Swedish book for children)
present a charming act with a horse almost trained to do the tricks normally presented by
dogs. Her act ended with the sleeping in bed-horse entrée many years ago created by the
Schumann's. Then came the clown Bonbon, who earlier in the performance have had a number
of run ins, together with his wife Tiina with
their famous comical badminton match. Bonbon and Tiina was followed by Alexia and René Caselly with their 4 African
elephants. Last acrobat act in the performance was the Puzanovi troupe's teeterboard act for which the
troupe a couple of years ago was awarded a golden clown in Monte
Despite a accident during the act where a pyramid fall apart and the leader of the troupe
as far as I know broke a leg the troupe presented an outstanding act with a 5 double
somersault and a 3 double somersault on stilts. Dario
and Sos Fenger singing "The last waltz of the night" closed the performance.
- After the performance there was standing
ovations to Benny Berdino and his team of artists.

in front of their globe of death

Gao Fei troupe
by courtesy of Christian Warrer/Circus Arena
March was opening night for the oldest of the Danish circuses Circus Benneweis. As in 2004 the performance is
staged by circus owner Diana Benneweis' cousin Kim Benneweis who at the opening night also
acted as ringmaster. Back at the Benneweis team this year is Diana's former husband Marek
who spent season 2004 with the horseshow Spirit of the Horse in England.
Diana welcoming the audience on horseback opened the performance. First act was Anton Monastyrsky's excellent act with hula-hoop.
Girls mainly perform such acts. However Anton's leaps and combinations was superior to any
I have seen performed by other hula-hoops artist, male or female. The foot juggler Klara-J showed several nice tricks. Duo Air Love performed in vertical rope. The 7
African tumblers from a troupe called Mambo Jambo
presented a nice and speedy tumbling- and limbodancing act dressed in pinstriped suit.
However their jackets was soon taken off! Last act before the interval was Italian Adriana Folco with her elephant Baba. After the
interval Steven and Angela Pedersen presented
their sealions and penguins in a very charming way. Alain
and Martyn Chabri (son and daughter of the clown Toto Chabri and his wife Nora)
followed the sealions. Alain is a skilled alround acrobat and Martyn combines her musical
talents with a quick-change act. Next act was 2
Farellos presenting the best unibike act I have seen for years. Last act in the
performance was the high wire troupe Los Quiros (repeater
from 2004). The troupe had a severe accident in December 2004 at Cirque d'Hiver in Paris
when the brothers Roberto and Vincente Quiro's partner Renee Ayala missed at trick and
fell 10 meters down to the ground and wad badly (however not dangerous) hurt. The brothers
have now got a new partner. At the opening night one was missing some of the troupe's main
tricks as the pyramid on bike. I don't know if it was due to the new partner not yet being
trained to this trick or due to the fact that Benneweis' new tent is slightly lower than
the old tent. As high wire acts are among the most dangerous sort of circus acts I will
certainly not blame Los Quiros for not performing a trick they not are 100 % comfortable
with. Apart from the artist mentioned another artist was an important part of the
performance: the poetic reprice clown Francesco (repeater
from 2004).

in front of the tent before opening night


March 2005
Circus Arli
have now released their 2005 program. As in 2004 is will be presented by circus owner
Soren Arli's daughter in love Bettina. Soren's grandchild Alexander Arli will perform as juggler with
tennis rackets and furthermore try to perform Harry Houdini's 100 year old stunt "The
Strait Jacket Escape". Andreis family from
presents a Risley Act. Bubble Gums are
acrobats. The male partner Yvo Antoni does
also devilstick juggling and the female partner
Marina presents an aerial act. Martin Arli
presents a magical act. Clowns are Martino &
Co. (Martin, Bettina and Alexander Arli). -
A birthday will be celebrated during the season: 22
May 2005
circus owner Soren Aril can celebrate his 70 years birthday.

March 2005
boss canvasman Larbi and his team have now putt up the new Cannobio tent which circus
owner Diana Benneweis have bought for her circus at the circus lot in Hilleroed where
season opening will take place on 23 march. To put up the new tent have not been an easy
task as the lot is for the time being very muddy! The new tent is somewhat smaller than
the old tent as it can seat about 1,200 people. The old tent, which was from 1996, could
seat about 1,700 people.

Benneweis new tent at the muddy cirrus lot in Hilleroed.

March 2005
2005. Among the attractions for the coming
season is the large Faltyny troupe. Members
from the troupe will perform juggling, a Wild West entrée and a bike act on monocycles.
The Bubi Ernesto clowns will do clowning. Mr. Gerard is performing a rola-bola act. The M.G.Team present a speedy roller-skate
entrée. Duo Isajothai performs the arial
act. Circus owner Haddy Ernoch will present new
horses from Circus Dannebrog's own stables assisted his youngest daughter Katja. Posnas will present their canine act with poodles.
Bernhard Caselly will present his two elephants
and exoten. As the last couple of years Haddy Enoch daughter Isabella Enoch has directed
and staged the show.
March 2005
Aerius of the talented Danish arial cradle Duo
Aerius tells me that he and his partner Maja have signed a contract with TigerPalast in
Frankfurt am Main from January 2006 to July 2006. In February and March this year the two
talented Danes have performed at Scala-variete in Fritzlar in Germany.
They had been engaged to other German variety theatres in the spring this year. However
those engagement has been cancelled due to economical problems for the said variety
theatres. In general the situation for circuses and variety theatres in Germany
have for some years been rather poor.

March 2005
Benneweis has
now released their 2005-programme. As previous mentioned on this page the poetic clown
Francesco has been reengaged. The same goes for the high wire act Los Quiros. Also with Benneweis is the 20-year old
French diabolo-juggler Pierre Marchand, the
male hula-hoop acrobat Anton Monastyrsky and Martyne and Alain Chabri with their quick change
act with musical features. Steven Pedersen
(repeater from 2003) will present his sealions and penguins. Duo Farellos (Ralf Lindner and Jaqueline Marchan)
present their comical bike act on which you can find further information at Duo Air Love consists of Svetlana and Dmytro from Ukraine.
Klara-J is a juggler. The Mambo Jambo troupe from Kenya
consists of 6 acrobats performing in pinstriped suits. Danish circus goers love elephants,
and Adriana Folco Althoff will present her
elephant Baba. She has been with Norwegian Circus Merano for the last couple of years.

March 2005
Producer Benny Schumann tells that he as main attraction to this years festival has
engaged The Mikos. Four star clowns from Russia
and Ukraine
headed by 37-years old Mikhail Usov. The troupe has been awarded a number of prizes and
has amongst other places performed at Cirque d'Hiver in Paris
and at Berlin's
famous Wintergarten Variety Theatre. Apart from the Mikos the clown festival will present
a number of other great clowns and comedians. The festival will take place at the Copenhagen
amusement park Bakken from 11 to 21
August 2005.

March 2005
documentary film "Agnete Louise Enoch - a life in circus" which
I have mentioned several time on this page is for sale on DVD. The price is DKK 140 plus
postage. Send an email to the filmmaker Jorgen Lorenzen at
if you are intersted in purchasing the DVD.

Louise Enoch as the audience knows her: in the centre of the ring. To Agnete's left side
is her mother Solveig. To Agnete's right side is her daughter Victoria and behind her
Agnete's brother Dennie and her father Haddy. Photo taken by Stefan Rothmann during Circus
Kennys winter performance 2005.

February 2005
Circus Baldoni
will call their 2005-performance for Circusfestival 2005. It will be presented by circus
owner Baldoni (René Moenster) assisted by Leonardo the Lion (a ventriloquist's doll) and
a (live) circus princess. Main attraction in the 2005 performance is Troupe GaoChen from the Chinese State Circus. The troupe
has 4 members. The male members have previous worked for Cirque de Soleil and the female
members are mentioned in Guinnes Book of Record as record holders for plate spinning while
balancing head to head. In the Baldoni performance they will present the lion dance,
diabolo, footjuggling and acrobatic. The Kapitanski
clowns will present their dachshunds. For the fourth year in row The Barbi Family with now 10 year old Ernita takes
part in the performance. This year with a human or doll-act and a brand new act in perch,
presented by Ernita and her father Jurijs. They will also present magical act with quick
dress-changes. Furthermore the programme will present Miss Olga in an arial act.

and his lion Leonardo welcomes shtthe audience. Photo from 2004

February 2005
Mascot. The
owners Marianne and Jess Delurans youngest son singing a circus song will introduce the
Danish dog and pony-show Circus Mascot's 2005-performance. Among the performers are his
greater brother Daniel on slack wire and rola-bola, Marianne Deleuran's poodles and Jess
Deleuran's ponies. As always the Deleuran family have in addition to their own acts
engaged a couple of talented foreign artists. The clown Gulio (Ulmas Gulyamov) is a repeater from 2003 and
2004. Duo Halines performs in ring perch.
They were also with Mascot in 2001. Their son Valery
(Valerie) is a gifted devilstick-juggler. There will be some additional acts in the
programme. In 2003 and 2004 Gulio's wife Prymachenko presented very nice entrees in tissue
and vertical rope. But in 2005 she will not be performing as she is pregnant.

February 2005
Circuspoodle as movie star. One of Marianne Deleurans poodles has a minor part
in a new Danish movie about Danish fairy tale author Hans Christian Andersen. You can for
about 20 seconds see Piccolo dancing around on his forelegs. Shooting took place in 7
April 2004.
The film is directed by Rumle Hammerich and can been seen at Danish movie theatres from 11
March. And it will be shown in two parts in Danish television (DR TV1) on 20 March at
20.00 and 27 March at 20.00.

and Piccolo during a break in the shooting. Photo by courtesy of Marianne Deleuran.

February 2005
photographer Lise Kokholm have taken the photos showed beyond of the Duo Grigorescu clowns and Josefine and Daniel Igen with their goats
performing at Circus Kenny in the Rosengaard shopping mall in Odense.


February 2005
have not yet released their 2005 programme.
However it is well known that the poetic clown Francesco has been reengaged and that the
same goes for the high wire act Los Quiros headed
by the brothers Roberto and Vincente Quiros. According to German Circus Zeitung circus
owner Diana Benneweis have also engaged the 20 year old French diabolo-juggler Pierre Marchand who was awarded a Gold medal at
the European Youth Circus Festival in Wiesbaden
in November 2004. Also starring according to Circus Zeitung is the male hula-hoop acrobat Anton Monastyrsky who won a silver medal at the
European Youth Circus Festival in Wiesbaden
in November 2002. Benneweis is also expected to present Martyne Chabri (daughter of the clown Toto Chabri)
who assisted by her brother Alain present a quick change act with musical features.
Martine was awarded the PRIX LOUIS MERLIN at the Circus Festival in Monte
in January this year.

20 February 2005
was the name used by the Ballerup shopping mall for circus performances presented as free
attractions in week 7. The actor Finn Bendixen acted as ringmaster. 17 to 19 February the
35 minute long performance presented Miss Balloon alias Zora Nikodemova with a giant
balloon, Karsten Berdino with his dogs, the clown Lucy, her 10 year old son the juggler
Patrick Berdino and last, but not least Two Steckels alias Freddi Steckel and Zora
Nikodemova. Click here to se a slide show from the performance.

clown Lucy Berdino (circus owner Benny Berdino's daughter in love)

February 2005
Kenny. From
21 to 26 February you can in Odense's
Rosengaard shopping mall as free attraction see Circus Kenny produced by Haddy Enoch of
Circus Dannebrog. Performing artists are the foot-juggler Winnitou, Josefine
and Daniel Igen
with a canine act and an act with goats and clowns Duo Grigorescu from Romania.
Due Grigoresco are for the summer season 2005 engaged to the large German Circus Barum.
Haddy is not willing to tell much about the 2005 programme in Circus Dannebrog as he prefer first to release
details of the programs closer to the opening day. I do of cause respect his request not
to disclose rumours on names of the performers. However Haddy confirmed the rumours about
the Bubi Ernesto clowns and Jana and Joschi Posnas poodles being among the performers in
2005. A rumour of an additional canine act is according to Haddy pure nonsense.

February 2005
The film about Agnete Louise Enoch. Thursday 17
February The Circusmuseum at Hvidovre, Copenhagen,
presented the circusfan and filmmaker Jorgen Lorenzen's new documentary about Agnete
Louise Enoch. The film was very well received by the audience. Amongst the guest to the
Copenhagen run of the film was Jorgen Lorenzen himself, his star Agnete Louise Enoch, her
father Haddy Enoch, her sister Isabella Enoch, Danish comical cascadeur Freddi Steckel and
Circus Arena's marketing director Ulla Steckel who is married to Freddi's brother Jackie.
After the film the audience could visit the museum where a number of Agnete's elegant
robes are on display.

Steckel, Isabella Enoch, Agnete Louise Enoch and Jorgen Lorenzen at the reception after
the film

Louise Enoch in front of some of her elegant robes

February 2005
Steckel to Norway.
Norwegian Circus Agora have engaged the Danish world class cascadeur Freddi Steckel for
their 2005 season which is to start in the middle of March. In 2004 the Danes could see
Freddi at Circus Dannebrog with Isabella Enoch as partner. However Isabella will not
follow Freddi to Norway
as she is absolutely indispensable for Circus Dannebrog. As partner in Norway Freddi will
amongst other have Zora Nikodemova. She has been his partner several times, including in
2003 in Swedish Circus Maximum.

Steckel with Zora Nikodemova at the Euroclown festival in November 2004.

11 February
C.P. Kraft passed away. A
well-known Danish circus-fan C.P. Kraft, former head librarian at the Haderslev Library in
the southern part of Jutland,
died earlier today.

February 2005
Everyone busy before season opening. All 8 touring
circuses in Denmark
are busy right now with preparations for the coming season. The 3 larger shows: Arena,
Benneweis and Dannebrog as well as the 5 smaller shows: Arli, Baldoni, Charlie, Krone and
Mascot. From Circus Charlie's winterquarter close to Skive in Jutland
circus owner Einar Trie tells: "As you know opening day is getting closer and closer
and we are using all our energy to make the new show ready. As usual several of our acts
are new and we are creating them ourselves. More than half of the numbers we will present
this year have never been seen before." From Klaus Zumbusch I have received the photo
shown beyond of Daniel Deleuran (son of
Marianne and Jess Deleuran of Circus Mascot) training in a sport hall close to Circus
Mascot's winterquarters. At Circus Arena's winterquarter
in Aarslev close to Slagelse a lot of construction is going on. According to plan "Circus
will open in October 2005. There will be a large area for visitors with 60-70 animals, a
large basin for sealions (double size of the basin in the Copenhagen Zoo), training ring,
working repair shops and workshops, museum etc. You can see some photos at

Deleuran trains rola-bola. Photo Klaus Zumbusch

Februar 2005
Aerius in Frizlar.
Esben Aerius of the Danish arial cradle duo tells that the in February and March can be
seen at Scala-variete in Fritzlar,

February 2005
Madigan. Many
people know the sad story about circus performer Elvira Madigan and Swedish army officer
Sixten Sparre. Swedish movie director Bo Widerberg made a popular film in 1967 starring
Pia Degermark Thommy Berggren and telling the story about how Sparre breaks loose of the
oppressive atmosphere of both the military and his tradition-bound family to conduct a
passionate affair with Elvira. Aware only of one another's presence, the lovers refuse to
recognise that they have stepped irreversibly on the road to tragedy. The tragedy ended in
July 1889 when Sixten shoot first Elvira and then himself. The couple is buried at Landet
Churchyard at the small Danish island Taasinge. On 28
January 2005
Central Bank issued the sixth in its series of thematic 20-krone coins with specially
chosen Danish towers as the motif on the reverse. Seen through chestnut leaves from the
grave of Elvira Madigan and Sixten Sparre, the tower
of Landet
Church on the island
of Taasinge
reaches towards the sky on the reverse of the new thematic coin. Landet
is a traditional Danish village church, built around 1150-1200 in the Age of the
Valdemars. The sculptor Oivind Nygaard is the
artist behind the tower motif from Landet
The hearts and pistol that Oivind Nygaard has woven into the chestnut leaves around the
tower symbolise the tragic love story of Elvira Madigan and Sixten Sparre. "In
addition to showing a Danish church tower, the pictorial metaphors seen on the coin,
combined with the view of the tower of Landet Church, are intended to tell a story and
interpret the history and mythology of the church," Oivind Nygaard ex- plains. The Landet
tower coin is issued as a 20-krone coin in an edition of 1.2 million. It is of the same
size and alloy as the ordinary 20-krone coin in circulation. Click here for link to press photo of the new coin.

February 2005
Enoch 50 years old. On
14 February Dennis Enoch of Circus Dannebrog can celebrate his 50 years birthday. Always
happy and in good form and a very nice chap. That's how you meet Dennie Enoch as a visitor
to a circus, when visiting him or when he say goodbye after the show. Dennie Enoch is the
sole son of the Circus Dannebrog's owners Solveig and Haddy Enoch. At his birth
certificate is written Dennis Johan Haddy Enoch but in daily talk he is called Dennie.
Together with his parents and his three sisters he travelled all around the world as child
of artists until the family in 1977 returned to their native country Denmark
and founded the present Circus Dannebrog. To a large extent the success of Circus
Dannebrog is due to Dennie Enoch's efforts. He is a very hard-working chap and is able to
solve all sorts of practical problems. But the audience knows his first and foremost as an
outstanding acrobat on bike. He took over the bike act from his parents and has today
involved his son Jimmy and other family members in the act. He has also worked as a
white-faced clown.

Enoch as the audience knows him

February 2005
shopping malls etc are presenting circus or artist performances during the Danish school
childrens winter holiday in week 7 and 8. From 9 to 16 February you can meet Danish Circus Krone at the Gellerup stage at the Ciry
West shopping mall in Brabrand, Aarhus.
Amongst the performers are ventriloquist Preben Palsgaard, the clown Alando and circus
owner Irene Thierry. On 12 February Fisketorvet shopping mall in Copenhagen
present the Circus Theatre's performance Clumsy
Hans. The same performance can be seen from 21 to 26 February at the Roedovre Shopping
Mall in Copenhagen.
14 to 16 February you can meet the multiartist René Marvin Moenster and the juggler Mr.
Strington at Fisketorvet Shopping Mall, Copenhagen.
From 14 to 19 February Circus Mascot will
visit the shopping mall in Herning. Andreas will start the performance with a circus song.
Also to be seen is Marianne Deleuran with her poodles, Daniel Deleuran with a
rola-bola-act and the balloon clown Lars Larna. At the Kolding Storcenter there is acrobat performances
from 14 to 16 February. Among the performers are the clown Lucy Berdino (circus owner
Benny Berdino's daughter in love), her son the juggler Patrick Berdino, African multi
acrobat Samson (Luka Odhiambo) and Danish comical cascadeurs Steckel's. 17 and 18 February Steckel's can bee seen
at the Ballerup shopping mall, Copenhagen.
Benny Schumann will in week 7 present his
one-manshow "Hey Clown!" for several thousand children in Hedensted and Tarm. Circus Kenny which are produced by Haddy Enoch
of Circus Dannebrog and presented by his daughter Agnete Louise Enoch can bee seen at the
Rosengaard shoipping Mall in Odense from 21 to 26 February.
February 2005
In connection with the circus festival in Monte
the European circus association ECA held a symposium in Monte
The have sent me the following information on what happened:
some of the greatest circus performers in the world entertained and amazed at this
years Monte Carlo Circus Festival, members of the European Circus Association were
treated to another star-studded programme --
the organisations Third Symposium, featuring a world-wide array of guest speakers
and experts discussing topics of great importance to the circus community. Through the
generosity of His Serene Highness Prince Rainier III, the Symposium took place at the
Grand Hotel, Monte
Circus Directors from across Europe
applauded speakers on topics including:
with a Small Budget is possible. Gaetan
Morency and Shawn Kent of high-rolling Cirque du Soleil gave the benefit of their
expertise and showed the results of the thorough and precise campaigns which precede
Soleils worldwide appearances. The European Parliament will take further action. - MEP Doris Pack, a staunch supporter of the circus
arts and advocate of the circus as vital popular culture, appeared by video to inform the
ECA that the Culture Committee has given her authorisation to present a report to the
Parliament which would direct the European Commission to address the many challenges
facing the circus community. - Laura van der Meer, described the recent victory
for traditional circuses in defeating a referendum against wild animals in circuses in Denver,
and also discussed the ECAs strict Code of Conduct for Animals which sets high
standards of care and treatment for all circuses working with animals. - Antonio Giarola
summarised the achievements of the ECA in the three years of its existence so far in
forging links with the European Institutions, and stressing how far there is to go if
Circus and the circus community are to have the future they deserve. - Albert Ritter,
Vice-President of the European Showmens Union,
detailed the benefits achieved for European funfair operators over a 40-year period of
communication between showmen, national governments, and the European Commission,
providing tips for the ECA in pursuing its work. - Pierangelo Bernorio, officer of the
European Commission, DG SANCO, travelled from Brussels
especially to explain a draft of a proposed system to ensure the health of circus animals
travelling in Europe,
as well as o listen to comments and concerns from ECA members. - Wouter Tuyn from Holland
and Annette Schwer from Germany
detailed the successes and latest developments in distance learning for children growing
up on tour with travelling circuses.
Third ECA Symposium also featured the first-ever European Circus Business Exhibition, a
trade fair including suppliers of Big Tops, seating, aerial rigging, printing and novelty
items. The Exhibition, held at the Grand Hotel, was judged a huge success by visitors and
exhibitors alike.

Board of Directors. Photo taken at the symposium. From left to right can bee seen Laura
van der Meer, Antonio Giarola, the president Martin Hanson, Arie Oudenes and Rebacca
Simoneit-Barum. (Photo by courtesy of ECA)

February 2005
fire at the Benneweis winter quarters. A
small annex building at circus Benneweis winterquarter at Dronningmolle was burned out 29
January. Luckily enough no personal damages and limited damages on material.

Januar 2005
of the film about Agnete Louise Enoch. First
night for the author, circusfan and filmmaker Jorgen Lorenzen's new documentary about
Agnete Louise Enoch was in Aarhus
on 24 January. And the 28 minute long film was very well received. It gives a fine and
affectionate picture of Agnete who has spent her entire life in circus. Earlier she
performed as handstand acrobat and with a bike act and she is trained as a multiartist.
Now she is press agent for Circus Dannebrog. The film will also be shown in Copenhagen
at the Circusmuseum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen,
on 17
February 2005.
The Copenhagen
presentation was scheduled for 8 February until the government decided that we should have
a general election that date. The museum decided not to compete with the Parliament and
changed the date for the first night in Copenhagen.
Both Jorgen Lorenzen and his star and several members of the Enoch family were present at
the first night in Aarhus.
And both Jorgen Lorenzen and Agnete Louise Enoch will be present in Copenhagen.

Agnete Louise
Enoch og Jorgen Lorenzen

January 2004
Circus exhibition at an art museum. The Danish
performance-artist Henrik Plenge Jacobsen has created a new exhibition in x-rummet at the
Danish National Art Galery in Copenhagen.
It is installation art and an exhibition that combines sculpture, video, and performance
to form a single, large-scale installation. You meet objects such as a striped circus
tent, an empty flying trapeze, and an imposing ring. Plenge Jakobsen has caused quite a
stir with his controversial installation art over the years, often offering a critique of
the social space in which we operate. Since the mid-1990s, he has enjoyed great
international attention, exhibiting his work at numerous venues abroad. The x-rummet
project represents his first large-scale solo exhibition at a Danish museum.

January 2005
has apart from one week in 1996 and one week in 1998 not been used by circuses since the
summer 1990. It is owned by the City of Copenhagen
and the present tenant Swedish Wallmans Nöjen (Wallman's Entertainment) is using the
building to present a 4 course dinner-show with 22 young dancers and singers. The
performers do also work as waiters etc. First night for their present show was in October
2004. 33,000 people saw the show in 2004. Many firms use the show for their staff parties.
The show will continue until June 2005. In January and February with performances
Thursday, Friday and Saturday and from 1 March with performances also on Wednesdays. An
audition for new performers will be held in Copenhagen
on 8 and 9 March. Interested persons should not later than 7 February send a letter to
Wallmans Salonger, Jernbanegade 8, DK-1609 Copenhagen, marked "Audition". The
present performers at the show are Sofie Bengtsson, Thomas Lindberg, Robin Svensson,
Cecilie Gry Jensen, Martin Knudsen, Karen Bernardino, Frederik Börgesson, Morten
Sonderby, Magnus Jakobsson, Martha Chaved de Melo, Jocke Assarsson, Sofie Mai Soberg, Tore
Munch, Ulrika Skoglund, Christoffer Brodersen, Susanne Petterson and Marie Sol-Sandberg.

January 2005
Greeting from Joan and Kenny Quinn. "Greetings
from Dresden
where we are working for the dinner-show "Trocadero/Sarrasani" produced by
André Sarrasani," the Danish gentleman thief couple Joan and Kenny Quinn writes.
"The performance takes place in a "Hall of mirrors" with a seating capacity
of 360 and has been and is still very well visited with 95 % of the seats sold. Both the
Sarrasani family and the hotel management is very pleased. There is no tickets available
until 5 February and so far a total of 22,000 tickets have been sold." - The show in Dresden
will continue until 20 February. Kenny and Joan have been part of the show since 5 January
when they had finished their engagement with 8 Gelsenkirchener Weinacthscircus. - Dresden
was for many years the home city of Circus
Circus Sarrasani opened its doors first time ever 30 Marts 1902 in a tent seating 3,600
persons. In 1925 they performed in a tent with a diameter of 64 meter and seating 10,620
persons. Next year they had two such tents and quarrelled with Circus Krone about which of
the shows which was the largest in Europe.
Circus Sarrasani stopped touring several years ago. However 32 year old André
Stosch-Sarrasani being the grandson of the circus's founder Hans Stosch-Sarrasanis is a
well-known magician in Germany
and have several times produced shows under the famous Sarrasani-brand.

January 2005
News from Circus Dannebrog. Circus Dannebrog owned
by Haddy and Solveig Enoch has recently bought some additional sites and buildings close
to their existing winter quarter in Hejls in the southern part of Jutland.
In the future it will be possible for them to have all cars and other equipment indoor
during the winter. Their summer season starts in 31 March in Vojens in the southern part
of Jutland.
With them this season is the well-known Bubi
Ernesto JR clowns. Bubi JR's father Bubi was with Danish Circus Benneweis in 1973, 1975, 1985 (The Copenhagen
Circus Building), 1986 and 1987. Bubi JR has taken over several of his father's entrées.
The Bubi Ernesto JR clowns is a trio of musical clowns with a female white-faced clown and
two August's. 2005 is a rather special year for Circus Dannebrog: the family history tells
that the show was established in 1880 - 125 years ago! On 14 January Circus owner Haddy
Enoch and his circus was awarded the newspaper JyskeVestkystens cultural award 2005. On 14
February Haddy and Solveig Enoch's son Dennie Enoch can celebrate his 50 years birthday.
And on 10 May Haddy and Solveig Enoch can celebrate their golden wedding.

Bubi Ernesto jr. Right: the white faced clown is a gifted xylophone-player

January 2005
flying circustrunk is
the name of a performance by the Odense
children circus Circus Flik Flak created to celebrate the 200 years birthday of famous
Danish fairy tale author Hans Christian Andersen who was born in Odense.
Circus Flik Flak has changed Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale about the Flying Trunk
to a circus performance and added pieces from other fairy tales as Clumsy Hans, the Ugly
Duckling and the King's new clothes. The play within the circus is scripted. The
performance can be seen in Odense
from 6 to 9 April and will in the summer tour some other cities on the Funen
About 40 kids and youngsters will take place in the performance.


14 January 2005
two months to start of circus season 2005 in Denmark.
circus to start the season is the small Circus
Charlie who has its opening day on 12 March in Skive in Jutland.
Among the performers are the Danish pop duo Souvenirs. The clowns RED and BLUE always
introduce a performance in Circus Charlie. In 2005 Genada from Riga
in Latvia
and Katja from Moscow
will perform the two characters. You will also meet the clown Charlie alias circus owner
Einar Trie. Next circus to start the season is the large Circus Arena. Circus Arena can this year celebrate
its 50 years anniversary. 2 popular Danish singers and entertainers will present the 2005
program: Soes Fenger and Dario Campeotto. Performing circus artist will be Suzanne Berdino
presenting 12 Arab horses in a liberty act, the 3 Rivelinos clowns and Alexia and Marylou
Casselly plus Suzanne, Charmaine and Stephanie Berdino riding high school. The 4
daredevils Diorio`s from Brazil toured with Circus Arena in 2002 driving motorcycles in
their globe of death. But the globe they will use in 2005 does open under their ride! The
Danish/Finnish clown duo Bonbon & Tiina will present their unique Badminton Comedy
Act. Russian Truppe Puzanovi will present a skipping act and the springboard acrobatic act
for which they was awarded a Golden Clown in Monte
in 2003. The five persons from Truppe Flying are bungee-aerial acrobats. Furthermore in
the program will be Mexican juggler Juan Pablo Martinez, Rene & Alexia Casselly with 4
African elephants and 3 andalusian horses and Rosi Hochegger with her comedy dogs. She was
also with Circus Arena in 1995 and 1998. Opening day is 22 March in Copenhagen.
The next day 23 March Circus Benneweis will
opens its season in Hillerod 20 miles north of Copenhagen.
Among the performers are the fabulous high wire act Los Quiros (repeater) and the clown
Francesco (repeater). Circus Benneweis will have a new tent for 2005 and there is a lot of
rumours about the size of the tent. Is will be somewhat smaller than the old tent. Late
March Circus Dannebrog has its opening day in
the southern part of Jutland.
Among the performers are Posna's poodles. The
dog and pony show Circus Mascot has its opening
day in Roslev in the northern part of Jutland
on 31 March. Among the performers are reprise clown Gulio (repeater from 2003 and 2004). 2
April is opening day for the small Circus Arli. Opening will for the 25 year in row take
place in Floeng (Copenhagen
suburb). 7 April is season start for the dog and pony show Circus Krone (no connection with the large German
show) in Braedstrup in Jutland.
Last show to open the season will be Circus
Baldoni (absolutely no connection with the German Circus Baldoni) on 21 April in
Lyngby (Copenhagen
suburb) however with dress rehearsals on then Isle of Bornholm starting on 9 April. So far
Baldoni have been an all-human show. But among the performers this year is the Kapitanski
clowns with their dachshunds.

January 2005
Circus Theatre owned
by René Marvin Moenster of Circus Baldoni will in the coming months tour with a
performance called Clumsy Hans based one of Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales. It is a
revised version of the show, which the Circus Theatre toured in a tent in the summer
season 1999. The Circus-theatre is more a theatre than a circus although the performance
includes several circus acts. The play within a circus is scripted.


January 2005
The film about Agnete Louise Enoch. The author,
circusfan and filmmaker Jorgen Lorenzen is done with his film about Agnete Louise Enoch.
Agnete is the oldest daughter of Haddy and Solveig Enoch who established the present
Circus Dannebrog in 1977. Agnete Enoch has spent her entire life in circus. Earlier she
performed as handstand acrobat and with a bike act and she is trained as a multiartist.
Now she is press agent for Circus Dannebrog. The film runs for 28 minutes and describes
Agnete's exiting life. It will have its first run in Aarhus
on 24
January 2005.
It will also bee shown in Copenhagen
at the Circusmuseum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen,
on 8
February 2005.
Both Jorgen Lorenzen and his star will be present in Aarhus
as well as in Copenhagen.


January 2005
magician Joe Labero in The plus grand Cabaret du Monde. Swedish
world-class magician Joe Labero is among the performers in French TV5's show The plus
grand Cabaret du Monde 9 January at 22:26.
Joe Labero's show could be seen in the Copenhagen
in November and December 2003. Other performers in The plus grand Cabaret are Erik et
Linda (Les vélos), Nestor Hato (Magie des cartes), Peplum & Othello (Télépatie
magique), Jean-Pierre Blanchard (peinture avec des oeufs), Pascal Rousseau (Rolla rolla),
Jay Niemi (Magie des colombes), Dino & Shirley, Muturganov (Jonglage en équilibre),
Michel Dejeneffe (Le mariage), Diana Puchova (anneaux aériens), Les nonnes shaolin (Casse
et combat), Tony Frebourg (Diabolos), Dani Lary (La robe et les glaces), B Bilis. TV5 is
showing The plus grand Cabaret du Monde once ore twice every month and always with some
very good magicians and acrobats in the programme.

January 2005
website had 25.799 hits in 2004.

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